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#include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include <termios.h>
#include <memory>
#include "common.h"
#include "global_safety.h"
/// A job ID, corresponding to what is printed in 'jobs'.
/// 1 is the first valid job ID.
using job_id_t = int;
/// A cancellation group is "a set of jobs that should cancel together." It's effectively just a
/// shared pointer to a bool which latches to true on cancel.
/// For example, in `begin ; true ; end | false`, we have two jobs: the outer pipline and the inner
/// 'true'. These share a cancellation group.
/// Note this is almost but not quite a job group. A job group is a "a set of jobs which share a
/// pgid" but cancellation groups may be bigger. For example in `begin ; sleep 1; sleep 2; end` we
/// have that 'begin' is an internal group (a simple function/block execution) without a pgid,
/// while each 'sleep' will be a different job, with its own pgid, and so be in a different job
/// group. But all share a cancellation group.
/// Note that a background job will always get a new cancellation group.
/// Cancellation groups must be thread safe.
class cancellation_group_t {
/// \return true if we should cancel.
bool should_cancel() const { return get_cancel_signal() != 0; }
/// \return the signal indicating cancellation, or 0 if none.
int get_cancel_signal() const { return signal_; }
/// If we have not already cancelled, then trigger cancellation with the given signal.
void cancel_with_signal(int signal) {
assert(signal > 0 && "Invalid cancel signal");
signal_.compare_exchange(0, signal);
/// Helper to return a new group.
static std::shared_ptr<cancellation_group_t> create() {
return std::make_shared<cancellation_group_t>();
/// If we cancelled from a signal, return that signal, else 0.
relaxed_atomic_t<int> signal_{0};
using cancellation_group_ref_t = std::shared_ptr<cancellation_group_t>;
/// job_group_t is conceptually similar to the idea of a process group. It represents data which
/// is shared among all of the "subjobs" that may be spawned by a single job.
/// For example, two fish functions in a pipeline may themselves spawn multiple jobs, but all will
/// share the same job group.
/// There is also a notion of a "internal" job group. Internal groups are used when executing a
/// foreground function or block with no pipeline. These are not jobs as the user understands them -
/// they do not consume a job ID, they do not show up in job lists, and they do not have a pgid
/// because they contain no external procs. Note that job_group_t is intended to eventually be
/// shared between threads, and so must be thread safe.
class job_t;
class job_group_t;
using job_group_ref_t = std::shared_ptr<job_group_t>;
class job_group_t {
/// Set the pgid for this job group, latching it to this value.
/// The pgid should not already have been set.
/// Of course this does not keep the pgid alive by itself.
/// An internal job group does not have a pgid and it is an error to set it.
void set_pgid(pid_t pgid);
/// Get the pgid, or none() if it has not been set.
maybe_t<pid_t> get_pgid() const;
/// \return whether we want job control
bool wants_job_control() const { return props_.job_control; }
/// \return whether this is an internal group.
bool is_internal() const { return props_.is_internal; }
/// \return whether we are currently the foreground group.
bool is_foreground() const { return is_foreground_; }
/// Mark whether we are in the foreground.
void set_is_foreground(bool flag) { is_foreground_ = flag; }
/// \return if this job group should own the terminal when it runs.
bool should_claim_terminal() const { return props_.wants_terminal && is_foreground(); }
/// \return whether this job group is awaiting a pgid.
/// This is true for non-internal trees that don't already have a pgid.
bool needs_pgid_assignment() const { return !props_.is_internal && !pgid_.has_value(); }
/// \return the job ID, or -1 if none.
job_id_t get_id() const { return props_.job_id; }
/// Get the cancel signal, or 0 if none.
int get_cancel_signal() const { return cancel_group->get_cancel_signal(); }
/// \return the command which produced this job tree.
const wcstring &get_command() const { return command_; }
/// Mark that a process in this group got a signal, and so should cancel.
void cancel_with_signal(int sig) { cancel_group->cancel_with_signal(sig); }
/// Mark the root as constructed.
/// This is used to avoid reaping a process group leader while there are still procs that may
/// want to enter its group.
void mark_root_constructed() { root_constructed_ = true; };
bool is_root_constructed() const { return root_constructed_; }
/// Given a job and a proposed job group (possibly null), return a group for the job.
/// The proposed group is the group from the parent job, or null if this is a root.
/// This never returns null.
static job_group_ref_t resolve_group_for_job(const job_t &job,
const cancellation_group_ref_t &cancel_group,
const job_group_ref_t &proposed_group);
/// If set, the saved terminal modes of this job. This needs to be saved so that we can restore
/// the terminal to the same state after temporarily taking control over the terminal when a job
/// stops.
maybe_t<struct termios> tmodes{};
/// The cancellation group. This is never null.
const cancellation_group_ref_t cancel_group{};
// The pgid to assign to jobs, or none if not yet set.
maybe_t<pid_t> pgid_{};
// Set of properties, which are constant.
struct properties_t {
// Whether jobs in this group should have job control.
bool job_control{};
// Whether we should claim the terminal when we run in the foreground.
// TODO: this is effectively the same as job control, rationalize this.
bool wants_terminal{};
// Whether we are an internal job group.
bool is_internal{};
// The job ID of this group.
job_id_t job_id{};
const properties_t props_;
// The original command which produced this job tree.
const wcstring command_;
// Whether we are in the foreground, meaning that the user is waiting for this.
relaxed_atomic_bool_t is_foreground_{};
// Whether the root job is constructed. If not, we cannot reap it yet.
relaxed_atomic_bool_t root_constructed_{};
job_group_t(const properties_t &props, cancellation_group_ref_t cg, wcstring command)
: cancel_group(std::move(cg)), props_(props), command_(std::move(command)) {
assert(cancel_group && "Null cancel group");