2015-06-22 14:35:11 +10:00

79 lines
2.6 KiB

import loadScript from 'discourse/lib/load-script';
// Use the message bus for live reloading of components for faster development.
export default {
name: "live-development",
initialize(container) {
const messageBus = container.lookup('message-bus:main');
// subscribe to any site customizations that are loaded
$('link.custom-css').each(function() {
const split = this.href.split("/"),
id = split[split.length - 1].split(".css")[0],
self = this;
return messageBus.subscribe("/file-change/" + id, function(data) {
if (!$(self).data('orig')) {
$(self).data('orig', self.href);
const orig = $(self).data('orig');
self.href = orig.replace(/v=.*/, "v=" + data);
// Custom header changes
$('header.custom').each(function() {
const header = $(this);
return messageBus.subscribe("/header-change/" + $(this).data('key'), function(data) {
return header.html(data);
// Observe file changes
messageBus.subscribe("/file-change", function(data) {
Ember.TEMPLATES.empty = Handlebars.compile("<div></div>");
_.each(data,function(me) {
if (me === "refresh") {
// Refresh if necessary
} else if (me.name.substr(-10) === "hbs") {
// Reload handlebars
const js = me.name.replace(".hbs", "").replace("app/assets/javascripts", "/assets");
loadScript(js + "?hash=" + me.hash).then(function() {
const templateName = js.replace(".js", "").replace("/assets/", "");
return _.each(Ember.View.views, function(view) {
if (view.get('templateName') === templateName) {
view.set('templateName', 'empty');
Em.run.schedule('afterRender', function() {
view.set('templateName', templateName);
} else {
$('link').each(function() {
// TODO: stop bundling css in DEV please
if (true || (this.href.match(me.name) && me.hash)) {
if (!$(this).data('orig')) {
$(this).data('orig', this.href);
const orig = $(this).data('orig');
if (!me.hash) {
window.__uniq = window.__uniq || 1;
me.hash = window.__uniq++;
this.href = orig + (orig.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? "&hash=" : "?hash=") + me.hash;