printf uses the format string FORMAT to print the ARGUMENT arguments. This means that it takes format specifiers in the format string and replaces each with an argument.
The ``format`` argument is re-used as many times as necessary to convert all of the given arguments. So ``printf %s\n flounder catfish clownfish shark`` will print four lines.
-``%f``, ``%g`` or ``%G``: A floating-point number. ``%f`` defaults to 6 places after the decimal point (which is locale-dependent - e.g. in de_DE it will be a ``,``). ``%g`` and ``%G`` will trim trailing zeroes and switch to scientific notation (like ``%e``) if the numbers get small or large enough.
Conversion can fail, e.g. "102.234" can't losslessly convert to an integer, causing printf to print an error. If you are okay with losing information, silence errors with `2>/dev/null`.
If the given argument doesn't work for the given format (like when you try to convert a number like `3.141592` to an integer), printf prints an error, to stderr. printf will then also return non-zero, but will still try to print as much as it can.
This printf has been imported from the printf in GNU Coreutils version 6.9. If you would like to use a newer version of printf, for example the one shipped with your OS, try ``command printf``.
Will print "flounder fish" (separated with a tab character), followed by a newline character. This is useful for writing completions, as fish expects completion scripts to output the option followed by the description, separated with a tab character.
..[#] (in fact while fish's ``echo`` supports ``--``, POSIX forbids it, so other implementations can't be used if the input contains anything starting with `-`)