diff --git a/share/completions/tmux.fish b/share/completions/tmux.fish index ee538e173..d4b3d143d 100644 --- a/share/completions/tmux.fish +++ b/share/completions/tmux.fish @@ -158,9 +158,141 @@ complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $unbind" -xs t -d 'key table' - ############### End: Key Bindings ############### ############### Begin: Options ############### -#TODO - these commands are not currently implemented. -#there is a section in the tmux man page that has the same title as this section -#use the "Clients and Sessions" code as an example when implementing this +set -l setoption 'set set-option' +set -l showoptions show-options +set -l options \ + backspace \ + buffer-limit \ + command-alias \ + default-terminal \ + copy-command \ + escape-time \ + editor \ + exit-empty \ + exit-unattached \ + extended-keys \ + focus-events \ + history-file \ + message-limit \ + prompt-history-limit \ + set-clipboard \ + terminal-features \ + terminal-overrides \ + user-keys \ + activity-action \ + assume-paste-time \ + base-index \ + bell-action \ + default-command \ + default-shell \ + default-size \ + destroy-unattached \ + detach-on-destroy \ + display-panes-active-colour \ + display-panes-colour \ + display-panes-time \ + display-time \ + history-limit \ + key-table \ + lock-after-time \ + lock-command \ + message-command-style \ + message-style \ + mouse \ + prefix \ + prefix \ + renumber-windows \ + repeat-time \ + set-titles \ + set-titles-string \ + silence-action \ + status \ + status-format \ + status-interval \ + status-justify \ + status-keys \ + status-left \ + status-left-length \ + status-left-style \ + status-position \ + status-right \ + status-right-length \ + status-right-style \ + status-style \ + update-environment \ + visual-activity \ + visual-bell \ + visual-silence \ + word-separators \ + aggressive-resize \ + automatic-rename \ + automatic-rename-format \ + clock-mode-colour \ + clock-mode-style \ + fill-character \ + main-pane-height \ + main-pane-width \ + copy-mode-match-style \ + copy-mode-mark-style \ + copy-mode-current-match-style \ + mode-keys \ + mode-style \ + monitor-activity \ + monitor-bell \ + monitor-silence \ + other-pane-height \ + other-pane-width \ + pane-active-border-style \ + pane-base-index \ + pane-border-format \ + pane-border-indicators \ + pane-border-lines \ + pane-border-status \ + pane-border-style \ + popup-style \ + popup-border-style \ + popup-border-lines \ + window-status-activity-style \ + window-status-bell-style \ + window-status-current-format \ + window-status-current-style \ + window-status-format \ + window-status-last-style \ + window-status-separator \ + window-status-style \ + window-size \ + wrap-search \ + allow-passthrough \ + allow-rename \ + alternate-screen \ + cursor-colour \ + pane-colours \ + cursor-style \ + remain-on-exit \ + remain-on-exit-format \ + scroll-on-clear \ + synchronize-panes \ + window-active-style \ + window-style +complete -c tmux -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -a "$setoption" -d 'Set or unset option' +complete -c tmux -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -a "$showoptions" -d 'Show set options' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption $showoptions" -s p -d 'Pane option' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption $showoptions" -s w -d 'Window option' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption $showoptions" -s s -d 'Server option' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption $showoptions" -s g -d 'Global option' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption" -s F -d 'Expand format' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption" -s u -d 'Unset option' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption" -s U -d 'Unset option, also in child panes' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption" -s o -d 'Prevent override' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption" -s q -d 'Suppress ambiguous option errors' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption" -s a -d 'Append' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption $showoptions" -s t -x -d 'Target pane' -a '(__fish_tmux_panes)' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $showoptions" -s q -d 'No error if unset' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $showoptions" -s v -d 'Only show value' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $showoptions" -s H -d 'Include hooks' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $showoptions" -s A -d 'Include inherited options' +complete -c tmux -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from $setoption $showoptions; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $options" -a "$options" + ############### End: Options ############### ############### Begin: Environment ###############