2018-05-23 23:05:34 +02:00

471 lines
12 KiB

import { createWidget } from 'discourse/widgets/widget';
import ComponentConnector from 'discourse/widgets/component-connector';
import { h } from 'virtual-dom';
import { relativeAge } from 'discourse/lib/formatter';
import { iconNode } from 'discourse-common/lib/icon-library';
import RawHtml from 'discourse/widgets/raw-html';
import renderTags from 'discourse/lib/render-tags';
import renderTopicFeaturedLink from 'discourse/lib/render-topic-featured-link';
const LAST_READ_HEIGHT = 20;
function scrollareaHeight() {
return ($(window).height() < 425) ? 150 : 300;
function scrollareaRemaining() {
return scrollareaHeight() - SCROLLER_HEIGHT;
function clamp(p, min=0.0, max=1.0) {
return Math.max(Math.min(p, max), min);
function attachBackButton(widget) {
return widget.attach('button', {
className: 'btn-primary btn-small back-button',
label: 'topic.timeline.back',
title: 'topic.timeline.back_description',
action: 'goBack'
createWidget('timeline-last-read', {
tagName: 'div.timeline-last-read',
buildAttributes(attrs) {
const bottom = scrollareaHeight() - (LAST_READ_HEIGHT / 2);
const top = attrs.top > bottom ? bottom : attrs.top;
return { style: `height: ${LAST_READ_HEIGHT}px; top: ${top}px` };
html(attrs) {
const result = [ iconNode('minus', { class: 'progress' }) ];
if (attrs.showButton) {
return result;
function timelineDate(date) {
const fmt = (date.getFullYear() === new Date().getFullYear()) ? 'long_no_year_no_time' : 'timeline_date';
return moment(date).format(I18n.t(`dates.${fmt}`));
createWidget('timeline-scroller', {
tagName: 'div.timeline-scroller',
buildKey: () => `timeline-scroller`,
defaultState() {
return { dragging: false };
buildAttributes() {
return { style: `height: ${SCROLLER_HEIGHT}px` };
html(attrs, state) {
const { current, total, date } = attrs;
const contents = [
h('div.timeline-replies', I18n.t(`topic.timeline.replies_short`, { current, total }))
if (date) {
contents.push(h('div.timeline-ago', timelineDate(date)));
if (attrs.showDockedButton && !state.dragging) {
let result = [ h('div.timeline-handle'), h('div.timeline-scroller-content', contents) ];
if (attrs.fullScreen) {
result = [result[1], result[0]];
return result;
drag(e) {
this.state.dragging = true;
this.sendWidgetAction('updatePercentage', e.pageY);
dragEnd(e) {
this.state.dragging = false;
if ($(e.target).is('button')) {
} else {
createWidget('timeline-padding', {
tagName: 'div.timeline-padding',
buildAttributes(attrs) {
return { style: `height: ${attrs.height}px` };
click(e) {
this.sendWidgetAction('updatePercentage', e.pageY);
createWidget('timeline-scrollarea', {
tagName: 'div.timeline-scrollarea',
buildKey: () => `timeline-scrollarea`,
buildAttributes() {
return { style: `height: ${scrollareaHeight()}px` };
defaultState(attrs) {
return { percentage: this._percentFor(attrs.topic, attrs.enteredIndex + 1), scrolledPost: 1 };
position() {
const { attrs } = this;
const percentage = this.state.percentage;
const topic = attrs.topic;
const postStream = topic.get('postStream');
const total = postStream.get('filteredPostsCount');
const current = clamp(Math.floor(total * percentage) + 1, 1, total);
const daysAgo = postStream.closestDaysAgoFor(current);
const date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() - daysAgo || 0);
const result = {
lastRead: null,
lastReadPercentage: null
const lastReadId = topic.last_read_post_id;
const lastReadNumber = topic.last_read_post_number;
if (lastReadId && lastReadNumber) {
const idx = postStream.get('stream').indexOf(lastReadId) + 1;
result.lastRead = idx;
result.lastReadPercentage = this._percentFor(topic, idx);
if (this.state.position !== result.current) {
this.state.position = result.current;
this.sendWidgetAction('updatePosition', result.current);
return result;
html(attrs, state) {
const position = this.position();
state.scrolledPost = position.current;
const percentage = state.percentage;
if (percentage === null) { return; }
const before = scrollareaRemaining() * percentage;
const after = (scrollareaHeight() - before) - SCROLLER_HEIGHT;
let showButton = false;
const hasBackPosition =
position.lastRead > 3 &&
Math.abs(position.lastRead - position.current) > 3 &&
Math.abs(position.lastRead - position.total) > 1 &&
(position.lastRead && position.lastRead !== position.total);
if (hasBackPosition) {
const lastReadTop = Math.round(position.lastReadPercentage * scrollareaHeight());
showButton = ((before + SCROLLER_HEIGHT - 5) < lastReadTop) ||
(before > (lastReadTop + 25));
// Don't show if at the bottom of the timeline
if (lastReadTop > (scrollareaHeight() - (LAST_READ_HEIGHT / 2))) {
showButton = false;
const result = [
this.attach('timeline-padding', { height: before }),
this.attach('timeline-scroller', _.merge(position, {
showDockedButton: !attrs.mobileView && hasBackPosition && !showButton,
fullScreen: attrs.fullScreen
this.attach('timeline-padding', { height: after })
if (hasBackPosition) {
const lastReadTop = Math.round(position.lastReadPercentage * scrollareaHeight());
result.push(this.attach('timeline-last-read', {
top: lastReadTop,
lastRead: position.lastRead,
return result;
updatePercentage(y) {
const $area = $('.timeline-scrollarea');
const areaTop = $area.offset().top;
const percentage = clamp(parseFloat(y - areaTop) / $area.height());
this.state.percentage = percentage;
commit() {
const position = this.position();
this.state.scrolledPost = position.current;
this.sendWidgetAction('jumpToIndex', position.current);
topicCurrentPostScrolled(event) {
this.state.percentage = event.percent;
_percentFor(topic, postIndex) {
const total = topic.get('postStream.filteredPostsCount');
return clamp(parseFloat(postIndex - 1.0) / total);
goBack() {
this.sendWidgetAction('jumpToIndex', this.position().lastRead);
createWidget('topic-timeline-container', {
tagName: 'div.timeline-container',
buildClasses(attrs) {
if (attrs.fullScreen) {
if (attrs.addShowClass) {
return 'timeline-fullscreen show';
} else {
return 'timeline-fullscreen';
if (attrs.dockAt) {
const result = ['timeline-docked'];
if (attrs.dockBottom) {
return result.join(' ');
buildAttributes(attrs) {
if (attrs.top) {
return { style: `top: ${attrs.top}px` };
html(attrs) {
return this.attach('topic-timeline', attrs);
createWidget('timeline-controls', {
tagName: 'div.timeline-controls',
html(attrs) {
const controls = [];
const { fullScreen, currentUser, topic } = attrs;
if (!fullScreen && currentUser && currentUser.get('canManageTopic')) {
controls.push(this.attach('topic-admin-menu-button', { topic }));
return controls;
createWidget('timeline-footer-controls', {
tagName: 'div.timeline-footer-controls',
html(attrs) {
const controls = [];
const { currentUser, fullScreen, topic, notificationLevel } = attrs;
if (currentUser && !fullScreen) {
if (topic.get('details.can_create_post')) {
controls.push(this.attach('button', {
className: 'create',
icon: 'reply',
title: 'topic.reply.help',
action: 'replyToPost'
if (fullScreen) {
controls.push(this.attach('button', {
className: 'jump-to-post',
title: 'topic.progress.jump_prompt_long',
label: 'topic.progress.jump_prompt',
action: 'jumpToPostPrompt'
if (currentUser) {
controls.push(new ComponentConnector(this,
value: notificationLevel,
showFullTitle: false
return controls;
export default createWidget('topic-timeline', {
tagName: 'div.topic-timeline',
buildKey: () => 'topic-timeline-area',
defaultState() {
return { position: null, excerpt: null };
updatePosition(pos) {
if (!this.attrs.fullScreen) {
this.state.position = pos;
this.state.excerpt = "";
const stream = this.attrs.topic.get('postStream');
// a little debounce to avoid flashing
if (!this.state.position === pos) {
// we have an off by one, stream is zero based,
// pos is 1 based
stream.excerpt(pos-1).then(info => {
if (info && this.state.position === pos) {
let excerpt = "";
if (info.username) {
excerpt = "<span class='username'>" + info.username + ":</span> ";
this.state.excerpt = excerpt + info.excerpt;
}, 50);
html(attrs) {
const { topic } = attrs;
const createdAt = new Date(topic.created_at);
const stream = attrs.topic.get('postStream.stream');
const { currentUser } = this;
const { tagging_enabled, topic_featured_link_enabled } = this.siteSettings;
attrs["currentUser"] = currentUser;
let result = [];
if (attrs.fullScreen) {
let titleHTML = "";
if (attrs.mobileView) {
titleHTML = new RawHtml({ html: `<span>${topic.get('fancyTitle')}</span>` });
let elems = [h('h2', this.attach('link', {
contents: () => titleHTML,
className: 'fancy-title',
action: 'jumpTop'
// duplicate of the {{topic-category}} component
let category = [];
if (!topic.get("isPrivateMessage")) {
if (topic.category.parentCategory) {
category.push(this.attach("category-link", { category: topic.category.parentCategory }));
category.push(this.attach("category-link", { category: topic.category }));
const showTags = tagging_enabled && topic.tags && topic.tags.length > 0;
if (showTags || topic_featured_link_enabled) {
let extras = [];
if (showTags) {
const tagsHtml = new RawHtml({ html: renderTags(topic, { mode: "list" }) });
extras.push(h("div.list-tags", tagsHtml));
if (topic_featured_link_enabled) {
extras.push(new RawHtml({ html: renderTopicFeaturedLink(topic) }));
category.push(h("div.topic-header-extra", extras));
if (category.length > 0) {
elems.push(h("div.topic-category", category));
if (this.state.excerpt) {
elems.push(new RawHtml({
html: `<div class='post-excerpt'>${this.state.excerpt}</div>`
result.push(h('div.title', elems));
result.push(this.attach('timeline-controls', attrs));
if (stream.length < 3) {
const topicHeight = $('#topic').height();
const windowHeight = $(window).height();
if ((topicHeight / windowHeight) < 2.0) {
return result;
const bottomAge = relativeAge(new Date(topic.last_posted_at), { addAgo: true, defaultFormat: timelineDate });
let scroller = [h('div.timeline-date-wrapper', this.attach('link', {
className: 'start-date',
rawLabel: timelineDate(createdAt),
action: 'jumpTop'
this.attach('timeline-scrollarea', attrs),
h('div.timeline-date-wrapper', this.attach('link', {
className: 'now-date',
rawLabel: bottomAge,
action: 'jumpBottom'
result.push(h('div.timeline-scrollarea-wrapper', scroller));
result.push(this.attach('timeline-footer-controls', attrs));
return result;