From cc6f133368d20d35ec557975e48c2d29d5548e56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: axel <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 01:34:52 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] make the script able to
 handle svn as well. Update svn completions.

--- | 129 ++++-
 share/completions/      | 971 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 980 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755

diff --git a/ b/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 50b854c57..4a9aaf8d7
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,20 +1,80 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env fish
+# This file produces command specific completions for either hg or darcs
+function cap
+	set res (echo $argv |cut -c 1|tr a-z A-Z)(echo $argv |cut -c 2-)
+	echo $res
+function esc
+	echo $argv | sed -e "s/'/\\\'/g"
+set cmd $argv[1]; or exit 1
 echo '
-# Completions for the hg command (Mercurial)
+# Completions for the '$cmd' command
 # This file was autogenerated by the file
 # which is shipped with the fish source code
+# Completions from commandline
+set -e argv[1]
+while count $argv >/dev/null
+	  echo $argv[1]
+	  set -e argv[1]
+echo '
 # subcommands
-set -l cmd (hg help | sed -n -e 's/^ \([^ ][^ ]*\)  *\([^ ].*\)$/-a \1 --description \'\2\'/p')
+eval "function cmd; $cmd \$argv; end"
-printf "complete -c hg -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x %s\n" $cmd
+set -l cmd_str
-for i in (hg help | sed -n -e 's/^ \([^ ][^ ]*\) .*$/\1/p')
+switch $cmd
+	case svn
+		function list_subcommand 
+			set cmd1 '\([^ ]*\)'
+			set cmd2 '\([^,)]*\)'
+			set cmdn '\(, \([^,)]*\)\|\)'
+			set svn_re '^   *'$cmd1'\( ('$cmd2$cmdn$cmdn')\|\).*$'
+			cmd help|sed -ne 's/'$svn_re'/\1\n\3\n\5\n\7/p'| grep .
+		end
+		for i in (list_subcommand)
+			set desc (cmd help $i|head -n 1|sed -e 's/[^:]*: *\(.*\)$/\1/')
+			set desc (esc $desc)
+			set cmd_str $cmd_str "-a $i --description '$desc'"
+		end
+	case '*'
+		function list_subcommand 
+		 	cmd help | sed -n -e 's/^  *\([^ ][^ ]*\) .*$/\1/p'
+		end
+		set cmd_str (cmd help | sed -n -e 's/^  *\([^ ][^ ]*\)[\t ] *\([^ ].*\)$/-a \1 --description \'\2\'/p')
+printf "complete -c $cmd -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x %s\n" $cmd_str
+for i in (list_subcommand)
 	echo '
@@ -22,16 +82,63 @@ for i in (hg help | sed -n -e 's/^ \([^ ][^ ]*\) .*$/\1/p')
 # Completions for the \''$i'\' subcommand
+	set -l cmd_str "complete -c $cmd -n 'contains $i (commandline -poc)' %s\n"
-	set -l sw1 (hg help $i | sed -n -e 's/^ *-\(.\)  *--\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ].*\)$/-s \1 -l \2 --description \'\3\'/p' )
-	if count $sw1 >/dev/null
-		printf "complete -c hg %s\n" $sw1
-	end
+	set short_exp '\(-.\|\)'
+	set long_exp '--\([^ =,]*\)'
+	set arg_exp '\(\|[= ][^ ][^ ]*\)'
+	set desc_exp '\([\t ]*:[\t ]*\|\)\([^ ].*\)'
+	set re "^ *$short_exp  *$long_exp$arg_exp  *$desc_exp\$"
+	for j in (cmd help $i | sed -n -e 's/'$re'/\1\t\2\t\3\t\5/p')
+		set exploded (echo $j|tr \t \n)
+		set short $exploded[1]
+		set long $exploded[2]
+		set arg $exploded[3]
+		set desc (cap (esc $exploded[4]))
+		set str 
+		switch $short
+			case '-?'
+				set str $str -s (echo $short|cut -c 2)
+		end
+		switch $long
+			case '?*'
+				set str $str -l $long
+		end
+		switch $arg
+			case '=DIRECTORY'
+				set str $str -x -a "(__fish_complete_directories (commandline -ct))"
+			case '=COMMAND'
+				set str $str -x -a "(__fish_complete_command)"
+			case '=USERNAME'
+				set str $str -x -a "(__fish_complete_users)"
+			case '=FILENAME' '=FILE'
+				set str $str -r 
+			case ' arg'
+				set str $str -x
+			case '?*'
+				set str $str -x
+				echo "Don't know how to handle arguments of type $arg" >&2
+		end
+		switch $desc
+			case '?*'
+				set str $str --description \'$desc\'
+		end
+		echo complete -c $cmd -n "'contains $i (commandline -poc)'" $str
-	set -l sw2 (hg help $i | sed -n -e 's/^ *--\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ].*\)$/-l \1 --description \'\2\'/p' )
-	if count $sw2 >/dev/null
-		printf "complete -c hg %s\n" $sw2
+echo \n\n
diff --git a/share/completions/ b/share/completions/
index 2420922de..3922edce0 100644
--- a/share/completions/
+++ b/share/completions/
@@ -1,133 +1,886 @@
-# Completions for the svn VCS command
+# Completions for the svn command
+# This file was autogenerated by the file
+# which is shipped with the fish source code
-# If no subcommand has been specified, complete using all available subcommands
+# Completions from commandline
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'add' --description "Place files or directories under version control"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'blame praise annotate ann' --description "Output files/URLs with revision and author information inline"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'cat' --description "Output content of files/URLs"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'checkout co' --description "Check out a working copy from the repository"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'cleanup' --description "Recursively clean up the working copy"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'commit ci' --description "Send changes from your working copy to the repository"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'copy cp' --description "Duplicate something in working copy or repository, remembering history"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'delete del remove rm' --description "Remove file or directory from version control"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'diff di' --description "Display the differences between two paths"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'export' --description "Create an unversioned copy of a tree"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'help h \\?' --description "Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'import' --description "Commit an unversioned file or tree into the repository"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'info' --description "Display information about a local or remote item"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'list ls' --description "List directory entries in the repository"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'lock' --description "Lock working copy paths or URLs in the repository"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'log' --description "Show the log messages for a set of revision(s) and/or file(s)"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'merge' --description "Apply the differences between two sources to a working copy path"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'mkdir' --description "Create a new directory under version control"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'move mv rename ren' --description "Move and/or rename something in working copy or repository"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'propdel pdel pd' --description "Remove a property from files, dirs, or revisions"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'propedit pedit pe' --description "Edit a property with an external editor on targets"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'propget pget pg' --description "Print value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'proplist plist pl' --description "List all properties on files, dirs, or revisions"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'propset pset ps' --description "Set the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'resolved' --description "Remove conflicted state on working copy files or directories"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'revert' --description "Restore pristine working copy file"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'status stat st' --description "Print the status of working copy files and directories"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'switch sw' --description "Update the working copy to a different URL"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'unlock' --description "Unlock working copy paths or URLs"
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -xa 'update up' --description "Bring changes from the repository into the working copy"
-# -s/--revision
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from blame cat checkout info list log merge move propdel propedit propget proplist switch update' -x -s r -l revision --description "Specify revision"
-# --targets
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from add commit import info lock log resolved revert unlock' -r -l targets --description "Pass contents of file as additional args"
-# -N/--non-recursive
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from add checkout commit import merge status switch update' -s N -l non-recursive --description "Don't recurse"
-# -q/--quiet
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from add checkout commit import log merge mkdir move propdel proplist resolved revert status switch update help' -s q -l quiet --description "Print as little as possible"
-# --force
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from add lock merge move propedit unlock' -l force --description "Force operation to run"
-# --auto-props
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from add' -l auto-props --description "Enable automatic properties"
-# --no-auto-props
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from add' -l no-auto-props --description "Disable automatic properties"
-# -v/--verbose
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from blame cat log proplist status' -s v -l verbose --description "Print extra info"
-# --username
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from blame cat checkout commit import info list lock log merge mkdir move propdel propedit propget proplist status switch unlock update' -x -l username --description "Specify a username"
-# --password
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from blame cat checkout commit import info list lock log merge mkdir move propdel propedit propget proplist status switch unlock update' -x -l password --description "Specify a password"
-# --no-auth-cache
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from blame cat checkout commit import info list lock log merge mkdir move propdel propedit propget proplist status switch unlock update' -l no-auth-cache --description "Don't cache auth tokens"
-# --non-interactive
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from blame cat checkout commit import info list lock log merge mkdir move propdel propedit propget proplist status switch unlock update' -l non-interactive --description "Do no interactive prompting"
-# --config-dir
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from add cleanup blame cat checkout commit import info list lock log merge mkdir move propdel propedit propget proplist resolved revert status switch unlock update help' -r -l config-dir --description "Read user config files from named directory"
-# --no-unlock
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from commit import' -l no-unlock --description "Don't unlock targets"
-# -m/--message
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from commit import lock mkdir move' -x -s m -l message --description "Specify commit message"
-# -F/--file
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from commit import lock mkdir move' -r -s F -l file --description "Read commit message from file"
-# --force-log
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from commit import lock mkdir move' -l force-log --description "Force log message source validity"
-# --editor-cmd
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from commit import mkdir move propedit' -x -l editor-cmd --description "Specify external editor"
-# --recursive
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from info list propdel propget proplist resolved revert' -s R -l recursive --description "Descend recursively"
-# --incremental
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from list log' -l incremental --description "Give output suitable for concatenation"
-# --xml
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from list log' -l xml --description "Output in XML"
-# --diff3-cmd
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from cleanup merge switch update' -x -l diff3-cmd --description "Specify merge command"
-# --encoding
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from lock mkdir move propedit' -x -l encoding --description "Force encoding"
-# --revprop
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from propdel propedit propget' -l revprop --description "Operate on revision property"
-# --strict
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from propget' -l strict --description "Use strict semantics"
-# --ignore-externals
-complete -c svn -n '__fish_seen_subcommand_from checkout status update' -l ignore-externals --description "Ignore externals definitions"
-# Flags for svn log
+# subcommands
-set -l logopt -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)'
-complete $logopt -l stop-on-copy --description "Do not cross copies"
-complete $logopt -l limit --description "Maximum number of log entries"
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a add --description 'Put files and directories under version control, scheduling'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a blame --description 'Output the content of specified files or'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a praise --description 'Output the content of specified files or'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a annotate --description 'Output the content of specified files or'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a ann --description 'Output the content of specified files or'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a cat --description 'Output the content of specified files or URLs.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a checkout --description 'Check out a working copy from a repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a co --description 'Check out a working copy from a repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a cleanup --description 'Recursively clean up the working copy, removing locks, resuming'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a commit --description 'Send changes from your working copy to the repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a ci --description 'Send changes from your working copy to the repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a copy --description 'Duplicate something in working copy or repository, remembering history.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a cp --description 'Duplicate something in working copy or repository, remembering history.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a delete --description 'Remove files and directories from version control.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a del --description 'Remove files and directories from version control.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a remove --description 'Remove files and directories from version control.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a rm --description 'Remove files and directories from version control.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a diff --description 'Display the differences between two paths.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a di --description 'Display the differences between two paths.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a export --description 'Create an unversioned copy of a tree.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a help --description 'Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a ? --description 'Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a h --description 'Describe the usage of this program or its subcommands.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a import --description 'Commit an unversioned file or tree into the repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a info --description 'Display information about a local or remote item.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a list --description 'List directory entries in the repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a ls --description 'List directory entries in the repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a lock --description 'Lock working copy paths or URLs in the repository, so that'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a log --description 'Show the log messages for a set of revision(s) and/or file(s).'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a merge --description 'Apply the differences between two sources to a working copy path.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a mkdir --description 'Create a new directory under version control.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a move --description 'Move and/or rename something in working copy or repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a mv --description 'Move and/or rename something in working copy or repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a rename --description 'Move and/or rename something in working copy or repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a ren --description 'Move and/or rename something in working copy or repository.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a propdel --description 'Remove a property from files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a pdel --description 'Remove a property from files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a pd --description 'Remove a property from files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a propedit --description 'Edit a property with an external editor.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a pedit --description 'Edit a property with an external editor.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a pe --description 'Edit a property with an external editor.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a propget --description 'Print the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a pget --description 'Print the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a pg --description 'Print the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a proplist --description 'List all properties on files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a plist --description 'List all properties on files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a pl --description 'List all properties on files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a propset --description 'Set the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a pset --description 'Set the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a ps --description 'Set the value of a property on files, dirs, or revisions.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a resolved --description 'Remove \'conflicted\' state on working copy files or directories.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a revert --description 'Restore pristine working copy file (undo most local edits).'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a status --description 'Print the status of working copy files and directories.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a stat --description 'Print the status of working copy files and directories.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a st --description 'Print the status of working copy files and directories.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a switch --description 'Update the working copy to a different URL.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a sw --description 'Update the working copy to a different URL.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a unlock --description 'Unlock working copy paths or URLs.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a update --description 'Bring changes from the repository into the working copy.'
+complete -c svn -n '__fish_use_subcommand' -x -a up --description 'Bring changes from the repository into the working copy.'
-# Flags for svn merge
+# Completions for the 'add' subcommand
-set -l mergeopt -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)'
-complete $mergeopt -l dry-run --description "Make no changes"
-complete $mergeopt -l ignore-ancestry --description "Ignore ancestry when calculating merge"
+complete -c svn -n 'contains add (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains add (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains add (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains add (commandline -poc)' -l no-ignore --description 'Disregard default and svn:ignore property ignores'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains add (commandline -poc)' -l auto-props --description 'Enable automatic properties'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains add (commandline -poc)' -l no-auto-props --description 'Disable automatic properties'
-# Flags for svn status
+# Completions for the 'blame' subcommand
-set -l statusopt -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)'
-complete $statusopt -s u -l show-updates --description "Display update information"
-complete $statusopt -l no-ignore --description "Disregard ignores"
+complete -c svn -n 'contains blame (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains blame (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains blame (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains blame (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains blame (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains blame (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains blame (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
-# Flags for svn switch
+# Completions for the 'praise' subcommand
-set -l switchopt -c svn -n 'contains switch (commandline -poc)'
-complete $switchopt -l relocate --description "Relocate VIA URL-rewriting"
+complete -c svn -n 'contains praise (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains praise (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains praise (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains praise (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains praise (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains praise (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains praise (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
-# Flags for svn help
+# Completions for the 'annotate' subcommand
-set -l helpopt -c svn -n 'contains help (commandline -poc)'
-complete $helpopt -l version --description "Print client version info"
+complete -c svn -n 'contains annotate (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains annotate (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains annotate (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains annotate (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains annotate (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains annotate (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains annotate (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
-# Flags for svn delete
+# Completions for the 'ann' subcommand
-set -l deleteopt -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)'
-complete $deleteopt -l force --description "force operation to run"
-complete $deleteopt -s q -l quiet --description "print as little as possible"
-complete $deleteopt -l targets --description "pass contents of file ARG as additional args"
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ann (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ann (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ann (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ann (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ann (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ann (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ann (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'cat' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cat (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cat (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cat (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cat (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cat (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'checkout' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains checkout (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains checkout (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains checkout (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains checkout (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains checkout (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains checkout (commandline -poc)' -l ignore-externals --description 'Ignore externals definitions'
+# Completions for the 'co' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains co (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains co (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains co (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains co (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains co (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains co (commandline -poc)' -l ignore-externals --description 'Ignore externals definitions'
+# Completions for the 'cleanup' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cleanup (commandline -poc)' -l diff3-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as merge command'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cleanup (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'commit' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l no-unlock --description 'Don\'t unlock the targets'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains commit (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'ci' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l no-unlock --description 'Don\'t unlock the targets'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ci (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'copy' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains copy (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains copy (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains copy (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains copy (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains copy (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains copy (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains copy (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains copy (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'cp' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cp (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cp (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cp (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cp (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cp (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cp (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cp (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains cp (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'delete' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains delete (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'del' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains del (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'remove' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains remove (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'rm' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rm (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'diff' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l old -x --description 'Use ARG as the older target'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l new -x --description 'Use ARG as the newer target'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l diff-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as diff command'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l no-diff-deleted --description 'Do not print differences for deleted files'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l notice-ancestry --description 'Notice ancestry when calculating differences'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains diff (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'di' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l old -x --description 'Use ARG as the older target'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l new -x --description 'Use ARG as the newer target'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l diff-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as diff command'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l no-diff-deleted --description 'Do not print differences for deleted files'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l notice-ancestry --description 'Notice ancestry when calculating differences'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains di (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'export' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains export (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains export (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains export (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains export (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains export (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains export (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains export (commandline -poc)' -l native-eol -x --description 'Use a different EOL marker than the standard'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains export (commandline -poc)' -l ignore-externals --description 'Ignore externals definitions'
+# Completions for the 'help' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains help (commandline -poc)' -l version --description 'Print client version info'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains help (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the '?' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ? (commandline -poc)' -l version --description 'Print client version info'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ? (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'h' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains h (commandline -poc)' -l version --description 'Print client version info'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains h (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'import' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l auto-props --description 'Enable automatic properties'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l no-auto-props --description 'Disable automatic properties'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l no-ignore --description 'Disregard default and svn:ignore property ignores'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains import (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'info' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains info (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains info (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains info (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains info (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains info (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains info (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains info (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains info (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'list' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains list (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains list (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains list (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains list (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains list (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains list (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains list (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'ls' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ls (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ls (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ls (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ls (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ls (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ls (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ls (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'lock' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains lock (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains lock (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains lock (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains lock (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains lock (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains lock (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains lock (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains lock (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains lock (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+# Completions for the 'log' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l stop-on-copy --description 'Do not cross copies while traversing history'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains log (commandline -poc)' -l limit -x --description 'Maximum number of log entries'
+# Completions for the 'merge' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)' -l dry-run --description 'Try operation but make no changes'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)' -l diff3-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as merge command'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)' -l ignore-ancestry --description 'Ignore ancestry when calculating merges'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains merge (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'mkdir' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mkdir (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mkdir (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mkdir (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mkdir (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mkdir (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mkdir (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mkdir (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mkdir (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'move' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains move (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains move (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains move (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains move (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains move (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains move (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains move (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains move (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains move (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'mv' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mv (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mv (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mv (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mv (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mv (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mv (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mv (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mv (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains mv (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'rename' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rename (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rename (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rename (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rename (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rename (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rename (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rename (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rename (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains rename (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'ren' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ren (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ren (commandline -poc)' -l force-log --description 'Force validity of log message source'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ren (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ren (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ren (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ren (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ren (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ren (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ren (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'propdel' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propdel (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propdel (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propdel (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propdel (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propdel (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propdel (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'pdel' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pdel (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pdel (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pdel (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pdel (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pdel (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pdel (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'pd' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pd (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pd (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pd (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pd (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pd (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pd (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'propedit' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propedit (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propedit (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propedit (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propedit (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propedit (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propedit (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propedit (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propedit (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propedit (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'pedit' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pedit (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pedit (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pedit (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pedit (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pedit (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pedit (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pedit (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pedit (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pedit (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'pe' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pe (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pe (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pe (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pe (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pe (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pe (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pe (commandline -poc)' -l editor-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as external editor'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pe (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pe (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'propget' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propget (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propget (commandline -poc)' -l strict --description 'Use strict semantics'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propget (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propget (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propget (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propget (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propget (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'pget' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pget (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pget (commandline -poc)' -l strict --description 'Use strict semantics'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pget (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pget (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pget (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pget (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pget (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'pg' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pg (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pg (commandline -poc)' -l strict --description 'Use strict semantics'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pg (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pg (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pg (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pg (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pg (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'proplist' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains proplist (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains proplist (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains proplist (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains proplist (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains proplist (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains proplist (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'plist' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains plist (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains plist (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains plist (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains plist (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains plist (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains plist (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'pl' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pl (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pl (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pl (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pl (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pl (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pl (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'propset' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propset (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propset (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propset (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propset (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propset (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propset (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propset (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propset (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains propset (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'pset' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pset (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pset (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pset (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pset (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pset (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pset (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pset (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pset (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains pset (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'ps' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ps (commandline -poc)' -l encoding -x --description 'Treat value as being in charset encoding ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ps (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ps (commandline -poc)' -l revprop --description 'Operate on a revision property (use with -r)'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ps (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ps (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ps (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ps (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ps (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains ps (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'resolved' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains resolved (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains resolved (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'revert' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains revert (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains revert (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'status' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)' -l no-ignore --description 'Disregard default and svn:ignore property ignores'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains status (commandline -poc)' -l ignore-externals --description 'Ignore externals definitions'
+# Completions for the 'stat' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains stat (commandline -poc)' -l no-ignore --description 'Disregard default and svn:ignore property ignores'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains stat (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains stat (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains stat (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains stat (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains stat (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains stat (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains stat (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains stat (commandline -poc)' -l ignore-externals --description 'Ignore externals definitions'
+# Completions for the 'st' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains st (commandline -poc)' -l no-ignore --description 'Disregard default and svn:ignore property ignores'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains st (commandline -poc)' -l incremental --description 'Give output suitable for concatenation'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains st (commandline -poc)' -l xml --description 'Output in XML'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains st (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains st (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains st (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains st (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains st (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains st (commandline -poc)' -l ignore-externals --description 'Ignore externals definitions'
+# Completions for the 'switch' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains switch (commandline -poc)' -l diff3-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as merge command'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains switch (commandline -poc)' -l relocate --description 'Relocate via URL-rewriting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains switch (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains switch (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains switch (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains switch (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains switch (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'sw' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains sw (commandline -poc)' -l diff3-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as merge command'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains sw (commandline -poc)' -l relocate --description 'Relocate via URL-rewriting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains sw (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains sw (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains sw (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains sw (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains sw (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+# Completions for the 'unlock' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains unlock (commandline -poc)' -l targets -x --description 'Pass contents of file ARG as additional args'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains unlock (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains unlock (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains unlock (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains unlock (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains unlock (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains unlock (commandline -poc)' -l force --description 'Force operation to run'
+# Completions for the 'update' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains update (commandline -poc)' -l diff3-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as merge command'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains update (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains update (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains update (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains update (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains update (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains update (commandline -poc)' -l ignore-externals --description 'Ignore externals definitions'
+# Completions for the 'up' subcommand
+complete -c svn -n 'contains up (commandline -poc)' -l diff3-cmd -x --description 'Use ARG as merge command'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains up (commandline -poc)' -l username -x --description 'Specify a username ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains up (commandline -poc)' -l password -x --description 'Specify a password ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains up (commandline -poc)' -l no-auth-cache --description 'Do not cache authentication tokens'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains up (commandline -poc)' -l non-interactive --description 'Do no interactive prompting'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains up (commandline -poc)' -l config-dir -x --description 'Read user configuration files from directory ARG'
+complete -c svn -n 'contains up (commandline -poc)' -l ignore-externals --description 'Ignore externals definitions'