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synced 2025-03-27 02:45:36 +08:00

This is a bug that happens only when the current date is less than 90 days from a date on which the time zone transitions into or out of Daylight Savings Time. In these conditions, bulk invites show the time of day of their expiration as being 1 hour later than the current time. Whereas it should match the time of day the invite was generated. This is because the server has not been using the user's timezone in calculating the expiration time of day. This PR fixes issue by considering the user's timezone when doing the date math. https://meta.discourse.org/t/bulk-invite-logic-to-generate-expire-date-bug/274689
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# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.describe Jobs::BulkInvite do
describe "#execute" do
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
fab!(:east_coast_user) { Fabricate(:east_coast_user) }
fab!(:group1) { Fabricate(:group, name: "group1") }
fab!(:group2) { Fabricate(:group, name: "group2") }
fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) }
let(:staged_user) { Fabricate(:user, staged: true, active: false) }
let(:email) { "test@discourse.org" }
let(:invites) do
{ email: user.email },
{ email: staged_user.email },
{ email: "test2@discourse.org" },
{ email: "test@discourse.org", groups: "GROUP1;group2", topic_id: topic.id },
{ email: "invalid" },
it "raises an error when the invites array is missing" do
expect { Jobs::BulkInvite.new.execute(current_user_id: user.id) }.to raise_error(
it "raises an error when current_user_id is not valid" do
expect { Jobs::BulkInvite.new.execute(invites: invites) }.to raise_error(
it "creates the right invites" do
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: admin.id, invites: invites)
expect(Invite.exists?(email: staged_user.email)).to eq(true)
expect(Invite.exists?(email: "test2@discourse.org")).to eq(true)
invite = Invite.last
expect(invite.email).to eq(email)
expect(invite.invited_groups.pluck(:group_id)).to contain_exactly(group1.id, group2.id)
expect(invite.topic_invites.pluck(:topic_id)).to contain_exactly(topic.id)
post = Post.last
expect(post.raw).to include("3 invites")
expect(post.raw).to include("1 skipped")
expect(post.raw).to include("0 warning")
expect(post.raw).to include("1 error")
it "handles daylight savings time correctly" do
# EDT (-04:00) transitions to EST (-05:00) on the first Sunday in November.
# Freeze time to the last Day of October, so that the creation and expiration date will be in different time zones.
Time.use_zone("Eastern Time (US & Canada)") do
freeze_time DateTime.parse("2023-10-31 06:00:00 -0400")
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: east_coast_user.id, invites: invites)
invite = Invite.first
expect(invite.expires_at.hour).to equal(6)
it "does not create invited groups for automatic groups" do
group2.update!(automatic: true)
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: admin.id, invites: invites)
invite = Invite.last
expect(invite.email).to eq(email)
expect(invite.invited_groups.pluck(:group_id)).to contain_exactly(group1.id)
post = Post.last
expect(post.raw).to include("1 warning")
it "does not create invited groups record if the user can not manage the group" do
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: user.id, invites: invites)
invite = Invite.last
expect(invite.email).to eq(email)
expect(invite.invited_groups.pluck(:group_id)).to contain_exactly(group1.id)
it "adds existing users to valid groups" do
existing_user = Fabricate(:user, email: "test@discourse.org")
group2.update!(automatic: true)
expect do
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: admin.id, invites: invites)
end.to change { Invite.count }.by(2)
expect(Invite.exists?(email: staged_user.email)).to eq(true)
expect(Invite.exists?(email: "test2@discourse.org")).to eq(true)
expect(existing_user.reload.groups).to eq([group1])
it "can create staged users and prepopulate user fields" do
user_field = Fabricate(:user_field, name: "Location")
user_field_color = Fabricate(:user_field, field_type: "dropdown", name: "Color")
user_field_color.user_field_options.create!(value: "Red")
user_field_color.user_field_options.create!(value: "Green")
user_field_color.user_field_options.create!(value: "Blue")
current_user_id: admin.id,
invites: [
{ email: "test@discourse.org" }, # new user without user fields
{ email: user.email, location: "value 1", color: "blue" }, # existing user with user fields
{ email: staged_user.email, location: "value 2", color: "redd" }, # existing staged user with user fields
{ email: "test2@discourse.org", location: "value 3" }, # new staged user with user fields
expect(Invite.count).to eq(3)
expect(User.where(staged: true).find_by_email("test@discourse.org")).to eq(nil)
expect(user.user_fields[user_field.id.to_s]).to eq("value 1")
expect(user.user_fields[user_field_color.id.to_s]).to eq("Blue")
expect(staged_user.user_fields[user_field.id.to_s]).to eq("value 2")
expect(staged_user.user_fields[user_field_color.id.to_s]).to eq(nil)
new_staged_user = User.where(staged: true).find_by_email("test2@discourse.org")
expect(new_staged_user.user_fields[user_field.id.to_s]).to eq("value 3")
context "when there are more than 200 invites" do
let(:bulk_invites) { [] }
before { 202.times { |i| bulk_invites << { email: "test_#{i}@discourse.org" } } }
it "rate limits email sending" do
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: admin.id, invites: bulk_invites)
invite = Invite.last
expect(invite.email).to eq("test_201@discourse.org")
expect(invite.emailed_status).to eq(Invite.emailed_status_types[:bulk_pending])
expect(Jobs::ProcessBulkInviteEmails.jobs.size).to eq(1)