Migrated some more data structures to the STL. Removed some ad-hoc data structure implementations.

This commit is contained in:
ridiculousfish 2011-12-26 21:50:23 -08:00
parent 7c7aba1202
commit 28ecc68841
3 changed files with 4 additions and 284 deletions

View File

@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ static void broadcast( int type, const wchar_t *key, const wchar_t *val )
for( c = conn; c; c=c->next )
q_put( &c->unsent, msg );
for( c = conn; c; c=c->next )
@ -738,9 +738,10 @@ int main( int argc, char ** argv )
debug( 4, L"Close connection %d", c->fd );
while( !q_empty( &c->unsent ) )
while( ! c->unsent->empty()) )
message_t *msg = (message_t *)q_get( &c->unsent );
message_t *msg = c->unsent->front();
if( !msg->count )
free( msg );

View File

@ -101,88 +101,6 @@ int maxi( int a,
/* Queue functions */
void q_init( dyn_queue_t *q )
q->start = (void **)malloc( sizeof(void*)*1 );
if( !q->start )
oom_handler( q );
q->stop = &q->start[1];
q->put_pos = q->get_pos = q->start;
void q_destroy( dyn_queue_t *q )
free( q->start );
Reallocate the queue_t
static int q_realloc( dyn_queue_t *q )
void **old_start = q->start;
void **old_stop = q->stop;
ptrdiff_t diff;
int new_size;
new_size = 2*(q->stop-q->start);
q->start=(void**)realloc( q->start, sizeof(void*)*new_size );
if( !q->start )
q->start = old_start;
oom_handler( q );
return 0;
diff = q->start - old_start;
q->get_pos += diff;
q->stop = &q->start[new_size];
memcpy( old_stop + diff, q->start, sizeof(void*)*(q->get_pos-q->start));
q->put_pos = old_stop + diff + (q->get_pos-q->start);
return 1;
int q_put( dyn_queue_t *q, void *e )
*q->put_pos = e;
// fprintf( stderr, "Put element %d to queue %d\n", e, q );
if( ++q->put_pos == q->stop )
q->put_pos = q->start;
if( q->put_pos == q->get_pos )
return q_realloc( q );
return 1;
void *q_get( dyn_queue_t *q)
void *e = *q->get_pos;
if( ++q->get_pos == q->stop )
q->get_pos = q->start;
return e;
void *q_peek( dyn_queue_t *q )
return *q->get_pos;
int q_empty( dyn_queue_t *q )
// fprintf( stderr, "Queue %d is %s\n", q, (q->put_pos == q->get_pos)?"empty":"non-empty" );
return q->put_pos == q->get_pos;
/* Hash table functions */
void hash_init2( hash_table_t *h,
@ -664,113 +582,6 @@ int hash_ptr_cmp( void *a,
return a == b;
void pq_init( priority_queue_t *q,
int (*compare)(void *e1, void *e2) )
q->compare = compare;
int pq_put( priority_queue_t *q,
void *e )
int i;
if( q->size == q->count )
void **old_arr = q->arr;
int old_size = q->size;
q->size = maxi( 4, 2*q->size );
q->arr = (void **)realloc( q->arr, sizeof(void*)*q->size );
if( q->arr == 0 )
oom_handler( q );
q->arr = old_arr;
q->size = old_size;
return 0;
i = q->count;
while( (i>0) && (q->compare( q->arr[(i-1)/2], e )<0 ) )
q->arr[i] = q->arr[(i-1)/2];
i = (i-1)/2;
return 1;
Make a valid head
static void pq_heapify( priority_queue_t *q, int i )
int l, r, largest;
l = 2*(i)+1;
r = 2*(i)+2;
if( (l < q->count) && (q->compare(q->arr[l],q->arr[i])>0) )
largest = l;
largest = i;
if( (r < q->count) && (q->compare( q->arr[r],q->arr[largest])>0) )
largest = r;
if( largest != i )
void *tmp = q->arr[largest];
pq_heapify( q, largest );
void *pq_get( priority_queue_t *q )
void *result = q->arr[0];
q->arr[0] = q->arr[--q->count];
pq_heapify( q, 0 );
/* pq_check(q, 0 ); */
/* pq_print( q ); */
return result;
void *pq_peek( priority_queue_t *q )
return q->arr[0];
int pq_empty( priority_queue_t *q )
return q->count == 0;
int pq_get_count( priority_queue_t *q )
return q->count;
void pq_destroy( priority_queue_t *q )
free( q->arr );
array_list_t *al_new()
array_list_t *res = (array_list_t *)malloc( sizeof( array_list_t ) );

View File

@ -42,23 +42,6 @@ typedef union
Data structure for an automatically resizing dynamically allocated queue,
typedef struct dyn_queue
/** Start of the array */
void **start;
/** End of the array*/
void **stop;
/** Where to insert elements */
void **put_pos;
/** Where to remove elements */
void **get_pos;
Internal struct used by hash_table_t.
@ -210,38 +193,6 @@ int mini( int a, int b );
to never be less than 50% full.
Initialize the queue. A queue is a FIFO buffer, i.e. the first
element to be inserted into the buffer is the first element to be
void q_init( dyn_queue_t *q );
Destroy the queue
void q_destroy( dyn_queue_t *q );
Insert element into queue
int q_put( dyn_queue_t *q, void *e );
Remove and return next element from queue
void *q_get( dyn_queue_t *q);
Return next element from queue without removing it
void *q_peek( dyn_queue_t *q);
Returns 1 if the queue is empty, 0 otherwise
int q_empty( dyn_queue_t *q );
Initialize a hash table. The hash function must never return the value 0.
@ -364,49 +315,6 @@ int hash_ptr_cmp( void *a,
void *b );
Initialize the priority queue
\param q the queue to initialize
\param compare a comparison function that can compare two entries in the queue
void pq_init( priority_queue_t *q,
int (*compare)(void *e1, void *e2) );
Add element to the queue
\param q the queue
\param e the new element
int pq_put( priority_queue_t *q,
void *e );
Removes and returns the last entry in the priority queue
void *pq_get( priority_queue_t *q );
Returns the last entry in the priority queue witout removing it.
void *pq_peek( priority_queue_t *q );
Returns 1 if the priority queue is empty, 0 otherwise.
int pq_empty( priority_queue_t *q );
Returns the number of elements in the priority queue.
int pq_get_count( priority_queue_t *q );
Destroy the priority queue and free memory used by it.
void pq_destroy( priority_queue_t *q );
Allocate heap memory for creating a new list and initialize
it. Equivalent to calling malloc and al_init.