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//! Various mostly unrelated utility functions related to parsing, loading and evaluating fish code.
use crate::ast::{self, Ast, Keyword, Leaf, List, Node, NodeVisitor, Token};
use crate::builtins::shared::builtin_exists;
use crate::common::{
escape_string, unescape_string, valid_var_name, valid_var_name_char, EscapeFlags,
EscapeStringStyle, UnescapeFlags, UnescapeStringStyle,
use crate::expand::{
expand_one, expand_to_command_and_args, ExpandFlags, ExpandResultCode, BRACE_BEGIN, BRACE_END,
use crate::future_feature_flags::{feature_test, FeatureFlag};
use crate::operation_context::OperationContext;
use crate::parse_constants::{
parse_error_offset_source_start, ParseError, ParseErrorCode, ParseErrorList, ParseKeyword,
ParseTokenType, ParseTreeFlags, ParserTestErrorBits, PipelinePosition, StatementDecoration,
use crate::tests::prelude::*;
use crate::tokenizer::{
comment_end, is_token_delimiter, quote_end, Tok, TokenType, Tokenizer, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED,
2023-08-09 00:16:04 +02:00
use crate::wchar::prelude::*;
use crate::wcstringutil::count_newlines;
use crate::wcstringutil::truncate;
use std::{iter, ops};
/// Handles slices: the square brackets in an expression like $foo[5..4]
/// \return the length of the slice starting at \p in, or 0 if there is no slice, or None on error.
/// This never accepts incomplete slices.
pub fn parse_util_slice_length(input: &wstr) -> Option<usize> {
const openc: char = '[';
const closec: char = ']';
let mut escaped = false;
// Check for initial opening [
let mut chars = input.chars();
if != Some(openc) {
return Some(0);
let mut bracket_count = 1;
let mut pos = 0;
while let Some(c) = {
pos += 1;
if !escaped {
if ['\'', '"'].contains(&c) {
let oldpos = pos;
pos = quote_end(input, pos, c)?;
// We need to advance the iterator as well
if pos - oldpos > 0 {
// nth(0) advances by 1
chars.nth(pos - oldpos - 1)?;
} else {
// Quotes aren't over, slice is invalid
return None;
} else if c == openc {
bracket_count += 1;
} else if c == closec {
bracket_count -= 1;
if bracket_count == 0 {
// pos points at the closing ], so add 1.
return Some(pos + 1);
if c == '\\' {
escaped = !escaped;
} else {
escaped = false;
assert!(bracket_count > 0, "Should have unclosed brackets");
/// Alternative API. Iterate over command substitutions.
/// \param str the string to search for subshells
/// \param inout_cursor_offset On input, the location to begin the search. On output, either the end
/// of the string, or just after the closed-paren.
/// \param out_contents On output, the contents of the command substitution
/// \param out_start On output, the offset of the start of the command substitution (open paren)
/// \param out_end On output, the offset of the end of the command substitution (close paren), or
/// the end of the string if it was incomplete
/// \param accept_incomplete whether to permit missing closing parenthesis
/// \param inout_is_quoted whether the cursor is in a double-quoted context.
/// \param out_has_dollar whether the command substitution has the optional leading $.
/// \return -1 on syntax error, 0 if no subshells exist and 1 on success
pub fn parse_util_locate_cmdsubst_range<'a>(
s: &'a wstr,
inout_cursor_offset: &mut usize,
mut out_contents: Option<&mut &'a wstr>,
out_start: &mut usize,
out_end: &mut usize,
accept_incomplete: bool,
inout_is_quoted: Option<&mut bool>,
out_has_dollar: Option<&mut bool>,
) -> i32 {
// Clear the return values.
out_contents.as_mut().map(|s| **s = L!(""));
*out_start = 0;
*out_end = s.len();
// Nothing to do if the offset is at or past the end of the string.
if *inout_cursor_offset >= s.len() {
return 0;
// Defer to the wonky version.
let ret = parse_util_locate_cmdsub(
if ret <= 0 {
return ret;
// Assign the substring to the out_contents.
let interior_begin = *out_start + 1;
.map(|contents| **contents = &s[interior_begin..*out_end]);
// Update the inout_cursor_offset. Note this may cause it to exceed str.size(), though
// overflow is not likely.
*inout_cursor_offset = 1 + *out_end;
/// Find the beginning and end of the command substitution under the cursor. If no subshell is
/// found, the entire string is returned. If the current command substitution is not ended, i.e. the
/// closing parenthesis is missing, then the string from the beginning of the substitution to the
/// end of the string is returned.
/// \param buff the string to search for subshells
/// \param cursor_pos the position of the cursor
/// \param a the start of the searched string
/// \param b the end of the searched string
pub fn parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(buff: &wstr, cursor: usize) -> ops::Range<usize> {
// The tightest command substitution found so far.
let mut ap = 0;
let mut bp = buff.len();
let mut pos = 0;
loop {
let mut begin = 0;
let mut end = 0;
if parse_util_locate_cmdsub(buff, pos, &mut begin, &mut end, true, None, None) <= 0 {
// No subshell found, all done.
if begin < cursor && end >= cursor {
// This command substitution surrounds the cursor, so it's a tighter fit.
begin += 1;
ap = begin;
bp = end;
// pos is where to begin looking for the next one. But if we reached the end there's no
// next one.
if begin >= end {
pos = begin + 1;
} else if begin >= cursor {
// This command substitution starts at or after the cursor. Since it was the first
// command substitution in the string, we're done.
} else {
// This command substitution ends before the cursor. Skip it.
assert!(end < cursor);
pos = end + 1;
assert!(pos <= buff.len());
fn parse_util_locate_cmdsub(
input: &wstr,
cursor: usize,
out_start: &mut usize,
out_end: &mut usize,
allow_incomplete: bool,
mut inout_is_quoted: Option<&mut bool>,
mut out_has_dollar: Option<&mut bool>,
) -> i32 {
let input = input.as_char_slice();
let mut escaped = false;
let mut is_token_begin = true;
let mut syntax_error = false;
let mut paran_count = 0;
let mut quoted_cmdsubs = vec![];
let mut pos = cursor;
let mut last_dollar = None;
let mut paran_begin = None;
let mut paran_end = None;
fn process_opening_quote(
input: &[char],
inout_is_quoted: &mut Option<&mut bool>,
paran_count: i32,
quoted_cmdsubs: &mut Vec<i32>,
pos: usize,
last_dollar: &mut Option<usize>,
quote: char,
) -> Option<usize> {
let q_end = quote_end(input.into(), pos, quote)?;
if input[q_end] == '$' {
*last_dollar = Some(q_end);
// We want to report whether the outermost command substitution between
// paran_begin..paran_end is quoted.
if paran_count == 0 {
.map(|is_quoted| **is_quoted = input[q_end] == '$');
if inout_is_quoted
.map_or(false, |is_quoted| **is_quoted)
&& !input.is_empty()
pos = process_opening_quote(
&mut inout_is_quoted,
&mut quoted_cmdsubs,
&mut last_dollar,
while pos < input.len() {
let c = input[pos];
if !escaped {
if ['\'', '"'].contains(&c) {
match process_opening_quote(
&mut inout_is_quoted,
&mut quoted_cmdsubs,
&mut last_dollar,
) {
Some(q_end) => pos = q_end,
None => break,
} else if c == '\\' {
escaped = true;
} else if c == '#' && is_token_begin {
pos = comment_end(input.into(), pos) - 1;
} else if c == '$' {
last_dollar = Some(pos);
} else if c == '(' {
if paran_count == 0 && paran_begin.is_none() {
paran_begin = Some(pos);
.map(|has_dollar| **has_dollar = last_dollar == Some(pos.wrapping_sub(1)));
paran_count += 1;
} else if c == ')' {
paran_count -= 1;
if paran_count == 0 && paran_end.is_none() {
paran_end = Some(pos);
if paran_count < 0 {
syntax_error = true;
// Check if the ) did complete a quoted command substitution.
if quoted_cmdsubs.last() == Some(&paran_count) {
// Quoted command substitutions temporarily close double quotes.
// In "foo$(bar)baz$(qux)"
// We are here ^
// After the ) in a quoted command substitution, we need to act as if
// there was an invisible double quote.
match quote_end(input.into(), pos, '"') {
Some(q_end) => {
// Found a valid closing quote.
// Stop at $(qux), which is another quoted command substitution.
if input[q_end] == '$' {
pos = q_end;
None => break,
is_token_begin = is_token_delimiter(c, input.get(pos + 1).copied());
} else {
escaped = false;
is_token_begin = false;
pos += 1;
syntax_error |= paran_count < 0;
syntax_error |= paran_count > 0 && !allow_incomplete;
if syntax_error {
return -1;
let Some(paran_begin) = paran_begin else {
return 0;
*out_start = paran_begin;
*out_end = if paran_count != 0 {
} else {
/// Find the beginning and end of the process definition under the cursor
/// \param buff the string to search for subshells
/// \param cursor_pos the position of the cursor
/// \param a the start of the process
/// \param b the end of the process
/// \param tokens the tokens in the process
pub fn parse_util_process_extent(
buff: &wstr,
cursor_pos: usize,
out_tokens: Option<&mut Vec<Tok>>,
) -> ops::Range<usize> {
job_or_process_extent(true, buff, cursor_pos, out_tokens)
/// Find the beginning and end of the process definition under the cursor
/// \param buff the string to search for subshells
/// \param cursor_pos the position of the cursor
/// \param a the start of the process
/// \param b the end of the process
/// \param tokens the tokens in the process
pub fn parse_util_job_extent(
buff: &wstr,
cursor_pos: usize,
out_tokens: Option<&mut Vec<Tok>>,
) -> ops::Range<usize> {
job_or_process_extent(false, buff, cursor_pos, out_tokens)
/// Get the beginning and end of the job or process definition under the cursor.
fn job_or_process_extent(
process: bool,
buff: &wstr,
cursor_pos: usize,
mut out_tokens: Option<&mut Vec<Tok>>,
) -> ops::Range<usize> {
let mut finished = false;
let cmdsub_range = parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(buff, cursor_pos);
assert!(cursor_pos >= cmdsub_range.start);
let pos = cursor_pos - cmdsub_range.start;
let mut result = cmdsub_range.clone();
for token in Tokenizer::new(
) {
let tok_begin = token.offset();
if finished {
match token.type_ {
| TokenType::end
| TokenType::background
| TokenType::andand
| TokenType::oror
if (token.type_ != TokenType::pipe || process) =>
if tok_begin >= pos {
finished = true;
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
result.end = tok_begin;
} else {
// Statement at cursor might start after this token.
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
result.start = tok_begin + token.length();
out_tokens.as_mut().map(|tokens| tokens.clear());
continue; // Do not add this to tokens
_ => (),
out_tokens.as_mut().map(|tokens| tokens.push(token));
/// Find the beginning and end of the token under the cursor and the token before the current token.
/// Any combination of tok_begin, tok_end, prev_begin and prev_end may be null.
/// \param buff the string to search for subshells
/// \param cursor_pos the position of the cursor
/// \param tok_begin the start of the current token
/// \param tok_end the end of the current token
/// \param prev_begin the start o the token before the current token
/// \param prev_end the end of the token before the current token
pub fn parse_util_token_extent(
buff: &wstr,
cursor_pos: usize,
out_tok: &mut ops::Range<usize>,
mut out_prev: Option<&mut ops::Range<usize>>,
) {
let cmdsubst_range = parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(buff, cursor_pos);
let cmdsubst_begin = cmdsubst_range.start;
// pos is equivalent to cursor_pos within the range of the command substitution {begin, end}.
let offset_within_cmdsubst = cursor_pos - cmdsubst_range.start;
let mut a = cmdsubst_begin + offset_within_cmdsubst;
let mut b = a;
let mut pa = a;
let mut pb = pa;
assert!(cmdsubst_begin <= buff.len());
assert!(cmdsubst_range.end <= buff.len());
for token in Tokenizer::new(&buff[cmdsubst_range], TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED) {
let tok_begin = token.offset();
let mut tok_end = tok_begin;
// Calculate end of token.
if token.type_ == TokenType::string {
tok_end += token.length();
// Cursor was before beginning of this token, means that the cursor is between two tokens,
// so we set it to a zero element string and break.
if tok_begin > offset_within_cmdsubst {
a = cmdsubst_begin + offset_within_cmdsubst;
b = a;
// If cursor is inside the token, this is the token we are looking for. If so, set a and b
// and break.
if token.type_ == TokenType::string && tok_end >= offset_within_cmdsubst {
a = cmdsubst_begin + token.offset();
b = a + token.length();
// Remember previous string token.
if token.type_ == TokenType::string {
pa = cmdsubst_begin + token.offset();
pb = pa + token.length();
*out_tok = a..b;
out_prev.as_mut().map(|prev| **prev = pa..pb);
assert!(pa <= buff.len());
assert!(pb >= pa);
assert!(pb <= buff.len());
/// Get the line number at the specified character offset.
pub fn parse_util_lineno(s: &wstr, offset: usize) -> usize {
// Return the line number of position offset, starting with 1.
if s.is_empty() {
return 1;
let end = offset.min(s.len());
count_newlines(&s[..end]) + 1
/// Calculate the line number of the specified cursor position.
pub fn parse_util_get_line_from_offset(s: &wstr, pos: usize) -> isize {
// Return the line pos is on, or -1 if it's after the end.
if pos > s.len() {
return -1;
/// Get the offset of the first character on the specified line.
pub fn parse_util_get_offset_from_line(s: &wstr, line: i32) -> Option<usize> {
// Return the first position on line X, counting from 0.
if line < 0 {
return None;
if line == 0 {
return Some(0);
// let mut pos = -1 as usize;
let mut count = 0;
for (pos, _) in s.chars().enumerate().filter(|(_, c)| *c == '\n') {
count += 1;
if count == line {
return Some(pos + 1);
/// Return the total offset of the buffer for the cursor position nearest to the specified position.
pub fn parse_util_get_offset(s: &wstr, line: i32, line_offset: isize) -> Option<usize> {
let off = parse_util_get_offset_from_line(s, line)?;
let off2 = parse_util_get_offset_from_line(s, line + 1).unwrap_or(s.len() + 1);
let mut line_offset = line_offset as usize;
if line_offset >= off2 - off - 1 {
line_offset = off2 - off - 1;
Some(off + line_offset)
/// Return the given string, unescaping wildcard characters but not performing any other character
/// transformation.
pub fn parse_util_unescape_wildcards(s: &wstr) -> WString {
let mut result = WString::with_capacity(s.len());
let unesc_qmark = !feature_test(FeatureFlag::qmark_noglob);
let mut i = 0;
while i < s.len() {
let c = s.char_at(i);
if c == '*' {
} else if c == '?' && unesc_qmark {
} else if (c == '\\' && s.char_at(i + 1) == '*')
|| (unesc_qmark && c == '\\' && s.char_at(i + 1) == '?')
result.push(s.char_at(i + 1));
i += 1;
} else if c == '\\' && s.char_at(i + 1) == '\\' {
// Not a wildcard, but ensure the next iteration doesn't see this escaped backslash.
i += 1;
} else {
i += 1;
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
/// Return if the given string contains wildcard characters.
pub fn parse_util_contains_wildcards(s: &wstr) -> bool {
let unesc_qmark = !feature_test(FeatureFlag::qmark_noglob);
let mut i = 0;
while i < s.len() {
let c = s.as_char_slice()[i];
if c == '*' {
return true;
} else if unesc_qmark && c == '?' {
return true;
} else if c == '\\' {
if s.char_at(i + 1) == '*' {
i += 1;
} else if unesc_qmark && s.char_at(i + 1) == '?' {
i += 1;
} else if s.char_at(i + 1) == '\\' {
// Not a wildcard, but ensure the next iteration doesn't see this escaped backslash.
i += 1;
i += 1;
/// Escape any wildcard characters in the given string. e.g. convert
/// "a*b" to "a\*b".
pub fn parse_util_escape_wildcards(s: &wstr) -> WString {
let mut result = WString::with_capacity(s.len());
let unesc_qmark = !feature_test(FeatureFlag::qmark_noglob);
for c in s.chars() {
if c == '*' {
} else if unesc_qmark && c == '?' {
} else if c == '\\' {
} else {
/// Checks if the specified string is a help option.
pub fn parse_util_argument_is_help(s: &wstr) -> bool {
[L!("-h"), L!("--help")].contains(&s)
/// Returns true if the specified command is a builtin that may not be used in a pipeline.
fn parser_is_pipe_forbidden(word: &wstr) -> bool {
// \return a pointer to the first argument node of an argument_or_redirection_list_t, or nullptr if
// there are no arguments.
fn get_first_arg(list: &ast::ArgumentOrRedirectionList) -> Option<&ast::Argument> {
for v in list.iter() {
if v.is_argument() {
return Some(v.argument());
/// Given a wide character immediately after a dollar sign, return the appropriate error message.
/// For example, if wc is @, then the variable name was $@ and we suggest $argv.
fn error_for_character(c: char) -> WString {
match c {
'?' => wgettext!(ERROR_NOT_STATUS).to_owned(),
'#' => wgettext!(ERROR_NOT_ARGV_COUNT).to_owned(),
'@' => wgettext!(ERROR_NOT_ARGV_AT).to_owned(),
'*' => wgettext!(ERROR_NOT_ARGV_STAR).to_owned(),
_ if [
.contains(&c) =>
_ if [BRACE_END, '}', ',', BRACE_SEP].contains(&c) => {
_ => wgettext_fmt!(ERROR_BAD_VAR_CHAR1, c),
/// Calculates information on the parameter at the specified index.
/// \param cmd The command to be analyzed
/// \param pos An index in the string which is inside the parameter
/// \return the type of quote used by the parameter: either ' or " or \0.
pub fn parse_util_get_quote_type(cmd: &wstr, pos: usize) -> Option<char> {
let mut tok = Tokenizer::new(cmd, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED);
while let Some(token) = {
if token.type_ == TokenType::string && token.location_in_or_at_end_of_source_range(pos) {
return get_quote(tok.text_of(&token), pos - token.offset());
fn get_quote(cmd_str: &wstr, len: usize) -> Option<char> {
let cmd = cmd_str.as_char_slice();
let mut i = 0;
while i < cmd.len() {
if cmd[i] == '\\' {
i += 1;
if i == cmd_str.len() {
return None;
i += 1;
} else if cmd[i] == '\'' || cmd[i] == '"' {
match quote_end(cmd_str, i, cmd[i]) {
Some(end) => {
if end > len {
return Some(cmd[i]);
i = end + 1;
None => return Some(cmd[i]),
} else {
i += 1;
/// Attempts to escape the string 'cmd' using the given quote type, as determined by the quote
/// character. The quote can be a single quote or double quote, or L'\0' to indicate no quoting (and
/// thus escaping should be with backslashes). Optionally do not escape tildes.
pub fn parse_util_escape_string_with_quote(
cmd: &wstr,
quote: Option<char>,
no_tilde: bool,
) -> WString {
let Some(quote) = quote else {
let mut flags = EscapeFlags::NO_QUOTED;
if no_tilde {
flags |= EscapeFlags::NO_TILDE;
return escape_string(cmd, EscapeStringStyle::Script(flags));
// Here we are going to escape a string with quotes.
// A few characters cannot be represented inside quotes, e.g. newlines. In that case,
// terminate the quote and then re-enter it.
let mut result = WString::new();
for c in cmd.chars() {
match c {
'\n' => {
for c in [quote, '\\', 'n', quote] {
'\t' => {
for c in [quote, '\\', 't', quote] {
'\x08' => {
for c in [quote, '\\', 'b', quote] {
'\r' => {
for c in [quote, '\\', 'r', quote] {
'\\' => {
'$' => {
if quote == '"' {
_ => {
if c == quote {
Port AST to Rust The translation is fairly direct though it adds some duplication, for example there are multiple "match" statements that mimic function overloading. Rust has no overloading, and we cannot have generic methods in the Node trait (due to a Rust limitation, the error is like "cannot be made into an object") so we include the type name in method names. Give clients like "indent_visitor_t" a Rust companion ("IndentVisitor") that takes care of the AST traversal while the AST consumption remains in C++ for now. In future, "IndentVisitor" should absorb the entirety of "indent_visitor_t". This pattern requires that "fish_indent" be exposed includable header to the CXX bridge. Alternatively, we could define FFI wrappers for recursive AST traversal. Rust requires we separate the AST visitors for "mut" and "const" scenarios. Take this opportunity to concretize both visitors: The only client that requires mutable access is the populator. To match the structure of the C++ populator which makes heavy use of function overloading, we need to add a bunch of functions to the trait. Since there is no other mutable visit, this seems acceptable. The "const" visitors never use "will_visit_fields_of()" or "did_visit_fields_of()", so remove them (though this is debatable). Like in the C++ implementation, the AST nodes themselves are largely defined via macros. Union fields like "Statement" and "ArgumentOrRedirection" do currently not use macros but may in future. This commit also introduces a precedent for a type that is defined in one CXX bridge and used in another one - "ParseErrorList". To make this work we need to manually define "ExternType". There is one annoyance with CXX: functions that take explicit lifetime parameters require to be marked as unsafe. This makes little sense because functions that return `&Foo` with implicit lifetime can be misused the same way on the C++ side. One notable change is that we cannot directly port "find_block_open_keyword()" (which is used to compute an error) because it relies on the stack of visited nodes. We cannot modify a stack of node references while we do the "mut" walk. Happily, an idiomatic solution is easy: we can tell the AST visitor to backtrack to the parent node and create the error there. Since "node_t::accept_base" is no longer a template we don't need the "node_visitation_t" trampoline anymore. The added copying at the FFI boundary makes things slower (memcpy dominates the profile) but it's not unusable, which is good news: $ hyperfine ./fish.{old,new}" -c 'source ../share/completions/'" Benchmark 1: ./fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 195.5 ms ± 2.9 ms [User: 190.1 ms, System: 4.4 ms] Range (min … max): 193.2 ms … 205.1 ms 15 runs Benchmark 2: ./ -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 677.5 ms ± 62.0 ms [User: 665.4 ms, System: 10.0 ms] Range (min … max): 611.7 ms … 805.5 ms 10 runs Summary './fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/'' ran 3.47 ± 0.32 times faster than './ -c 'source ../share/completions/'' Leftovers: - Enum variants are still snakecase; I didn't get around to changing this yet. - "ast_type_to_string()" still returns a snakecase name. This could be changed since it's not user visible.
2023-04-02 16:42:59 +02:00
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
/// Given a string, parse it as fish code and then return the indents. The return value has the same
/// size as the string.
pub fn parse_util_compute_indents(src: &wstr) -> Vec<i32> {
// Make a vector the same size as the input string, which contains the indents. Initialize them
// to 0.
let mut indents = vec![0; src.len()];
Port AST to Rust The translation is fairly direct though it adds some duplication, for example there are multiple "match" statements that mimic function overloading. Rust has no overloading, and we cannot have generic methods in the Node trait (due to a Rust limitation, the error is like "cannot be made into an object") so we include the type name in method names. Give clients like "indent_visitor_t" a Rust companion ("IndentVisitor") that takes care of the AST traversal while the AST consumption remains in C++ for now. In future, "IndentVisitor" should absorb the entirety of "indent_visitor_t". This pattern requires that "fish_indent" be exposed includable header to the CXX bridge. Alternatively, we could define FFI wrappers for recursive AST traversal. Rust requires we separate the AST visitors for "mut" and "const" scenarios. Take this opportunity to concretize both visitors: The only client that requires mutable access is the populator. To match the structure of the C++ populator which makes heavy use of function overloading, we need to add a bunch of functions to the trait. Since there is no other mutable visit, this seems acceptable. The "const" visitors never use "will_visit_fields_of()" or "did_visit_fields_of()", so remove them (though this is debatable). Like in the C++ implementation, the AST nodes themselves are largely defined via macros. Union fields like "Statement" and "ArgumentOrRedirection" do currently not use macros but may in future. This commit also introduces a precedent for a type that is defined in one CXX bridge and used in another one - "ParseErrorList". To make this work we need to manually define "ExternType". There is one annoyance with CXX: functions that take explicit lifetime parameters require to be marked as unsafe. This makes little sense because functions that return `&Foo` with implicit lifetime can be misused the same way on the C++ side. One notable change is that we cannot directly port "find_block_open_keyword()" (which is used to compute an error) because it relies on the stack of visited nodes. We cannot modify a stack of node references while we do the "mut" walk. Happily, an idiomatic solution is easy: we can tell the AST visitor to backtrack to the parent node and create the error there. Since "node_t::accept_base" is no longer a template we don't need the "node_visitation_t" trampoline anymore. The added copying at the FFI boundary makes things slower (memcpy dominates the profile) but it's not unusable, which is good news: $ hyperfine ./fish.{old,new}" -c 'source ../share/completions/'" Benchmark 1: ./fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 195.5 ms ± 2.9 ms [User: 190.1 ms, System: 4.4 ms] Range (min … max): 193.2 ms … 205.1 ms 15 runs Benchmark 2: ./ -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 677.5 ms ± 62.0 ms [User: 665.4 ms, System: 10.0 ms] Range (min … max): 611.7 ms … 805.5 ms 10 runs Summary './fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/'' ran 3.47 ± 0.32 times faster than './ -c 'source ../share/completions/'' Leftovers: - Enum variants are still snakecase; I didn't get around to changing this yet. - "ast_type_to_string()" still returns a snakecase name. This could be changed since it's not user visible.
2023-04-02 16:42:59 +02:00
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
// Simple trick: if our source does not contain a newline, then all indents are 0.
if !src.chars().any(|c| c == '\n') {
return indents;
Port AST to Rust The translation is fairly direct though it adds some duplication, for example there are multiple "match" statements that mimic function overloading. Rust has no overloading, and we cannot have generic methods in the Node trait (due to a Rust limitation, the error is like "cannot be made into an object") so we include the type name in method names. Give clients like "indent_visitor_t" a Rust companion ("IndentVisitor") that takes care of the AST traversal while the AST consumption remains in C++ for now. In future, "IndentVisitor" should absorb the entirety of "indent_visitor_t". This pattern requires that "fish_indent" be exposed includable header to the CXX bridge. Alternatively, we could define FFI wrappers for recursive AST traversal. Rust requires we separate the AST visitors for "mut" and "const" scenarios. Take this opportunity to concretize both visitors: The only client that requires mutable access is the populator. To match the structure of the C++ populator which makes heavy use of function overloading, we need to add a bunch of functions to the trait. Since there is no other mutable visit, this seems acceptable. The "const" visitors never use "will_visit_fields_of()" or "did_visit_fields_of()", so remove them (though this is debatable). Like in the C++ implementation, the AST nodes themselves are largely defined via macros. Union fields like "Statement" and "ArgumentOrRedirection" do currently not use macros but may in future. This commit also introduces a precedent for a type that is defined in one CXX bridge and used in another one - "ParseErrorList". To make this work we need to manually define "ExternType". There is one annoyance with CXX: functions that take explicit lifetime parameters require to be marked as unsafe. This makes little sense because functions that return `&Foo` with implicit lifetime can be misused the same way on the C++ side. One notable change is that we cannot directly port "find_block_open_keyword()" (which is used to compute an error) because it relies on the stack of visited nodes. We cannot modify a stack of node references while we do the "mut" walk. Happily, an idiomatic solution is easy: we can tell the AST visitor to backtrack to the parent node and create the error there. Since "node_t::accept_base" is no longer a template we don't need the "node_visitation_t" trampoline anymore. The added copying at the FFI boundary makes things slower (memcpy dominates the profile) but it's not unusable, which is good news: $ hyperfine ./fish.{old,new}" -c 'source ../share/completions/'" Benchmark 1: ./fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 195.5 ms ± 2.9 ms [User: 190.1 ms, System: 4.4 ms] Range (min … max): 193.2 ms … 205.1 ms 15 runs Benchmark 2: ./ -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 677.5 ms ± 62.0 ms [User: 665.4 ms, System: 10.0 ms] Range (min … max): 611.7 ms … 805.5 ms 10 runs Summary './fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/'' ran 3.47 ± 0.32 times faster than './ -c 'source ../share/completions/'' Leftovers: - Enum variants are still snakecase; I didn't get around to changing this yet. - "ast_type_to_string()" still returns a snakecase name. This could be changed since it's not user visible.
2023-04-02 16:42:59 +02:00
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
// Parse the string. We pass continue_after_error to produce a forest; the trailing indent of
// the last node we visited becomes the input indent of the next. I.e. in the case of 'switch
// foo ; cas', we get an invalid parse tree (since 'cas' is not valid) but we indent it as if it
// were a case item list.
let ast = Ast::parse(
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
let mut iv = IndentVisitor::new(src, &mut indents);
// All newlines now get the *next* indent.
// For example, in this code:
// if true
// stuff
// the newline "belongs" to the if statement as it ends its job.
// But when rendered, it visually belongs to the job list.
let mut idx = src.len();
let mut next_indent = iv.last_indent;
let src = src.as_char_slice();
while idx != 0 {
idx -= 1;
if src[idx] == '\n' {
let empty_middle_line = src.get(idx + 1) == Some(&'\n');
if !empty_middle_line {
iv.indents[idx] = next_indent;
} else {
next_indent = iv.indents[idx];
// Add an extra level of indentation to continuation lines.
for mut idx in iv.line_continuations {
loop {
indents[idx] = indents[idx].wrapping_add(1);
idx += 1;
if idx == src.len() || src[idx] == '\n' {
Port AST to Rust The translation is fairly direct though it adds some duplication, for example there are multiple "match" statements that mimic function overloading. Rust has no overloading, and we cannot have generic methods in the Node trait (due to a Rust limitation, the error is like "cannot be made into an object") so we include the type name in method names. Give clients like "indent_visitor_t" a Rust companion ("IndentVisitor") that takes care of the AST traversal while the AST consumption remains in C++ for now. In future, "IndentVisitor" should absorb the entirety of "indent_visitor_t". This pattern requires that "fish_indent" be exposed includable header to the CXX bridge. Alternatively, we could define FFI wrappers for recursive AST traversal. Rust requires we separate the AST visitors for "mut" and "const" scenarios. Take this opportunity to concretize both visitors: The only client that requires mutable access is the populator. To match the structure of the C++ populator which makes heavy use of function overloading, we need to add a bunch of functions to the trait. Since there is no other mutable visit, this seems acceptable. The "const" visitors never use "will_visit_fields_of()" or "did_visit_fields_of()", so remove them (though this is debatable). Like in the C++ implementation, the AST nodes themselves are largely defined via macros. Union fields like "Statement" and "ArgumentOrRedirection" do currently not use macros but may in future. This commit also introduces a precedent for a type that is defined in one CXX bridge and used in another one - "ParseErrorList". To make this work we need to manually define "ExternType". There is one annoyance with CXX: functions that take explicit lifetime parameters require to be marked as unsafe. This makes little sense because functions that return `&Foo` with implicit lifetime can be misused the same way on the C++ side. One notable change is that we cannot directly port "find_block_open_keyword()" (which is used to compute an error) because it relies on the stack of visited nodes. We cannot modify a stack of node references while we do the "mut" walk. Happily, an idiomatic solution is easy: we can tell the AST visitor to backtrack to the parent node and create the error there. Since "node_t::accept_base" is no longer a template we don't need the "node_visitation_t" trampoline anymore. The added copying at the FFI boundary makes things slower (memcpy dominates the profile) but it's not unusable, which is good news: $ hyperfine ./fish.{old,new}" -c 'source ../share/completions/'" Benchmark 1: ./fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 195.5 ms ± 2.9 ms [User: 190.1 ms, System: 4.4 ms] Range (min … max): 193.2 ms … 205.1 ms 15 runs Benchmark 2: ./ -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 677.5 ms ± 62.0 ms [User: 665.4 ms, System: 10.0 ms] Range (min … max): 611.7 ms … 805.5 ms 10 runs Summary './fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/'' ran 3.47 ± 0.32 times faster than './ -c 'source ../share/completions/'' Leftovers: - Enum variants are still snakecase; I didn't get around to changing this yet. - "ast_type_to_string()" still returns a snakecase name. This could be changed since it's not user visible.
2023-04-02 16:42:59 +02:00
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
Port AST to Rust The translation is fairly direct though it adds some duplication, for example there are multiple "match" statements that mimic function overloading. Rust has no overloading, and we cannot have generic methods in the Node trait (due to a Rust limitation, the error is like "cannot be made into an object") so we include the type name in method names. Give clients like "indent_visitor_t" a Rust companion ("IndentVisitor") that takes care of the AST traversal while the AST consumption remains in C++ for now. In future, "IndentVisitor" should absorb the entirety of "indent_visitor_t". This pattern requires that "fish_indent" be exposed includable header to the CXX bridge. Alternatively, we could define FFI wrappers for recursive AST traversal. Rust requires we separate the AST visitors for "mut" and "const" scenarios. Take this opportunity to concretize both visitors: The only client that requires mutable access is the populator. To match the structure of the C++ populator which makes heavy use of function overloading, we need to add a bunch of functions to the trait. Since there is no other mutable visit, this seems acceptable. The "const" visitors never use "will_visit_fields_of()" or "did_visit_fields_of()", so remove them (though this is debatable). Like in the C++ implementation, the AST nodes themselves are largely defined via macros. Union fields like "Statement" and "ArgumentOrRedirection" do currently not use macros but may in future. This commit also introduces a precedent for a type that is defined in one CXX bridge and used in another one - "ParseErrorList". To make this work we need to manually define "ExternType". There is one annoyance with CXX: functions that take explicit lifetime parameters require to be marked as unsafe. This makes little sense because functions that return `&Foo` with implicit lifetime can be misused the same way on the C++ side. One notable change is that we cannot directly port "find_block_open_keyword()" (which is used to compute an error) because it relies on the stack of visited nodes. We cannot modify a stack of node references while we do the "mut" walk. Happily, an idiomatic solution is easy: we can tell the AST visitor to backtrack to the parent node and create the error there. Since "node_t::accept_base" is no longer a template we don't need the "node_visitation_t" trampoline anymore. The added copying at the FFI boundary makes things slower (memcpy dominates the profile) but it's not unusable, which is good news: $ hyperfine ./fish.{old,new}" -c 'source ../share/completions/'" Benchmark 1: ./fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 195.5 ms ± 2.9 ms [User: 190.1 ms, System: 4.4 ms] Range (min … max): 193.2 ms … 205.1 ms 15 runs Benchmark 2: ./ -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 677.5 ms ± 62.0 ms [User: 665.4 ms, System: 10.0 ms] Range (min … max): 611.7 ms … 805.5 ms 10 runs Summary './fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/'' ran 3.47 ± 0.32 times faster than './ -c 'source ../share/completions/'' Leftovers: - Enum variants are still snakecase; I didn't get around to changing this yet. - "ast_type_to_string()" still returns a snakecase name. This could be changed since it's not user visible.
2023-04-02 16:42:59 +02:00
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
// Visit all of our nodes. When we get a job_list or case_item_list, increment indent while
// visiting its children.
struct IndentVisitor<'a> {
// companion: Pin<&'a mut indent_visitor_t>,
// The one-past-the-last index of the most recently encountered leaf node.
// We use this to populate the indents even if there's no tokens in the range.
last_leaf_end: usize,
// The last indent which we assigned.
last_indent: i32,
// The source we are indenting.
src: &'a wstr,
// List of indents, which we populate.
indents: &'a mut Vec<i32>,
// Initialize our starting indent to -1, as our top-level node is a job list which
// will immediately increment it.
indent: i32,
// List of locations of escaped newline characters.
line_continuations: Vec<usize>,
Port AST to Rust The translation is fairly direct though it adds some duplication, for example there are multiple "match" statements that mimic function overloading. Rust has no overloading, and we cannot have generic methods in the Node trait (due to a Rust limitation, the error is like "cannot be made into an object") so we include the type name in method names. Give clients like "indent_visitor_t" a Rust companion ("IndentVisitor") that takes care of the AST traversal while the AST consumption remains in C++ for now. In future, "IndentVisitor" should absorb the entirety of "indent_visitor_t". This pattern requires that "fish_indent" be exposed includable header to the CXX bridge. Alternatively, we could define FFI wrappers for recursive AST traversal. Rust requires we separate the AST visitors for "mut" and "const" scenarios. Take this opportunity to concretize both visitors: The only client that requires mutable access is the populator. To match the structure of the C++ populator which makes heavy use of function overloading, we need to add a bunch of functions to the trait. Since there is no other mutable visit, this seems acceptable. The "const" visitors never use "will_visit_fields_of()" or "did_visit_fields_of()", so remove them (though this is debatable). Like in the C++ implementation, the AST nodes themselves are largely defined via macros. Union fields like "Statement" and "ArgumentOrRedirection" do currently not use macros but may in future. This commit also introduces a precedent for a type that is defined in one CXX bridge and used in another one - "ParseErrorList". To make this work we need to manually define "ExternType". There is one annoyance with CXX: functions that take explicit lifetime parameters require to be marked as unsafe. This makes little sense because functions that return `&Foo` with implicit lifetime can be misused the same way on the C++ side. One notable change is that we cannot directly port "find_block_open_keyword()" (which is used to compute an error) because it relies on the stack of visited nodes. We cannot modify a stack of node references while we do the "mut" walk. Happily, an idiomatic solution is easy: we can tell the AST visitor to backtrack to the parent node and create the error there. Since "node_t::accept_base" is no longer a template we don't need the "node_visitation_t" trampoline anymore. The added copying at the FFI boundary makes things slower (memcpy dominates the profile) but it's not unusable, which is good news: $ hyperfine ./fish.{old,new}" -c 'source ../share/completions/'" Benchmark 1: ./fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 195.5 ms ± 2.9 ms [User: 190.1 ms, System: 4.4 ms] Range (min … max): 193.2 ms … 205.1 ms 15 runs Benchmark 2: ./ -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 677.5 ms ± 62.0 ms [User: 665.4 ms, System: 10.0 ms] Range (min … max): 611.7 ms … 805.5 ms 10 runs Summary './fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/'' ran 3.47 ± 0.32 times faster than './ -c 'source ../share/completions/'' Leftovers: - Enum variants are still snakecase; I didn't get around to changing this yet. - "ast_type_to_string()" still returns a snakecase name. This could be changed since it's not user visible.
2023-04-02 16:42:59 +02:00
impl<'a> IndentVisitor<'a> {
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
fn new(src: &'a wstr, indents: &'a mut Vec<i32>) -> Self {
Self {
last_leaf_end: 0,
last_indent: -1,
indent: -1,
line_continuations: vec![],
/// \return whether a maybe_newlines node contains at least one newline.
fn has_newline(&self, nls: &ast::MaybeNewlines) -> bool {
nls.source(self.src).chars().any(|c| c == '\n')
fn record_line_continuations_until(&mut self, offset: usize) {
let gap_text = &self.src[self.last_leaf_end..offset];
let gap_text = gap_text.as_char_slice();
let Some(escaped_nl) =|w| *w == ['\\', '\n']) else {
if gap_text[..escaped_nl].contains(&'#') {
let mut newline = escaped_nl + 1;
// The gap text might contain multiple newlines if there are multiple lines that
// don't contain an AST node, for example, comment lines, or lines containing only
// the escaped newline.
loop {
self.line_continuations.push(self.last_leaf_end + newline);
match gap_text[newline + 1..].iter().position(|c| *c == '\n') {
Some(nextnl) => newline = newline + 1 + nextnl,
None => break,
impl<'a> NodeVisitor<'a> for IndentVisitor<'a> {
// Default implementation is to just visit children.
fn visit(&mut self, node: &'a dyn Node) {
let mut inc = 0;
let mut dec = 0;
use ast::{Category, Type};
match node.typ() {
Type::job_list | Type::andor_job_list => {
// Job lists are never unwound.
inc = 1;
dec = 1;
// Increment indents for conditions in headers (#1665).
Type::job_conjunction => {
if [Type::while_header, Type::if_clause].contains(&node.parent().unwrap().typ()) {
inc = 1;
dec = 1;
// Increment indents for job_continuation_t if it contains a newline.
// This is a bit of a hack - it indents cases like:
// cmd1 |
// ....cmd2
// but avoids "double indenting" if there's no newline:
// cmd1 | while cmd2
// ....cmd3
// end
// See #7252.
Type::job_continuation => {
if self.has_newline(&node.as_job_continuation().unwrap().newlines) {
inc = 1;
dec = 1;
// Likewise for && and ||.
Type::job_conjunction_continuation => {
if self.has_newline(&node.as_job_conjunction_continuation().unwrap().newlines) {
inc = 1;
dec = 1;
Type::case_item_list => {
// Here's a hack. Consider:
// switch abc
// cas
// fish will see that 'cas' is not valid inside a switch statement because it is
// not "case". It will then unwind back to the top level job list, producing a
// parse tree like:
// job_list
// switch_job
// <err>
// normal_job
// cas
// And so we will think that the 'cas' job is at the same level as the switch.
// To address this, if we see that the switch statement was not closed, do not
// decrement the indent afterwards.
inc = 1;
let switchs = node.parent().unwrap().as_switch_statement().unwrap();
dec = if switchs.end.has_source() { 1 } else { 0 };
Type::token_base => {
if node.parent().unwrap().typ() == Type::begin_header
&& node.as_token().unwrap().token_type() == ParseTokenType::end
// The newline after "begin" is optional, so it is part of the header.
// The header is not in the indented block, so indent the newline here.
if node.source(self.src) == "\n" {
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
inc = 1;
dec = 1;
_ => (),
let range = node.source_range();
if range.length() > 0 && node.category() == Category::leaf {
self.indent += inc;
// If we increased the indentation, apply it to the remainder of the string, even if the
// list is empty. For example (where _ represents the cursor):
// if foo
// _
// we want to indent the newline.
if inc != 0 {
self.last_indent = self.indent;
// If this is a leaf node, apply the current indentation.
if node.category() == Category::leaf && range.length() != 0 {
self.last_leaf_end = range.end();
self.last_indent = self.indent;
node.accept(self, false);
self.indent -= dec;
Port AST to Rust The translation is fairly direct though it adds some duplication, for example there are multiple "match" statements that mimic function overloading. Rust has no overloading, and we cannot have generic methods in the Node trait (due to a Rust limitation, the error is like "cannot be made into an object") so we include the type name in method names. Give clients like "indent_visitor_t" a Rust companion ("IndentVisitor") that takes care of the AST traversal while the AST consumption remains in C++ for now. In future, "IndentVisitor" should absorb the entirety of "indent_visitor_t". This pattern requires that "fish_indent" be exposed includable header to the CXX bridge. Alternatively, we could define FFI wrappers for recursive AST traversal. Rust requires we separate the AST visitors for "mut" and "const" scenarios. Take this opportunity to concretize both visitors: The only client that requires mutable access is the populator. To match the structure of the C++ populator which makes heavy use of function overloading, we need to add a bunch of functions to the trait. Since there is no other mutable visit, this seems acceptable. The "const" visitors never use "will_visit_fields_of()" or "did_visit_fields_of()", so remove them (though this is debatable). Like in the C++ implementation, the AST nodes themselves are largely defined via macros. Union fields like "Statement" and "ArgumentOrRedirection" do currently not use macros but may in future. This commit also introduces a precedent for a type that is defined in one CXX bridge and used in another one - "ParseErrorList". To make this work we need to manually define "ExternType". There is one annoyance with CXX: functions that take explicit lifetime parameters require to be marked as unsafe. This makes little sense because functions that return `&Foo` with implicit lifetime can be misused the same way on the C++ side. One notable change is that we cannot directly port "find_block_open_keyword()" (which is used to compute an error) because it relies on the stack of visited nodes. We cannot modify a stack of node references while we do the "mut" walk. Happily, an idiomatic solution is easy: we can tell the AST visitor to backtrack to the parent node and create the error there. Since "node_t::accept_base" is no longer a template we don't need the "node_visitation_t" trampoline anymore. The added copying at the FFI boundary makes things slower (memcpy dominates the profile) but it's not unusable, which is good news: $ hyperfine ./fish.{old,new}" -c 'source ../share/completions/'" Benchmark 1: ./fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 195.5 ms ± 2.9 ms [User: 190.1 ms, System: 4.4 ms] Range (min … max): 193.2 ms … 205.1 ms 15 runs Benchmark 2: ./ -c 'source ../share/completions/' Time (mean ± σ): 677.5 ms ± 62.0 ms [User: 665.4 ms, System: 10.0 ms] Range (min … max): 611.7 ms … 805.5 ms 10 runs Summary './fish.old -c 'source ../share/completions/'' ran 3.47 ± 0.32 times faster than './ -c 'source ../share/completions/'' Leftovers: - Enum variants are still snakecase; I didn't get around to changing this yet. - "ast_type_to_string()" still returns a snakecase name. This could be changed since it's not user visible.
2023-04-02 16:42:59 +02:00
/// Given a string, detect parse errors in it. If allow_incomplete is set, then if the string is
/// incomplete (e.g. an unclosed quote), an error is not returned and the ParserTestErrorBits::INCOMPLETE bit
/// is set in the return value. If allow_incomplete is not set, then incomplete strings result in an
/// error.
pub fn parse_util_detect_errors(
buff_src: &wstr,
mut out_errors: Option<&mut ParseErrorList>,
allow_incomplete: bool, /*=false*/
) -> Result<(), ParserTestErrorBits> {
// Whether there's an unclosed quote or subshell, and therefore unfinished. This is only set if
// allow_incomplete is set.
let mut has_unclosed_quote_or_subshell = false;
let parse_flags = if allow_incomplete {
} else {
// Parse the input string into an ast. Some errors are detected here.
let mut parse_errors = ParseErrorList::new();
let ast = Ast::parse(buff_src, parse_flags, Some(&mut parse_errors));
if allow_incomplete {
// Issue #1238: If the only error was unterminated quote, then consider this to have parsed
// successfully.
parse_errors.retain(|parse_error| {
if [
// Remove this error, since we don't consider it a real error.
has_unclosed_quote_or_subshell = true;
} else {
// has_unclosed_quote_or_subshell may only be set if allow_incomplete is true.
assert!(!has_unclosed_quote_or_subshell || allow_incomplete);
if has_unclosed_quote_or_subshell {
// We do not bother to validate the rest of the tree in this case.
return Err(ParserTestErrorBits::INCOMPLETE);
// Early parse error, stop here.
if !parse_errors.is_empty() {
if let Some(errors) = out_errors.as_mut() {
return Err(ParserTestErrorBits::ERROR);
// Defer to the tree-walking version.
parse_util_detect_errors_in_ast(&ast, buff_src, out_errors)
/// Like parse_util_detect_errors but accepts an already-parsed ast.
/// The top of the ast is assumed to be a job list.
pub fn parse_util_detect_errors_in_ast(
ast: &Ast,
buff_src: &wstr,
mut out_errors: Option<&mut ParseErrorList>,
) -> Result<(), ParserTestErrorBits> {
let mut res = ParserTestErrorBits::default();
// Whether we encountered a parse error.
let mut errored = false;
// Whether we encountered an unclosed block. We detect this via an 'end_command' block without
// source.
let mut has_unclosed_block = false;
// Whether we encounter a missing statement, i.e. a newline after a pipe. This is found by
// detecting job_continuations that have source for pipes but not the statement.
let mut has_unclosed_pipe = false;
// Whether we encounter a missing job, i.e. a newline after && or ||. This is found by
// detecting job_conjunction_continuations that have source for && or || but not the job.
let mut has_unclosed_conjunction = false;
// Expand all commands.
// Verify 'or' and 'and' not used inside pipelines.
// Verify return only within a function.
// Verify no variable expansions.
for node in ast::Traversal::new( {
if let Some(jc) = node.as_job_continuation() {
// Somewhat clumsy way of checking for a statement without source in a pipeline.
// See if our pipe has source but our statement does not.
if jc.pipe.has_source() && jc.statement.try_source_range().is_none() {
has_unclosed_pipe = true;
} else if let Some(job_conjunction) = node.as_job_conjunction() {
errored |= detect_errors_in_job_conjunction(job_conjunction, &mut out_errors);
} else if let Some(jcc) = node.as_job_conjunction_continuation() {
// Somewhat clumsy way of checking for a job without source in a conjunction.
// See if our conjunction operator (&& or ||) has source but our job does not.
if jcc.conjunction.has_source() && jcc.job.try_source_range().is_none() {
has_unclosed_conjunction = true;
} else if let Some(arg) = node.as_argument() {
let arg_src = arg.source(buff_src);
res |= parse_util_detect_errors_in_argument(arg, arg_src, &mut out_errors)
} else if let Some(job) = node.as_job_pipeline() {
// Disallow background in the following cases:
// foo & ; and bar
// foo & ; or bar
// if foo & ; end
// while foo & ; end
// If it's not a background job, nothing to do.
if {
errored |= detect_errors_in_backgrounded_job(job, &mut out_errors);
} else if let Some(stmt) = node.as_decorated_statement() {
errored |= detect_errors_in_decorated_statement(buff_src, stmt, &mut out_errors);
} else if let Some(block) = node.as_block_statement() {
// If our 'end' had no source, we are unsourced.
if !block.end.has_source() {
has_unclosed_block = true;
errored |=
detect_errors_in_block_redirection_list(&block.args_or_redirs, &mut out_errors);
} else if let Some(ifs) = node.as_if_statement() {
// If our 'end' had no source, we are unsourced.
if !ifs.end.has_source() {
has_unclosed_block = true;
errored |=
detect_errors_in_block_redirection_list(&ifs.args_or_redirs, &mut out_errors);
} else if let Some(switchs) = node.as_switch_statement() {
// If our 'end' had no source, we are unsourced.
if !switchs.end.has_source() {
has_unclosed_block = true;
errored |=
detect_errors_in_block_redirection_list(&switchs.args_or_redirs, &mut out_errors);
if errored {
res |= ParserTestErrorBits::ERROR;
if has_unclosed_block || has_unclosed_pipe || has_unclosed_conjunction {
res |= ParserTestErrorBits::INCOMPLETE;
if res == ParserTestErrorBits::default() {
} else {
/// Detect errors in the specified string when parsed as an argument list. Returns the text of an
/// error, or none if no error occurred.
pub fn parse_util_detect_errors_in_argument_list(
arg_list_src: &wstr,
prefix: &wstr,
) -> Result<(), WString> {
// Helper to return a description of the first error.
let get_error_text = |errors: &ParseErrorList| {
assert!(!errors.is_empty(), "Expected an error");
false, /* not interactive */
false, /* don't skip caret */
// Parse the string as a freestanding argument list.
let mut errors = ParseErrorList::new();
let ast = Ast::parse_argument_list(arg_list_src, ParseTreeFlags::empty(), Some(&mut errors));
if !errors.is_empty() {
return get_error_text(&errors);
// Get the root argument list and extract arguments from it.
// Test each of these.
let args = &;
for arg in args.iter() {
let arg_src = arg.source(arg_list_src);
if parse_util_detect_errors_in_argument(arg, arg_src, &mut Some(&mut errors)).is_err() {
return get_error_text(&errors);
/// Append a syntax error to the given error list.
macro_rules! append_syntax_error {
$errors:expr, $source_location:expr,
$source_length:expr, $fmt:expr
$(, $arg:expr)* $(,)?
) => {
$errors, $source_location, $source_length,
wgettext_maybe_fmt!($fmt $(, $arg)*))
macro_rules! append_syntax_error_formatted {
$errors:expr, $source_location:expr,
$source_length:expr, $text:expr
) => {{
if let Some(ref mut errors) = $errors {
let mut error = ParseError::default();
error.source_start = $source_location;
error.source_length = $source_length;
error.code = ParseErrorCode::syntax;
error.text = $text;
/// Test if this argument contains any errors. Detected errors include syntax errors in command
/// substitutions, improperly escaped characters and improper use of the variable expansion
/// operator.
pub fn parse_util_detect_errors_in_argument(
arg: &ast::Argument,
arg_src: &wstr,
out_errors: &mut Option<&mut ParseErrorList>,
) -> Result<(), ParserTestErrorBits> {
let Some(source_range) = arg.try_source_range() else {
return Ok(());
let source_start = source_range.start();
let mut err = ParserTestErrorBits::default();
let check_subtoken =
|begin: usize, end: usize, out_errors: &mut Option<&mut ParseErrorList>| {
let Some(unesc) = unescape_string(
) else {
if out_errors.is_some() {
let src = arg_src.as_char_slice();
if src.len() == 2
&& src[0] == '\\'
&& (src[1] == 'c'
|| src[1].to_lowercase().eq(['u'])
|| src[1].to_lowercase().eq(['x']))
source_start + begin,
end - begin,
"Incomplete escape sequence '%ls'",
return ParserTestErrorBits::ERROR;
source_start + begin,
end - begin,
"Invalid token '%ls'",
return ParserTestErrorBits::ERROR;
let mut err = ParserTestErrorBits::default();
// Check for invalid variable expansions.
let unesc = unesc.as_char_slice();
for (idx, c) in unesc.iter().enumerate() {
let next_char = unesc.get(idx + 1).copied().unwrap_or('\0');
if ![VARIABLE_EXPAND, VARIABLE_EXPAND_SINGLE, '('].contains(&next_char)
&& !valid_var_name_char(next_char)
err = ParserTestErrorBits::ERROR;
if let Some(ref mut out_errors) = out_errors {
let mut first_dollar = idx;
while first_dollar > 0
.contains(&unesc[first_dollar - 1])
first_dollar -= 1;
let mut cursor = 0;
let mut checked = 0;
let mut subst = L!("");
let mut do_loop = true;
let mut is_quoted = false;
while do_loop {
let mut paren_begin = 0;
let mut paren_end = 0;
let mut has_dollar = false;
match parse_util_locate_cmdsubst_range(
&mut cursor,
Some(&mut subst),
&mut paren_begin,
&mut paren_end,
Some(&mut is_quoted),
Some(&mut has_dollar),
) {
-1 => {
err |= ParserTestErrorBits::ERROR;
append_syntax_error!(out_errors, source_start, 1, "Mismatched parenthesis");
return Err(err);
0 => {
do_loop = false;
1 => {
err |= check_subtoken(
paren_begin - if has_dollar { 1 } else { 0 },
assert!(paren_begin < paren_end, "Parens out of order?");
let mut subst_errors = ParseErrorList::new();
if let Err(subst_err) =
parse_util_detect_errors(subst, Some(&mut subst_errors), false)
err |= subst_err;
// Our command substitution produced error offsets relative to its source. Tweak the
// offsets of the errors in the command substitution to account for both its offset
// within the string, and the offset of the node.
let error_offset = paren_begin + 1 + source_start;
parse_error_offset_source_start(&mut subst_errors, error_offset);
if let Some(ref mut out_errors) = out_errors {
checked = paren_end + 1;
_ => panic!("unexpected parse_util_locate_cmdsubst() return value"),
err |= check_subtoken(checked, arg_src.len(), out_errors);
if err.is_empty() {
} else {
fn detect_errors_in_job_conjunction(
job_conjunction: &ast::JobConjunction,
parse_errors: &mut Option<&mut ParseErrorList>,
) -> bool {
// Disallow background immediately before conjunction continuations. For example:
// foo & && bar
// foo & || baz
let continuations = &job_conjunction.continuations;
let jobs = iter::once(&job_conjunction.job)
.chain(continuations.iter().map(|continuation| &continuation.job));
for (job, continuation) in {
if {
let conjunction = &continuation.conjunction;
return append_syntax_error!(
if conjunction.token_type() == ParseTokenType::andand {
} else {
/// Given that the job given by node should be backgrounded, return true if we detect any errors.
fn detect_errors_in_backgrounded_job(
job: &ast::JobPipeline,
parse_errors: &mut Option<&mut ParseErrorList>,
) -> bool {
let Some(source_range) = job.try_source_range() else {
return false;
let mut errored = false;
// Disallow background in the following cases:
// foo & ; and bar
// foo & ; or bar
// if foo & ; end
// while foo & ; end
let Some(job_conj) = job.parent().unwrap().as_job_conjunction() else {
return false;
if job_conj.parent().unwrap().as_if_clause().is_some()
|| job_conj.parent().unwrap().as_while_header().is_some()
errored = append_syntax_error!(
} else if let Some(jlist) = job_conj.parent().unwrap().as_job_list() {
// This isn't very complete, e.g. we don't catch 'foo & ; not and bar'.
// Find the index of ourselves in the job list.
let index = jlist
.position(|job| job.pointer_eq(job_conj))
.expect("Should have found the job in the list");
// Try getting the next job and check its decorator.
if let Some(next) = jlist.get(index + 1) {
if let Some(deco) = &next.decorator {
[ParseKeyword::kw_and, ParseKeyword::kw_or].contains(&deco.keyword()),
"Unexpected decorator keyword"
let deco_name = if deco.keyword() == ParseKeyword::kw_and {
} else {
errored = append_syntax_error!(
/// Given a source buffer \p buff_src and decorated statement \p dst within it, return true if there
/// is an error and false if not. \p storage may be used to reduce allocations.
fn detect_errors_in_decorated_statement(
buff_src: &wstr,
dst: &ast::DecoratedStatement,
parse_errors: &mut Option<&mut ParseErrorList>,
) -> bool {
let mut errored = false;
let source_start = dst.source_range().start();
let source_length = dst.source_range().length();
let decoration = dst.decoration();
// Determine if the first argument is help.
let mut first_arg_is_help = false;
if let Some(arg) = get_first_arg(&dst.args_or_redirs) {
let arg_src = arg.source(buff_src);
first_arg_is_help = parse_util_argument_is_help(arg_src);
// Get the statement we are part of.
let st = dst.parent().unwrap().as_statement().unwrap();
// Walk up to the job.
let mut job = None;
let mut cursor = dst.parent();
while job.is_none() {
let c = cursor.expect("Reached root without finding a job");
job = c.as_job_pipeline();
cursor = c.parent();
let job = job.expect("Should have found the job");
// Check our pipeline position.
let pipe_pos = if job.continuation.is_empty() {
} else if job.statement.pointer_eq(st) {
} else {
// Check that we don't try to pipe through exec.
let is_in_pipeline = pipe_pos != PipelinePosition::none;
if is_in_pipeline && decoration == StatementDecoration::exec {
errored = append_syntax_error!(
// This is a somewhat stale check that 'and' and 'or' are not in pipelines, except at the
// beginning. We can't disallow them as commands entirely because we need to support 'and
// --help', etc.
if pipe_pos == PipelinePosition::subsequent {
// We only reject it if we have no decoration.
// `echo foo | command time something`
// is entirely fair and valid.
// Other current decorations like "exec"
// are already forbidden.
if dst.decoration() == StatementDecoration::none {
// check if our command is 'and' or 'or'. This is very clumsy; we don't catch e.g. quoted
// commands.
let command = dst.command.source(buff_src);
if [L!("and"), L!("or")].contains(&command) {
errored = append_syntax_error!(
// Similarly for time (#8841).
if command == "time" {
errored = append_syntax_error!(
// $status specifically is invalid as a command,
// to avoid people trying `if $status`.
// We see this surprisingly regularly.
let com = dst.command.source(buff_src);
if com == "$status" {
errored = append_syntax_error!(
"$status is not valid as a command. See `help conditions`"
let unexp_command = com;
if !unexp_command.is_empty() {
// Check that we can expand the command.
// Make a new error list so we can fix the offset for just those, then append later.
let mut new_errors = ParseErrorList::new();
let mut command = WString::new();
if expand_to_command_and_args(
&mut command,
Some(&mut new_errors),
true, /* skip wildcards */
) == ExpandResultCode::error
errored = true;
// Check that pipes are sound.
if !errored && parser_is_pipe_forbidden(&command) && is_in_pipeline {
errored = append_syntax_error!(
// Check that we don't break or continue from outside a loop.
if !errored && [L!("break"), L!("continue")].contains(&&command[..]) && !first_arg_is_help {
// Walk up until we hit a 'for' or 'while' loop. If we hit a function first,
// stop the search; we can't break an outer loop from inside a function.
// This is a little funny because we can't tell if it's a 'for' or 'while'
// loop from the ancestor alone; we need the header. That is, we hit a
// block_statement, and have to check its header.
let mut found_loop = false;
let mut ancestor: Option<&dyn Node> = Some(dst);
while let Some(anc) = ancestor {
if let Some(block) = anc.as_block_statement() {
if [ast::Type::for_header, ast::Type::while_header]
// This is a loop header, so we can break or continue.
found_loop = true;
} else if block.header.typ() == ast::Type::function_header {
// This is a function header, so we cannot break or
// continue. We stop our search here.
found_loop = false;
ancestor = anc.parent();
if !found_loop {
errored = if command == "break" {
} else {
// Check that we don't do an invalid builtin (issue #1252).
if !errored && decoration == StatementDecoration::builtin {
let mut command = unexp_command.to_owned();
if expand_one(
&mut command,
match parse_errors {
Some(pe) => Some(pe),
None => None,
) && !builtin_exists(unexp_command)
errored = append_syntax_error!(
if let Some(ref mut parse_errors) = parse_errors {
// The expansion errors here go from the *command* onwards,
// so we need to offset them by the *command* offset,
// excluding the decoration.
parse_error_offset_source_start(&mut new_errors, dst.command.source_range().start());
// Given we have a trailing argument_or_redirection_list, like `begin; end > /dev/null`, verify that
// there are no arguments in the list.
fn detect_errors_in_block_redirection_list(
args_or_redirs: &ast::ArgumentOrRedirectionList,
out_errors: &mut Option<&mut ParseErrorList>,
) -> bool {
if let Some(first_arg) = get_first_arg(args_or_redirs) {
return append_syntax_error!(
/// Given a string containing a variable expansion error, append an appropriate error to the errors
/// list. The global_token_pos is the offset of the token in the larger source, and the dollar_pos
/// is the offset of the offending dollar sign within the token.
pub fn parse_util_expand_variable_error(
token: &wstr,
global_token_pos: usize,
dollar_pos: usize,
errors: &mut ParseErrorList,
) {
let mut errors = Some(errors);
// Note that dollar_pos is probably VARIABLE_EXPAND or VARIABLE_EXPAND_SINGLE, not a literal
// dollar sign.
let token = token.as_char_slice();
let double_quotes = token[dollar_pos] == VARIABLE_EXPAND_SINGLE;
let start_error_count = errors.as_ref().unwrap().len();
let global_dollar_pos = global_token_pos + dollar_pos;
let global_after_dollar_pos = global_dollar_pos + 1;
let char_after_dollar = token.get(dollar_pos + 1).copied().unwrap_or('\0');
match char_after_dollar {
BRACE_BEGIN | '{' => {
// The BRACE_BEGIN is for unquoted, the { is for quoted. Anyways we have (possible
// quoted) ${. See if we have a }, and the stuff in between is variable material. If so,
// report a bracket error. Otherwise just complain about the ${.
let mut looks_like_variable = false;
let closing_bracket = token
.skip(dollar_pos + 2)
.position(|c| {
*c == if char_after_dollar == '{' {
} else {
.map(|p| p + dollar_pos + 2);
let mut var_name = L!("");
if let Some(var_end) = closing_bracket {
let var_start = dollar_pos + 2;
var_name = (&token[var_start..var_end]).into();
looks_like_variable = valid_var_name(var_name);
if looks_like_variable {
if double_quotes {
truncate(var_name, var_err_len, None)
} else {
truncate(var_name, var_err_len, None),
} else {
append_syntax_error!(errors, global_after_dollar_pos, 1, ERROR_BAD_VAR_CHAR1, '{');
// e.g.: echo foo"$"baz
// These are only ever quotes, not command substitutions. Command substitutions are
// handled earlier.
append_syntax_error!(errors, global_dollar_pos, 1, ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME);
'\0' => {
append_syntax_error!(errors, global_dollar_pos, 1, ERROR_NO_VAR_NAME);
_ => {
let mut token_stop_char = char_after_dollar;
// Unescape (see issue #50).
if token_stop_char == ANY_CHAR {
token_stop_char = '?';
} else if [ANY_STRING, ANY_STRING_RECURSIVE].contains(&token_stop_char) {
token_stop_char = '*';
// Determine which error message to use. The format string may not consume all the
// arguments we pass but that's harmless.
// We should have appended exactly one error.
assert!(errors.as_ref().unwrap().len() == start_error_count + 1);
/// Error message for use of backgrounded commands before and/or.
pub(crate) const BOOL_AFTER_BACKGROUND_ERROR_MSG: &str =
"The '%ls' command can not be used immediately after a backgrounded job";
/// Error message for backgrounded commands as conditionals.
"Backgrounded commands can not be used as conditionals";
/// Error message for arguments to 'end'
const END_ARG_ERR_MSG: &str = "'end' does not take arguments. Did you forget a ';'?";
/// Error message when 'time' is in a pipeline.
"The 'time' command may only be at the beginning of a pipeline";
/// Maximum length of a variable name to show in error reports before truncation
const var_err_len: usize = 16;
fn test_parse_util_cmdsubst_extent() {
const a: &wstr = L!("echo (echo (echo hi");
assert_eq!(parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 0), 0..a.len());
assert_eq!(parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 1), 0..a.len());
assert_eq!(parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 2), 0..a.len());
assert_eq!(parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 3), 0..a.len());
parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 8),
"echo (".chars().count()..a.len()
parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(a, 17),
"echo (echo (".chars().count()..a.len()
fn test_parse_util_slice_length() {
assert_eq!(parse_util_slice_length(L!("[2]")), Some(3));
assert_eq!(parse_util_slice_length(L!("[12]")), Some(4));
assert_eq!(parse_util_slice_length(L!("[\"foo\"]")), Some(7));
assert_eq!(parse_util_slice_length(L!("[\"foo\"")), None);
fn test_escape_quotes() {
macro_rules! validate {
($cmd:expr, $quote:expr, $no_tilde:expr, $expected:expr) => {
parse_util_escape_string_with_quote(L!($cmd), $quote, $no_tilde),
// These are "raw string literals"
validate!("abc", None, false, "abc");
validate!("abc~def", None, false, "abc\\~def");
validate!("abc~def", None, true, "abc~def");
validate!("abc\\~def", None, false, "abc\\\\\\~def");
validate!("abc\\~def", None, true, "abc\\\\~def");
validate!("~abc", None, false, "\\~abc");
validate!("~abc", None, true, "~abc");
validate!("~abc|def", None, false, "\\~abc\\|def");
validate!("|abc~def", None, false, "\\|abc\\~def");
validate!("|abc~def", None, true, "\\|abc~def");
validate!("foo\nbar", None, false, "foo\\nbar");
// Note tildes are not expanded inside quotes, so no_tilde is ignored with a quote.
validate!("abc", Some('\''), false, "abc");
validate!("abc\\def", Some('\''), false, "abc\\\\def");
validate!("abc'def", Some('\''), false, "abc\\'def");
validate!("~abc'def", Some('\''), false, "~abc\\'def");
validate!("~abc'def", Some('\''), true, "~abc\\'def");
validate!("foo\nba'r", Some('\''), false, "foo'\\n'ba\\'r");
validate!("foo\\\\bar", Some('\''), false, "foo\\\\\\\\bar");
validate!("abc", Some('"'), false, "abc");
validate!("abc\\def", Some('"'), false, "abc\\\\def");
validate!("~abc'def", Some('"'), false, "~abc'def");
validate!("~abc'def", Some('"'), true, "~abc'def");
validate!("foo\nba'r", Some('"'), false, "foo\"\\n\"ba'r");
validate!("foo\\\\bar", Some('"'), false, "foo\\\\\\\\bar");
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
fn test_indents() {
2023-04-19 10:31:47 +02:00
// A struct which is either text or a new indent.
struct Segment {
// The indent to set
indent: i32,
text: &'static str,
fn do_validate(segments: &[Segment]) {
// Compute the indents.
let mut expected_indents = vec![];
let mut text = WString::new();
for segment in segments {
for _ in segment.text.chars() {
let indents = parse_util_compute_indents(&text);
assert_eq!(indents, expected_indents);
macro_rules! validate {
( $( $(,)? $indent:literal, $text:literal )* ) => {
let segments = vec![
Segment{ indent: $indent, text: $text },
(|| {
0, "if", 1, " foo",
0, "\nend"
0, "if", 1, " foo",
1, "\nfoo",
0, "\nend"
0, "if", 1, " foo",
1, "\nif", 2, " bar",
1, "\nend",
0, "\nend"
0, "if", 1, " foo",
1, "\nif", 2, " bar",
2, "\n",
1, "\nend\n"
0, "if", 1, " foo",
1, "\nif", 2, " bar",
2, "\n"
0, "begin",
1, "\nfoo",
1, "\n"
0, "begin",
1, "\n;",
0, "end",
0, "\nfoo", 0, "\n"
0, "begin",
1, "\n;",
0, "end",
0, "\nfoo", 0, "\n"
0, "if", 1, " foo",
1, "\nif", 2, " bar",
2, "\nbaz",
1, "\nend", 1, "\n"
0, "switch foo",
1, "\n"
0, "switch foo",
1, "\ncase bar",
1, "\ncase baz",
2, "\nquux",
2, "\nquux"
"switch foo",
"\ncas" // parse error indentation handling
0, "while",
1, " false",
1, "\n# comment", // comment indentation handling
1, "\ncommand",
1, "\n# comment 2"
0, "begin",
1, "\n", // "begin" is special because this newline belongs to the block header
1, "\n"
// Continuation lines.
0, "echo 'continuation line' \\",
1, "\ncont",
0, "\n"
0, "echo 'empty continuation line' \\",
1, "\n"
0, "begin # continuation line in block",
1, "\necho \\",
2, "\ncont"
0, "begin # empty continuation line in block",
1, "\necho \\",
2, "\n",
0, "\nend"
0, "echo 'multiple continuation lines' \\",
1, "\nline1 \\",
1, "\n# comment",
1, "\n# more comment",
1, "\nline2 \\",
1, "\n"
0, "echo # inline comment ending in \\",
0, "\nline"
0, "# line comment ending in \\",
0, "\nline"
0, "echo 'multiple empty continuation lines' \\",
1, "\n\\",
1, "\n",
0, "\n"
0, "echo 'multiple statements with continuation lines' \\",
1, "\nline 1",
0, "\necho \\",
1, "\n"
// This is an edge case, probably okay to change the behavior here.
0, "begin",
1, " \\",
2, "\necho 'continuation line in block header' \\",
2, "\n",
1, "\n",
0, "\nend"