complete-c pg_restore -s F -l format -x-a"c\t'Custom format (pg_dump)' d\t'Directory archive' t\t'Tar archive'"-d"Backup file format (should be automatic)"
complete-c pg_restore -s l -l list -d"Print summarized TOC of the archive"
complete-c pg_restore -s v -l verbose -d"Verbose mode"
complete-c pg_restore -s V -l version -d"Output version information, then exit"
complete-c pg_restore -s'?'-lhelp-d"Show help, then exit"
# Options controlling the restore:
complete-c pg_restore -s a -l data-only -d"Restore only the data, no schema"
complete-c pg_restore -s c -l clean -d"Clean (drop) database objects before recreating"
complete-c pg_restore -s C -l create -d"Create the target database"
complete-c pg_restore -s e -l exit-on-error -d"Exit on error, default is to continue"
complete-c pg_restore -s I -l index -x-d"Restore named index"
complete-c pg_restore -s j -ljobs-x-d"Use this many parallel jobs to restore"
complete-c pg_restore -s L -l use-list -r-d"Use table of contents from this file for selecting/ordering output"
complete-c pg_restore -s n -l schema -x-d"Restore only objects in this schema"
complete-c pg_restore -s N -l exclude-schema -x-d"Do not restore objects in this schema"
complete-c pg_restore -s O -l no-owner -d"Skip restoration of object ownership"
complete-c pg_restore -s P -l function -x-d"Restore named function"
complete-c pg_restore -s s -l schema-only -d"Restore only the schema, no data"
complete-c pg_restore -s S -l superuser -x-a'(__fish_complete_pg_user)'-d"Superuser user name to use for disabling triggers"
complete-c pg_restore -s t -l table -x-d"Restore named relation (table, view, etc.)"
complete-c pg_restore -s T -l trigger -x-d"Restore named trigger"
complete-c pg_restore -s x -l no-privileges -d"Skip restoration of access privileges (grant/revoke)"
complete-c pg_restore -s1-l single-transaction -d"Restore as a single transaction"
complete-c pg_restore -l disable-triggers -d"Disable triggers during data-only restore"