Large set of changes to how PATH is handled. Changed fish to no longer modify PATH in share/ Introduced variable fish_user_paths, and a glue function __fish_reconstruct_path that splices together PATH with fish_user_paths. Changed fish to no longer validate changes to PATH unless the paths are new (i.e. don't recheck what's already there). Modified certain sets to store const wchar_t instead of wcstring to save a few allocations.
This commit is contained in:
ridiculousfish 2013-02-19 17:48:51 -08:00
parent 2f43584727
commit aaa0c25ff7
9 changed files with 125 additions and 129 deletions

View File

@ -67,15 +67,26 @@ static int my_env_set(const wchar_t *key, const wcstring_list_t &val, int scope)
/* Fix for . Return success if any path setting succeeds. */
bool any_success = false;
/* Don't bother validating (or complaining about) values that are already present */
wcstring_list_t existing_values;
const env_var_t existing_variable = env_get_string(key);
if (! existing_variable.missing_or_empty())
tokenize_variable_array(existing_variable, existing_values);
for (i=0; i< val.size() ; i++)
const wcstring &dir =;
if (list_contains_string(existing_values, dir))
any_success = true;
bool show_perror = false;
int show_hint = 0;
bool error = false;
struct stat buff;
const wchar_t *dir = val[i].c_str();
if (wstat(dir, &buff))
error = true;
@ -93,9 +104,8 @@ static int my_env_set(const wchar_t *key, const wcstring_list_t &val, int scope)
const wchar_t *colon;
append_format(stderr_buffer, _(BUILTIN_SET_PATH_ERROR), L"set", dir, key);
colon = wcschr(dir, L':');
append_format(stderr_buffer, _(BUILTIN_SET_PATH_ERROR), L"set", dir.c_str(), key);
const wchar_t *colon = wcschr(dir.c_str(), L':');
if (colon && *(colon+1))
@ -111,7 +121,7 @@ static int my_env_set(const wchar_t *key, const wcstring_list_t &val, int scope)
if (show_hint)
append_format(stderr_buffer, _(BUILTIN_SET_PATH_HINT), L"set", key, key, wcschr(dir, L':')+1);
append_format(stderr_buffer, _(BUILTIN_SET_PATH_HINT), L"set", key, key, wcschr(dir.c_str(), L':')+1);

View File

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ static int builtin_set_color(parser_t &parser, wchar_t **argv)
append_format(stderr_buffer, _("%s: Unknown color '%s'\n"), argv[0], bgcolor);
/* Make sure that the term exists */
if (cur_term == NULL && setupterm(0, STDOUT_FILENO, 0) == ERR)
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ static int builtin_set_color(parser_t &parser, wchar_t **argv)
/* Save old output function so we can restore it */
int (* const saved_writer_func)(char) = output_get_writer();
/* Set our output function, which writes to a std::string */
@ -229,14 +229,14 @@ static int builtin_set_color(parser_t &parser, wchar_t **argv)
/* Restore saved writer function */
/* Output the collected string */
std::string local_output;
std::swap(builtin_set_color_output, local_output);

View File

@ -130,7 +130,13 @@ struct env_node_t
struct env_node_t *next;
env_node_t() : new_scope(false), exportv(false), next(NULL) { }
env_node_t() : new_scope(false), exportv(false) { }
/* Returns a pointer to the given entry if present, or NULL. */
const var_entry_t *find_entry(const wcstring &key);
/* Returns the next scope to search in order, respecting the new_scope flag, or NULL if we're done. */
env_node_t *next_scope_to_search(void);
class variable_entry_t
@ -141,15 +147,11 @@ class variable_entry_t
static pthread_mutex_t env_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
Top node on the function stack
static env_node_t *top=0;
/** Top node on the function stack */
static env_node_t *top = NULL;
Bottom node on the function stack
static env_node_t *global_env = 0;
/** Bottom node on the function stack */
static env_node_t *global_env = NULL;
@ -157,33 +159,41 @@ static env_node_t *global_env = 0;
static var_table_t *global;
Table of variables that may not be set using the set command.
static std::set<wcstring> env_read_only;
/* Helper class for storing constant strings, without needing to wrap them in a wcstring */
/* Comparer for const string set */
struct const_string_set_comparer
bool operator()(const wchar_t *a, const wchar_t *b)
return wcscmp(a, b) < 0;
typedef std::set<const wchar_t *, const_string_set_comparer> const_string_set_t;
/** Table of variables that may not be set using the set command. */
static const_string_set_t env_read_only;
static bool is_read_only(const wcstring &key)
return env_read_only.find(key) != env_read_only.end();
return env_read_only.find(key.c_str()) != env_read_only.end();
Table of variables whose value is dynamically calculated, such as umask, status, etc
static std::set<wcstring> env_electric;
static const_string_set_t env_electric;
static bool is_electric(const wcstring &key)
return env_electric.find(key) != env_electric.end();
return env_electric.find(key.c_str()) != env_electric.end();
Exported variable array used by execv
static null_terminated_array_t<char> export_array;
Flag for checking if we need to regenerate the exported variable
@ -194,12 +204,6 @@ static void mark_changed_exported()
has_changed_exported = true;
This string is used to store the value of dynamically
generated variables, such as history.
static wcstring dyn_var;
List of all locale variable names
@ -217,6 +221,23 @@ static const wchar_t * const locale_variable[] =
const var_entry_t *env_node_t::find_entry(const wcstring &key)
const var_entry_t *result = NULL;
var_table_t::const_iterator where = env.find(key);
if (where != env.end())
result = &where->second;
return result;
env_node_t *env_node_t::next_scope_to_search(void)
return this->new_scope ? global_env : this->next;
When fishd isn't started, this function is provided to
env_universal as a callback, it tries to start up fishd. It's
@ -376,7 +397,7 @@ static void universal_callback(fish_message_type_t type,
const wchar_t *name,
const wchar_t *val)
const wchar_t *str=0;
const wchar_t *str = NULL;
switch (type)
@ -417,37 +438,32 @@ static void universal_callback(fish_message_type_t type,
static void setup_path()
size_t i;
int j;
wcstring_list_t lst;
const wchar_t *path_el[] =
PREFIX L"/bin",
env_var_t path = env_get_string(L"PATH");
if (!path.missing())
wcstring_list_t lst;
if (! path.missing())
tokenize_variable_array(path, lst);
for (j=0; path_el[j]; j++)
for (size_t j=0; path_el[j] != NULL; j++)
int has_el=0;
bool has_el = false;
for (i=0; i<lst.size(); i++)
for (size_t i=0; i<lst.size(); i++)
wcstring el =;
const wcstring &el =;
size_t len = el.size();
while ((len > 0) && (el[len-1]==L'/'))
while ((len > 0) && ('/'))
@ -455,11 +471,12 @@ static void setup_path()
if ((wcslen(path_el[j]) == len) &&
(wcsncmp(el.c_str(), path_el[j], len)==0))
has_el = 1;
has_el = true;
if (!has_el)
if (! has_el)
wcstring buffer;
@ -470,8 +487,8 @@ static void setup_path()
buffer += path;
buffer += ARRAY_SEP_STR;
buffer += path_el[j];
env_set(L"PATH", buffer.empty()?NULL:buffer.c_str(), ENV_GLOBAL | ENV_EXPORT);
@ -542,8 +559,6 @@ static bool variable_can_be_array(const wcstring &key)
void env_init(const struct config_paths_t *paths /* or NULL */)
char **p;
env_read_only variables can not be altered directly by the user
@ -594,7 +609,7 @@ void env_init(const struct config_paths_t *paths /* or NULL */)
Import environment variables
for (p=environ?environ:__environ; p && *p; p++)
for (char **p = (environ ? environ : __environ); p && *p; p++)
const wcstring key_and_val = str2wcstring(*p); //like foo=bar
size_t eql = key_and_val.find(L'=');
@ -719,19 +734,12 @@ static env_node_t *env_get_node(const wcstring &key)
env_node_t *env = top;
while (env != NULL)
if (env->env.find(key) != env->env.end())
if (env->find_entry(key) != NULL)
if (env->new_scope)
env = global_env;
env = env->next;
env = env->next_scope_to_search();
return env;
@ -1079,28 +1087,20 @@ env_var_t env_get_string(const wcstring &key)
while (env != NULL)
var_table_t::iterator result = env->env.find(key);
if (result != env->env.end())
const var_entry_t *entry = env->find_entry(key);
if (entry != NULL)
const var_entry_t &res = result->second;
if (res.val == ENV_NULL)
if (entry->val == ENV_NULL)
return env_var_t::missing_var();
return res.val;
return entry->val;
if (env->new_scope)
env = global_env;
env = env->next;
env = env->next_scope_to_search();
@ -1180,14 +1180,7 @@ bool env_exist(const wchar_t *key, int mode)
if (mode & ENV_LOCAL)
if (env->new_scope)
env = global_env;
env = env->next;
env = env->next_scope_to_search();

View File

@ -172,9 +172,8 @@ public:
Gets the variable with the specified name, or an empty string if it does not exist.
/** Gets the variable with the specified name, or env_var_t::missing_var if it does not exist. */
env_var_t env_get_string(const wcstring &key);

View File

@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ static int read_byte(connection_t *src)
if (src->buffer_consumed >= src->read_buffer.size())
ssize_t res = read(src->fd, local, sizeof local);
// debug(4, L"Read chunk '%.*s'", res, src->buffer );
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ static void parse_message(wchar_t *msg,
wchar_t *val;
const wcstring key(name, tmp - name);
val = tmp+1;
val = unescape(val, 0);

View File

@ -78,17 +78,17 @@ typedef std::queue<message_t *> message_queue_t;
class connection_t
/* No assignment */
connection_t &operator=(const connection_t &);
The file descriptor this socket lives on
int fd;
Queue of unsent messages
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ class connection_t
Number of bytes that have already been consumed.
size_t buffer_consumed;
/* Constructor */
connection_t(int input_fd);

View File

@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
for (connection_list_t::iterator iter = connections.begin(); iter != connections.end(); )
for (connection_list_t::iterator iter = connections.begin(); iter != connections.end();)
if (iter->killme)

View File

@ -3101,18 +3101,18 @@ const wchar_t *reader_readline()
const wchar_t *buff = data->command_line.c_str();
const wchar_t *end = &buff[data->buff_pos];
const wchar_t *begin = end;
/* Make sure we delete at least one character (see #580) */
/* Delete until we hit a newline, or the beginning of the string */
while (begin > buff && *begin != L'\n')
/* If we landed on a newline, don't delete it */
if (*begin == L'\n')
assert(end >= begin);
size_t len = maxi<size_t>(end-begin, 1);
begin = end - len;

View File

@ -57,38 +57,32 @@ if test -d /usr/xpg4/bin
# Add a few common directories to path, if they exists. Note that pure
# console programs like makedep sometimes live in /usr/X11R6/bin, so we
# want this even for text-only terminals.
set -l path_list /bin /usr/bin /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/local/bin $__fish_bin_dir
# Root should also have the sbin directories in the path
switch $USER
case root
set path_list $path_list /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin
# It's desirable to only modify PATH once, because fish will check it for validity,
# which performs disk I/O. Construct the new PATH locally.
set -l path_under_construction $PATH
for i in $path_list
if begin ; not contains $i $path_under_construction ; and test -d $i ; end
set path_under_construction $path_under_construction $i
# Add a handler for when fish_user_path changes, so we can apply the same changes to PATH
# Invoke it immediately to apply the current value of fish_user_path
function __fish_reconstruct_path -d "Update PATH when fish_user_paths changes" --on-variable fish_user_paths
set -l local_path $PATH
set -l x
for x in $__fish_added_user_paths
if set -l idx (contains --index $x $local_path)
set -e local_path[$idx]
set PATH $path_under_construction
set -e __fish_added_user_paths
for x in $fish_user_paths
if not contains $x $local_path
set local_path $local_path $x
set -g __fish_added_user_paths $__fish_added_user_paths $x
set -xg PATH $local_path
# Launch debugger on SIGTRAP
function fish_sigtrap_handler --on-signal TRAP --no-scope-shadowing --description "Signal handler for the TRAP signal. Lanches a debug prompt."
function fish_sigtrap_handler --on-signal TRAP --no-scope-shadowing --description "Signal handler for the TRAP signal. Launches a debug prompt."