complete-c killall -s e -l exact -d'Require an exact match for very long names'
complete-c killall -s I -l ignore-case -d'Do case insensitive process name match'
complete-c killall -s g -l process-group -d'Kill the process group to which the process belongs. The kill signal is only sent once per group, even if multiple processes belonging to the same process group were found'
complete-c killall -s i -l interactive -d'Interactively ask for confirmation before killing'
complete-c killall -s u -l user -x-a"(__fish_complete_users)"-d'Kill only processes the specified user owns. Command names are optional'
complete-c killall -s w -lwait-d'Wait for all killed processes to die'
complete-c killall -s v -l version -d'Print version'