Joe e82a2ce9ae
UX: Introduces a splash screen behind a hidden site setting (#17094)
This PR introduces a new hidden site setting that allows admins to display a splash screen while site assets load.

The splash screen can be enabled via the `splash_screen` hidden site setting.

This is what the splash screen currently looks like


Once site assets load, the splash screen is automatically removed.

To control the loading text that shows in the splash screen, you can change the preloader_text translation string in admin > customize > text
2022-06-22 04:35:46 +08:00

143 lines
4.8 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<%= html_lang %>" class="<%= html_classes %>">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title><%= content_for?(:title) ? yield(:title) : SiteSetting.title %></title>
<meta name="description" content="<%= @description_meta || SiteSetting.site_description %>">
<meta name="discourse_theme_id" content="<%= theme_id %>">
<meta name="discourse_current_homepage" content="<%= current_homepage %>">
<%= render partial: "layouts/head" %>
<%= discourse_csrf_tags %>
<%- if include_splash_screen? %>
<link rel="preload" as="image" href="/images/preloader.svg">
<%- end %>
<%- if SiteSetting.enable_escaped_fragments? %>
<meta name="fragment" content="!">
<%- end %>
<%- if shared_session_key %>
<meta name="shared_session_key" content="<%= shared_session_key %>">
<%- end %>
<%= build_plugin_html 'server:before-script-load' %>
<link rel="preload" href="<%= script_asset_path "start-discourse" %>" as="script">
<link rel="preload" href="<%= script_asset_path "browser-update" %>" as="script">
<%= preload_script 'browser-detect' %>
<%= preload_script "locales/#{I18n.locale}" %>
<%- if ExtraLocalesController.client_overrides_exist? %>
<%= preload_script_url ExtraLocalesController.url('overrides') %>
<%- end %>
<%= preload_script "vendor" %>
<%= preload_script "discourse" %>
<%- Discourse.find_plugin_js_assets(include_official: allow_plugins?, include_unofficial: allow_third_party_plugins?, request: request).each do |file| %>
<%= preload_script file %>
<%- end %>
<%- if staff? %>
<%= preload_script_url ExtraLocalesController.url("admin") %>
<%= preload_script "admin" %>
<%- end %>
<%- if admin? %>
<%= preload_script_url ExtraLocalesController.url("wizard") %>
<%= preload_script "wizard" %>
<%- end %>
<%- unless customization_disabled? %>
<%= theme_translations_lookup %>
<%= theme_js_lookup %>
<%= theme_lookup("head_tag") %>
<%- end %>
<%= render_google_tag_manager_head_code %>
<%= render_google_universal_analytics_code %>
<link id="manifest-link" rel="manifest" href=<%= manifest_url %> crossorigin="use-credentials">
<%- if include_ios_native_app_banner? %>
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=<%= SiteSetting.ios_app_id %><%= ios_app_argument %>">
<%- end %>
<%= yield :head %>
<%= build_plugin_html 'server:before-head-close' %>
<%= tag.meta id: 'data-discourse-setup', data: client_side_setup_data %>
<meta name="discourse/config/environment" content="<%=u discourse_config_environment %>" />
<%- if authentication_data %>
<meta id="data-authentication" data-authentication-data="<%= authentication_data %>">
<%- end %>
<body class="<%= body_classes %>">
<%- if include_splash_screen? %>
<%= render partial: "common/discourse_splash" %>
<%- end %>
<%= render partial: "common/discourse_stylesheet" %>
<div class="hidden" id="data-preloaded" data-preloaded="<%= preloaded_json %>"></div>
<%- if allow_plugins? %>
<%= build_plugin_html 'server:after-body-open' %>
<%- end -%>
<%= render_google_tag_manager_body_code %>
<noscript data-path="<%= request.env['PATH_INFO'] %>">
<%= render partial: "layouts/noscript_header" %>
<div id="main-outlet" class="wrap" role="main">
<!-- preload-content: -->
<%= yield %>
<!-- :preload-content -->
<%= render partial: "layouts/noscript_footer" %>
<%- unless customization_disabled? %>
<%= theme_lookup("header") %>
<%- end %>
<%- if allow_plugins? %>
<%= build_plugin_html 'server:header' %>
<%- end %>
<section id='main'>
<% unless current_user %>
<form id='hidden-login-form' method="post" action="<%=main_app.login_path%>" style="display: none;">
<input name="username" type="text" id="signin_username">
<input name="password" type="password" id="signin_password">
<input name="redirect" type="hidden">
<input type="submit" id="signin-button" value="<%= t 'log_in' %>">
<% end %>
<script defer src="<%= script_asset_path "start-discourse" %>"></script>
<%= yield :data %>
<script defer src="<%= script_asset_path "browser-update" %>"></script>
<%- unless customization_disabled? %>
<%= theme_lookup("body_tag") %>
<%- end %>
<%- if allow_plugins? %>
<%= build_plugin_html 'server:before-body-close' %>
<%- end %>