Joffrey JAFFEUX 76953cc356
FEATURE: allows to force a thread (#25987)
Forcing a thread will work even in channel which don't have `threading_enabled` or in direct message channels.

For now this feature is only available through the `ChatSDK`:

ChatSDK::Message.create(in_reply_to_id: 1, guardian: guardian, raw: "foo bar baz", channel_id: 2, force_thread: true)
2024-03-06 12:03:42 +01:00

110 lines
5.1 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
module Chat
# Handles counting unread messages scoped to threads for a list
# of channels. A list of thread IDs can be provided to further focus the query.
# Alternatively, a list of thread IDs can be provided by itself to only get
# specific threads regardless of channel.
# This is used for unread indicators in the chat UI. By default only the
# threads that the user is a member of will be counted and returned in
# the result. Only threads inside a channel that has threading_enabled
# will be counted.
class ThreadUnreadsQuery
# NOTE: This is arbitrary at this point in time, we may want to increase
# or decrease this as we find performance issues.
# @param channel_ids [Array<Integer>] (Optional) The IDs of the channels to count threads for.
# If only this is provided, all threads across the channels provided will be counted.
# @param thread_ids [Array<Integer>] (Optional) The IDs of the threads to count. If this
# is used in tandem with channel_ids, it will just further filter the results of
# the thread counts from those channels.
# @param user_id [Integer] The ID of the user to count for.
# @param include_missing_memberships [Boolean] Whether to include threads
# that the user is not a member of. These counts will always be 0.
# @param include_read [Boolean] Whether to include threads that the user
# is a member of where they have read all the messages. This overrides
# include_missing_memberships.
def self.call(
channel_ids: nil,
thread_ids: nil,
include_missing_memberships: false,
include_read: true
return [] if channel_ids.blank? && thread_ids.blank?
sql = <<~SQL
SELECT COUNT(*) AS unread_count
FROM chat_messages
INNER JOIN chat_channels ON chat_channels.id = chat_messages.chat_channel_id
INNER JOIN chat_threads ON chat_threads.id = chat_messages.thread_id AND chat_threads.channel_id = chat_messages.chat_channel_id
INNER JOIN user_chat_thread_memberships ON user_chat_thread_memberships.thread_id = chat_threads.id
INNER JOIN user_chat_channel_memberships ON user_chat_channel_memberships.chat_channel_id = chat_messages.chat_channel_id
INNER JOIN chat_messages AS original_message ON original_message.id = chat_threads.original_message_id
AND chat_messages.thread_id = memberships.thread_id
AND chat_messages.user_id != :user_id
AND user_chat_thread_memberships.user_id = :user_id
AND chat_messages.id > COALESCE(user_chat_thread_memberships.last_read_message_id, 0)
AND chat_messages.deleted_at IS NULL
AND chat_messages.thread_id IS NOT NULL
AND chat_messages.id != chat_threads.original_message_id
AND (chat_channels.threading_enabled OR chat_threads.force = true)
AND user_chat_thread_memberships.notification_level NOT IN (:quiet_notification_levels)
AND original_message.deleted_at IS NULL
AND user_chat_channel_memberships.muted = false
AND user_chat_channel_memberships.user_id = :user_id
) AS unread_count,
0 AS mention_count,
FROM user_chat_thread_memberships AS memberships
INNER JOIN chat_threads ON chat_threads.id = memberships.thread_id
WHERE memberships.user_id = :user_id
#{channel_ids.present? ? "AND chat_threads.channel_id IN (:channel_ids)" : ""}
#{thread_ids.present? ? "AND chat_threads.id IN (:thread_ids)" : ""}
GROUP BY memberships.thread_id, chat_threads.channel_id
#{include_missing_memberships ? "" : "LIMIT :limit"}
sql = <<~SQL if !include_read
) AS thread_tracking
WHERE (unread_count > 0 OR mention_count > 0)
sql += <<~SQL if include_missing_memberships && include_read
SELECT 0 AS unread_count, 0 AS mention_count, chat_threads.channel_id, chat_threads.id AS thread_id
FROM chat_channels
INNER JOIN chat_threads ON chat_threads.channel_id = chat_channels.id
LEFT JOIN user_chat_thread_memberships ON user_chat_thread_memberships.thread_id = chat_threads.id
AND user_chat_thread_memberships.user_id = :user_id
WHERE user_chat_thread_memberships.id IS NULL
#{channel_ids.present? ? "AND chat_threads.channel_id IN (:channel_ids)" : ""}
#{thread_ids.present? ? "AND chat_threads.id IN (:thread_ids)" : ""}
GROUP BY chat_threads.id
LIMIT :limit
channel_ids: channel_ids,
thread_ids: thread_ids,
user_id: user_id,
notification_type: ::Notification.types[:chat_mention],
quiet_notification_levels: [