complete-c fsharpc -l"doc:"-d"Write the xmldoc of the assembly to the given file"
complete-c fsharpc -l"keyfile:"-d"Specify a strong name key file"
complete-c fsharpc -l"keycontainer:"-d"Specify a strong name key container"
complete-c fsharpc -l"platform:x86"-d"Limit the platform this code can run on to x86"
complete-c fsharpc -l"platform:Itanium"-d"Limit the platform this code can run on to Itanium"
complete-c fsharpc -l"platform:x64"-d"Limit the platform this code can run on to x64"
complete-c fsharpc -l"platform:anycpu32bitpreferred"-d"Limit the platform this code can run on to anycpu32bitpreferred"
complete-c fsharpc -l"platform:anycpu"-d"Limit the platform this code can run on to anycpu (default)"
complete-c fsharpc -l nooptimizationdata -d"Only include optimization information essential for implementing inlined constructs"
complete-c fsharpc -l nointerfacedata -d"Don't add a resource to the generated assembly containing F#-specific metadata"
complete-c fsharpc -l"sig:"-d"Print the inferred interface of the assembly to a file"
# Input files
complete-c fsharpc -o"r:"-l"reference:"-d"Reference an assembly"
# Resources
complete-c fsharpc -l"win32res:"-d"Specify a Win32 resource file (.res)"
complete-c fsharpc -l"win32manifest:"-d"Specify a Win32 manifest file"
complete-c fsharpc -l nowin32manifest -d"Do not include the default Win32 manifest"
complete-c fsharpc -l"resource:"-d"Embed the specified managed resource"
complete-c fsharpc -l"linkresource:"-d"Link the specified resource to this assembly where the resinfo format is <file>[,<string name>[,public|private]]"
# Code generation
complete-c fsharpc -s g -o"g+"-l debug -l"debug+"-d"Emit debug information"