Git prompt: Only shorten sha if needed

This speeds up the common case when IO is slow, e.g. when used with

We only use the short sha for figuring out whether the state is
valid (for which a long sha should also work) and for display when HEAD
is detached (I think that's the correct git-ism).

Working towards #3083.
This commit is contained in:
Fabian Homborg 2016-05-28 17:58:29 +02:00
parent ffe5736abb
commit aaaea44714

View File

@ -351,17 +351,14 @@ function __fish_git_prompt --description "Prompt function for Git"
if not command -s git >/dev/null
return 1
set -l repo_info (command git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree --short HEAD ^/dev/null)
set -l repo_info (command git rev-parse --git-dir --is-inside-git-dir --is-bare-repository --is-inside-work-tree HEAD ^/dev/null)
test -n "$repo_info"; or return
set -l git_dir $repo_info[1]
set -l inside_gitdir $repo_info[2]
set -l bare_repo $repo_info[3]
set -l inside_worktree $repo_info[4]
set -l short_sha
if test (count $repo_info) = 5
set short_sha $repo_info[5]
set -q repo_info[5]; and set -l sha $repo_info[5]
set -l rbc (__fish_git_prompt_operation_branch_bare $repo_info)
set -l r $rbc[1] # current operation
@ -388,7 +385,7 @@ function __fish_git_prompt --description "Prompt function for Git"
set -l config (command git config --bool bash.showDirtyState)
if test "$config" != "false"
set w (__fish_git_prompt_dirty)
set i (__fish_git_prompt_staged $short_sha)
set i (__fish_git_prompt_staged $sha)
@ -462,11 +459,11 @@ end
### helper functions
function __fish_git_prompt_staged --description "__fish_git_prompt helper, tells whether or not the current branch has staged files"
set -l short_sha $argv[1]
set -l sha $argv[1]
set -l staged
if test -n "$short_sha"
if test -n "$sha"
command git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD --; or set staged $___fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate
set staged $___fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate
@ -534,10 +531,7 @@ function __fish_git_prompt_operation_branch_bare --description "__fish_git_promp
set -l git_dir $argv[1]
set -l inside_gitdir $argv[2]
set -l bare_repo $argv[3]
set -l short_sha
if test (count $argv) = 5
set short_sha $argv[5]
set -q argv[5]; and set -l sha $argv[5]
set -l branch
set -l operation
@ -598,6 +592,7 @@ function __fish_git_prompt_operation_branch_bare --description "__fish_git_promp
command git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD
end ^/dev/null; set os $status)
if test $os -ne 0
set -q sha; and set -l short_sha (command git rev-parse --short $sha)
if test -n "$short_sha"
set branch $short_sha...