2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00
function fish_vi_key_bindings -d "vi-like key bindings for fish"
bind --erase --all
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
## command mode
#bind -m command : force-repaint
#bind -M command q exit
#bind -M command -m default \e force-repaint
#bind -M command -m default \cc force-repaint
bind :q exit
2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
# normal (default) mode
2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind \cd exit
2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00
bind h backward-char
bind l forward-char
bind \e\[C forward-char
bind \e\[D backward-char
bind -k right forward-char
bind -k left backward-char
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind \n execute
2013-12-31 21:53:29 +08:00
bind -m insert i force-repaint
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind -m insert I beginning-of-line force-repaint
2014-01-01 07:11:32 +08:00
bind -m insert a forward-char force-repaint
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind -m insert A end-of-line force-repaint
2014-01-15 22:07:22 +08:00
bind -m visual v begin-selection force-repaint
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind -m insert o "commandline -a \n" down-line force-repaint
#bind -m insert O beginning-of-line "commandline -i \n" up-line force-repaint # doesn't work
bind gg beginning-of-buffer
bind G end-of-buffer
2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00
bind \x24 end-of-line
bind \x5e beginning-of-line
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind g\x24 end-of-line
bind g\x5e beginning-of-line
2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00
bind \e\[H beginning-of-line
bind \e\[F end-of-line
2013-12-31 21:53:29 +08:00
# NOTE: history-search-backward and history-search-forward
# must both be bound for `commandline -f ...' to work, and thus for up-or-search
# and down-or-search to work, since those are actually
# simple shell functions that use `commandline -f ...'.
# Generally, commandline -f can only invoke functions that have been bound previously
bind u history-search-backward
bind \cr history-search-forward
2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00
bind k up-or-search
bind j down-or-search
bind \e\[A up-or-search
bind \e\[B down-or-search
bind -k down down-or-search
bind -k up up-or-search
bind b backward-word
bind B backward-word
bind w forward-word
bind W backward-word
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind e forward-word
bind E backward-word
bind x delete-char
bind X backward-delete-char
bind -k dc delete-char
bind -k backspace backward-delete-char
bind \x7f backward-delete-char
bind \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char # Mavericks Terminal.app shift-delete
bind dd kill-whole-line
bind D kill-line
bind d\x24 kill-line
bind d\x5e backward-kill-line
bind dw kill-word
bind dW backward-kill-word
bind de kill-word
bind dE backward-kill-word
bind db backward-kill-word
bind dB kill-word
bind -m insert s delete-char force-repaint
bind -m insert S kill-whole-line force-repaint
bind -m insert cc kill-whole-line force-repaint
bind -m insert C kill-line force-repaint
bind -m insert c\x24 kill-line force-repaint
bind -m insert c\x5e backward-kill-line force-repaint
bind -m insert cw kill-word force-repaint
bind -m insert ce kill-word force-repaint
bind -m insert cb backward-kill-word force-repaint
bind '~' capitalize-word
bind gu downcase-word
bind gU upcase-word
bind J end-of-line delete-char
bind K 'man (basename (commandline -po; echo))[1] ^/dev/null; or echo -n \a'
bind yy kill-whole-line yank
bind Y kill-whole-line yank
bind y\x24 kill-line yank
bind y\x5e backward-kill-line yank
bind yw kill-word yank
bind yW backward-kill-word yank
bind ye kill-word yank
bind yE backward-kill-word yank
bind yb backward-kill-word yank
bind yB kill-word yank
bind p yank
bind P backward-char yank-pop
2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00
# insert mode
bind -M insert "" self-insert
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind -M insert \n execute
2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind -M insert -k dc delete-char
2014-01-14 22:24:26 +08:00
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind -M insert -k backspace backward-delete-char
bind -M insert \x7f backward-delete-char
2014-01-14 22:24:26 +08:00
# Mavericks Terminal.app shift-delete
bind -M insert \e\[3\;2~ backward-delete-char
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind -M insert \t complete
2013-12-31 21:53:29 +08:00
bind -M insert \e\[A up-or-search
bind -M insert \e\[B down-or-search
bind -M insert -k down down-or-search
bind -M insert -k up up-or-search
bind -M insert \e\[C forward-char
bind -M insert \e\[D backward-char
bind -M insert -k right forward-char
bind -M insert -k left backward-char
2014-01-14 22:24:26 +08:00
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind -M insert -m default \cc force-repaint
2013-12-31 23:16:28 +08:00
bind -M insert -m default \e force-repaint
Update vi bindings:
The following normal mode bindings are added:
o, I, A, gg, G, g^, g$, x, X, backspace, d*, D, s, S, c*, C, ~, gu,
gU, J, K, y*, Y, p, P
I was not able to add binding for 'O'
dd now deletes the whole line as vim, while D deletes the line to the
end. c, s, y act the same way
2014-01-15 00:21:13 +08:00
bind -M insert \cd exit
bind -M insert \ef forward-word
2014-01-15 22:07:22 +08:00
# visual mode
bind -M visual \e\[C forward-char
bind -M visual \e\[D backward-char
bind -M visual -k right forward-char
bind -M visual -k left backward-char
bind -M visual h backward-char
bind -M visual l forward-char
bind -M visual -m default \cc end-selection force-repaint
bind -M visual -m default \e end-selection force-repaint
2013-12-31 08:52:41 +08:00