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synced 2025-03-13 07:15:33 +08:00

* Add missing icons to set * Revert FA5 revert This reverts commit 42572ff * use new SVG syntax in locales * Noscript page changes (remove login button, center "powered by" footer text) * Cast wider net for SVG icons in settings - include any _icon setting for SVG registry (offers better support for plugin settings) - let themes store multiple pipe-delimited icons in a setting - also replaces broken onebox image icon with SVG reference in cooked post processor * interpolate icons in locales * Fix composer whisper icon alignment * Add support for stacked icons * SECURITY: enforce hostname to match discourse hostname This ensures that the hostname rails uses for various helpers always matches the Discourse hostname * load SVG sprite with pre-initializers * FIX: enable caching on SVG sprites * PERF: use JSONP for SVG sprites so they are served from CDN This avoids needing to deal with CORS for loading of the SVG Note, added the svg- prefix to the filename so we can quickly tell in dev tools what the file is * Add missing SVG sprite JSONP script to CSP * Upgrade to FA 5.5.0 * Add support for all FA4.7 icons - adds complete frontend and backend for renamed FA4.7 icons - improves performance of SvgSprite.bundle and SvgSprite.all_icons * Fix group avatar flair preview - adds an endpoint at /svg-sprites/search/:keyword - adds frontend ajax call that pulls icon in avatar flair preview even when it is not in subset * Remove FA 4.7 font files
526 lines
16 KiB
526 lines
16 KiB
import { acceptance, replaceCurrentUser } from "helpers/qunit-helpers";
acceptance("Composer", {
loggedIn: true,
settings: {
enable_whispers: true
QUnit.test("Tests the Composer controls", async assert => {
await visit("/");
assert.ok(exists("#create-topic"), "the create button is visible");
await click("#create-topic");
assert.ok(exists(".d-editor-input"), "the composer input is visible");
exists(".title-input .popup-tip.bad.hide"),
"title errors are hidden by default"
exists(".d-editor-textarea-wrapper .popup-tip.bad.hide"),
"body errors are hidden by default"
await click("a.toggle-preview");
"clicking the toggle hides the preview"
await click("a.toggle-preview");
"clicking the toggle shows the preview again"
await click("#reply-control button.create");
!exists(".title-input .popup-tip.bad.hide"),
"it shows the empty title error"
!exists(".d-editor-wrapper .popup-tip.bad.hide"),
"it shows the empty body error"
await fillIn("#reply-title", "this is my new topic title");
assert.ok(exists(".title-input .popup-tip.good"), "the title is now good");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the *content* of a post");
"<p>this is the <em>content</em> of a post</p>",
"it previews content"
exists(".d-editor-textarea-wrapper .popup-tip.good"),
"the body is now good"
const textarea = find("#reply-control .d-editor-input")[0];
textarea.selectionStart = textarea.value.length;
textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.value.length;
// Testing keyboard events is tough!
const mac = /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform);
const event = document.createEvent("Event");
event.initEvent("keydown", true, true);
event[mac ? "metaKey" : "ctrlKey"] = true;
event.keyCode = 66;
Ember.run(() => textarea.dispatchEvent(event));
const example = I18n.t(`composer.bold_text`);
find("#reply-control .d-editor-input")
`this is the *content* of a post**${example}**`,
"it supports keyboard shortcuts"
await click("#reply-control a.cancel");
assert.ok(exists(".bootbox.modal"), "it pops up a confirmation dialog");
await click(".modal-footer a:eq(1)");
assert.ok(!exists(".bootbox.modal"), "the confirmation can be cancelled");
// Temporarily remove to see if this is breaking the test suite
// QUnit.test("Composer upload placeholder", async assert => {
// await visit("/");
// await click("#create-topic");
// const file1 = new Blob([""], { type: "image/png" });
// file1.name = "test.png";
// const data1 = {
// files: [file1],
// result: {
// original_filename: "test.png",
// thumbnail_width: 200,
// thumbnail_height: 300,
// url: "/uploads/test1.ext"
// }
// };
// const file2 = new Blob([""], { type: "image/png" });
// file2.name = "test.png";
// const data2 = {
// files: [file2],
// result: {
// original_filename: "test.png",
// thumbnail_width: 100,
// thumbnail_height: 200,
// url: "/uploads/test2.ext"
// }
// };
// const file3 = new Blob([""], { type: "image/png" });
// file3.name = "image.png";
// const data3 = {
// files: [file3],
// result: {
// original_filename: "image.png",
// thumbnail_width: 300,
// thumbnail_height: 400,
// url: "/uploads/test3.ext"
// }
// };
// await find(".wmd-controls").trigger("fileuploadsend", data1);
// assert.equal(find(".d-editor-input").val(), "[Uploading: test.png...]() ");
// await find(".wmd-controls").trigger("fileuploadsend", data2);
// assert.equal(
// find(".d-editor-input").val(),
// "[Uploading: test.png...]() [Uploading: test.png(1)...]() "
// );
// await find(".wmd-controls").trigger("fileuploadsend", data3);
// assert.equal(
// find(".d-editor-input").val(),
// "[Uploading: test.png...]() [Uploading: test.png(1)...]() [Uploading: image.png...]() "
// );
// await find(".wmd-controls").trigger("fileuploaddone", data2);
// assert.equal(
// find(".d-editor-input").val(),
// "[Uploading: test.png...]()  [Uploading: image.png...]() "
// );
// await find(".wmd-controls").trigger("fileuploaddone", data3);
// assert.equal(
// find(".d-editor-input").val(),
// "[Uploading: test.png...]()   "
// );
// await find(".wmd-controls").trigger("fileuploaddone", data1);
// assert.equal(
// find(".d-editor-input").val(),
// "   "
// );
// });
QUnit.test("Create a topic with server side errors", async assert => {
await visit("/");
await click("#create-topic");
await fillIn("#reply-title", "this title triggers an error");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the *content* of a post");
await click("#reply-control button.create");
assert.ok(exists(".bootbox.modal"), "it pops up an error message");
await click(".bootbox.modal a.btn-primary");
assert.ok(!exists(".bootbox.modal"), "it dismisses the error");
assert.ok(exists(".d-editor-input"), "the composer input is visible");
QUnit.test("Create a Topic", async assert => {
await visit("/");
await click("#create-topic");
await fillIn("#reply-title", "Internationalization Localization");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the *content* of a new topic post");
await click("#reply-control button.create");
"it transitions to the newly created topic URL"
QUnit.test("Create an enqueued Topic", async assert => {
await visit("/");
await click("#create-topic");
await fillIn("#reply-title", "Internationalization Localization");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "enqueue this content please");
await click("#reply-control button.create");
assert.ok(visible(".d-modal"), "it pops up a modal");
assert.equal(currentURL(), "/", "it doesn't change routes");
await click(".modal-footer button");
assert.ok(invisible(".d-modal"), "the modal can be dismissed");
QUnit.test("Create a Reply", async assert => {
await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280");
"the post is not in the DOM"
await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create");
assert.ok(exists(".d-editor-input"), "the composer input is visible");
assert.ok(!exists("#reply-title"), "there is no title since this is a reply");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the content of my reply");
await click("#reply-control button.create");
find(".cooked:last p").text(),
"this is the content of my reply"
QUnit.test("Posting on a different topic", async assert => {
await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280");
await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "this is the content for a different topic");
await visit("/t/1-3-0beta9-no-rate-limit-popups/28830");
assert.equal(currentURL(), "/t/1-3-0beta9-no-rate-limit-popups/28830");
await click("#reply-control button.create");
assert.ok(visible(".reply-where-modal"), "it pops up a modal");
await click(".btn-reply-here");
find(".cooked:last p").text(),
"this is the content for a different topic"
QUnit.test("Create an enqueued Reply", async assert => {
await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280");
await click("#topic-footer-buttons .btn.create");
assert.ok(exists(".d-editor-input"), "the composer input is visible");
assert.ok(!exists("#reply-title"), "there is no title since this is a reply");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "enqueue this content please");
await click("#reply-control button.create");
find(".cooked:last p").text() !== "enqueue this content please",
"it doesn't insert the post"
assert.ok(visible(".d-modal"), "it pops up a modal");
await click(".modal-footer button");
assert.ok(invisible(".d-modal"), "the modal can be dismissed");
QUnit.test("Edit the first post", async assert => {
await visit("/t/internationalization-localization/280");
!exists(".topic-post:eq(0) .post-info.edits"),
"it has no edits icon at first"
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.show-more-actions");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.edit");
.indexOf("Any plans to support"),
"it populates the input with the post text"
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is the new text for the post");
await fillIn("#reply-title", "This is the new text for the title");
await click("#reply-control button.create");
assert.ok(!exists(".d-editor-input"), "it closes the composer");
exists(".topic-post:eq(0) .post-info.edits"),
"it has the edits icon"
find("#topic-title h1")
.indexOf("This is the new text for the title") !== -1,
"it shows the new title"
find(".topic-post:eq(0) .cooked")
.indexOf("This is the new text for the post") !== -1,
"it updates the post"
QUnit.test("Composer can switch between edits", async assert => {
await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.edit");
.indexOf("This is the first post."),
"it populates the input with the post text"
await click(".topic-post:eq(1) button.edit");
.indexOf("This is the second post."),
"it populates the input with the post text"
"Composer with dirty edit can toggle to another edit",
async assert => {
await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.edit");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a dirty reply");
await click(".topic-post:eq(1) button.edit");
assert.ok(exists(".bootbox.modal"), "it pops up a confirmation dialog");
await click(".modal-footer a:eq(0)");
.indexOf("This is the second post."),
"it populates the input with the post text"
QUnit.test("Composer can toggle between edit and reply", async assert => {
await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.edit");
.indexOf("This is the first post."),
"it populates the input with the post text"
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.reply");
assert.equal(find(".d-editor-input").val(), "", "it clears the input");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.edit");
.indexOf("This is the first post."),
"it populates the input with the post text"
QUnit.test("Composer can toggle whispers", async assert => {
await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.reply");
await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").expand();
await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").selectRowByValue(
find(".composer-fields .whisper .d-icon-eye-slash").length === 1,
"it sets the post type to whisper"
await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").expand();
await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").selectRowByValue(
find(".composer-fields .whisper .d-icon-eye-slash").length === 0,
"it removes the whisper mode"
"Composer can toggle between reply and createTopic",
async assert => {
await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.reply");
await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").expand();
await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").selectRowByValue(
find(".composer-fields .whisper .d-icon-eye-slash").length === 1,
"it sets the post type to whisper"
await visit("/");
assert.ok(exists("#create-topic"), "the create topic button is visible");
await click("#create-topic");
find(".composer-fields .whisper .d-icon-eye-slash").length === 0,
"it should reset the state of the composer's model"
await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").expand();
await selectKit(".toolbar-popup-menu-options").selectRowByValue(
find(".composer-fields .whisper")
.indexOf(I18n.t("composer.unlist")) > 0,
"it sets the topic to unlisted"
await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.reply");
find(".composer-fields .whisper")
.indexOf(I18n.t("composer.unlist")) === -1,
"it should reset the state of the composer's model"
QUnit.test("Composer with dirty reply can toggle to edit", async assert => {
await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.reply");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a dirty reply");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.edit");
assert.ok(exists(".bootbox.modal"), "it pops up a confirmation dialog");
await click(".modal-footer a:eq(0)");
.indexOf("This is the first post."),
"it populates the input with the post text"
"Composer draft with dirty reply can toggle to edit",
async assert => {
await visit("/t/this-is-a-test-topic/9");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.reply");
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "This is a dirty reply");
await click(".toggler");
await click(".topic-post:eq(0) button.edit");
assert.ok(exists(".bootbox.modal"), "it pops up a confirmation dialog");
await click(".modal-footer a:eq(0)");
.indexOf("This is the first post."),
"it populates the input with the post text"
acceptance("Composer and uncategorized is not allowed", {
loggedIn: true,
settings: {
enable_whispers: true,
allow_uncategorized_topics: false
QUnit.test("Disable body until category is selected", async assert => {
replaceCurrentUser({ admin: false, staff: false, trust_level: 1 });
await visit("/");
await click("#create-topic");
assert.ok(exists(".d-editor-input"), "the composer input is visible");
exists(".title-input .popup-tip.bad.hide"),
"title errors are hidden by default"
exists(".d-editor-textarea-wrapper .popup-tip.bad.hide"),
"body errors are hidden by default"
"textarea is disabled"
const categoryChooser = selectKit(".category-chooser");
await categoryChooser.expand();
await categoryChooser.selectRowByValue(2);
find(".d-editor-textarea-wrapper.disabled").length === 0,
"textarea is enabled"
await fillIn(".d-editor-input", "Now I can type stuff");
await categoryChooser.expand();
await categoryChooser.selectRowByValue("__none__");
find(".d-editor-textarea-wrapper.disabled").length === 0,
"textarea is still enabled"