Joffrey JAFFEUX f3dee5863f
FIX: pins down highlight.js to the last commit of the v9 tree (#9921)
The 10+ version has actually a bug with bash. We will wait a little bit before upgrading to 10, we should also make sure any of the breaking changes listed here are not impacting us.
2020-05-29 10:21:21 +02:00

1 line
711 B

hljs.registerLanguage("jboss-cli",function(e){var a={cN:"params",b:/\(/,e:/\)/,c:[{b:/[\w-]+ *=/,rB:!0,relevance:0,c:[{cN:"attr",b:/[\w-]+/}]}],relevance:0};return{aliases:["wildfly-cli"],l:"[a-z-]+",k:{keyword:"alias batch cd clear command connect connection-factory connection-info data-source deploy deployment-info deployment-overlay echo echo-dmr help history if jdbc-driver-info jms-queue|20 jms-topic|20 ls patch pwd quit read-attribute read-operation reload rollout-plan run-batch set shutdown try unalias undeploy unset version xa-data-source",literal:"true false"},c:[e.HCM,e.QSM,{cN:"params",b:/--[\w\-=\/]+/},{cN:"function",b:/:[\w\-.]+/,relevance:0},{cN:"string",b:/\B(([\/.])[\w\-.\/=]+)+/},a]}});