complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l canonifyURLs -f-d"Canonicalize all relative URLs using baseurl"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l cleanDestinationDir -f-d"Remove files from destination not found in static directories"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -s c -l contentDir -f-a"(__fish_complete_directories (commandline -ct) 'Content directory')"-d"Content directory"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -s d -l destination -f-a"(__fish_complete_directories (commandline -ct) 'Destination directory')"-d"Destination directory"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l disable404 -f-d"Do not build 404 page"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l disableKinds -r-d"Disable different kinds of pages"
complete-c hugo-n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l disableRSS -f-d"Do not build RSS files"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l disableSitemap -f-d"Do not build sitemap files"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l enableGitInfo -f-d"Add Git revision, date and author info to the pages"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l forceSyncStatic -f-d"Copy all files when static is changed"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -s h -lhelp-f-d"Help for hugo"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l i18n-warnings -f-d"Print missing translations"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l ignoreCache -f-d"Ignore the cache directory"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -s l -l layoutDir -f-a"(__fish_complete_directories (commandline -ct) 'Layout directory')"-d"Layout directory"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l noChmod -f-d"Do not sync permission mode of files"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l noTimes -f-d"Do not sync modification time of files"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l pluralizeListTitles -f-d"Pluralize titles in lists using inflect"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l preserveTaxonomyNames -f-d"Preserve taxonomy names as written"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l renderToMemory -f-d"Render to memory"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -s s -lsource-f-a"(__fish_complete_directories (commandline -ct) 'Source directory')"-d"Source directory"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l stepAnalysis -f-d"Display memory and timing of different steps of the program"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l templateMetrics -f-d"Display metrics about template executions"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -l templateMetricsHints -f-d"Calculate some improvement hints when combined with --templateMetrics"
complete-c hugo -n __fish_hugo_using_main_like_command -s t -l theme -r-d"Theme to use"
complete-c hugo -n"__fish_hugo_using_command benchmark"-s n -l count -f-d"Number of times to build the site"
complete-c hugo -n"__fish_hugo_using_command benchmark"-l cpuprofile -r-d"CPU profile file"
complete-c hugo -n"__fish_hugo_using_command benchmark"-s h -lhelp-f-d"Help for benchmark"
complete-c hugo -n"__fish_hugo_using_command benchmark"-l memprofile -r-d"Memory profile file"
complete-c hugo -n"__fish_hugo_using_command benchmark"-l renderToMemory -f-d"Render to memory"
complete-c hugo -n"__fish_hugo_using_command benchmark"-l stepAnalysis -f-d"Display memory and timing of different steps of the program"
complete-c hugo -n"__fish_hugo_using_command benchmark"-l templateMetrics -f-d"Display metrics about template executions"
complete-c hugo -n"__fish_hugo_using_command benchmark"-l templateMetricsHints -f-d"Calculate some improvement hints when combined with --templateMetrics"
complete-c hugo -n"__fish_hugo_using_command gen man"-l dir -f-a"(__fish_complete_directories (commandline -ct) 'Man pages directory')"-d"Man pages directory"