
150 lines
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import { wantsNewWindow } from 'discourse/lib/intercept-click';
import { setting } from 'discourse/lib/computed';
import CleansUp from 'discourse/mixins/cleans-up';
import afterTransition from 'discourse/lib/after-transition';
const clickOutsideEventName = "mousedown.outside-user-card",
clickDataExpand = "click.discourse-user-card",
clickMention = "click.discourse-user-mention";
export default Ember.View.extend(CleansUp, {
elementId: 'user-card',
classNameBindings: ['controller.visible:show', 'controller.showBadges', 'controller.hasCardBadgeImage'],
allowBackgrounds: setting('allow_profile_backgrounds'),
addBackground: function() {
const url = this.get('controller.user.card_background');
if (!this.get('allowBackgrounds')) { return; }
const $this = this.$();
if (!$this) { return; }
if (Ember.isEmpty(url)) {
$this.css('background-image', '').addClass('no-bg');
} else {
$this.css('background-image', "url(" + Discourse.getURLWithCDN(url) + ")").removeClass('no-bg');
_setup: function() {
afterTransition(this.$(), this._hide.bind(this));
.on(clickOutsideEventName, (e) => {
if (this.get('controller.visible')) {
const $target = $(e.target);
if ($target.closest('[data-user-card]').data('userCard') ||
$target.closest('a.mention').length > 0 ||
$target.closest('#user-card').length > 0) {
return true;
const expand = (username, $target) => {
const postId = $target.parents('article').data('post-id'),
user = this.get('controller').show(username, postId, $target[0]);
if (user !== undefined) {
user.then( () => this._willShow($target) ).catch( () => this._hide() );
} else {
return false;
$('#main-outlet').on(clickDataExpand, '[data-user-card]', (e) => {
if (wantsNewWindow(e)) { return; }
const $target = $(e.currentTarget),
username = $target.data('user-card');
return expand(username, $target);
$('#main-outlet').on(clickMention, 'a.mention', (e) => {
if (wantsNewWindow(e)) { return; }
const $target = $(e.target),
username = $target.text().replace(/^@/, '');
return expand(username, $target);
this.appEvents.on('usercard:shown', this, '_shown');
_shown() {
// After the card is shown, focus on the first link
// note: we DO NOT use afterRender here cause _willShow may
// run after _shown, if we allowed this to happen the usercard
// may be offscreen and we may scroll all the way to it on focus
Ember.run.next(null, () => this.$('a:first').focus() );
_willShow(target) {
const rtl = ($('html').css('direction')) === 'rtl';
if (!target) { return; }
const width = this.$().width();
Ember.run.schedule('afterRender', () => {
if (target) {
let position = target.offset();
if (position) {
if (rtl) { // The site direction is rtl
position.right = $(window).width() - position.left + 10;
position.left = 'auto';
let overage = ($(window).width() - 50) - (position.right + width);
if (overage < 0) {
position.right += overage;
position.top += target.height() + 48;
} else { // The site direction is ltr
position.left += target.width() + 10;
let overage = ($(window).width() - 50) - (position.left + width);
if (overage < 0) {
position.left += overage;
position.top += target.height() + 48;
position.top -= $('#main-outlet').offset().top;
_hide() {
if (!this.get('controller.visible')) {
this.$().css({left: -9999, top: -9999});
cleanUp() {
keyUp(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 27) { // ESC
const target = this.get('controller.cardTarget');
_removeEvents: function() {
this.appEvents.off('usercard:shown', this, '_shown');