mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 01:32:01 +08:00
511 lines
13 KiB
511 lines
13 KiB
import parseHTML from 'discourse/helpers/parse-html';
const trimLeft = text => text.replace(/^\s+/,"");
const trimRight = text => text.replace(/\s+$/,"");
const countPipes = text => (text.replace(/\\\|/,"").match(/\|/g) || []).length;
const msoListClasses = ["MsoListParagraphCxSpFirst", "MsoListParagraphCxSpMiddle", "MsoListParagraphCxSpLast"];
class Tag {
constructor(name, prefix = "", suffix = "", inline = false) {
this.name = name;
this.prefix = prefix;
this.suffix = suffix;
this.inline = inline;
decorate(text) {
if (this.prefix || this.suffix) {
text = [this.prefix, text, this.suffix].join("");
if (this.inline) {
text = " " + text + " ";
return text;
toMarkdown() {
const text = this.element.innerMarkdown();
if (text && text.trim()) {
return this.decorate(text);
return text;
static blocks() {
return ["address", "article", "aside", "dd", "div", "dl", "dt", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure",
"footer", "form", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "main", "nav", "p", "pre", "section"];
static headings() {
return ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"];
static emphases() {
return [ ["b", "**"], ["strong", "**"], ["i", "*"], ["em", "*"], ["s", "~~"], ["strike", "~~"] ];
static slices() {
return ["dt", "dd", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot"];
static trimmable() {
return [...Tag.blocks(), ...Tag.headings(), ...Tag.slices(), "li", "td", "th", "br", "hr", "blockquote", "table", "ol", "tr", "ul"];
static block(name, prefix, suffix) {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super(name, prefix, suffix);
this.gap = "\n\n";
decorate(text) {
return `${this.gap}${this.prefix}${text}${this.suffix}${this.gap}`;
static heading(name, i) {
const prefix = `${[...Array(i)].map(() => "#").join("")} `;
return Tag.block(name, prefix, "");
static emphasis(name, decorator) {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super(name, decorator, decorator, true);
decorate(text) {
if (text.includes("\n")) {
this.prefix = `<${this.name}>`;
this.suffix = `</${this.name}>`;
let space = text.match(/^\s/) || [""];
this.prefix = space[0] + this.prefix;
space = text.match(/\s$/) || [""];
this.suffix = this.suffix + space[0];
return super.decorate(text.trim());
static keep(name) {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super(name, `<${name}>`, `</${name}>`);
static replace(name, text) {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super(name, "", "");
this.text = text;
toMarkdown() {
return this.text;
static link() {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super("a", "", "", true);
decorate(text) {
const attr = this.element.attributes;
if (attr.href && text !== attr.href) {
text = text.replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n");
return "[" + text + "](" + attr.href + ")";
return text;
static image() {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super("img", "", "", true);
toMarkdown() {
const e = this.element;
const attr = e.attributes;
const pAttr = (e.parent && e.parent.attributes) || {};
const src = attr.src || pAttr.src;
if (src) {
let alt = attr.alt || pAttr.alt || "";
const width = attr.width || pAttr.width;
const height = attr.height || pAttr.height;
if (width && height) {
const pipe = this.element.parentNames.includes("table") ? "\\|" : "|";
alt = `${alt}${pipe}${width}x${height}`;
return "![" + alt + "](" + src + ")";
return "";
static slice(name, suffix) {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super(name, "", suffix);
decorate(text) {
if (!this.element.next) {
this.suffix = "";
return `${text}${this.suffix}`;
static cell(name) {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super(name, "|");
toMarkdown() {
const text = this.element.innerMarkdown().trim();
if(text.includes("\n")) { // Unsupported format inside Markdown table cells
let e = this.element;
while(e = e.parent) {
if (e.name === "table") {
return this.decorate(text);
static li() {
return class extends Tag.slice("li", "\n") {
decorate(text) {
let indent = this.element.filterParentNames(["ol", "ul"]).slice(1).map(() => "\t").join("");
const attrs = this.element.attributes;
if (msoListClasses.includes(attrs.class)) {
try {
const level = parseInt(attrs.style.match(/level./)[0].replace("level", ""));
indent = Array(level).join("\t") + indent;
} finally {
if (attrs.class === "MsoListParagraphCxSpFirst") {
indent = `\n\n${indent}`;
} else if (attrs.class === "MsoListParagraphCxSpLast") {
text = `${text}\n`;
return super.decorate(`${indent}* ${trimLeft(text)}`);
static code() {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super("code", "`", "`");
decorate(text) {
if (this.element.parentNames.includes("pre")) {
this.prefix = '\n\n```\n';
this.suffix = '\n```\n\n';
} else {
this.inline = true;
text = $('<textarea />').html(text).text();
return super.decorate(text);
static blockquote() {
return class extends Tag {
constructor() {
super("blockquote", "\n> ", "\n");
decorate(text) {
text = text.trim().replace(/\n{2,}>/g, "\n>").replace(/\n/g, "\n> ");
return super.decorate(text);
static table() {
return class extends Tag.block("table") {
constructor() {
this.isValid = true;
invalid() {
this.isValid = false;
if (this.element.parentNames.includes("table")) {
let e = this.element;
while(e = e.parent) {
if (e.name === "table") {
decorate(text) {
text = super.decorate(text).replace(/\|\n{2,}\|/g, "|\n|");
const rows = text.trim().split("\n");
const pipeCount = countPipes(rows[0]);
this.isValid = this.isValid && rows.length > 1 && pipeCount > 2 && rows.reduce((a, c) => a && countPipes(c) <= pipeCount); // Unsupported table format for Markdown conversion
if (this.isValid) {
const splitterRow = [...Array(pipeCount-1)].map(() => "| --- ").join("") + "|\n";
text = text.replace("|\n", "|\n" + splitterRow);
} else {
text = text.replace(/\|/g, " ");
return text;
static list(name) {
return class extends Tag.block(name) {
decorate(text) {
let smallGap = "";
if (this.element.filterParentNames(["li"]).length) {
this.gap = "";
smallGap = "\n";
return smallGap + super.decorate(trimRight(text));
static ol() {
return class extends Tag.list("ol") {
decorate(text) {
text = "\n" + text;
const bullet = text.match(/\n\t*\*/)[0];
for (let i = parseInt(this.element.attributes.start || 1); text.includes(bullet); i++) {
text = text.replace(bullet, bullet.replace("*", `${i}.`));
return super.decorate(text.slice(1));
static tr() {
return class extends Tag.slice("tr", "|\n") {
decorate(text) {
if (!this.element.next) {
this.suffix = "|";
return `${text}${this.suffix}`;
const tags = [
...Tag.blocks().map((b) => Tag.block(b)),
...Tag.headings().map((h, i) => Tag.heading(h, i + 1)),
...Tag.slices().map((s) => Tag.slice(s, "\n")),
...Tag.emphases().map((e) => Tag.emphasis(e[0], e[1])),
Tag.cell("td"), Tag.cell("th"),
Tag.replace("br", "\n"), Tag.replace("hr", "\n---\n"), Tag.replace("head", ""),
Tag.keep("ins"), Tag.keep("del"), Tag.keep("small"), Tag.keep("big"),
Tag.li(), Tag.link(), Tag.image(), Tag.code(), Tag.blockquote(), Tag.table(), Tag.tr(), Tag.ol(), Tag.list("ul"),
class Element {
constructor(element, parent, previous, next) {
this.name = element.name;
this.type = element.type;
this.data = element.data;
this.children = element.children;
this.attributes = element.attributes || {};
if (parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.parentNames = parent.parentNames.slice();
this.parentNames = this.parentNames || [];
this.previous = previous;
this.next = next;
if (this.name === "p") {
if (msoListClasses.includes(this.attributes.class)) {
this.name = "li";
tag() {
const tag = new (tags.filter(t => (new t().name === this.name))[0] || Tag)();
tag.element = this;
return tag;
innerMarkdown() {
return Element.parseChildren(this);
leftTrimmable() {
return this.previous && Tag.trimmable().includes(this.previous.name);
rightTrimmable() {
return this.next && Tag.trimmable().includes(this.next.name);
text() {
let text = this.data || "";
if (this.leftTrimmable()) {
text = trimLeft(text);
if (this.rightTrimmable()) {
text = trimRight(text);
text = text.replace(/[ \t]+/g, " ");
return text;
toMarkdown() {
switch(this.type) {
case "text":
return this.text();
case "tag":
return this.tag().toMarkdown();
filterParentNames(names) {
return this.parentNames.filter(p => names.includes(p));
static toMarkdown(element, parent, prev, next) {
return new Element(element, parent, prev, next).toMarkdown();
static parseChildren(parent) {
return Element.parse(parent.children, parent);
static parse(elements, parent = null) {
if (elements) {
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
const prev = (i === 0) ? null : elements[i-1];
const next = (i === elements.length) ? null : elements[i+1];
result.push(Element.toMarkdown(elements[i], parent, prev, next));
return result.join("");
return "";
function trimUnwanted(html) {
const body = html.match(/<body[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/body>/);
html = body ? body[1] : html;
html = html.replace(/\r|\n| /g, " ");
let match;
while (match = html.match(/<[^\s>]+[^>]*>\s{2,}<[^\s>]+[^>]*>/)) {
html = html.replace(match[0], match[0].replace(/>\s{2,}</, "> <"));
html = html.replace(/<!\[if !?\S*]>[^!]*<!\[endif]>/g, ""); // to support ms word list tags
return html;
function putPlaceholders(html) {
const codeRegEx = /<code[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/code>/gi;
const origHtml = html;
let match = codeRegEx.exec(origHtml);
let placeholders = [];
while(match) {
const placeholder = `DISCOURSE_PLACEHOLDER_${placeholders.length + 1}`;
let code = match[1];
code = $('<div />').html(code).text().replace(/^\n/, '').replace(/\n$/, '');
placeholders.push([placeholder, code]);
html = html.replace(match[0], `<code>${placeholder}</code>`);
match = codeRegEx.exec(origHtml);
const elements = parseHTML(trimUnwanted(html));
return { elements, placeholders };
function replacePlaceholders(markdown, placeholders) {
placeholders.forEach(p => {
markdown = markdown.replace(p[0], p[1]);
return markdown;
export default function toMarkdown(html) {
try {
const { elements, placeholders } = putPlaceholders(html);
let markdown = Element.parse(elements).trim();
markdown = markdown.replace(/^<b>/, "").replace(/<\/b>$/, "").trim(); // fix for google doc copy paste
markdown = markdown.replace(/\n +/g, "\n").replace(/ +\n/g, "\n").replace(/ {2,}/g, " ").replace(/\n{3,}/g, "\n\n").replace(/\t/g, " ");
return replacePlaceholders(markdown, placeholders);
} catch(err) {
return "";