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//! This module houses `TimerSnapshot` which can be used to calculate the elapsed time (system CPU
//! time, user CPU time, and observed wall time, broken down by fish and child processes spawned by
//! fish) between two `TimerSnapshot` instances.
//! Measuring time is always complicated with many caveats. Quite apart from the typical
//! gotchas faced by developers attempting to choose between monotonic vs non-monotonic and system vs
//! cpu clocks, the fact that we are executing as a shell further complicates matters: we can't just
//! observe the elapsed CPU time, because that does not reflect the total execution time for both
//! ourselves (internal shell execution time and the time it takes for builtins and functions to
//! execute) and any external processes we spawn.
//! `std::time::Instant` is used to monitor elapsed wall time. Unlike `SystemTime`, `Instant` is
//! guaranteed to be monotonic though it is likely to not be as high of a precision as we would like
//! but it's still the best we can do because we don't know how long of a time might elapse between
//! `TimerSnapshot` instances and need to avoid rollover.
use std::io::Write;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
mod timer_ffi {
extern "Rust" {
type PrintElapsedOnDropFfi;
#[cxx_name = "push_timer"]
fn push_timer_ffi(enabled: bool) -> Box<PrintElapsedOnDropFfi>;
enum Unit {
struct TimerSnapshot {
wall_time: Instant,
cpu_fish: libc::rusage,
cpu_children: libc::rusage,
/// If `enabled`, create a `TimerSnapshot` and return a `PrintElapsedOnDrop` object that will print
/// upon being dropped the delta between now and the time that it is dropped at. Otherwise return
/// `None`.
pub fn push_timer(enabled: bool) -> Option<PrintElapsedOnDrop> {
if !enabled {
return None;
Some(PrintElapsedOnDrop {
start: TimerSnapshot::take(),
/// cxx bridge does not support UniquePtr<NativeRustType> so we can't use a null UniquePtr to
/// represent a None, and cxx bridge does not support Box<Option<NativeRustType>> so we need to make
/// our own wrapper type that incorporates the Some/None states directly into it.
enum PrintElapsedOnDropFfi {
fn push_timer_ffi(enabled: bool) -> Box<PrintElapsedOnDropFfi> {
Box::new(match push_timer(enabled) {
Some(t) => PrintElapsedOnDropFfi::Some(t),
None => PrintElapsedOnDropFfi::None,
/// An enumeration of supported libc rusage types used by [`getrusage()`].
enum RUsage {
RSelf, // "Self" is a reserved keyword
/// A safe wrapper around `libc::getrusage()`
fn getrusage(resource: RUsage) -> libc::rusage {
let mut rusage = std::mem::MaybeUninit::uninit();
let result = unsafe {
match resource {
RUsage::RSelf => libc::getrusage(libc::RUSAGE_SELF, rusage.as_mut_ptr()),
RUsage::RChildren => libc::getrusage(libc::RUSAGE_CHILDREN, rusage.as_mut_ptr()),
RUsage::RThread => libc::getrusage(libc::RUSAGE_THREAD, rusage.as_mut_ptr()),
// getrusage(2) says the syscall can only fail if the dest address is invalid (EFAULT) or if the
// requested resource type is invalid. Since we're in control of both, we can assume it won't
// fail. In case it does anyway (e.g. OS where the syscall isn't implemented), we can just
// return an empty value.
match result {
0 => unsafe { rusage.assume_init() },
_ => unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() },
impl TimerSnapshot {
pub fn take() -> TimerSnapshot {
TimerSnapshot {
cpu_fish: getrusage(RUsage::RSelf),
cpu_children: getrusage(RUsage::RChildren),
wall_time: Instant::now(),
/// Returns a formatted string containing the detailed difference between two `TimerSnapshot`
/// instances. The returned string can take one of two formats, depending on the value of the
/// `verbose` parameter.
pub fn get_delta(t1: &TimerSnapshot, t2: &TimerSnapshot, verbose: bool) -> String {
use crate::nix::timeval_to_duration as from;
let mut fish_sys = from(&t2.cpu_fish.ru_stime) - from(&t1.cpu_fish.ru_stime);
let mut fish_usr = from(&t2.cpu_fish.ru_utime) - from(&t1.cpu_fish.ru_utime);
let mut child_sys = from(&t2.cpu_children.ru_stime) - from(&t1.cpu_children.ru_stime);
let mut child_usr = from(&t2.cpu_children.ru_utime) - from(&t1.cpu_children.ru_utime);
// The result from getrusage is not necessarily realtime, it may be cached from a few
// microseconds ago. In the event that execution completes extremely quickly or there is
// no data (say, we are measuring external execution time but no external processes have
// been launched), it can incorrectly appear to be negative.
fish_sys = fish_sys.max(Duration::ZERO);
fish_usr = fish_usr.max(Duration::ZERO);
child_sys = child_sys.max(Duration::ZERO);
child_usr = child_usr.max(Duration::ZERO);
// As `Instant` is strictly monotonic, this can't be negative so we don't need to clamp.
let net_wall_micros = (t2.wall_time - t1.wall_time).as_micros() as i64;
let net_sys_micros = (fish_sys + child_sys).as_micros() as i64;
let net_usr_micros = (fish_usr + child_usr).as_micros() as i64;
let wall_unit = Unit::for_micros(net_wall_micros);
// Make sure we share the same unit for the various CPU times
let cpu_unit = Unit::for_micros(net_sys_micros.max(net_usr_micros));
let wall_time = wall_unit.convert_micros(net_wall_micros);
let sys_time = cpu_unit.convert_micros(net_sys_micros);
let usr_time = cpu_unit.convert_micros(net_usr_micros);
let mut output = String::new();
if !verbose {
output += &"\n_______________________________";
output += &format!("\nExecuted in {:6.2} {}", wall_time, wall_unit.long_name());
output += &format!("\n usr time {:6.2} {}", usr_time, cpu_unit.long_name());
output += &format!("\n sys time {:6.2} {}", sys_time, cpu_unit.long_name());
} else {
let fish_unit = Unit::for_micros(fish_sys.max(fish_usr).as_micros() as i64);
let child_unit = Unit::for_micros(child_sys.max(child_usr).as_micros() as i64);
let fish_usr_time = fish_unit.convert_micros(fish_usr.as_micros() as i64);
let fish_sys_time = fish_unit.convert_micros(fish_sys.as_micros() as i64);
let child_usr_time = child_unit.convert_micros(child_usr.as_micros() as i64);
let child_sys_time = child_unit.convert_micros(child_sys.as_micros() as i64);
let column2_unit_len = wall_unit
let wall_unit = wall_unit.short_name();
let cpu_unit = cpu_unit.short_name();
let fish_unit = fish_unit.short_name();
let child_unit = child_unit.short_name();
output += &"\n________________________________________________________";
output += &format!(
"\nExecuted in {wall_time:6.2} {wall_unit:<width1$} {fish:<width2$} external",
width1 = column2_unit_len,
fish = "fish",
width2 = fish_unit.len() + 7
output += &format!("\n usr time {usr_time:6.2} {cpu_unit:<width1$} {fish_usr_time:6.2} {fish_unit} {child_usr_time:6.2} {child_unit}",
width1 = column2_unit_len);
output += &format!("\n sys time {sys_time:6.2} {cpu_unit:<width1$} {fish_sys_time:6.2} {fish_unit} {child_sys_time:6.2} {child_unit}",
width1 = column2_unit_len);
output += "\n";
/// When dropped, prints to stderr the time that has elapsed since it was initialized.
pub struct PrintElapsedOnDrop {
start: TimerSnapshot,
impl Drop for PrintElapsedOnDrop {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let end = TimerSnapshot::take();
// Well, this is awkward. By defining `time` as a decorator and not a built-in, there's
// no associated stream for its output!
let output = TimerSnapshot::get_delta(&self.start, &end, true);
let mut stderr = std::io::stderr().lock();
// There is no bubbling up of errors in a Drop implementation, and it's absolutely forbidden
// to panic.
let _ = stderr.write_all(output.as_bytes());
let _ = stderr.write_all(b"\n");
impl Unit {
/// Return the appropriate unit to format the provided number of microseconds in.
const fn for_micros(micros: i64) -> Unit {
match micros {
900_000_001.. => Unit::Minutes,
// Move to seconds if we would overflow the %6.2 format
999_995.. => Unit::Seconds,
1000.. => Unit::Millis,
_ => Unit::Micros,
const fn short_name(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
&Unit::Minutes => "mins",
&Unit::Seconds => "secs",
&Unit::Millis => "millis",
&Unit::Micros => "micros",
const fn long_name(&self) -> &'static str {
match self {
&Unit::Minutes => "minutes",
&Unit::Seconds => "seconds",
&Unit::Millis => "milliseconds",
&Unit::Micros => "microseconds",
fn convert_micros(&self, micros: i64) -> f64 {
match self {
&Unit::Minutes => micros as f64 / 1.0E6 / 60.0,
&Unit::Seconds => micros as f64 / 1.0E6,
&Unit::Millis => micros as f64 / 1.0E3,
&Unit::Micros => micros as f64 / 1.0,
fn timer_format_and_alignment() {
let mut t1 = TimerSnapshot::take();
t1.cpu_fish.ru_utime.tv_usec = 0;
t1.cpu_fish.ru_stime.tv_usec = 0;
t1.cpu_children.ru_utime.tv_usec = 0;
t1.cpu_children.ru_stime.tv_usec = 0;
let mut t2 = TimerSnapshot::take();
t2.cpu_fish.ru_utime.tv_usec = 999995;
t2.cpu_fish.ru_stime.tv_usec = 999994;
t2.cpu_children.ru_utime.tv_usec = 1000;
t2.cpu_children.ru_stime.tv_usec = 500;
t2.wall_time = t1.wall_time + Duration::from_micros(500);
let expected = r#"
Executed in 500.00 micros fish external
usr time 1.00 secs 1.00 secs 1.00 millis
sys time 1.00 secs 1.00 secs 0.50 millis
// (a) (b) (c)
// (a) remaining columns should align even if there are different units
// (b) carry to the next unit when it would overflow %6.2F
// (c) carry to the next unit when the larger one exceeds 1000
let actual = TimerSnapshot::get_delta(&t1, &t2, true);
assert_eq!(actual, expected);