Arpit Jalan 283b08d45f
DEV: Absorb onebox gem into core ()
* Move onebox gem in core library

* Update template file path

* Remove warning for onebox gem caching

* Remove onebox version file

* Remove onebox gem

* Add sanitize gem

* Require onebox library in lazy-yt plugin

* Remove onebox web specific code

This code was used in standalone onebox Sinatra application

* Merge Discourse specific AllowlistedGenericOnebox engine in core

* Fix onebox engine filenames to match class name casing

* Move onebox specs from gem into core

* DEV: Rename `response` helper to `onebox_response`

Fixes a naming collision.

* Require rails_helper

* Don't use `before/after(:all)`

* Whitespace

* Remove fakeweb

* Remove poor unit tests

* DEV: Re-add fakeweb, plugins are using it

* Move onebox helpers

* Stub Instagram API

* FIX: Follow additional redirect status codes ()

Don’t throw errors if we encounter 303, 307 or 308 HTTP status codes in responses

* Remove an empty file

* DEV: Update the license file

Using the copy from https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-2.0/#

Hopefully this will enable GitHub to show the license UI?

* DEV: Update embedded copyrights

* DEV: Add Onebox copyright notice

* DEV: Add MIT license, convert COPYRIGHT.txt to md

* DEV: Remove an incorrect copyright claim

Co-authored-by: Jarek Radosz <jradosz@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: jbrw <jamie@goatforce5.org>
2021-05-26 15:11:35 +05:30

73 lines
2.3 KiB

# frozen_string_literal: true
class Sanitize
module Config
HTTP_PROTOCOLS ||= ['http', 'https', :relative].freeze
ONEBOX ||= freeze_config merge(RELAXED,
elements: RELAXED[:elements] + %w[audio details embed iframe source video svg path],
attributes: {
'a' => RELAXED[:attributes]['a'] + %w(target),
'audio' => %w[controls controlslist],
'embed' => %w[height src type width],
'iframe' => %w[allowfullscreen frameborder height scrolling src width data-original-href data-unsanitized-src],
'source' => %w[src type],
'video' => %w[controls height loop width autoplay muted poster controlslist playsinline],
'path' => %w[d],
'svg' => ['aria-hidden', 'width', 'height', 'viewbox'],
'div' => [:data], # any data-* attributes,
'span' => [:data], # any data-* attributes
add_attributes: {
'iframe' => {
'seamless' => 'seamless',
'sandbox' => 'allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox' \
' allow-presentation',
transformers: (RELAXED[:transformers] || []) + [
lambda do |env|
next unless env[:node_name] == 'a'
a_tag = env[:node]
a_tag['href'] ||= '#'
if a_tag['href'] =~ %r{^(?:[a-z]+:)?//}
a_tag['rel'] = 'nofollow ugc noopener'
lambda do |env|
next unless env[:node_name] == 'iframe'
iframe = env[:node]
allowed_regexes = env[:config][:allowed_iframe_regexes] || [/.*/]
allowed = allowed_regexes.any? { |r| iframe["src"] =~ r }
if !allowed
# add a data attribute with the blocked src. This is not required
# but makes it much easier to troubleshoot onebox issues
iframe["data-unsanitized-src"] = iframe["src"]
protocols: {
'embed' => { 'src' => HTTP_PROTOCOLS },
'iframe' => { 'src' => HTTP_PROTOCOLS },
'source' => { 'src' => HTTP_PROTOCOLS },
css: {
properties: RELAXED[:css][:properties] + %w[--aspect-ratio]