complete-f-n'__fish_exercism_no_subcommand'-c exercism -a'download'-d"Downloads a solution given the ID of the latest iteration."
complete-f-n'__fish_exercism_no_subcommand'-c exercism -a'fetch'-d"Fetches the next unsubmitted problem in each track."
complete-f-n'__fish_exercism_no_subcommand'-c exercism -a'list'-d"Lists the available problems for a language track, given its ID."
complete-f-n'__fish_exercism_no_subcommand'-c exercism -a'open'-d"Opens to your most recent iteration of a problem given the track ID and problem slug."
complete-f-n'__fish_exercism_no_subcommand'-c exercism -a'restore'-d"Downloads the most recent iteration for each of your solutions on"
complete-f-n'__fish_exercism_no_subcommand'-c exercism -a'skip'-d"Skips a problem given a track ID and problem slug."
complete-f-n'__fish_exercism_no_subcommand'-c exercism -a'status'-d"Fetches information about your progress with a given language track."
complete-f-n'__fish_exercism_no_subcommand'-c exercism -a'submit'-d"Submits a new iteration to a problem on"
complete-f-n'__fish_exercism_no_subcommand'-c exercism -a'tracks'-d"Lists the available language tracks."