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synced 2025-03-15 23:22:53 +08:00
Add homegrown hex float parsing
Hex float parsing may come about through wcstod, for example: printf "%f" '0x8p2' should output 32.0. Currently we use a not-great fork of hexponent. Hexponent has been dormant for years, and has some issues: doesn't round properly, allocates unnecessarily, doesn't handle denormals, is more complicated than necessary. Just rewrite hex float parsing, fixing those problems and getting us off of this weird fork.
This commit is contained in:
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
* Implementation of hex float parsing.
* Floating suffixes (f/l/F/L) are not supported.
* Grammar:
* hexadecimal-floating-constant:
* hexadecimal-prefix hexadecimal-fractional-constant
* binary-exponent-part
* hexadecimal-prefix hexadecimal-digit-sequence
* binary-exponent-part
* hexadecimal-fractional-constant
* hexadecimal-digit-sequence_opt . hexadecimal-digit-sequence
* hexadecimal-digit-sequence .
* binary-exponent-part:
* p sign_opt digit-sequence
* P sign_opt digit-sequence
* hexadecimal-digit-sequence:
* hexadecimal-digit
* hexadecimal-digit-sequence hexadecimal-digit
* Note this omits an optional leading sign (+ or -).
* Hex digits may be lowercase or uppercase. The exponent is a power of 2.
/// Error type for failing to parse a hexadecimal floating-point number.
/// Only syntax errors may occur.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct SyntaxError;
/// Parses a hexadecimal floating-point number from a character iterator.
/// # Arguments
/// * `chars` - An iterator over characters representing the hexadecimal float.
/// * `decimal_sep` - The character to indicate the decimal (probably a period).
/// # Returns
/// A `Result` containing either:
/// - A tuple of the parsed floating-point number (`f64`) and the number of characters consumed (`usize`), or
/// - A `SyntaxError` if the parsing fails.
pub fn parse_hex_float(
chars: impl Iterator<Item = char>,
decimal_sep: char,
) -> Result<(f64, usize), SyntaxError> {
const F64_EXP_BIAS: i32 = 1023;
let mut chars = chars.peekable();
let mut consumed = 0;
// Parse sign?
let negative = match chars.peek().copied() {
Some('+' | '-') => {
consumed += 1;
chars.next() == Some('-')
_ => false,
// Make a value of 1.0 or -1.0 for later.
let sign = if negative { -1.0 } else { 1.0 };
// Parse hex prefix.
match (chars.next(), chars.next()) {
(Some('0'), Some('x' | 'X')) => consumed += 2,
_ => return Err(SyntaxError),
// We must have at least one digit.
let mut seen_digits = false;
// Skip leading 0s.
while chars.next_if_eq(&'0').is_some() {
consumed += 1;
seen_digits = true;
// Start constructing the mantissa.
// We move from most to least significant bits, and discard digits after we have fully
// populated a u64. Note we don't distinguish between digits before and after the decimal
// as that is handled by the exponent.
let mut mantissa: u64 = 0;
let mut shift = 64;
let mut add_digit = |digit: u32| {
debug_assert!(digit < 16);
seen_digits = true;
// Ignore digits if we would shift them out of range; that indicates excess precision.
if shift > 0 {
shift -= 4;
mantissa |= u64::from(digit) << shift;
// Parse digits before the decimal.
// Record the number of digits before the decimal to inform the exponent.
let consumed_before_decimal = consumed;
while let Some(d) = chars.peek().and_then(|c| c.to_digit(16)) {
consumed += 1;
// Record the number of digits before the decimal (if any), saturating.
let decimal_point_pos: i32 = (consumed - consumed_before_decimal)
// Optionally parse a decimal and another sequence.
// If we have no decimal, pretend it's here anyways.
if chars.next_if_eq(&decimal_sep).is_some() {
consumed += 1;
while let Some(d) = chars.peek().and_then(|c| c.to_digit(16)) {
consumed += 1;
// Must have at least one.
if !seen_digits {
return Err(SyntaxError);
// Try parsing the explicit exponent.
// Saturate it - if it's huge we'll just end up returning inf.
let mut explicit_exp: i32 = 0;
if matches!(chars.peek(), Some('p' | 'P')) {
consumed += 1;
// Exponent sign?
let negative = match chars.peek() {
Some('+' | '-') => {
consumed += 1;
chars.next() == Some('-')
_ => false,
// Decimal digit sequence.
let before = consumed;
while let Some(d) = chars.peek().and_then(|c| c.to_digit(10)) {
explicit_exp = explicit_exp.saturating_mul(10).saturating_add(d as i32);
consumed += 1;
// Need at least one digit.
if consumed == before {
return Err(SyntaxError);
// Negating a non-negative value cannot overflow.
if negative {
explicit_exp = -explicit_exp;
// Handle a zero mantissa.
if mantissa == 0 {
return Ok((0.0f64.copysign(sign), consumed));
// Normalize to leading 1.
let zeros = mantissa.leading_zeros() as i32;
mantissa <<= zeros;
// Round the mantissa, halfways to even.
// There are 53 bits in the mantissa (counting implicit 1, which we still have),
// so look at the remaining bits to decide whether to round.
let trim = 64 - 53;
let halfway = 1 << (trim - 1);
let rounding_bits = mantissa & ((1 << trim) - 1);
mantissa ^= rounding_bits; // Clear the bits to trim.
if rounding_bits > halfway || (rounding_bits == halfway && (mantissa & (1 << trim)) != 0) {
// Round the mantissa up.
// If it overflows, then increase the exponent's magnitude by 1, and set the mantissa to 1.
mantissa = if let Some(m) = mantissa.checked_add(1 << trim) {
} else {
explicit_exp = explicit_exp.saturating_add(1);
// Compute the exponent (base 2).
// This has contributions from the explicit exponent,
// hex digits (e.g. 0x1000p0 has an exponent of 8), and leading zeros, with a plus one
// as hex 0001 should have an exponent of 0.
let exponent = decimal_point_pos
.saturating_sub(1 + zeros);
// Handle infinity.
if exponent > 1023 {
return Ok((f64::INFINITY.copysign(sign), consumed));
// If the decimal is less than the minimum for normals, then record the
// excess; we'll use it to scale the result later. Note remaining_exp is non-positive;
// we are going to multiply by 2**remaining_exp.
let remaining_exp = (1022 + exponent).min(0);
let exponent = exponent.max(-1022);
debug_assert!(remaining_exp <= 0);
let biased_exp: u64 = (exponent + F64_EXP_BIAS).try_into().unwrap();
// Construct the float as sign, exponent, mantissa.
// Trim implicit 1 and excess precision from mantissa.
let bits = (u64::from(negative) << 63) | (biased_exp << 52) | ((mantissa << 1) >> (64 - 52));
let mut f = f64::from_bits(bits);
// Handle denormals by scaling via the remaining exponent.
// Note this may zero out the result if it underflows.
if remaining_exp < 0 {
f *= 2.0f64.powi(remaining_exp);
Ok((f, consumed))
mod tests {
use super::{parse_hex_float, SyntaxError};
// Helper to parse a float, expecting to succeed and consume the entire string.
fn parse(input: &str) -> f64 {
let res = parse_hex_float(input.chars(), '.')
.expect(format!("Failed to parse {}", input).as_str());
// We expect to consume the entire string.
assert_eq!(res.1, input.len());
fn test_parse_hex_float_rounding() {
// Helper to get the first float before a float.
let nextbefore = |f: f64| f64::from_bits(f.to_bits() - 1);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFp0"), nextbefore(2.0));
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF7p0"), nextbefore(2.0));
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF8p0"), 2.0); // halfway, should round up!
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF8p-4"), 0.125); // halfway, should round up!
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF9p0"), 2.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFp0"), 2.0);
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFp0"), nextbefore(-2.0));
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF7p0"), nextbefore(-2.0));
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF8p0"), -2.0); // halfway, should round up!
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF8p-4"), -0.125); // halfway, should round up!
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFF9p0"), -2.0);
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFp0"), -2.0);
let nb2 = nextbefore(2.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFEp0"), nextbefore(nb2));
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFE7p0"), nextbefore(nb2));
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFE8p0"), nextbefore(nb2)); // halfway, should round down!
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFE9p0"), nb2);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFEFp0"), nb2);
let nb2 = nextbefore(-2.0);
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFEp0"), nextbefore(nb2));
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFE7p0"), nextbefore(nb2));
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFE8p0"), nextbefore(nb2)); // halfway, should round down!
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFE9p0"), nb2);
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1.FFFFFFFFFFFFEFp0"), nb2);
fn test_parse_hex_float_valid() {
assert_eq!(parse("0x0"), 0.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0X0"), 0.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0X000"), 0.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0X0000.8"), 0.5);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1"), 1.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1p0"), 1.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1P0"), 1.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.8p1"), 3.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x2p2"), 8.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.8"), 1.5);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.2p3"), 9.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x10p-1"), 8.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1.p1"), 2.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x.8p0"), 0.5);
assert_eq!(parse("0x.1p4"), 1.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x2"), 2.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x2P1"), 4.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x2.4"), 2.25);
assert_eq!(parse("0x2.4p2"), 9.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x3p-2"), 0.75);
assert_eq!(parse("0x4p-3"), 0.5);
assert_eq!(parse("0x5"), 5.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x5p1"), 10.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x5.1p0"), 5.0625);
assert_eq!(parse("0x5.1p1"), 10.125);
assert_eq!(parse("0x8"), 8.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x8p0"), 8.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x8.8"), 8.5);
assert_eq!(parse("0x9"), 9.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x9p-1"), 4.5);
assert_eq!(parse("0xA"), 10.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0xAp1"), 20.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0xB"), 11.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0xBp-1"), 5.5);
assert_eq!(parse("0xC"), 12.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0xCp2"), 48.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0xF"), 15.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0xFp-2"), 3.75);
assert_eq!(parse("0x10"), 16.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x10p-4"), 1.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1A"), 26.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1Ap3"), 208.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1F"), 31.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1Fp1"), 62.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x20"), 32.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x20p-5"), 1.0);
fn test_parse_hex_float_length() {
let parse_len = |input: &str| {
let res = parse_hex_float(input.chars(), '.')
.expect(format!("Failed to parse {}", input).as_str());
assert_eq!(parse_len("0x0ZZZ"), 3);
assert_eq!(parse_len("0x1.p1ZZZZ"), 6);
assert_eq!(parse_len("0x1234ZZZZZZZ"), 6);
fn test_parse_hex_float_errors() {
assert_eq!(parse_hex_float("".chars(), '.'), Err(SyntaxError));
assert_eq!(parse_hex_float("0xZ".chars(), '.'), Err(SyntaxError));
assert_eq!(parse_hex_float("1A3P1.1p2".chars(), '.'), Err(SyntaxError));
assert_eq!(parse_hex_float("1A3G.1p2".chars(), '.'), Err(SyntaxError));
fn test_parse_hex_float_signed_zero() {
let z1 = parse_hex_float("0x0p0".chars(), '.').unwrap().0;
let z2 = parse_hex_float("-0x0p0".chars(), '.').unwrap().0;
assert_eq!(z1, 0.0);
assert_eq!(z2, 0.0);
fn test_parse_hex_floats_saturating_exp() {
// Huge and positive (negative) exponents give us inf (-inf).
assert_eq!(parse("0x1p999999"), f64::INFINITY);
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1p999999"), -f64::INFINITY);
// Test an exponent that would overflow i64. We don't care.
assert_eq!(parse("0x1p36893488147419103232"), f64::INFINITY);
assert_eq!(parse("-0x1p36893488147419103232"), -f64::INFINITY);
// Test a mantissa that would overflow the exponent.
// The max exponent is 1024; each hex digit is worth 4 (with a -1).
assert_eq!(parse(&format!("0x1{:0<260}", "")), f64::INFINITY);
assert_eq!(parse(&format!("-0x1{:0<260}", "")), -f64::INFINITY);
// The mantissa and exponent can cancel each other out!
assert_eq!(parse(&format!("0x1{:0<512}p-2000", "")), 2.0f64.powi(48));
assert_eq!(parse(&format!("-0x1{:0<512}p-2000", "")), -2.0f64.powi(48));
fn test_parse_hex_float_denormals() {
assert_eq!(parse("0x1p-1022"), f64::MIN_POSITIVE);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1p-1023"), f64::MIN_POSITIVE / 2.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x1p-1024"), f64::MIN_POSITIVE / 4.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x.8p-1024"), f64::MIN_POSITIVE / 8.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x.4p-1024"), f64::MIN_POSITIVE / 16.0);
assert_eq!(parse("0x.4p-9999"), 0.0);
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ pub mod encoding;
pub mod errors;
pub mod fileid;
pub mod gettext;
mod hex_float;
pub mod printf;
mod tests;
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