complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command addons; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from open"-l format -d"Format to output addons URL in (default http://{{.IP}}:{{.Port}}"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command addons; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from open"-l https -d"Open the addons URL with https instead of http"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command addons; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from open"-l url -d"Display the kubernetes addons URL instead of opening it"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command config; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from get"-a"(__minikube_config_fields)"-d Property
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command config; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from set"-a"(__minikube_config_fields)"-d Property
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command config; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from unset"-a"(__minikube_config_fields)"-d Property
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command config; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from view"-a"(__minikube_config_fields)"-d Property
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command config; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from view"-l format -d"Go template format string for the config view output"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l container-runtime -d"The container runtime to be used"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l cpus -d"Number of CPUs allocated to the minikube VM (default 2)"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l disk-size -d"Disk size allocated to the minikube VM (format: <number>[<unit>], where unit = b, k, m or g) (default 20g)"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l docker-env -d"Environment variables to pass to the Docker daemon (format: key=value)"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l extra-config -d"A set of key=value pairs that describe configuration that may be passed to different components"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l feature-gates -d"A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for alpha/experimental features"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l insecure-registry -d"Insecure Docker registries to pass to the Docker daemon"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l iso-url -d"Location of the minikube iso"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l keep-context -d"Keep the existing kubectl context and create a minikube context instead"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l kubernetes-version -d"The kubernetes version that the minikube VM will use"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l memory -d"Amount of RAM allocated to the minikube VM (default 2048)"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l network-plugin -d"The name of the network plugin"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start"-l registry-mirror -d"Registry mirrors to pass to the Docker daemon"
complete-c minikube -f-n"__minikube_using_command start"-l vm-driver -d"VM driver to use (default virtualbox)"
complete-c minikube -n"__minikube_using_command start; and __minikube_using_option_value --vm-driver virtualbox"-l host-only-cidr -d"The CIDR to be used for the VM"