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Port fd_monitor (and its needed components) I needed to rename some types already ported to rust so they don't clash with their still-extant cpp counterparts. Helper ffi functions added to avoid needing to dynamically allocate an FdMonitorItem for every fd (we use dozens per basic prompt). I ported some functions from cpp to rust that are used only in the backend but without removing their existing cpp counterparts so cpp code can continue to use their version of them (`wperror` and `make_detached_pthread`). I ran into issues porting line-by-line logic because rust inverts the behavior of `std::remove_if(..)` by making it (basically) `Vec::retain_if(..)` so I replaced bools with an explict enum to make everything clearer. I'll port the cpp tests for this separately, for now they're using ffi. Porting closures was ugly. It's nothing hard, but it's very ugly as now each capturing lambda has been changed into an explicit struct that contains its parameters (that needs to be dynamically allocated), a standalone callback (member) function to replace the lambda contents, and a separate trampoline function to call it from rust over the shared C abi (not really relevant to x86_64 w/ its single calling convention but probably needed on other platforms). I don't like that `` has its own `c_void`. I couldn't find a way to move that to `` but still get cxx bridge to consider it a shared POD. Every time I moved it to a different module, it would consider it to be an opaque rust type instead. I worry this means we're going to have multiple `c_void1`, `c_void2`, etc. types as we continue to port code to use function pointers. Also, rust treats raw pointers as foreign so you can't do `impl Send for * const Foo` even if `Foo` is from the same module. That necessitated a wrapper type (`void_ptr`) that implements `Send` and `Sync` so we can move stuff between threads. The code in fd_monitor_t has been split into two objects, one that is used by the caller and a separate one associated with the background thread (this is made nice and clean by rust's ownership model). Objects not needed under the lock (i.e. accessed by the background thread exclusively) were moved to the separate `BackgroundFdMonitor` type.
2023-02-17 19:21:44 -06:00
//! The rusty version of iothreads from the cpp code, to be consumed by native rust code. This isn't
//! ported directly from the cpp code so we can use rust threads instead of using pthreads.
use crate::flog::{FloggableDebug, FLOG};
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
use crate::reader::ReaderData;
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
use once_cell::race::OnceBox;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread::{self, ThreadId};
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
impl FloggableDebug for ThreadId {}
// We don't want to use a full-blown Lazy<T> for the cached main thread id, but we can't use
// AtomicU64 since std::thread::ThreadId::as_u64() is a nightly-only feature (issue #67939,
// thread_id_value). We also can't safely transmute `ThreadId` to `NonZeroU64` because there's no
// guarantee that's what the underlying type will always be on all platforms and in all cases,
// `ThreadId` isn't marked `#[repr(transparent)]`. We could generate our own thread-local value, but
// `#[thread_local]` is nightly-only while the stable `thread_local!()` macro doesn't generate
// efficient/fast/low-overhead code.
/// The thread id of the main thread, as set by [`init()`] at startup.
static mut MAIN_THREAD_ID: Option<ThreadId> = None;
/// Used to bypass thread assertions when testing.
static THREAD_ASSERTS_CFG_FOR_TESTING: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
static THREAD_ASSERTS_CFG_FOR_TESTING: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(true);
/// This allows us to notice when we've forked.
static IS_FORKED_PROC: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
/// Maximum number of threads for the IO thread pool.
const IO_MAX_THREADS: usize = 1024;
/// How long an idle [`ThreadPool`] thread will wait for work (against the condition variable)
/// before exiting.
const IO_WAIT_FOR_WORK_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
/// The iothreads [`ThreadPool`] singleton. Used to lift I/O off of the main thread and used for
/// completions, etc.
static IO_THREAD_POOL: OnceBox<Mutex<ThreadPool>> = OnceBox::new();
/// The event signaller singleton used for completions and queued main thread requests.
static NOTIFY_SIGNALLER: once_cell::sync::Lazy<crate::fd_monitor::FdEventSignaller> =
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
/// A [`ThreadPool`] work request.
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
type WorkItem = Box<dyn FnOnce() + 'static + Send>;
// A helper type to allow us to (temporarily) send an object to another thread.
struct ForceSend<T>(T);
// Safety: only used on main thread.
unsafe impl<T> Send for ForceSend<T> {}
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
type DebounceCallback = ForceSend<Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut ReaderData) + 'static>>;
/// The queue of [`WorkItem`]s to be executed on the main thread. This is read from in
/// `iothread_service_main()`.
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
/// Since the queue is synchronized, items don't need to implement `Send`.
static MAIN_THREAD_QUEUE: Mutex<Vec<DebounceCallback>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
/// Initialize some global static variables. Must be called at startup from the main thread.
pub fn init() {
unsafe {
if MAIN_THREAD_ID.is_some() {
panic!("threads::init() must only be called once (at startup)!");
MAIN_THREAD_ID = Some(thread::current().id());
extern "C" fn child_post_fork() {, Ordering::Relaxed);
unsafe {
let result = libc::pthread_atfork(None, None, Some(child_post_fork));
assert_eq!(result, 0, "pthread_atfork() failure: {}", errno::errno());
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
.set(Box::new(Mutex::new(ThreadPool::new(1, IO_MAX_THREADS))))
.expect("IO_THREAD_POOL has already been initialized!");
fn main_thread_id() -> ThreadId {
fn init_not_called() -> ! {
panic!("threads::init() was not called at startup!");
match unsafe { MAIN_THREAD_ID } {
None => init_not_called(),
Some(id) => id,
pub fn is_main_thread() -> bool {
thread::current().id() == main_thread_id()
pub fn assert_is_main_thread() {
fn not_main_thread() -> ! {
panic!("Function is not running on the main thread!");
if !is_main_thread() && !THREAD_ASSERTS_CFG_FOR_TESTING.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
pub fn assert_is_background_thread() {
fn not_background_thread() -> ! {
panic!("Function is not allowed to be called on the main thread!");
if is_main_thread() && !THREAD_ASSERTS_CFG_FOR_TESTING.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
Port fd_monitor (and its needed components) I needed to rename some types already ported to rust so they don't clash with their still-extant cpp counterparts. Helper ffi functions added to avoid needing to dynamically allocate an FdMonitorItem for every fd (we use dozens per basic prompt). I ported some functions from cpp to rust that are used only in the backend but without removing their existing cpp counterparts so cpp code can continue to use their version of them (`wperror` and `make_detached_pthread`). I ran into issues porting line-by-line logic because rust inverts the behavior of `std::remove_if(..)` by making it (basically) `Vec::retain_if(..)` so I replaced bools with an explict enum to make everything clearer. I'll port the cpp tests for this separately, for now they're using ffi. Porting closures was ugly. It's nothing hard, but it's very ugly as now each capturing lambda has been changed into an explicit struct that contains its parameters (that needs to be dynamically allocated), a standalone callback (member) function to replace the lambda contents, and a separate trampoline function to call it from rust over the shared C abi (not really relevant to x86_64 w/ its single calling convention but probably needed on other platforms). I don't like that `` has its own `c_void`. I couldn't find a way to move that to `` but still get cxx bridge to consider it a shared POD. Every time I moved it to a different module, it would consider it to be an opaque rust type instead. I worry this means we're going to have multiple `c_void1`, `c_void2`, etc. types as we continue to port code to use function pointers. Also, rust treats raw pointers as foreign so you can't do `impl Send for * const Foo` even if `Foo` is from the same module. That necessitated a wrapper type (`void_ptr`) that implements `Send` and `Sync` so we can move stuff between threads. The code in fd_monitor_t has been split into two objects, one that is used by the caller and a separate one associated with the background thread (this is made nice and clean by rust's ownership model). Objects not needed under the lock (i.e. accessed by the background thread exclusively) were moved to the separate `BackgroundFdMonitor` type.
2023-02-17 19:21:44 -06:00
pub fn is_forked_child() -> bool {
pub fn assert_is_not_forked_child() {
fn panic_is_forked_child() {
panic!("Function called from forked child!");
if is_forked_child() {
Port fd_monitor (and its needed components) I needed to rename some types already ported to rust so they don't clash with their still-extant cpp counterparts. Helper ffi functions added to avoid needing to dynamically allocate an FdMonitorItem for every fd (we use dozens per basic prompt). I ported some functions from cpp to rust that are used only in the backend but without removing their existing cpp counterparts so cpp code can continue to use their version of them (`wperror` and `make_detached_pthread`). I ran into issues porting line-by-line logic because rust inverts the behavior of `std::remove_if(..)` by making it (basically) `Vec::retain_if(..)` so I replaced bools with an explict enum to make everything clearer. I'll port the cpp tests for this separately, for now they're using ffi. Porting closures was ugly. It's nothing hard, but it's very ugly as now each capturing lambda has been changed into an explicit struct that contains its parameters (that needs to be dynamically allocated), a standalone callback (member) function to replace the lambda contents, and a separate trampoline function to call it from rust over the shared C abi (not really relevant to x86_64 w/ its single calling convention but probably needed on other platforms). I don't like that `` has its own `c_void`. I couldn't find a way to move that to `` but still get cxx bridge to consider it a shared POD. Every time I moved it to a different module, it would consider it to be an opaque rust type instead. I worry this means we're going to have multiple `c_void1`, `c_void2`, etc. types as we continue to port code to use function pointers. Also, rust treats raw pointers as foreign so you can't do `impl Send for * const Foo` even if `Foo` is from the same module. That necessitated a wrapper type (`void_ptr`) that implements `Send` and `Sync` so we can move stuff between threads. The code in fd_monitor_t has been split into two objects, one that is used by the caller and a separate one associated with the background thread (this is made nice and clean by rust's ownership model). Objects not needed under the lock (i.e. accessed by the background thread exclusively) were moved to the separate `BackgroundFdMonitor` type.
2023-02-17 19:21:44 -06:00
/// The rusty version of `iothreads::make_detached_pthread()`. We will probably need a
/// `spawn_scoped` version of the same to handle some more advanced borrow cases safely, and maybe
/// an unsafe version that doesn't do any lifetime checking akin to
/// `spawn_unchecked()`[std::thread::Builder::spawn_unchecked], which is a nightly-only feature.
/// Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the thread was successfully launched. Failure here
/// is not dependent on the passed callback and implies a system error (likely insufficient
/// resources).
pub fn spawn<F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static>(callback: F) -> bool {
// The spawned thread inherits our signal mask. Temporarily block signals, spawn the thread, and
// then restore it. But we must not block SIGBUS, SIGFPE, SIGILL, or SIGSEGV; that's undefined
// (#7837). Conservatively don't try to mask SIGKILL or SIGSTOP either; that's ignored on Linux
// but maybe has an effect elsewhere.
let saved_set = unsafe {
let mut new_set: libc::sigset_t = std::mem::zeroed();
let new_set = &mut new_set as *mut _;
libc::sigdelset(new_set, libc::SIGILL); // bad jump
libc::sigdelset(new_set, libc::SIGFPE); // divide-by-zero
libc::sigdelset(new_set, libc::SIGBUS); // unaligned memory access
libc::sigdelset(new_set, libc::SIGSEGV); // bad memory access
libc::sigdelset(new_set, libc::SIGSTOP); // unblockable
libc::sigdelset(new_set, libc::SIGKILL); // unblockable
let mut saved_set: libc::sigset_t = std::mem::zeroed();
let result = libc::pthread_sigmask(libc::SIG_BLOCK, new_set, &mut saved_set as *mut _);
assert_eq!(result, 0, "Failed to override thread signal mask!");
// Spawn a thread. If this fails, it means there's already a bunch of threads; it is very
// unlikely that they are all on the verge of exiting, so one is likely to be ready to handle
// extant requests. So we can ignore failure with some confidence.
// We don't have to port the PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED logic. Rust threads are detached
// automatically if the returned join handle is dropped.
let result = match std::thread::Builder::new().spawn(move || {
}) {
Port fd_monitor (and its needed components) I needed to rename some types already ported to rust so they don't clash with their still-extant cpp counterparts. Helper ffi functions added to avoid needing to dynamically allocate an FdMonitorItem for every fd (we use dozens per basic prompt). I ported some functions from cpp to rust that are used only in the backend but without removing their existing cpp counterparts so cpp code can continue to use their version of them (`wperror` and `make_detached_pthread`). I ran into issues porting line-by-line logic because rust inverts the behavior of `std::remove_if(..)` by making it (basically) `Vec::retain_if(..)` so I replaced bools with an explict enum to make everything clearer. I'll port the cpp tests for this separately, for now they're using ffi. Porting closures was ugly. It's nothing hard, but it's very ugly as now each capturing lambda has been changed into an explicit struct that contains its parameters (that needs to be dynamically allocated), a standalone callback (member) function to replace the lambda contents, and a separate trampoline function to call it from rust over the shared C abi (not really relevant to x86_64 w/ its single calling convention but probably needed on other platforms). I don't like that `` has its own `c_void`. I couldn't find a way to move that to `` but still get cxx bridge to consider it a shared POD. Every time I moved it to a different module, it would consider it to be an opaque rust type instead. I worry this means we're going to have multiple `c_void1`, `c_void2`, etc. types as we continue to port code to use function pointers. Also, rust treats raw pointers as foreign so you can't do `impl Send for * const Foo` even if `Foo` is from the same module. That necessitated a wrapper type (`void_ptr`) that implements `Send` and `Sync` so we can move stuff between threads. The code in fd_monitor_t has been split into two objects, one that is used by the caller and a separate one associated with the background thread (this is made nice and clean by rust's ownership model). Objects not needed under the lock (i.e. accessed by the background thread exclusively) were moved to the separate `BackgroundFdMonitor` type.
2023-02-17 19:21:44 -06:00
Ok(handle) => {
let thread_id = handle.thread().id();
FLOG!(iothread, "rust thread", thread_id, "spawned");
Port fd_monitor (and its needed components) I needed to rename some types already ported to rust so they don't clash with their still-extant cpp counterparts. Helper ffi functions added to avoid needing to dynamically allocate an FdMonitorItem for every fd (we use dozens per basic prompt). I ported some functions from cpp to rust that are used only in the backend but without removing their existing cpp counterparts so cpp code can continue to use their version of them (`wperror` and `make_detached_pthread`). I ran into issues porting line-by-line logic because rust inverts the behavior of `std::remove_if(..)` by making it (basically) `Vec::retain_if(..)` so I replaced bools with an explict enum to make everything clearer. I'll port the cpp tests for this separately, for now they're using ffi. Porting closures was ugly. It's nothing hard, but it's very ugly as now each capturing lambda has been changed into an explicit struct that contains its parameters (that needs to be dynamically allocated), a standalone callback (member) function to replace the lambda contents, and a separate trampoline function to call it from rust over the shared C abi (not really relevant to x86_64 w/ its single calling convention but probably needed on other platforms). I don't like that `` has its own `c_void`. I couldn't find a way to move that to `` but still get cxx bridge to consider it a shared POD. Every time I moved it to a different module, it would consider it to be an opaque rust type instead. I worry this means we're going to have multiple `c_void1`, `c_void2`, etc. types as we continue to port code to use function pointers. Also, rust treats raw pointers as foreign so you can't do `impl Send for * const Foo` even if `Foo` is from the same module. That necessitated a wrapper type (`void_ptr`) that implements `Send` and `Sync` so we can move stuff between threads. The code in fd_monitor_t has been split into two objects, one that is used by the caller and a separate one associated with the background thread (this is made nice and clean by rust's ownership model). Objects not needed under the lock (i.e. accessed by the background thread exclusively) were moved to the separate `BackgroundFdMonitor` type.
2023-02-17 19:21:44 -06:00
// Drop the handle to detach the thread
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("rust thread spawn failure: {e}");
// Restore our sigmask
unsafe {
let result = libc::pthread_sigmask(
&saved_set as *const _,
assert_eq!(result, 0, "Failed to restore thread signal mask!");
/// Exits calling onexit handlers if running under ASAN, otherwise does nothing.
/// This function is always defined but is a no-op if not running under ASAN. This is to make it
/// more ergonomic to call it in general and also makes it possible to call it via ffi at all.
pub fn asan_maybe_exit(code: i32) {
if cfg!(feature = "asan") {
unsafe {
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
/// Data shared between the thread pool [`ThreadPool`] and worker threads [`WorkerThread`].
struct ThreadPoolProtected {
/// The queue of outstanding, unclaimed work requests
pub request_queue: std::collections::VecDeque<WorkItem>,
/// The number of threads that exist in the pool
pub total_threads: usize,
/// The number of threads waiting for more work (i.e. idle threads)
pub waiting_threads: usize,
/// Data behind an [`Arc`] to share between the [`ThreadPool`] and [`WorkerThread`] instances.
struct ThreadPoolShared {
/// The mutex to access shared state between [`ThreadPool`] and [`WorkerThread`] instances. This
/// is accessed both standalone and via [`cond_var`](Self::cond_var).
mutex: Mutex<ThreadPoolProtected>,
/// The condition variable used to wake up waiting threads. This is tied to [`mutex`](Self::mutex).
cond_var: std::sync::Condvar,
pub struct ThreadPool {
/// The data which needs to be shared with worker threads.
shared: Arc<ThreadPoolShared>,
/// The minimum number of threads that will be kept waiting even when idle in the pool.
soft_min_threads: usize,
/// The maximum number of threads that will be created to service outstanding work requests, by
/// default. This may be bypassed.
max_threads: usize,
impl std::fmt::Debug for ThreadPool {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("min_threads", &self.soft_min_threads)
.field("max_threads", &self.max_threads)
impl ThreadPool {
/// Construct a new `ThreadPool` instance with the specified min and max num of threads.
pub fn new(soft_min_threads: usize, max_threads: usize) -> Self {
ThreadPool {
shared: Default::default(),
/// Enqueue a new work item onto the thread pool.
/// The function `func` will execute on one of the pool's background threads. If `cant_wait` is
/// set, the thread limit may be disregarded if extant threads are busy.
/// Returns the number of threads that were alive when the work item was enqueued.
pub fn perform<F: FnOnce() + 'static + Send>(&mut self, func: F, cant_wait: bool) -> usize {
let work_item = Box::new(func);
self.perform_inner(work_item, cant_wait)
fn perform_inner(&mut self, f: WorkItem, cant_wait: bool) -> usize {
enum ThreadAction {
let local_thread_count;
let thread_action = {
let mut data = self.shared.mutex.lock().expect("Mutex poisoned!");
local_thread_count = data.total_threads;
"enqueuing work item (count is ",
if data.waiting_threads >= data.request_queue.len() {
// There are enough waiting threads, wake one up.
} else if cant_wait || data.total_threads < self.max_threads {
// No threads are idle waiting but we can or must spawn a new thread to service the
// request.
data.total_threads += 1;
} else {
// There is no need to do anything because we've reached the max number of threads.
// Act only after unlocking the mutex.
match thread_action {
ThreadAction::None => (),
ThreadAction::Wake => {
// Wake a thread if we decided to do so.
FLOG!(iothread, "notifying thread ", std::thread::current().id());
ThreadAction::Spawn => {
// Spawn a thread. If this fails, it means there are already a bunch of worker
// threads and it is very unlikely that they are all about to exit so one is likely
// able to handle the incoming request. This means we can ignore the failure with
// some degree of confidence. (This is also not an error we expect to routinely run
// into under normal, non-resource-starved circumstances.)
if self.spawn_thread() {
FLOG!(iothread, "pthread spawned");
} else {
// We failed to spawn a thread; decrement the thread count.
.expect("Mutex poisoned!")
.total_threads -= 1;
/// Attempt to spawn a new worker thread.
fn spawn_thread(&mut self) -> bool {
let shared = Arc::clone(&self.shared);
let soft_min_threads = self.soft_min_threads;
self::spawn(move || {
let worker = WorkerThread {
/// A `Sync` and `Send` wrapper for non-`Sync`/`Send` types.
/// Only allows access from the main thread.
pub struct MainThread<T> {
data: RefCell<T>,
// Make type !Send and !Sync by default
_marker: PhantomData<*const ()>,
// Manually implement Send and Sync for MainThread<T> to ensure it can be shared across threads
// as long as T is 'static.
unsafe impl<T: 'static> Send for MainThread<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: 'static> Sync for MainThread<T> {}
impl<T> MainThread<T> {
pub const fn new(value: T) -> Self {
Self {
data: RefCell::new(value),
_marker: PhantomData,
pub fn with<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&T) -> R,
pub fn with_mut<F, R>(&self, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> R,
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
pub struct WorkerThread {
/// The data shared with the [`ThreadPool`].
shared: Arc<ThreadPoolShared>,
/// The soft min number of threads for the associated [`ThreadPool`].
soft_min_threads: usize,
impl WorkerThread {
/// The worker loop entry point for this thread.
fn run(mut self) {
while let Some(work_item) = self.dequeue_work_or_commit_to_exit() {
"pthread ",
" got work"
// Perform the work
"pthread ",
" exiting"
/// Dequeue a work item (perhaps waiting on the condition variable) or commit to exiting by
/// reducing the active thread count.
fn dequeue_work_or_commit_to_exit(&mut self) -> Option<WorkItem> {
let mut data = self.shared.mutex.lock().expect("Mutex poisoned!");
// If the queue is empty, check to see if we should wait. We should wait if our exiting
// would drop us below our soft thread count minimum.
if data.request_queue.is_empty()
&& data.total_threads == self.soft_min_threads
data.waiting_threads += 1;
data = self
.wait_timeout(data, IO_WAIT_FOR_WORK_DURATION)
.expect("Mutex poisoned!")
data.waiting_threads -= 1;
// Now that we've (perhaps) waited, see if there's something on the queue.
let result = data.request_queue.pop_front();
// If we are returning None then ensure we balance the thread count increment from when we
// were created. This has to be done here in this awkward place because we've already
// committed to exiting - we will never pick up more work. So we need to make sure to
// decrement the thread count while holding the lock as we have effectively already exited.
if result.is_none() {
data.total_threads -= 1;
return result;
/// Returns a [`MutexGuard`](std::sync::MutexGuard) containing the IO [`ThreadPool`].
fn borrow_io_thread_pool() -> std::sync::MutexGuard<'static, ThreadPool> {
.expect("Mutex poisoned!")
/// Enqueues work on the IO thread pool singleton.
pub fn iothread_perform(f: impl FnOnce() + 'static + Send) {
let mut thread_pool = borrow_io_thread_pool();
thread_pool.perform(f, false);
/// Enqueues priority work on the IO thread pool singleton, disregarding the thread limit.
/// It does its best to spawn a thread if all other threads are occupied. This is primarily for
/// cases where deferring creation of a new thread might lead to a deadlock.
pub fn iothread_perform_cant_wait(f: impl FnOnce() + 'static + Send) {
let mut thread_pool = borrow_io_thread_pool();
thread_pool.perform(f, true);
pub fn iothread_port() -> i32 {
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
pub fn iothread_service_main_with_timeout(ctx: &mut ReaderData, timeout: Duration) {
if crate::fd_readable_set::is_fd_readable(iothread_port(), timeout.as_millis() as u64) {
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
pub fn iothread_service_main(ctx: &mut ReaderData) {
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
// Note: the order here is important. We must consume events before handling requests, as
// posting uses the opposite order.
let queue = std::mem::take(&mut *MAIN_THREAD_QUEUE.lock().expect("Mutex poisoned!"));
// Perform each completion in order.
for callback in queue {
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
/// Does nasty polling via select(), only used for testing.
pub(crate) fn iothread_drain_all(ctx: &mut ReaderData) {
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
while borrow_io_thread_pool()
.expect("Mutex poisoned!")
> 0
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
iothread_service_main_with_timeout(ctx, Duration::from_millis(1000));
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
/// `Debounce` is a simple class which executes one function on a background thread while enqueing
/// at most one more. Subsequent execution requests overwrite the enqueued one. It takes an optional
/// timeout; if a handler does not finish within the timeout then a new thread is spawned to service
/// the remaining request.
/// Debounce implementation note: we would like to enqueue at most one request, except if a thread
/// hangs (e.g. on fs access) then we do not want to block indefinitely - such threads are called
/// "abandoned". This is implemented via a monotone uint64 counter, called a token. Every time we
/// spawn a thread, we increment the token. When the thread has completed running a work item, it
/// compares its token to the active token; if they differ then this thread was abandoned.
pub struct Debounce {
timeout: Duration,
/// The data shared between [`Debounce`] instances.
data: Arc<Mutex<DebounceData>>,
/// The data shared between [`Debounce`] instances.
struct DebounceData {
/// The (one or none) next enqueued request, overwritten each time a new call to
/// [`perform()`](Self::perform) is made.
next_req: Option<WorkItem>,
/// The non-zero token of the current non-abandoned thread or `None` if no thread is running.
active_token: Option<NonZeroU64>,
/// The next token to use when spawning a thread.
next_token: NonZeroU64,
/// The start time of the most recently spawned thread or request (if any).
start_time: Instant,
impl Debounce {
pub fn new(timeout: Duration) -> Self {
Self {
data: Arc::new(Mutex::new(DebounceData {
next_req: None,
active_token: None,
next_token: NonZeroU64::new(1).unwrap(),
start_time: Instant::now(),
/// Run an iteration in the background with the given thread token. Returns `true` if we handled
/// a request or `false` if there were no requests to handle (in which case the debounce thread
/// exits).
/// Note that this method is called from a background thread.
fn run_next(&self, token: NonZeroU64) -> bool {
let request = {
let mut data ="Mutex poisoned!");
if let Some(req) = data.next_req.take() {
data.start_time = Instant::now();
} else {
// There is no pending request. Mark this token as no longer running.
if Some(token) == data.active_token {
data.active_token = None;
return false;
// Execute request after unlocking the mutex.
return true;
/// Enqueue `handler` to be performed on a background thread. If another function is already
/// enqueued, this overwrites it and that function will not be executed.
/// The result is a token which is only of interest to the test suite.
pub fn perform(&self, handler: impl FnOnce() + 'static + Send) -> NonZeroU64 {
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
self.perform_with_completion(handler, |_ctx, _result| ())
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
/// Enqueue `handler` to be performed on a background thread with [`Completion`] `completion`
/// to be performed on the main thread. If a function is already enqueued, this overwrites it
/// and that function will not be executed.
/// If the function executes within the optional timeout then `completion` will be invoked on
/// the main thread with the result of the evaluated `handler`.
/// The result is a token which is only of interest to the test suite.
pub fn perform_with_completion<H, R, C>(&self, handler: H, completion: C) -> NonZeroU64
H: FnOnce() -> R + 'static + Send,
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
C: FnOnce(&mut ReaderData, R) + 'static,
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
R: 'static + Send,
let completion_wrapper = ForceSend(completion);
let work_item = Box::new(move || {
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
let result = handler();
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
let callback: DebounceCallback = ForceSend(Box::new(move |ctx| {
let completion = completion_wrapper;
2023-12-22 12:27:01 +01:00
(completion.0)(ctx, result);
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
fn perform_inner(&self, work_item: WorkItem) -> NonZeroU64 {
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
let mut spawn = false;
let active_token = {
let mut data ="Mutex poisoned!");
data.next_req = Some(work_item);
2023-04-25 16:55:14 -05:00
// If we have a timeout and our running thread has exceeded it, abandon that thread.
if data.active_token.is_some()
&& !self.timeout.is_zero()
&& (Instant::now() - data.start_time > self.timeout)
// Abandon this thread by dissociating its token from this [`Debounce`] instance.
data.active_token = None;
if data.active_token.is_none() {
// We need to spawn a new thread. Mark the current time so that a new request won't
// immediately abandon us and start a new thread too.
spawn = true;
data.active_token = Some(data.next_token);
data.next_token = data.next_token.checked_add(1).unwrap();
data.start_time = Instant::now();
data.active_token.expect("Something should be active now.")
// Spawn after unlocking the mutex above.
if spawn {
// We need to clone the Arc to get it to last for the duration of the 'static lifetime.
let debounce = self.clone();
iothread_perform(move || {
while debounce.run_next(active_token) {
// Keep thread alive/busy.
/// Verify that spawing a thread normally via [`std::thread::spawn()`] causes the calling thread's
/// sigmask to be inherited by the newly spawned thread.
fn std_thread_inherits_sigmask() {
// First change our own thread mask
let (saved_set, t1_set) = unsafe {
let mut new_set: libc::sigset_t = std::mem::zeroed();
let new_set = &mut new_set as *mut _;
libc::sigaddset(new_set, libc::SIGILL); // mask bad jump
let mut saved_set: libc::sigset_t = std::mem::zeroed();
let result = libc::pthread_sigmask(libc::SIG_BLOCK, new_set, &mut saved_set as *mut _);
assert_eq!(result, 0, "Failed to set thread mask!");
// Now get the current set that includes the masked SIGILL
let mut t1_set: libc::sigset_t = std::mem::zeroed();
let mut empty_set = std::mem::zeroed();
let empty_set = &mut empty_set as *mut _;
let result = libc::pthread_sigmask(libc::SIG_UNBLOCK, empty_set, &mut t1_set as *mut _);
assert_eq!(result, 0, "Failed to get own altered thread mask!");
(saved_set, t1_set)
// Launch a new thread that can access existing variables
let t2_set = std::thread::scope(|_| {
unsafe {
// Set a new thread sigmask and verify that the old one is what we expect it to be
let mut new_set: libc::sigset_t = std::mem::zeroed();
let new_set = &mut new_set as *mut _;
let mut saved_set2: libc::sigset_t = std::mem::zeroed();
let result = libc::pthread_sigmask(libc::SIG_BLOCK, new_set, &mut saved_set2 as *mut _);
assert_eq!(result, 0, "Failed to get existing sigmask for new thread");
// Compare the sigset_t values
unsafe {
let t1_sigset_slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(
&t1_set as *const _ as *const u8,
let t2_sigset_slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts(
&t2_set as *const _ as *const u8,
assert_eq!(t1_sigset_slice, t2_sigset_slice);
// Restore the thread sigset so we don't affect `cargo test`'s multithreaded test harnesses
unsafe {
let result = libc::pthread_sigmask(
&saved_set as *const _,
assert_eq!(result, 0, "Failed to restore sigmask!");