Jarek Radosz be513ed9a3
DEV: Fix all mixed-decls sass deprecations (#31343)
WARNING: Sass's behavior for declarations that appear after nested
rules will be changing to match the behavior specified by CSS in an upcoming
version. To keep the existing behavior, move the declaration above the nested
rule. To opt into the new behavior, wrap the declaration in `& {}`.

More info: https://sass-lang.com/d/mixed-decls
2025-02-13 23:58:19 +01:00

90 lines
1.6 KiB

// base styles for every modal popup used in Discourse
// prevents bg scrolling when modal is open
html:has(.d-modal) {
overflow: hidden;
html.keyboard-visible.mobile-view {
.d-modal {
max-height: calc(var(--composer-vh, 1dvh) * 100);
height: calc(var(--composer-vh, 1dvh) * 100);
bottom: 0;
.d-modal__container {
max-height: calc(var(--composer-vh, 1dvh) * 100);
height: calc(var(--composer-vh, 1dvh) * 100);
html:not(.keyboard-visible.mobile-view) {
.d-modal__container {
padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);
.d-modal {
align-items: flex-end;
&__container {
// this is a hack to prevent issues on safari with transforms
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
max-height: calc(var(--composer-vh, 1dvh) * 85);
&__footer {
margin-top: auto;
.--stacked & {
flex-direction: column;
align-items: stretch;
.ios-device & {
&__footer {
margin-top: auto;
&__title-text {
font-size: var(--font-up-1-rem);
// fixes modal placement on Android when keyboard is visible
html.keyboard-visible:not(.ios-device) & {
height: calc(100% - env(keyboard-inset-height));
.d-modal__container {
max-height: 100%;
min-height: 100%;
height: 100%;
// legacy
.modal {
&.fade {
transition: opacity 0.3s linear, top 0.3s ease-out;
top: -25%;
&.fade.in {
top: 50%;
.close {
font-size: var(--font-up-4);
@media only screen and (max-device-width: 568px) {
.flag-modal-body .flag-message {
height: 3em;