Command decorations are keywords like :doc:`command <cmds/command>` or :doc:`builtin <cmds/builtin>` to tell fish what sort of thing to execute, and :doc:`time <cmds/time>` to time its execution. :doc:`exec <cmds/exec>` tells fish to replace itself with the command.
-:doc:`fish_prompt <cmds/fish_prompt>` and :doc:`fish_right_prompt <cmds/fish_right_prompt>` and :doc:`fish_mode_prompt <cmds/fish_mode_prompt>` to print your prompt.
-:doc:`fish_command_not_found <cmds/fish_command_not_found>` to tell fish what to do when a command is not found.
-:doc:`fish_title <cmds/fish_title>` to change the terminal's title.
-:doc:`fish_greeting <cmds/fish_greeting>` to show a greeting when fish starts.
-:doc:`fish_git_prompt <cmds/fish_git_prompt>` and :doc:`fish_hg_prompt <cmds/fish_hg_prompt>` to print information about the current git or mercurial repository.
-:doc:`fish_vcs_prompt <cmds/fish_vcs_prompt>` to print information for either.
-:doc:`fish_svn_prompt <cmds/fish_svn_prompt>` to print information about the current svn repository.
-:doc:`fish_status_to_signal <cmds/fish_status_to_signal>` to give a signal name from a return status.
-:doc:`prompt_pwd <cmds/prompt_pwd>` to give the current directory in a nicely formatted and shortened way.
-:doc:`prompt_login <cmds/prompt_login>` to describe the current login, with user and hostname, and to explain if you are in a chroot or connected via ssh.
-:doc:`prompt_hostname <cmds/prompt_hostname>` to give the hostname, shortened for use in the prompt.
-:doc:`fish_is_root_user <cmds/fish_is_root_user>` to check if the current user is an administrator user like root.
-:doc:`fish_add_path <cmds/fish_add_path>` to easily add a path to $PATH.
-:doc:`alias <cmds/alias>` to quickly define wrapper functions ("aliases").
This includes :doc:`fish_indent <cmds/fish_indent>` to format fish code and :doc:`fish_key_reader <cmds/fish_key_reader>` to show you what escape sequence a keypress produces.