Joffrey JAFFEUX f3dee5863f
FIX: pins down highlight.js to the last commit of the v9 tree (#9921)
The 10+ version has actually a bug with bash. We will wait a little bit before upgrading to 10, we should also make sure any of the breaking changes listed here are not impacting us.
2020-05-29 10:21:21 +02:00

1 line
1.4 KiB

hljs.registerLanguage("tcl",function(e){return{aliases:["tk"],k:"after append apply array auto_execok auto_import auto_load auto_mkindex auto_mkindex_old auto_qualify auto_reset bgerror binary break catch cd chan clock close concat continue dde dict encoding eof error eval exec exit expr fblocked fconfigure fcopy file fileevent filename flush for foreach format gets glob global history http if incr info interp join lappend|10 lassign|10 lindex|10 linsert|10 list llength|10 load lrange|10 lrepeat|10 lreplace|10 lreverse|10 lsearch|10 lset|10 lsort|10 mathfunc mathop memory msgcat namespace open package parray pid pkg::create pkg_mkIndex platform platform::shell proc puts pwd read refchan regexp registry regsub|10 rename return safe scan seek set socket source split string subst switch tcl_endOfWord tcl_findLibrary tcl_startOfNextWord tcl_startOfPreviousWord tcl_wordBreakAfter tcl_wordBreakBefore tcltest tclvars tell time tm trace unknown unload unset update uplevel upvar variable vwait while",c:[e.C(";[ \\t]*#","$"),e.C("^[ \\t]*#","$"),{bK:"proc",e:"[\\{]",eE:!0,c:[{cN:"title",b:"[ \\t\\n\\r]+(::)?[a-zA-Z_]((::)?[a-zA-Z0-9_])*",e:"[ \\t\\n\\r]",eW:!0,eE:!0}]},{eE:!0,v:[{b:"\\$(\\{)?(::)?[a-zA-Z_]((::)?[a-zA-Z0-9_])*\\(([a-zA-Z0-9_])*\\)",e:"[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\}\\$]"},{b:"\\$(\\{)?(::)?[a-zA-Z_]((::)?[a-zA-Z0-9_])*",e:"(\\))?[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\}\\$]"}]},{cN:"string",c:[e.BE],v:[e.inherit(e.QSM,{i:null})]},{cN:"number",v:[e.BNM,e.CNM]}]}});