complete-c age -s r -l recipient -n"not __fish_contains_opt -s d decrypt; and not __fish_contains_opt -s p passphrase"-d"public key"
complete-c age -s R -l recipients-file -n"not __fish_contains_opt -s d decrypt; and not __fish_contains_opt -s p passphrase"-d"file with public key(s)"
complete-c age -s a -l armor -n"not __fish_contains_opt -s d decrypt"-d"PEM encode ciphertext"
complete-c age -s p -l passphrase -n"not __fish_contains_opt -s d decrypt; and not __fish_contains_opt -s r recipient -s R recipients-file"-d passphrase
complete-c age -s d -l decrypt -n"not __fish_contains_opt -s e encrypt"-d decrypt