mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 17:15:13 +08:00
More work towards improving relationship between multithreading and fork
This commit is contained in:
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ int read_blocked(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
ssize_t write_loop(int fd, const char *buff, size_t count)
size_t out=0;
ssize_t out=0;
size_t out_cum=0;
while( 1 )
@ -644,12 +644,12 @@ ssize_t write_loop(int fd, const char *buff, size_t count)
count - out_cum );
if (out < 0)
if( errno != EAGAIN &&
errno != EINTR )
if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR)
return -1;
} else
out_cum += (size_t)out;
@ -686,6 +686,79 @@ void debug( int level, const wchar_t *msg, ... )
errno = errno_old;
void debug_safe(int level, const char *msg, const char *param1, const char *param2, const char *param3)
if (! msg)
/* Can't call printf, that may allocate memory Just call write() over and over. */
if (level > debug_level)
int errno_old = errno;
size_t param_idx = 0;
const char *cursor = msg;
while (*cursor != '\0') {
const char *end = strchr(cursor, '%');
if (end == NULL)
end = cursor + strlen(cursor);
write(STDERR_FILENO, cursor, end - cursor);
if (end[0] == '%' && end[1] == 's') {
/* Handle a format string */
const char *format = NULL;
switch (param_idx++) {
case 0: format = param1; break;
case 1: format = param2; break;
case 2: format = param3; break;
if (! format)
format = "(null)";
write(STDERR_FILENO, format, strlen(format));
cursor = end + 2;
} else if (end[0] == '\0') {
/* Must be at the end of the string */
cursor = end;
} else {
/* Some other format specifier, just skip it */
cursor = end + 1;
// We always append a newline
write(STDERR_FILENO, "\n", 1);
errno = errno_old;
void format_int_safe(char buff[128], int val) {
if (val == 0) {
strcpy(buff, "0");
} else {
/* Generate the string in reverse */
size_t idx = 0;
bool negative = (val < 0);
if (negative)
val = -val;
while (val > 0) {
buff[idx++] = val % 10;
val /= 10;
if (negative)
buff[idx++] = '-';
buff[idx++] = 0;
size_t left = 0, right = idx - 1;
while (left < right) {
char tmp = buff[left];
buff[left++] = buff[right];
buff[right--] = tmp;
void write_screen( const wcstring &msg, wcstring &buff )
const wchar_t *start, *pos;
@ -1979,10 +2052,9 @@ void sb_format_size( string_buffer_t *sb,
wcstring format_size(long long sz)
wcstring result;
const wchar_t *sz_name[]=
const wchar_t *sz_name[]= {
L"kB", L"MB", L"GB", L"TB", L"PB", L"EB", L"ZB", L"YB", 0
if( sz < 0 )
@ -2015,10 +2087,90 @@ wcstring format_size(long long sz)
return result;
/* Crappy function to extract the most significant digit of an unsigned long long value */
static char extract_most_significant_digit(unsigned long long *xp) {
unsigned long long place_value = 1;
unsigned long long x = *xp;
while (x >= 10) {
x /= 10;
place_value *= 10;
*xp -= (place_value * x);
return x + '0';
void append_ull(char *buff, unsigned long long val, size_t *inout_idx, size_t max_len) {
size_t idx = *inout_idx;
while (val > 0 && idx < max_len)
buff[idx++] = extract_most_significant_digit(&val);
*inout_idx = idx;
void append_str(char *buff, const char *str, size_t *inout_idx, size_t max_len) {
size_t idx = *inout_idx;
while (*str && idx < max_len)
buff[idx++] = *str++;
*inout_idx = idx;
void format_size_safe(char buff[128], unsigned long long sz) {
const size_t buff_size = 128;
const size_t max_len = buff_size - 1; //need to leave room for a null terminator
bzero(buff, buff_size);
size_t idx = 0;
const char * const sz_name[]= {
"kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB", NULL
if (sz < 1)
strncpy(buff, "empty", buff_size);
else if (sz < 1024)
append_ull(buff, sz, &idx, max_len);
append_str(buff, "B", &idx, max_len);
for( size_t i=0; sz_name[i]; i++ )
if( sz < (1024*1024) || !sz_name[i+1] )
unsigned long long isz = sz/1024;
if( isz > 9 )
append_ull(buff, isz, &idx, max_len);
if (isz == 0)
append_str(buff, "0", &idx, max_len);
append_ull(buff, isz, &idx, max_len);
// Maybe append a single fraction digit
unsigned long long remainder = sz % 1024;
if (remainder > 0)
char tmp[3] = {'.', extract_most_significant_digit(&remainder), 0};
append_str(buff, tmp, &idx, max_len);
append_str(buff, sz_name[i], &idx, max_len);
sz /= 1024;
double timef()
int time_res;
@ -2045,6 +2197,19 @@ void exit_without_destructors(int code) {
/* Helper function to convert from a null_terminated_array_t<wchar_t> to a null_terminated_array_t<char_t> */
null_terminated_array_t<char> convert_wide_array_to_narrow(const null_terminated_array_t<wchar_t> &wide_arr) {
const wchar_t *const *arr = wide_arr.get();
if (! arr)
return null_terminated_array_t<char>();
std::vector<std::string> list;
for (size_t i=0; arr[i]; i++) {
return null_terminated_array_t<char>(list);
void append_path_component(wcstring &path, const wcstring &component)
size_t len = path.size();
@ -2076,6 +2241,10 @@ static void child_note_forked(void) {
bool is_forked_child(void) {
if (is_child_of_fork) {
printf("Uh-oh: %d\n", getpid());
while (1) sleep(10000);
return is_child_of_fork;
@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ class null_terminated_array_t {
null_terminated_array_t() : array(NULL) { }
null_terminated_array_t(const string_list_t &argv) : array(NULL) { this->set(argv); }
~null_terminated_array_t() { this->free(); }
/** operator=. Notice the pass-by-value parameter. */
@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ class null_terminated_array_t {
/* Copy constructor. */
null_terminated_array_t(const null_terminated_array_t &him) {
null_terminated_array_t(const null_terminated_array_t &him) : array(NULL) {
@ -401,9 +402,11 @@ class null_terminated_array_t {
return lst;
/* Helper function to convert from a null_terminated_array_t<wchar_t> to a null_terminated_array_t<char_t> */
null_terminated_array_t<char> convert_wide_array_to_narrow(const null_terminated_array_t<wchar_t> &arr);
bool is_forked_child();
/* Basic scoped lock class */
@ -666,12 +669,20 @@ int create_directory( const wcstring &d );
void bugreport();
Format the specified size (in bytes, kilobytes, etc.) into the specified stringbuffer.
/** Format the specified size (in bytes, kilobytes, etc.) into the specified stringbuffer. */
void sb_format_size( string_buffer_t *sb, long long sz );
wcstring format_size(long long sz);
/** Version of format_size that does not allocate memory. */
void format_size_safe(char buff[128], unsigned long long sz);
/** Our crappier versions of debug which is guaranteed to not allocate any memory, or do anything other than call write(). This is useful after a call to fork() with threads. */
void debug_safe(int level, const char *msg, const char *param1 = NULL, const char *param2 = NULL, const char *param3 = NULL);
/** Writes out an int safely */
void format_int_safe(char buff[128], int val);
Return the number of seconds from the UNIX epoch, with subsecond
precision. This function uses the gettimeofday function, and will
@ -193,55 +193,50 @@ void close_unused_internal_pipes( io_data_t *io )
Returns the interpreter for the specified script. Returns false if file
Returns the interpreter for the specified script. Returns NULL if file
is not a script with a shebang.
static bool get_interpreter( const wcstring &file, wcstring &interpreter )
static char *get_interpreter( const char *command, char *interpreter, size_t buff_size )
wcstring res;
FILE *fp = wfopen( file, "r" );
if( fp )
int fd = open( command, O_RDONLY );
if( fd >= 0 )
while( 1 )
size_t idx = 0;
while( idx + 1 < buff_size )
wint_t ch = getwc( fp );
if( ch == WEOF )
char ch;
ssize_t amt = read(fd, &ch, sizeof ch);
if( amt <= 0 )
if( ch == L'\n' )
if( ch == '\n' )
interpreter[idx++] = ch;
interpreter[idx++] = '\0';
if (string_prefixes_string(L"#! /", res)) {
interpreter = 3 + res.c_str();
return true;
} else if (string_prefixes_string(L"#!/", res)) {
interpreter = 2 + res.c_str();
return true;
if (strncmp(interpreter, "#! /", 4) == 0) {
return interpreter + 3;
} else if (strncmp(interpreter, "#!/", 3) == 0) {
return interpreter + 2;
} else {
return false;
return NULL;
This function is executed by the child process created by a call to
fork(). It should be called after \c setup_child_process. It calls
execve to replace the fish process image with the command specified
in \c p. It never returns.
static void launch_process( process_t *p )
/* Called in a forked child! Do not allocate memory, etc. */
static void safe_launch_process( process_t *p, const char *actual_cmd, char **argv, char **envv )
FILE* f;
int err;
// debug( 1, L"exec '%ls'", p->argv[0] );
char **argv = wcsv2strv(p->get_argv());
char **envv = env_export_arr( 0 );
execve ( wcs2str(p->actual_cmd),
envv );
@ -253,55 +248,43 @@ static void launch_process( process_t *p )
/bin/sh if encountered. This is a weird predecessor to the shebang
that is still sometimes used since it is supported on Windows.
f = wfopen(p->actual_cmd, "r");
if( f )
int fd = open(actual_cmd, O_RDONLY);
if (fd >= 0)
char begin[1] = {0};
size_t read;
ssize_t amt_read = read(fd, begin, 1);
read = fread(begin, 1, 1, f);
fclose( f );
if( (read==1) && (begin[0] == ':') )
if( (amt_read==1) && (begin[0] == ':') )
// Relaunch it with /bin/sh. Don't allocate memory, so if you have more args than this, update your silly script! Maybe this should be changed to be based on ARG_MAX somehow.
char sh_command[] = "/bin/sh";
char *argv2[128];
argv2[0] = sh_command;
for (size_t i=1; i < sizeof argv2 / sizeof *argv2; i++) {
argv2[i] = argv[i-1];
if (argv2[i] == NULL)
wcstring_list_t argv;
const wchar_t *sh_command = L"/bin/sh";
for(size_t i=1; p->argv(i) != NULL; i++ ){
p->actual_cmd = wcsdup(sh_command);
char **res_real = wcsv2strv( p->get_argv() );
execve ( wcs2str(p->actual_cmd),
envv );
execve(sh_command, argv2, envv);
errno = err;
debug( 0,
_( L"Failed to execute process '%ls'. Reason:" ),
p->actual_cmd );
debug_safe( 0, "Failed to execute process '%s'. Reason:", actual_cmd );
switch( errno )
case E2BIG:
size_t sz = 0;
char **p;
wcstring sz1, sz2;
char sz1[128], sz2[128];
long arg_max = -1;
size_t sz = 0;
char **p;
for(p=argv; *p; p++)
sz += strlen(*p)+1;
@ -312,71 +295,81 @@ static void launch_process( process_t *p )
sz += strlen(*p)+1;
sz1 = format_size(sz);
format_size_safe(sz1, sz);
arg_max = sysconf( _SC_ARG_MAX );
if( arg_max > 0 )
sz2 = format_size(arg_max);
debug( 0,
L"The total size of the argument and environment lists (%ls) exceeds the operating system limit of %ls.",
format_size_safe(sz2, sz);
debug_safe(0, "The total size of the argument and environment lists %s exceeds the operating system limit of %s.", sz1, sz2);
debug( 0,
L"The total size of the argument and environment lists (%ls) exceeds the operating system limit.",
debug_safe( 0, "The total size of the argument and environment lists (%s) exceeds the operating system limit.", sz1);
debug( 0,
L"Try running the command again with fewer arguments.");
debug_safe(0, "Try running the command again with fewer arguments.");
/* Hope strerror doesn't allocate... */
const char *err = strerror(errno);
debug_safe(0, "exec: %s", err);
debug(0, L"The file '%ls' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.", p->actual_cmd);
debug_safe(0, "The file '%ls' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.", actual_cmd);
case ENOENT:
wcstring interpreter;
if( get_interpreter(p->actual_cmd, interpreter) && waccess( interpreter, X_OK ) )
char interpreter_buff[128] = {}, *interpreter;
interpreter = get_interpreter(actual_cmd, interpreter_buff, sizeof interpreter_buff);
if( interpreter && 0 != access( interpreter, X_OK ) )
debug(0, L"The file '%ls' specified the interpreter '%ls', which is not an executable command.", p->actual_cmd, interpreter.c_str() );
debug_safe(0, "The file '%s' specified the interpreter '%s', which is not an executable command.", actual_cmd, interpreter );
debug(0, L"The file '%ls' or a script or ELF interpreter does not exist, or a shared library needed for file or interpreter cannot be found.", p->actual_cmd);
debug_safe(0, "The file '%s' or a script or ELF interpreter does not exist, or a shared library needed for file or interpreter cannot be found.", actual_cmd);
case ENOMEM:
debug(0, L"Out of memory");
debug_safe(0, "Out of memory");
/* Hope strerror doesn't allocate... */
const char *err = strerror(errno);
debug_safe(0, "exec: %s", err);
// debug(0, L"The file '%ls' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.", p->actual_cmd);
This function is similar to launch_process, except it is not called after a fork (i.e. it is only calls exec) and therefore it can allocate memory.
static void launch_process_nofork( process_t *p )
char **argv = wcsv2strv(p->get_argv());
char **envv = env_export_arr( 0 );
char *actual_cmd = wcs2str(p->actual_cmd);
/* Bounce to launch_process. This never returns. */
safe_launch_process(p, actual_cmd, argv, envv);
@ -630,7 +623,7 @@ void exec( parser_t &parser, job_t *j )
launch_process _never_ returns
launch_process( j->first_process );
launch_process_nofork( j->first_process );
@ -1209,7 +1202,6 @@ void exec( parser_t &parser, job_t *j )
/* Free the strings in the parent */
@ -1230,6 +1222,18 @@ void exec( parser_t &parser, job_t *j )
/* Get argv and envv before we fork */
null_terminated_array_t<char> argv_array = convert_wide_array_to_narrow(p->get_argv_array());
null_terminated_array_t<char> envv_array;
env_export_arr(false, envv_array);
char **envv = envv_array.get();
char **argv = argv_array.get();
std::string actual_cmd_str = wcs2string(p->actual_cmd);
const char *actual_cmd = actual_cmd_str.c_str();
pid = execute_fork(true /* must drain threads */);
if( pid == 0 )
@ -1238,10 +1242,10 @@ void exec( parser_t &parser, job_t *j )
p->pid = getpid();
setup_child_process( j, p );
launch_process( p );
safe_launch_process( p, actual_cmd, argv, envv );
launch_process _never_ returns...
safe_launch_process _never_ returns...
@ -147,10 +147,32 @@ static void test_escape()
free( (void *)e );
free( (void *)u );
static void test_format(void) {
say( L"Testing formatting functions" );
struct { unsigned long long val; const char *expected; } tests[] = {
{ 0, "empty" },
{ 1, "1B" },
{ 2, "2B" },
{ 1024, "1kB" },
{ 1870, "1.8kB" },
{ 4322911, "4.1MB" }
size_t i;
for (i=0; i < sizeof tests / sizeof *tests; i++) {
char buff[128];
format_size_safe(buff, tests[i].val);
assert( ! strcmp(buff, tests[i].expected));
for (int j=-129; j <= 129; j++) {
char buff1[128], buff2[128];
format_int_safe(buff1, j);
sprintf(buff2, "%d", j);
assert( ! strcmp(buff1, buff2));
@ -698,6 +720,7 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ void parser_t::parse_job_argument_list( process_t *p,
wchar_t *end;
if( (p->type == INTERNAL_EXEC) )
if (p->type == INTERNAL_EXEC)
tok_get_pos( tok ),
@ -2233,7 +2233,7 @@ void parser_t::skipped_exec( job_t * j )
else if( wcscmp( p->argv0(), L"case" )==0)
if( (current_block->type == SWITCH ) )
if(current_block->type == SWITCH)
exec( *this, j );
@ -32,19 +32,6 @@
#define FD_ERROR _( L"An error occurred while redirecting file descriptor %d" )
This function should be called by both the parent process and the
child right after fork() has been called. If job control is
enabled, the child is put in the jobs group, and if the child is
also in the foreground, it is also given control of the
terminal. When called in the parent process, this function may
fail, since the child might have already finished and called
exit. The parent process may safely ignore the exit status of this
Returns 0 on sucess, -1 on failiure.
// PCA These calls to debug are rather sketchy because they may allocate memory. Fortunately they only occur if an error occurs.
int set_child_group( job_t *j, process_t *p, int print_errors )
@ -61,6 +48,7 @@ int set_child_group( job_t *j, process_t *p, int print_errors )
if( getpgid( p->pid) != j->pgid && print_errors )
// PCA FIXME This is sketchy to do in a forked child because it may allocate memory. This needs to call only safe functions.
debug( 1,
_( L"Could not send process %d, '%ls' in job %d, '%ls' from group %d to group %d" ),
@ -284,22 +272,6 @@ static int handle_child_io( io_data_t *io )
Initialize a new child process. This should be called right away
after forking in the child process. If job control is enabled for
this job, the process is put in the process group of the job, all
signal handlers are reset, signals are unblocked (this function may
only be called inside the exec function, which blocks all signals),
and all IO redirections and other file descriptor actions are
\param j the job to set up the IO for
\param p the child process to set up
\return 0 on sucess, -1 on failiure. When this function returns,
signals are always unblocked. On failiure, signal handlers, io
redirections and process group of the process is undefined.
int setup_child_process( job_t *j, process_t *p )
int res=0;
@ -19,8 +19,36 @@
#include "wutil.h"
#include "io.h"
This function should be called by both the parent process and the
child right after fork() has been called. If job control is
enabled, the child is put in the jobs group, and if the child is
also in the foreground, it is also given control of the
terminal. When called in the parent process, this function may
fail, since the child might have already finished and called
exit. The parent process may safely ignore the exit status of this
Returns 0 on sucess, -1 on failiure.
int set_child_group( job_t *j, process_t *p, int print_errors );
Initialize a new child process. This should be called right away
after forking in the child process. If job control is enabled for
this job, the process is put in the process group of the job, all
signal handlers are reset, signals are unblocked (this function may
only be called inside the exec function, which blocks all signals),
and all IO redirections and other file descriptor actions are
\param j the job to set up the IO for
\param p the child process to set up
\return 0 on sucess, -1 on failiure. When this function returns,
signals are always unblocked. On failiure, signal handlers, io
redirections and process group of the process is undefined.
int setup_child_process( job_t *j, process_t *p );
/* Call fork(), optionally waiting until we are no longer multithreaded. If the forked child doesn't do anything that could allocate memory, take a lock, etc. (like call exec), then it's not necessary to wait for threads to die. If the forked child may do those things, it should wait for threads to die.
@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ class process_t
/** Returns argv */
const wchar_t * const *get_argv(void) const { return argv_array.get(); }
const null_terminated_array_t<wchar_t> &get_argv_array(void) const { return argv_array; }
/** Returns argv[0] */
const wchar_t *argv0(void) const { return argv_array.get()[0]; }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user