Régis Hanol cd2c9edb46 FIX: 🐛 upload on IE9 wasn't working :'(
- FIX: make sure we set a default name to a pasted image only on Chrome (the only browser that supports it)
- FIX: use ".json" extension to uploads endpoints since IE9 doesn't pass the correct header
- FIX: pass the CSRF token in a query parameter since IE9 doesn't pass it in the headers
- FIX: display error messages comming from the server when there is one over the default error message
- FIX: HACK around IE9 security issue when clicking a file input via JavaScript (use a label and set `visibility:hidden` on the input)
- FIX: hide the "cancel" upload on IE9 since it's not supported
- FIX: return "text/plain" content-type when uploading a file for IE9 in order to prevent it from displaying the save dialog
- FIX: check the maximum file size on the server 💥
- update jQuery File Upload Plugin to v. 5.42.2
- update JQuery IFram Transport Plugin to v. 1.8.5
- update jQuery UI Widget to v. 1.11.1
2015-01-28 19:43:20 +01:00

584 lines
20 KiB

/*global assetPath:true */
import userSearch from 'discourse/lib/user-search';
import afterTransition from 'discourse/lib/after-transition';
var ComposerView = Discourse.View.extend(Ember.Evented, {
templateName: 'composer',
elementId: 'reply-control',
classNameBindings: ['model.creatingPrivateMessage:private-message',
model: Em.computed.alias('controller.model'),
// This is just in case something still references content. Can probably be removed
content: Em.computed.alias('model'),
composeState: function() {
return this.get('model.composeState') || Discourse.Composer.CLOSED;
// Disable fields when we're loading
loadingChanged: function() {
if (this.get('loading')) {
$('#wmd-input, #reply-title').prop('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
$('#wmd-input, #reply-title').prop('disabled', '');
postMade: function() {
return this.present('controller.createdPost') ? 'created-post' : null;
refreshPreview: Discourse.debounce(function() {
if (this.editor) {
}, 30),
observeReplyChanges: function() {
if (this.get('model.hidePreview')) return;
Ember.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, 'refreshPreview');
}.observes('model.reply', 'model.hidePreview'),
focusIn: function() {
var controller = this.get('controller');
if (controller) controller.updateDraftStatus();
movePanels: function(sizePx) {
$('#main-outlet').css('padding-bottom', sizePx);
$('.composer-popup').css('bottom', sizePx);
// signal the progress bar it should move!
resize: function() {
var self = this;
Em.run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', function() {
var h = $('#reply-control').height() || 0;
self.movePanels.apply(self, [h + "px"]);
// Figure out the size of the fields
var $fields = self.$('.composer-fields'),
pos = $fields.position();
if (pos) {
self.$('.wmd-controls').css('top', $fields.height() + pos.top + 5);
// get the submit panel height
pos = self.$('.submit-panel').position();
if (pos) {
self.$('.wmd-controls').css('bottom', h - pos.top + 7);
}.observes('model.composeState', 'model.action'),
keyUp: function() {
var controller = this.get('controller');
var lastKeyUp = new Date();
this.set('lastKeyUp', lastKeyUp);
// One second from now, check to see if the last key was hit when
// we recorded it. If it was, the user paused typing.
var self = this;
Em.run.later(function() {
if (lastKeyUp !== self.get('lastKeyUp')) return;
// Search for similar topics if the user pauses typing
}, 1000);
keyDown: function(e) {
if (e.which === 27) {
// ESC
return false;
} else if (e.which === 13 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) {
return false;
_enableResizing: function() {
var $replyControl = $('#reply-control'),
self = this;
resize: this.resize.bind(self),
onDrag: function (sizePx) { self.movePanels.apply(self, [sizePx]); }
afterTransition($replyControl, this.resize.bind(self));
this.set('controller.view', this);
_unlinkView: function() {
this.set('controller.view', null);
ensureMaximumDimensionForImagesInPreview: function() {
// This enforce maximum dimensions of images in the preview according
// to the current site settings.
// For interactivity, we immediately insert the locally cooked version
// of the post into the stream when the user hits reply. We therefore also
// need to enforce these rules on the .cooked version.
// Meanwhile, the server is busy post-processing the post and generating thumbnails.
var style = Discourse.Mobile.mobileView ?
'max-width: 100%; height: auto;' :
'max-width:' + Discourse.SiteSettings.max_image_width + 'px;' +
'max-height:' + Discourse.SiteSettings.max_image_height + 'px;';
$('<style>#wmd-preview img:not(.thumbnail), .cooked img:not(.thumbnail) {' + style + '}</style>').appendTo('head');
click: function() {
// Called after the preview renders. Debounced for performance
afterRender: function() {
var $wmdPreview = $('#wmd-preview');
if ($wmdPreview.length === 0) return;
var post = this.get('model.post'),
refresh = false;
// If we are editing a post, we'll refresh its contents once. This is a feature that
// allows a user to refresh its contents once.
if (post && post.blank('refreshedPost')) {
refresh = true;
post.set('refreshedPost', true);
// Load the post processing effects
$('a.onebox', $wmdPreview).each(function(i, e) {
Discourse.Onebox.load(e, refresh);
$('span.mention', $wmdPreview).each(function(i, e) {
this.trigger('previewRefreshed', $wmdPreview);
_applyEmojiAutocomplete: function() {
if (!this.siteSettings.enable_emoji) { return; }
var template = this.container.lookup('template:emoji-selector-autocomplete.raw');
template: template,
key: ":",
transformComplete: function(v){ return v.code + ":"; },
dataSource: function(term){
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve) {
var full = ":" + term;
term = term.toLowerCase();
if (term === "") {
return resolve(["smile", "smiley", "wink", "sunny", "blush"]);
if (Discourse.Emoji.translations[full]) {
return resolve([Discourse.Emoji.translations[full]]);
var options = Discourse.Emoji.search(term, {maxResults: 5});
return resolve(options);
}).then(function(list) {
return list.map(function(i) {
return {code: i, src: Discourse.Emoji.urlFor(i)};
initEditor: function() {
// not quite right, need a callback to pass in, meaning this gets called once,
// but if you start replying to another topic it will get the avatars wrong
var $wmdInput, editor, self = this;
this.wmdInput = $wmdInput = $('#wmd-input');
if ($wmdInput.length === 0 || $wmdInput.data('init') === true) return;
var template = this.container.lookup('template:user-selector-autocomplete.raw');
$wmdInput.data('init', true);
template: template,
dataSource: function(term) {
return userSearch({
term: term,
topicId: self.get('controller.controllers.topic.model.id'),
includeGroups: true
key: "@",
transformComplete: function(v) {
if (v.username) {
return v.username;
} else {
return v.usernames.join(", @");
this.editor = editor = Discourse.Markdown.createEditor({
lookupAvatarByPostNumber: function(postNumber) {
var posts = self.get('controller.controllers.topic.postStream.posts');
if (posts) {
var quotedPost = posts.findProperty("post_number", postNumber);
if (quotedPost) {
return Discourse.Utilities.tinyAvatar(quotedPost.get("avatar_template"));
// HACK to change the upload icon of the composer's toolbar
if (!Discourse.Utilities.allowsAttachments()) {
Em.run.scheduleOnce("afterRender", function() {
this.editor.hooks.insertImageDialog = function(callback) {
self.get('controller').send('showUploadSelector', self);
return true;
this.editor.hooks.onPreviewRefresh = function() {
return self.afterRender();
this.set('editor', this.editor);
var saveDraft = Discourse.debounce((function() {
return self.get('controller').saveDraft();
}), 2000);
$wmdInput.keyup(function() {
return true;
var $replyTitle = $('#reply-title');
$replyTitle.keyup(function() {
// removes the red background once the requirements are met
if (self.get('model.missingTitleCharacters') <= 0) {
return true;
// when the title field loses the focus...
// ...and the requirements are not met (ie. the minimum number of characters)
if (self.get('model.missingTitleCharacters') > 0) {
// then, "redify" the background
$replyTitle.toggleClass("requirements-not-met", true);
// in case it's still bound somehow
var $uploadTarget = $('#reply-control'),
csrf = Discourse.Session.currentProp('csrfToken'),
// NOTE: we need both the .json extension and the CSRF token as a query parameter for IE9
url: Discourse.getURL('/uploads.json?authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent(csrf)),
dataType: 'json'
// submit - this event is triggered for each upload
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploadsubmit', function (e, data) {
var result = Discourse.Utilities.validateUploadedFiles(data.files);
// reset upload status when everything is ok
if (result) self.setProperties({ uploadProgress: 0, isUploading: true });
return result;
// send - this event is triggered when the upload request is about to start
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploadsend', function (e, data) {
cancelledByTheUser = false;
// hide the "file selector" modal
// NOTE: IE9 doesn't support XHR
if (data["xhr"]) {
var jqHXR = data.xhr();
if (jqHXR) {
// need to wait for the link to show up in the DOM
Em.run.schedule('afterRender', function() {
// bind on the click event on the cancel link
$('#cancel-file-upload').on('click', function() {
// cancel the upload
self.set('isUploading', false);
// NOTE: this might trigger a 'fileuploadfail' event with status = 0
if (jqHXR) { cancelledByTheUser = true; jqHXR.abort(); }
// unbind
// progress all
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploadprogressall', function (e, data) {
var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);
self.set('uploadProgress', progress);
// done
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploaddone', function (e, data) {
if (!cancelledByTheUser) {
// make sure we have a url
if (data.result.url) {
var markdown = Discourse.Utilities.getUploadMarkdown(data.result);
// appends a space at the end of the inserted markdown
self.addMarkdown(markdown + " ");
self.set('isUploading', false);
} else {
// display the error message sent by the server
// fail
$uploadTarget.on('fileuploadfail', function (e, data) {
// hide upload status
self.set('isUploading', false);
if (!cancelledByTheUser) {
// display an error message
// contenteditable div hack for getting image paste to upload working in
// Firefox. This is pretty dangerous because it can potentially break
// Ctrl+v to paste so we should be conservative about what browsers this runs
// in.
var uaMatch = navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox\/(\d+)\.\d/);
if (uaMatch && parseInt(uaMatch[1]) >= 24) {
self.$().append( Ember.$("<div id='contenteditable' contenteditable='true' style='height: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden'></div>") );
self.$("textarea").on('keydown.contenteditable', function(event) {
// Catch Ctrl+v / Cmd+v and hijack focus to a contenteditable div. We can't
// use the onpaste event because for some reason the paste isn't resumed
// after we switch focus, probably because it is being executed too late.
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && (event.keyCode === 86)) {
// Save the current textarea selection.
var textarea = self.$("textarea")[0],
selectionStart = textarea.selectionStart,
selectionEnd = textarea.selectionEnd;
// Focus the contenteditable div.
var contentEditableDiv = self.$('#contenteditable');
// The paste doesn't finish immediately and we don't have any onpaste
// event, so wait for 100ms which _should_ be enough time.
setTimeout(function() {
var pastedImg = contentEditableDiv.find('img');
if ( pastedImg.length === 1 ) {
// For restoring the selection.
var textareaContent = $(textarea).val(),
startContent = textareaContent.substring(0, selectionStart),
endContent = textareaContent.substring(selectionEnd);
var restoreSelection = function(pastedText) {
$(textarea).val( startContent + pastedText + endContent );
textarea.selectionStart = selectionStart + pastedText.length;
textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart;
if (contentEditableDiv.html().length > 0) {
// If the image wasn't the only pasted content we just give up and
// fall back to the original pasted text.
} else {
// Depending on how the image is pasted in, we may get either a
// normal URL or a data URI. If we get a data URI we can convert it
// to a Blob and upload that, but if it is a regular URL that
// operation is prevented for security purposes. When we get a regular
// URL let's just create an <img> tag for the image.
var imageSrc = pastedImg.attr('src');
if (imageSrc.match(/^data:image/)) {
// Restore the cursor position, and remove any selected text.
// Create a Blob to upload.
var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
// Create a new canvas.
var canvas = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'canvas');
canvas.height = image.height;
canvas.width = image.width;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
canvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
$uploadTarget.fileupload('add', {files: blob});
image.src = imageSrc;
} else {
restoreSelection("<img src='" + imageSrc + "'>");
}, 100);
if (Discourse.Mobile.mobileView) {
$(".mobile-file-upload").on("click", function () {
// redirect the click on the hidden file input
// need to wait a bit for the "slide up" transition of the composer
// we could use .on("transitionend") but it's not firing when the transition isn't completed :(
Em.run.later(function() {
if ($replyTitle.length) {
} else {
}, 400);
addMarkdown: function(text) {
var ctrl = $('#wmd-input').get(0),
caretPosition = Discourse.Utilities.caretPosition(ctrl),
current = this.get('model.reply');
this.set('model.reply', current.substring(0, caretPosition) + text + current.substring(caretPosition, current.length));
Em.run.schedule('afterRender', function() {
Discourse.Utilities.setCaretPosition(ctrl, caretPosition + text.length);
// Uses javascript to get the image sizes from the preview, if present
imageSizes: function() {
var result = {};
$('#wmd-preview img').each(function(i, e) {
var $img = $(e),
src = $img.prop('src');
if (src && src.length) {
result[src] = { width: $img.width(), height: $img.height() };
return result;
childDidInsertElement: function() {
return this.initEditor();
childWillDestroyElement: function() {
var self = this;
Em.run.next(function() {
$('#main-outlet').css('padding-bottom', 0);
// need to wait a bit for the "slide down" transition of the composer
Em.run.later(function() {
}, 400);
titleValidation: function() {
var titleLength = this.get('model.titleLength'),
missingChars = this.get('model.missingTitleCharacters'),
if( titleLength < 1 ){
reason = I18n.t('composer.error.title_missing');
} else if( missingChars > 0 ) {
reason = I18n.t('composer.error.title_too_short', {min: this.get('model.minimumTitleLength')});
} else if( titleLength > Discourse.SiteSettings.max_topic_title_length ) {
reason = I18n.t('composer.error.title_too_long', {max: Discourse.SiteSettings.max_topic_title_length});
if( reason ) {
return Discourse.InputValidation.create({ failed: true, reason: reason });
}.property('model.titleLength', 'model.missingTitleCharacters', 'model.minimumTitleLength'),
categoryValidation: function() {
if( !Discourse.SiteSettings.allow_uncategorized_topics && !this.get('model.categoryId')) {
return Discourse.InputValidation.create({ failed: true, reason: I18n.t('composer.error.category_missing') });
replyValidation: function() {
var replyLength = this.get('model.replyLength'),
missingChars = this.get('model.missingReplyCharacters'),
if( replyLength < 1 ){
reason = I18n.t('composer.error.post_missing');
} else if( missingChars > 0 ) {
reason = I18n.t('composer.error.post_length', {min: this.get('model.minimumPostLength')});
if( reason ) {
return Discourse.InputValidation.create({ failed: true, reason: reason });
}.property('model.reply', 'model.replyLength', 'model.missingReplyCharacters', 'model.minimumPostLength'),
_unbindUploadTarget: function() {
var $uploadTarget = $('#reply-control');
try { $uploadTarget.fileupload('destroy'); }
catch (e) { /* wasn't initialized yet */ }
export default ComposerView;