
385 lines
12 KiB

/*global Markdown:true assetPath:true */
This view handles rendering of the composer
@class ComposerView
@extends Discourse.View
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.ComposerView = Discourse.View.extend({
templateName: 'composer',
elementId: 'reply-control',
classNameBindings: ['content.creatingPrivateMessage:private-message',
composeState: function() {
var state = this.get('content.composeState');
if (state) return state;
return Discourse.Composer.CLOSED;
draftStatus: function() {
$('#draft-status').text(this.get('content.draftStatus') || "");
// Disable fields when we're loading
loadingChanged: function() {
if (this.get('loading')) {
$('#wmd-input, #reply-title').prop('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
$('#wmd-input, #reply-title').prop('disabled', '');
postMade: function() {
return this.present('controller.createdPost') ? 'created-post' : null;
observeReplyChanges: function() {
var _this = this;
if (this.get('content.hidePreview')) return;
Ember.run.next(null, function() {
var $wmdPreview, caretPosition;
if (_this.editor) {
// if the caret is on the last line ensure preview scrolled to bottom
caretPosition = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(_this.wmdInput[0]);
if (!_this.wmdInput.val().substring(caretPosition).match(/\n/)) {
$wmdPreview = $('#wmd-preview:visible');
if ($wmdPreview.length > 0) {
return $wmdPreview.scrollTop($wmdPreview[0].scrollHeight);
}.observes('content.reply', 'content.hidePreview'),
newUserEducationVisibilityChanged: function() {
var $panel = $('#new-user-education');
if (this.get('controller.newUserEducationVisible')) {
} else {
similarVisibilityChanged: function() {
var $panel = $('#similar-topics');
if (this.get('controller.similarVisible')) {
} else {
movePanels: function(sizePx) {
$('.composer-popup').css('bottom', sizePx);
focusIn: function() {
var controller = this.get('controller');
if (controller) controller.updateDraftStatus();
resize: function() {
// this still needs to wait on animations, need a clean way to do that
return Em.run.next(null, function() {
var replyControl = $('#reply-control');
var h = replyControl.height() || 0;
var sizePx = "" + h + "px";
$('.topic-area').css('padding-bottom', sizePx);
$('.composer-popup').css('bottom', sizePx);
keyUp: function(e) {
var controller = this.get('controller');
var lastKeyUp = new Date();
this.set('lastKeyUp', lastKeyUp);
// One second from now, check to see if the last key was hit when
// we recorded it. If it was, the user paused typing.
var composerView = this;
Em.run.later(function() {
if (lastKeyUp !== composerView.get('lastKeyUp')) return;
// Search for similar topics if the user pauses typing
}, 1000);
// If the user hit ESC
if (e.which === 27) controller.hitEsc();
didInsertElement: function() {
var $replyControl = $('#reply-control');
$replyControl.DivResizer({ resize: this.resize, onDrag: this.movePanels });
Discourse.TransitionHelper.after($replyControl, this.resize);
click: function() {
// Called after the preview renders. Debounced for performance
afterRender: Discourse.debounce(function() {
var $wmdPreview = $('#wmd-preview');
if ($wmdPreview.length === 0) return;
var post = this.get('controller.content.post');
var refresh = false;
// If we are editing a post, we'll refresh its contents once. This is a feature that
// allows a user to refresh its contents once.
if (post && post.blank('refreshedPost')) {
refresh = true;
post.set('refreshedPost', true);
// Load the post processing effects
$('a.onebox', $wmdPreview).each(function(i, e) {
Discourse.Onebox.load(e, refresh);
$('span.mention', $wmdPreview).each(function(i, e) {
Discourse.Mention.load(e, refresh);
}, 100),
initEditor: function() {
// not quite right, need a callback to pass in, meaning this gets called once,
// but if you start replying to another topic it will get the avatars wrong
var $uploadTarget, $wmdInput, editor, saveDraft, selected, template, topic, transformTemplate,
_this = this;
this.wmdInput = $wmdInput = $('#wmd-input');
if ($wmdInput.length === 0 || $wmdInput.data('init') === true) return;
template = Discourse.UserSelector.templateFunction();
transformTemplate = Handlebars.compile("{{avatar this imageSize=\"tiny\"}} {{this.username}}");
$wmdInput.data('init', true);
template: template,
dataSource: function(term) {
return Discourse.UserSearch.search({
term: term,
topicId: _this.get('controller.controllers.topic.content.id')
key: "@",
transformComplete: function(v) { return v.username; }
topic = this.get('topic');
this.editor = editor = Discourse.Markdown.createEditor({
lookupAvatar: function(username) {
return Discourse.Utilities.avatarImg({ username: username, size: 'tiny' });
$uploadTarget = $('#reply-control');
this.editor.hooks.insertImageDialog = function(callback) {
composer: _this,
uploadTarget: $uploadTarget
return true;
this.editor.hooks.onPreviewRefresh = function() {
return _this.afterRender();
this.set('editor', this.editor);
saveDraft = Discourse.debounce((function() {
return _this.get('controller').saveDraft();
}), 2000);
$wmdInput.keyup(function() {
return true;
var $replyTitle = $('#reply-title');
$replyTitle.keyup(function() {
// removes the red background once the requirements are met
if (_this.get('controller.content.missingTitleCharacters') <= 0) {
return true;
// when the title field loses the focus...
// ...and the requirements are not met (ie. the minimum number of characters)
if (_this.get('controller.content.missingTitleCharacters') > 0) {
// then, "redify" the background
$replyTitle.toggleClass("requirements-not-met", true);
// In case it's still bound somehow
url: Discourse.getURL('/uploads'),
dataType: 'json',
timeout: 20000,
formData: { topic_id: 1234 }
// submit - this event is triggered for each upload
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploadsubmit', function (e, data) {
var result = Discourse.Utilities.validateFilesForUpload(data.files);
// reset upload status when everything is ok
if (result) _this.setProperties({ uploadProgress: 0, loadingImage: true });
return result;
// send - this event is triggered when the upload request is about to start
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploadsend', function (e, data) {
// hide the "image selector" modal
// cf. https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/API#how-to-cancel-an-upload
var jqXHR = data.xhr();
// need to wait for the link to show up in the DOM
Em.run.next(function() {
// bind on the click event on the cancel link
$('#cancel-image-upload').on('click', function() {
// cancel the upload
// NOTE: this will trigger a 'fileuploadfail' event with status = 0
if (jqXHR) jqXHR.abort();
// unbind
// progress all
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploadprogressall', function (e, data) {
var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);
_this.set('uploadProgress', progress);
// done
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploaddone', function (e, data) {
var upload = data.result;
var html = "<img src=\"" + upload.url + "\" width=\"" + upload.width + "\" height=\"" + upload.height + "\">";
_this.set('loadingImage', false);
// fail
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploadfail', function (e, data) {
// hide upload status
_this.set('loadingImage', false);
// deal with meaningful errors first
if (data.jqXHR) {
switch (data.jqXHR.status) {
// 0 == cancel from the user
case 0: return;
// 413 == entity too large, returned usually from nginx
case 413:
bootbox.alert(Em.String.i18n('post.errors.upload_too_large', {max_size_kb: Discourse.SiteSettings.max_upload_size_kb}));
// 415 == media type not recognized (ie. not an image)
case 415:
// 422 == there has been an error on the server (mostly due to FastImage)
case 422:
// otherwise, display a generic error message
// I hate to use Em.run.later, but I don't think there's a way of waiting for a CSS transition
// to finish.
return Em.run.later(jQuery, (function() {
var replyTitle = $('#reply-title');
if (replyTitle.length) {
return replyTitle.putCursorAtEnd();
} else {
return $wmdInput.putCursorAtEnd();
}), 300);
addMarkdown: function(text) {
var ctrl = $('#wmd-input').get(0),
caretPosition = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(ctrl),
current = this.get('content.reply');
this.set('content.reply', current.substring(0, caretPosition) + text + current.substring(caretPosition, current.length));
return Em.run.next(function() {
return Discourse.Utilities.setCaretPosition(ctrl, caretPosition + text.length);
// Uses javascript to get the image sizes from the preview, if present
imageSizes: function() {
var result = {};
$('#wmd-preview img').each(function(i, e) {
var $img = $(e);
result[$img.prop('src')] = {
width: $img.width(),
height: $img.height()
return result;
childDidInsertElement: function(e) {
return this.initEditor();
toggleAdminOptions: function() {
var $adminOpts = $('.admin-options-form'),
$wmd = $('.wmd-controls'),
wmdTop = parseInt($wmd.css('top'),10);
if( $adminOpts.is(':visible') ) {
$wmd.css('top', wmdTop - parseInt($adminOpts.css('height'),10) + 'px' );
} else {
$wmd.css('top', wmdTop + parseInt($adminOpts.css('height'),10) + 'px' );
// not sure if this is the right way, keeping here for now, we could use a mixin perhaps
Discourse.NotifyingTextArea = Ember.TextArea.extend({
placeholder: function() {
return Em.String.i18n(this.get('placeholderKey'));
didInsertElement: function() {
return this.get('parent').childDidInsertElement(this);