2013-02-07 16:45:24 +01:00

418 lines
13 KiB

window.Discourse.TopicView = Ember.View.extend Discourse.Scrolling,
templateName: 'topic'
topicBinding: 'controller.content'
userFiltersBinding: 'controller.userFilters'
classNameBindings: ['controller.multiSelect:multi-select', 'topic.archetype']
siteBinding: 'Discourse.site'
categoriesBinding: 'site.categories'
progressPosition: 1
menuVisible: true
# Update the progress bar using sweet animations
updateBar: (->
return unless @get('topic.loaded')
$topicProgress = $('#topic-progress')
return unless $topicProgress.length
# Don't show progress when there is only one post
if @get('topic.highest_post_number') is 1
ratio = @get('progressPosition') / @get('topic.highest_post_number')
totalWidth = $topicProgress.width()
progressWidth = ratio * totalWidth
bg = $topicProgress.find('.bg')
currentWidth = bg.width()
if currentWidth == totalWidth
bg.width(currentWidth - 1)
if progressWidth == totalWidth
bg.css("border-right-width", "0px")
bg.css("border-right-width", "1px")
if currentWidth == 0
bg.animate(width: progressWidth, 400)
).observes('progressPosition', 'topic.highest_post_number', 'topic.loaded')
updateTitle: (->
title = @get('topic.title')
Discourse.set('title', title) if title
).observes('topic.loaded', 'topic.title')
newPostsPresent: (->
if @get('topic.highest_post_number')
currentPostChanged: (->
current = @get('controller.currentPost')
topic = @get('topic')
return unless current and topic
@set('maxPost', current) if current > (@get('maxPost') || 0)
postUrl = topic.get('url')
if current > 1
postUrl += "/#{current}"
postUrl += "/best_of" if @get('controller.bestOf')
# Show appropriate jump tools
if current is 1 then $('#jump-top').attr('disabled', true) else $('#jump-top').attr('disabled', false)
if current is @get('topic.highest_post_number') then $('#jump-bottom').attr('disabled', true) else $('#jump-bottom').attr('disabled', false)
).observes('controller.currentPost', 'controller.bestOf', 'topic.highest_post_number')
composeChanged: (->
composerController = Discourse.get('router.composerController')
composerController.set('topic', @get('topic'))
# This view is being removed. Shut down operations
willDestroyElement: ->
@set('screenTrack', null)
$(window).unbind 'scroll.discourse-on-scroll'
$(document).unbind 'touchmove.discourse-on-scroll'
$(window).unbind 'resize.discourse-on-scroll'
didInsertElement: (e) ->
onScroll = Discourse.debounce((=> @onScroll()), 10)
$(window).bind 'scroll.discourse-on-scroll', onScroll
$(document).bind 'touchmove.discourse-on-scroll', onScroll
$(window).bind 'resize.discourse-on-scroll', onScroll
# Insert our screen tracker
screenTrack = Discourse.ScreenTrack.create(topic_id: @get('topic.id'))
@set('screenTrack', screenTrack)
# Track the user's eyeline
eyeline = new Discourse.Eyeline('.topic-post')
eyeline.on 'saw', (e) => @postSeen(e.detail)
eyeline.on 'sawBottom', (e) => @nextPage(e.detail)
eyeline.on 'sawTop', (e) => @prevPage(e.detail)
@set('eyeline', eyeline)
@.$().on 'mouseup.discourse-redirect', '.cooked a, a.track-link', (e) ->
# Triggered from the post view all posts are rendered
postsRendered: (postDiv, post)->
$window = $(window)
$lastPost = $('.row:last')
# we consider stuff at the end of the list as read, right away (if it is visible)
if $window.height() + $window.scrollTop() >= $lastPost.offset().top + $lastPost.height()
# last is not in view, so only examine in 2 seconds
Em.run.later =>
, 2000
resetRead: (e) ->
@set('screenTrack', null)
@get('topic').resetRead =>
@set('controller.message', "Your read position has been reset.")
@set('controller.loaded', false)
# Called for every post seen
postSeen: ($post) ->
@set('postNumberSeen', null)
postView = Ember.View.views[$post.prop('id')]
if postView
post = postView.get('post')
@set('postNumberSeen', post.get('post_number'))
if post.get('post_number') > (@get('topic.last_read_post_number') || 0)
@set('topic.last_read_post_number', post.get('post_number'))
unless post.get('read')
post.set('read', true)
observeFirstPostLoaded: (->
posts = @get('topic.posts')
# TODO topic.posts stores non ember objects in it for a period of time, this is bad
loaded = posts && posts[0] && posts[0].post_number == 1
# I avoided a computed property cause I did not want to set it, over and over again
old = @get('firstPostLoaded')
if loaded
@set('firstPostLoaded', true) unless old == true
@set('firstPostLoaded', false) unless old == false
# Load previous posts if there are some
prevPage: ($post) ->
postView = Ember.View.views[$post.prop('id')]
return unless postView
post = postView.get('post')
return unless post
# We don't load upwards from the first page
return if post.post_number == 1
# double check
if @topic && @topic.posts && @topic.posts.length > 0 && @topic.posts.first().post_number != post.post_number
# half mutex
return if @loading
@set('loading', true)
@set('loadingAbove', true)
opts = $.extend {postsBefore: post.get('post_number')}, @get('controller.postFilters')
Discourse.Topic.find(@get('topic.id'), opts).then (result) =>
posts = @get('topic.posts')
# Add a scrollTo record to the last post inserted to the DOM
lastPostNum = result.posts.first().post_number
result.posts.each (p) =>
newPost = Discourse.Post.create(p, @get('topic'))
if p.post_number == lastPostNum
newPost.set 'scrollTo', top: $(window).scrollTop(), height: $(document).height()
@set('loading', false)
@set('loadingAbove', false)
fullyLoaded: (->
@seenBottom || @topic.at_bottom
).property('topic.at_bottom', 'seenBottom')
# Load new posts if there are some
nextPage: ($post) ->
return if @loading || @seenBottom
postView = Ember.View.views[$post.prop('id')]
return unless postView
post = postView.get('post')
loadMore: (post)->
return if @loading || @seenBottom
# Don't load if we know we're at the bottom
if @get('topic.highest_post_number') is post.get('post_number')
# Update our current post to the last number we saw
@set('controller.currentPost', postNumberSeen) if postNumberSeen = @get('postNumberSeen')
# Don't double load ever
if @topic.posts.last().post_number != post.post_number
@set('loadingBelow', true)
@set('loading', true)
opts = $.extend {postsAfter: post.get('post_number')}, @get('controller.postFilters')
Discourse.Topic.find(@get('topic.id'), opts).then (result) =>
if result.at_bottom || result.posts.length == 0
@set('seenBottom', 'true')
@get('topic').pushPosts result.posts.map (p) =>
Discourse.Post.create(p, @get('topic'))
if result.suggested_topics
suggested = Em.A()
result.suggested_topics.each (st) ->
@set('topic.suggested_topics', suggested)
@set('loadingBelow', false)
@set('loading', false)
# Examine which posts are on the screen and mark them as read. Also figure out if we
# need to load more posts.
examineRead: ->
# Track posts time on screen
# Update what we can see
# Update our current post to the last number we saw
@set('controller.currentPost', postNumberSeen) if postNumberSeen = @get('postNumberSeen')
cancelEdit: ->
@set('editingTopic', false)
finishedEdit: ->
if @get('editingTopic')
topic = @get('topic')
topic.set('title', $('#edit-title').val())
@set('editingTopic', false)
editTopic: ->
return false unless @get('topic.can_edit')
@set('editingTopic', true)
showFavoriteButton: (->
Discourse.currentUser && !@get('topic.isPrivateMessage')
resetExamineDockCache: ->
@docAt = null
@dockedTitle = false
@dockedCounter = false
detectDockPosition: ->
rows = $(".topic-post")
return unless rows.length > 0
i = parseInt(rows.length / 2, 10)
increment = parseInt(rows.length / 4, 10)
goingUp = `undefined`
winOffset = window.pageYOffset || $('html').scrollTop()
winHeight = window.innerHeight || $(window).height()
break if i is 0 or (i >= rows.length - 1)
current = $(rows[i])
offset = current.offset()
if offset.top - winHeight < winOffset
if offset.top + current.outerHeight() - window.innerHeight > winOffset
i = i + increment
break if goingUp isnt `undefined` and increment is 1 and not goingUp
goingUp = true
i = i - increment
break if goingUp isnt `undefined` and increment is 1 and goingUp
goingUp = false
if increment > 1
increment = parseInt(increment / 2, 10)
goingUp = `undefined`
if increment == 0
increment = 1
goingUp = `undefined`
postView = Ember.View.views[rows[i].id]
return unless postView
post = postView.get('post')
return unless post
@set('progressPosition', post.get('post_number'))
ensureDockIsTestedOnChange: (->
# this is subtle, firstPostLoaded will trigger ember to render the view containing #topic-title
# onScroll needs do know about it to be able to make a decision about the dock
Em.run.next @, @onScroll
onScroll: ->
offset = window.pageYOffset || $('html').scrollTop()
firstLoaded = @get('firstPostLoaded')
unless @docAt
title = $('#topic-title')
if title && title.length == 1
@docAt = title.offset().top
if @docAt
@set('controller.showExtraHeaderInfo', offset >= @docAt || !firstLoaded)
@set('controller.showExtraHeaderInfo', !firstLoaded)
# there is a whole bunch of caching we could add here
$lastPost = $('.last-post')
lastPostOffset = $lastPost.offset()
return unless lastPostOffset # there is an edge case while stuff is loading
if offset >= (lastPostOffset.top + $lastPost.height()) - $(window).height()
unless @dockedCounter
@dockedCounter = true
if @dockedCounter
@dockedCounter = false
browseMoreMessage: (->
opts = {popularLink: "<a href=\"/\">#{Em.String.i18n("topic.view_popular_topics")}</a>"}
if category = @get('controller.content.category')
opts.catLink = Discourse.Utilities.categoryLink(category)
Ember.String.i18n("topic.read_more_in_category", opts)
opts.catLink = "<a href=\"/categories\">#{Em.String.i18n("topic.browse_all_categories")}</a>"
Ember.String.i18n("topic.read_more", opts)
# The window has been scrolled
scrolled: (e) -> @examineRead()
# Scroll to a given post, if in the DOM. Returns whether it was in the DOM or not.
scrollTo: (topicId, postNumber, callback) ->
# Make sure we're looking at the topic we want to scroll to
return false unless parseInt(topicId) == parseInt($('#topic').data('topic-id'))
existing = $("#post_#{postNumber}")
if existing.length
if postNumber == 1
$('html, body').scrollTop(0)
$('html, body').scrollTop(existing.offset().top - 55)
return true