
389 lines
10 KiB

import offsetCalculator from 'discourse/lib/offset-calculator';
import LockOn from 'discourse/lib/lock-on';
import { defaultHomepage } from 'discourse/lib/utilities';
const rewrites = [];
const TOPIC_REGEXP = /\/t\/([^\/]+)\/(\d+)\/?(\d+)?/;
// We can add links here that have server side responses but not client side.
export function rewritePath(path) {
const params = path.split("?");
let result = params[0];
rewrites.forEach(rw => {
if (((rw.opts.exceptions || []).some(ex => path.indexOf(ex) === 0))) {
result = result.replace(rw.regexp, rw.replacement);
if (params.length > 1) {
result += `?${params[1]}`;
return result;
export function clearRewrites() {
rewrites.length = 0;
export function userPath(subPath) {
return Discourse.getURL(subPath ? `/u/${subPath}` : '/u');
let _jumpScheduled = false;
export function jumpToElement(elementId) {
if (_jumpScheduled || Ember.isEmpty(elementId)) { return; }
const selector = `#${elementId}, a[name=${elementId}]`;
_jumpScheduled = true;
Ember.run.schedule('afterRender', function() {
const lockon = new LockOn(selector, {
finished() {
_jumpScheduled = false;
let _transitioning = false;
const DiscourseURL = Ember.Object.extend({
isJumpScheduled() {
return _transitioning || _jumpScheduled;
// Jumps to a particular post in the stream
jumpToPost(postNumber, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
const holderId = `#post_${postNumber}`;
_transitioning = postNumber > 1;
Ember.run.schedule('afterRender', () => {
let elementId;
let holder;
if (postNumber === 1 && !opts.anchor) {
_transitioning = false;
if (opts.anchor) {
elementId = opts.anchor;
holder = $(elementId);
if (!holder || holder.length === 0) {
elementId = holderId;
holder = $(elementId);
const lockon = new LockOn(elementId, {
finished() {
_transitioning = false;
if (holder.length > 0 && opts && opts.skipIfOnScreen){
const elementTop = lockon.elementTop();
const scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
const windowHeight = $(window).height() - offsetCalculator();
const height = holder.height();
if (elementTop > scrollTop && (elementTop + height) < (scrollTop + windowHeight)) {
_transitioning = false;
if (lockon.elementTop() < 1) {
_transitioning = false;
// Browser aware replaceState. Will only be invoked if the browser supports it.
replaceState(path) {
if (window.history &&
window.history.pushState &&
window.history.replaceState &&
(window.location.pathname !== path)) {
// Always use replaceState in the next runloop to prevent weird routes changing
// while URLs are loading. For example, while a topic loads it sets `currentPost`
// which triggers a replaceState even though the topic hasn't fully loaded yet!
Ember.run.next(() => {
const location = DiscourseURL.get('router.location');
if (location && location.replaceURL) {
routeToTag(a) {
if (a && a.host !== document.location.host) {
document.location = a.href;
return false;
return this.routeTo(a.href);
Our custom routeTo method is used to intelligently overwrite default routing
It contains the logic necessary to route within a topic using replaceState to
keep the history intact.
routeTo(path, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
if (Em.isEmpty(path)) { return; }
if (Discourse.get('requiresRefresh')) {
document.location.href = Discourse.getURL(path);
const pathname = path.replace(/(https?\:)?\/\/[^\/]+/, '');
const serverSide = SERVER_SIDE_ONLY.some(r => {
if (pathname.match(r)) {
document.location = path;
return true;
if (serverSide) { return; }
// Protocol relative URLs
if (path.indexOf('//') === 0) {
document.location = path;
// Scroll to the same page, different anchor
const m = /^#(.+)$/.exec(path);
if (m) {
return this.replaceState(path);
const oldPath = window.location.pathname;
path = path.replace(/(https?\:)?\/\/[^\/]+/, '');
// handle prefixes
if (path.match(/^\//)) {
let rootURL = (Discourse.BaseUri === undefined ? "/" : Discourse.BaseUri);
rootURL = rootURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
path = path.replace(rootURL, '');
// Rewrite /my/* urls
if (path.indexOf('/my/') === 0) {
const currentUser = Discourse.User.current();
if (currentUser) {
path = path.replace('/my/', userPath(currentUser.get('username_lower') + "/"));
} else {
document.location.href = "/404";
path = rewritePath(path);
if (this.navigatedToPost(oldPath, path, opts)) { return; }
if (oldPath === path) {
// If navigating to the same path send an app event. Views can watch it
// and tell their controllers to refresh
// TODO: Extract into rules we can inject into the URL handler
if (this.navigatedToHome(oldPath, path, opts)) { return; }
return this.handleURL(path, opts);
rewrite(regexp, replacement, opts) {
rewrites.push({ regexp, replacement, opts: opts || {} });
redirectTo(url) {
window.location = Discourse.getURL(url);
* Determines whether a URL is internal or not
* @method isInternal
* @param {String} url
isInternal(url) {
if (url && url.length) {
if (url.indexOf('//') === 0) { url = "http:" + url; }
if (url.indexOf('#') === 0) { return true; }
if (url.indexOf('/') === 0) { return true; }
if (url.indexOf(this.origin()) === 0) { return true; }
if (url.replace(/^http/, 'https').indexOf(this.origin()) === 0) { return true; }
if (url.replace(/^https/, 'http').indexOf(this.origin()) === 0) { return true; }
return false;
If the URL is in the topic form, /t/something/:topic_id/:post_number
then we want to apply some special logic. If the post_number changes within the
same topic, use replaceState and instruct our controller to load more posts.
navigatedToPost(oldPath, path, routeOpts) {
const newMatches = TOPIC_REGEXP.exec(path);
const newTopicId = newMatches ? newMatches[2] : null;
if (newTopicId) {
const oldMatches = TOPIC_REGEXP.exec(oldPath);
const oldTopicId = oldMatches ? oldMatches[2] : null;
// If the topic_id is the same
if (oldTopicId === newTopicId) {
const container = Discourse.__container__;
const topicController = container.lookup('controller:topic');
const opts = {};
const postStream = topicController.get('model.postStream');
if (newMatches[3]) { opts.nearPost = newMatches[3]; }
if (path.match(/last$/)) { opts.nearPost = topicController.get('model.highest_post_number'); }
opts.cancelSummary = true;
postStream.refresh(opts).then(() => {
const closest = postStream.closestPostNumberFor(opts.nearPost || 1);
'model.currentPost': closest,
enteredAt: new Date().getTime().toString()
this.appEvents.trigger('post:highlight', closest);
const jumpOpts = {
skipIfOnScreen: routeOpts.skipIfOnScreen
const m = /#.+$/.exec(path);
if (m) {
jumpOpts.anchor = m[0];
this.jumpToPost(closest, jumpOpts);
// Abort routing, we have replaced our state.
return true;
return false;
Handle the custom case of routing to the root path from itself.
@param {String} oldPath the previous path we were on
@param {String} path the path we're navigating to
navigatedToHome(oldPath, path) {
const homepage = defaultHomepage();
if (window.history &&
window.history.pushState &&
(path === "/" || path === "/" + homepage) &&
(oldPath === "/" || oldPath === "/" + homepage)) {
return true;
return false;
// This has been extracted so it can be tested.
origin() {
return window.location.origin + (Discourse.BaseUri === "/" ? '' : Discourse.BaseUri);
Get a handle on the application's router. Note that currently it uses `__container__` which is not
advised but there is no other way to access the router.
@property router
router: function() {
return Discourse.__container__.lookup('router:main');
// Get a controller. Note that currently it uses `__container__` which is not
// advised but there is no other way to access the router.
controllerFor(name) {
return Discourse.__container__.lookup('controller:' + name);
Be wary of looking up the router. In this case, we have links in our
HTML, say form compiled markdown posts, that need to be routed.
handleURL(path, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
const router = this.get('router');
if (opts.replaceURL) {
} else {
const discoveryTopics = this.controllerFor('discovery/topics');
if (discoveryTopics) {
const split = path.split('#');
let elementId;
if (split.length === 2) {
path = split[0];
elementId = split[1];
const transition = router.handleURL(path);
transition._discourse_intercepted = true;
const promise = transition.promise || transition;
promise.then(() => jumpToElement(elementId));
export default DiscourseURL;