complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$add--description'Put files and directories under version control, scheduling them for addition to repository. They will be added in next commit.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$blame--description'Output the content of specified files or URLs with revision and author information in-line.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$cat--description'Output the content of specified files or URLs.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$changelist--description'Output the content of specified files or URLs with revision and author information in-line.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$checkout--description'Check out a working copy from a repository.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$cleanup--description'Recursively clean up the working copy, removing locks, resuming unfinished operations, etc.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$commit--description'Send changes from your working copy to the repository.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$copy--description'Duplicate something in working copy or repository, remembering history.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$diff--description'Display the differences between two revisions or paths.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$export--description'Create an unversioned copy of a tree.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$help--description'Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$import--description'Commit an unversioned file or tree into the repository.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$info--description'Display information about a local or remote item.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$list--description'List directory entries in the repository.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$lock--description'Lock working copy paths or URLs in the repository, so that no other user can commit changes to them.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$log--description'Show the log messages for a set of revision(s) and/or file(s).'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$merge--description'Apply the differences between two sources to a working copy path.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$mergeinfo--description'Display information related to merges'
complete-c svn-n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$mkdir--description'Create a new directory under version control.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$move--description'Move and/or rename something in working copy or repository.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$patch--description'Apply a unidiff patch to the working copy'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$propdel--description'Remove a property from files, dirs, or revisions.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$propedit--description'Edit a property with an external editor.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$propget--description'Print the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$proplist--description'List all properties on files, dirs, or revisions.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$propset--description'Set the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$relocate--description'Rewrite working copy url metadata'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$remove--description'Remove files and directories from version control.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$resolve--description'Remove conflicts on working copy files or directories.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$resolved--description'Remove \'conflicted\' state on working copy files or directories.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$revert--description'Restore pristine working copy file (undo most local edits).'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$stat--description'Print the status of working copy files and directories.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$switch--description'Update the working copy to a different URL.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$unlock--description'Unlock working copy paths or URLs.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$update--description'Bring changes from the repository into the working copy.'
complete-c svn -n'__fish_use_subcommand'-x-a$upgrade--description'Upgrade the metadata storage format for a working copy.'
# Global commands
complete-c svn -n'not __fish_use_subcommand'-l username -x--description'Specify a username ARG'
complete-c svn -n'not __fish_use_subcommand'-l password -x--description'Specify a password ARG'
complete-c svn -n'not __fish_use_subcommand'-l no-auth-cache --description'Do not cache authentication tokens'
complete-c svn -n'not __fish_use_subcommand'-l non-interactive --description'Do no interactive prompting'
complete-c svn -n'not __fish_use_subcommand'-l trust-server-cert --description'Accept SSL server certificates from unknown authorities (ony with --non-interactive)'
complete-c svn -n'not __fish_use_subcommand'-l config-dir -x--description'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
complete-c svn -n'not __fish_use_subcommand'-l config-option -x--description'Set user configuration option in the format: FILE:SECTION:OPTION=[VALUE]'