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This view handles rendering of the header of the site
@class HeaderView
@extends Discourse.View
@namespace Discourse
@module Discourse
Discourse.HeaderView = Discourse.View.extend({
tagName: 'header',
classNames: ['d-header', 'clearfix'],
classNameBindings: ['editingTopic'],
templateName: 'header',
topicBinding: 'Discourse.router.topicController.content',
showDropdown: function($target) {
var elementId = $target.data('dropdown') || $target.data('notifications'),
$dropdown = $("#" + elementId),
$li = $target.closest('li'),
$ul = $target.closest('ul'),
$html = $('html');
var hideDropdown = function() {
$html.data('hide-dropdown', null);
return $html.off('click.d-dropdown');
// if a dropdown is active and the user clics on it, close it
if($li.hasClass('active')) { return hideDropdown(); }
// otherwhise, mark it as active
// hide the other dropdowns
$('li', $ul).not($li).removeClass('active');
// fade it fast
// autofocus any text input field
$html.on('click.d-dropdown', function(e) {
return $(e.target).closest('.d-dropdown').length > 0 ? true : hideDropdown();
$html.data('hide-dropdown', hideDropdown);
return false;
showNotifications: function() {
var headerView = this;
Discourse.ajax('/notifications').then(function(result) {
headerView.set('notifications', result.map(function(n) {
return Discourse.Notification.create(n);
// We've seen all the notifications now
Discourse.User.current().set('unread_notifications', 0);
return false;
examineDockHeader: function() {
var headerView = this;
// Check the dock after the current run loop. While rendering,
// it's much slower to calculate `outlet.offset()`
Em.run.next(function () {
if (!headerView.docAt) {
var outlet = $('#main-outlet');
if (!(outlet && outlet.length === 1)) return;
headerView.docAt = outlet.offset().top;
var offset = window.pageYOffset || $('html').scrollTop();
if (offset >= headerView.docAt) {
if (!headerView.dockedHeader) {
headerView.dockedHeader = true;
} else {
if (headerView.dockedHeader) {
headerView.dockedHeader = false;
Display the correct logo in the header, showing a custom small icon if it exists.
In case the logo_url setting is empty, shows the site title as the logo.
@property logoHTML
logoHTML: function() {
var result = "<div class='title'><a href='" + Discourse.getURL("/") + "'>";
if (this.get('controller.showExtraInfo')) {
var logoSmall = Discourse.SiteSettings.logo_small_url;
if (logoSmall && logoSmall.length > 1) {
result += "<img class='logo-small' src='" + logoSmall + "' width='33' height='33'>";
} else {
result += "<i class='icon-home'></i>";
} else {
var logo = Discourse.SiteSettings.logo_url;
if(logo && logo.length > 1) {
result += "<img class='logo-big' src=\"" + logo + "\" alt=\"" + Discourse.SiteSettings.title + "\" id='site-logo'>";
} else {
result += "<h2 class='text-logo' id='site-text-logo'>" + Discourse.SiteSettings.title + "</h2>";
result += "</a></div>";
return new Handlebars.SafeString(result);
willDestroyElement: function() {
this.$('a.unread-private-messages, a.unread-notifications, a[data-notifications]').off('click.notifications');
didInsertElement: function() {
var headerView = this;
this.$('a[data-dropdown]').on('click.dropdown', function(e) {
return headerView.showDropdown($(e.currentTarget));
this.$('a.unread-private-messages, a.unread-notifications, a[data-notifications]').on('click.notifications', function(e) {
return headerView.showNotifications(e);
$(window).bind('scroll.discourse-dock', function() {
$(document).bind('touchmove.discourse-dock', function() {
// Delegate ESC to the composer
$('body').on('keydown.header', function(e) {
// Hide dropdowns
if (e.which === 27) {
if (headerView.get('editingTopic')) {
if (e.which === 13) {
if (e.which === 27) {
return headerView.cancelEdit();