mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 14:20:12 +08:00
Port the rest of wutil
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,6 +58,14 @@ fn wcs2string_bad_char(c: char) {
/// Split a string by a separator character.
pub fn split_string(val: &wstr, sep: char) -> Vec<WString> {
.split(|c| *c == sep)
/// Joins strings with a separator.
pub fn join_strings<S: AsRef<wstr>>(strs: &[S], sep: char) -> WString {
if strs.is_empty() {
@ -5,19 +5,68 @@ pub mod printf;
pub mod wcstod;
pub mod wcstoi;
use crate::common::fish_reserved_codepoint;
use crate::common::{str2wcstring, wcs2zstring};
use crate::common::{
cstr2wcstring, fish_reserved_codepoint, str2wcstring, wcs2osstring, wcs2string, wcs2zstring,
use crate::fallback;
use crate::fds::AutoCloseFd;
use crate::flog::FLOGF;
use crate::wchar::{wstr, WString, L};
use crate::wcstringutil::join_strings;
use crate::wcstringutil::{join_strings, split_string, wcs2string_callback};
pub(crate) use gettext::{wgettext, wgettext_fmt};
use libc::{
pub(crate) use printf::sprintf;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::canonicalize;
use std::io::Write;
use std::os::fd::RawFd;
use std::os::fd::{FromRawFd, IntoRawFd};
use std::os::unix::prelude::{OsStrExt, OsStringExt};
pub use wcstoi::*;
use widestring_suffix::widestrs;
/// Wide character version of opendir(). Note that opendir() is guaranteed to set close-on-exec by
/// POSIX (hooray).
pub fn wopendir(name: &wstr) -> *mut libc::DIR {
let tmp = wcs2zstring(name);
unsafe { libc::opendir(tmp.as_ptr()) }
/// Wide character version of stat().
pub fn wstat(file_name: &wstr) -> Option<fs::Metadata> {
let tmp = wcs2osstring(file_name);
/// Wide character version of lstat().
pub fn lwstat(file_name: &wstr) -> Option<fs::Metadata> {
let tmp = wcs2osstring(file_name);
/// Wide character version of access().
pub fn waccess(file_name: &wstr, mode: libc::c_int) -> libc::c_int {
let tmp = wcs2zstring(file_name);
unsafe { libc::access(tmp.as_ptr(), mode) }
/// Wide character version of unlink().
pub fn wunlink(file_name: &wstr) -> libc::c_int {
let tmp = wcs2zstring(file_name);
unsafe { libc::unlink(tmp.as_ptr()) }
pub fn wperror(s: &wstr) {
// TODO This should not crash on invalid UTF-8
/// Port of the wide-string wperror from `src/wutil.cpp` but for rust `&str`.
use std::io::Write;
pub fn perror(s: &str) {
let e = errno::errno().0;
let mut stderr = std::io::stderr().lock();
@ -33,6 +82,55 @@ pub fn perror(s: &str) {
let _ = stderr.write_all(b"\n");
/// Wide character version of getcwd().
pub fn wgetcwd() -> WString {
let mut cwd = [b'\0'; libc::PATH_MAX as usize];
let res = unsafe {
if !res.is_null() {
return cstr2wcstring(&cwd);
"getcwd() failed with errno %d/%s",
/// Wide character version of readlink().
pub fn wreadlink(file_name: &wstr) -> Option<WString> {
let md = lwstat(file_name)?;
let bufsize = usize::try_from(md.len()).unwrap() + 1;
let mut target_buf = vec![b'\0'; bufsize];
let tmp = wcs2zstring(file_name);
let nbytes = unsafe {
if nbytes == -1 {
return None;
// The link might have been modified after our call to lstat. If the link now points to a path
// that's longer than the original one, we can't read everything in our buffer. Simply give
// up. We don't need to report an error since our only caller will already fall back to ENOENT.
let nbytes = usize::try_from(nbytes).unwrap();
if nbytes == bufsize {
return None;
/// Wide character realpath. The last path component does not need to be valid. If an error occurs,
/// `wrealpath()` returns `None`
pub fn wrealpath(pathname: &wstr) -> Option<WString> {
@ -141,43 +239,6 @@ pub fn normalize_path(path: &wstr, allow_leading_double_slashes: bool) -> WStrin
const PUA1_START: char = '\u{E000}';
const PUA1_END: char = '\u{F900}';
const PUA2_START: char = '\u{F0000}';
const PUA2_END: char = '\u{FFFFE}';
const PUA3_START: char = '\u{100000}';
const PUA3_END: char = '\u{10FFFE}';
/// Return one if the code point is in a Unicode private use area.
fn fish_is_pua(c: char) -> bool {
PUA1_START <= c && c < PUA1_END
/// We need this because there are too many implementations that don't return the proper answer for
/// some code points. See issue #3050.
pub fn fish_iswalnum(c: char) -> bool {
!fish_reserved_codepoint(c) && !fish_is_pua(c) && c.is_alphanumeric()
/// Given that \p cursor is a pointer into \p base, return the offset in characters.
/// This emulates C pointer arithmetic:
/// `wstr_offset_in(cursor, base)` is equivalent to C++ `cursor - base`.
pub fn wstr_offset_in(cursor: &wstr, base: &wstr) -> usize {
let cursor = cursor.as_slice();
let base = base.as_slice();
// cursor may be a zero-length slice at the end of base,
// which base.as_ptr_range().contains(cursor.as_ptr()) will reject.
let base_range = base.as_ptr_range();
let curs_range = cursor.as_ptr_range();
base_range.start <= curs_range.start && curs_range.end <= base_range.end,
"cursor should be a subslice of base"
let offset = unsafe { cursor.as_ptr().offset_from(base.as_ptr()) };
assert!(offset >= 0, "offset should be non-negative");
offset as usize
fn test_normalize_path() {
fn norm_path(path: &wstr) -> WString {
@ -208,6 +269,576 @@ fn test_normalize_path() {
assert_eq!(norm_path(L!("foo/././bar/.././baz")), "foo/baz");
/// Given an input path \p path and a working directory \p wd, do a "normalizing join" in a way
/// appropriate for cd. That is, return effectively wd + path while resolving leading ../s from
/// path. The intent here is to allow 'cd' out of a directory which may no longer exist, without
/// allowing 'cd' into a directory that may not exist; see #5341.
pub fn path_normalize_for_cd(wd: &wstr, path: &wstr) -> WString {
// Fast paths.
const sep: char = '/';
wd.as_char_slice().first() == Some(&'/') && wd.as_char_slice().last() == Some(&'/'),
"Invalid working directory, it must start and end with /"
if path.is_empty() {
return wd.to_owned();
} else if path.as_char_slice().first() == Some(&sep) {
return path.to_owned();
} else if path.as_char_slice().first() != Some(&'.') {
return wd.to_owned() + path;
// Split our strings by the sep.
let mut wd_comps = split_string(wd, sep);
let path_comps = split_string(path, sep);
// Remove empty segments from wd_comps.
// In particular this removes the leading and trailing empties.
wd_comps.retain(|comp| !comp.is_empty());
// Erase leading . and .. components from path_comps, popping from wd_comps as we go.
let mut erase_count = 0;
for comp in &path_comps {
let mut erase_it = false;
if comp.is_empty() || comp == "."L {
erase_it = true;
} else if comp == ".."L && !wd_comps.is_empty() {
erase_it = true;
if erase_it {
erase_count += 1;
} else {
// Append un-erased elements to wd_comps and join them, then prepend the leading /.
let mut result = join_strings(&wd_comps, sep);
result.insert(0, '/');
/// Wide character version of dirname().
pub fn wdirname(mut path: WString) -> WString {
// Do not use system-provided dirname (#7837).
// On Mac it's not thread safe, and will error for paths exceeding PATH_MAX.
// This follows OpenGroup dirname recipe.
// 1: Double-slash stays.
if path == "//"L {
return path;
// 2: All slashes => return slash.
if !path.is_empty() && path.chars().find(|c| *c == '/').is_none() {
return "/"L.to_owned();
// 3: Trim trailing slashes.
while path.as_char_slice().last() == Some(&'/') {
// 4: No slashes left => return period.
let Some(last_slash) = path.chars().rev().position(|c| c == '/') else {
return "."L.to_owned()
// 5: Remove trailing non-slashes.
path.truncate(last_slash + 1);
// 6: Skip as permitted.
// 7: Remove trailing slashes again.
while path.as_char_slice().last() == Some(&'/') {
// 8: Empty => return slash.
if path.is_empty() {
path = "/"L.to_owned();
/// Wide character version of basename().
pub fn wbasename(mut path: WString) -> WString {
// This follows OpenGroup basename recipe.
// 1: empty => allowed to return ".". This is what system impls do.
if path.is_empty() {
return "."L.to_owned();
// 2: Skip as permitted.
// 3: All slashes => return slash.
if !path.is_empty() && path.chars().find(|c| *c == '/').is_none() {
return "/"L.to_owned();
// 4: Remove trailing slashes.
// while (!path.is_empty() && path.back() == '/') path.pop_back();
while path.as_char_slice().last() == Some(&'/') {
// 5: Remove up to and including last slash.
if let Some(last_slash) = path.chars().rev().position(|c| c == '/') {
path.truncate(last_slash + 1);
/// Wide character version of mkdir.
pub fn wmkdir(name: &wstr, mode: libc::mode_t) -> libc::c_int {
let name_narrow = wcs2zstring(name);
unsafe { libc::mkdir(name_narrow.as_ptr(), mode) }
/// Wide character version of rename.
pub fn wrename(old_name: &wstr, new_name: &wstr) -> libc::c_int {
let old_narrow = wcs2zstring(old_name);
let new_narrow = wcs2zstring(new_name);
unsafe { libc::rename(old_narrow.as_ptr(), new_narrow.as_ptr()) }
fn write_to_fd(input: &[u8], fd: RawFd) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
let mut file = unsafe { std::fs::File::from_raw_fd(fd) };
let amt = file.write(input);
// Ensure the file is not closed.
/// Write a wide string to a file descriptor. This avoids doing any additional allocation.
/// This does NOT retry on EINTR or EAGAIN, it simply returns.
/// \return -1 on error in which case errno will have been set. In this event, the number of bytes
/// actually written cannot be obtained.
pub fn wwrite_to_fd(input: &wstr, fd: RawFd) -> Option<usize> {
// Accumulate data in a local buffer.
let mut accum = [b'\0'; 512];
let mut accumlen = 0;
let maxaccum: usize = std::mem::size_of_val(&accum);
// Helper to perform a write to 'fd', looping as necessary.
// \return true on success, false on error.
let mut total_written = 0;
fn do_write(fd: RawFd, total_written: &mut usize, mut buf: &[u8]) -> bool {
while !buf.is_empty() {
let Ok(amt) = write_to_fd(buf, fd) else {
return false;
*total_written += amt;
assert!(amt <= buf.len(), "Wrote more than requested");
buf = &buf[amt..];
// Helper to flush the accumulation buffer.
let flush_accum = |total_written: &mut usize, accum: &[u8], accumlen: &mut usize| {
if !do_write(fd, total_written, &accum[..*accumlen]) {
return false;
*accumlen = 0;
let mut success = wcs2string_callback(input, |buff: &[u8]| {
if buff.len() + accumlen > maxaccum {
// We have to flush.
if !flush_accum(&mut total_written, &accum, &mut accumlen) {
return false;
if buff.len() + accumlen <= maxaccum {
// Accumulate more.
unsafe {
std::ptr::copy(&buff[0], &mut accum[accumlen], buff.len());
} else {
// Too much data to even fit, just write it immediately.
do_write(fd, &mut total_written, buff)
// Flush any remaining.
if success {
success = flush_accum(&mut total_written, &accum, &mut accumlen);
if success {
} else {
const PUA1_START: char = '\u{E000}';
const PUA1_END: char = '\u{F900}';
const PUA2_START: char = '\u{F0000}';
const PUA2_END: char = '\u{FFFFE}';
const PUA3_START: char = '\u{100000}';
const PUA3_END: char = '\u{10FFFE}';
/// Return one if the code point is in a Unicode private use area.
fn fish_is_pua(c: char) -> bool {
PUA1_START <= c && c < PUA1_END
/// We need this because there are too many implementations that don't return the proper answer for
/// some code points. See issue #3050.
pub fn fish_iswalnum(c: char) -> bool {
!fish_reserved_codepoint(c) && !fish_is_pua(c) && c.is_alphanumeric()
extern "C" {
fn iswgraph(wc: libc::wchar_t) -> libc::c_int; // Technically it's wint_t
/// We need this because there are too many implementations that don't return the proper answer for
/// some code points. See issue #3050.
pub fn fish_iswgraph(c: char) -> bool {
!fish_reserved_codepoint(c) && (fish_is_pua(c) || unsafe { iswgraph(c as libc::wchar_t) } != 0)
pub fn fish_wcswidth(s: &wstr) -> libc::c_int {
/// Class for representing a file's inode. We use this to detect and avoid symlink loops, among
/// other things. While an inode / dev pair is sufficient to distinguish co-existing files, Linux
/// seems to aggressively re-use inodes, so it cannot determine if a file has been deleted (ABA
/// problem). Therefore we include richer information.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct FileId {
device: libc::dev_t,
inode: libc::ino_t,
size: u64,
change_seconds: libc::time_t,
change_nanoseconds: i64,
mod_seconds: libc::time_t,
mod_nanoseconds: i64,
impl FileId {
pub const fn new() -> Self {
FileId {
device: -1 as _,
inode: -1 as _,
size: -1 as _,
change_seconds: libc::time_t::MIN,
change_nanoseconds: i64::MIN,
mod_seconds: libc::time_t::MIN,
mod_nanoseconds: -1 as _,
pub fn from_stat(buf: &libc::stat) -> FileId {
let mut result = FileId::new();
result.device = buf.st_dev;
result.inode = buf.st_ino;
result.size = buf.st_size as u64;
result.change_seconds = buf.st_ctime;
result.mod_seconds = buf.st_mtime;
#[allow(clippy::unnecessary_cast)] // platform-dependent
result.change_nanoseconds = buf.st_ctime_nsec as _;
result.mod_nanoseconds = buf.st_mtime_nsec as _;
/// \return true if \param rhs has higher mtime seconds than this file_id_t.
/// If identical, nanoseconds are compared.
pub fn older_than(&self, rhs: &FileId) -> bool {
let lhs = (self.mod_seconds, self.mod_nanoseconds);
let rhs = (rhs.mod_seconds, rhs.mod_nanoseconds);
pub fn dump(&self) -> WString {
let mut result = WString::new();
result += &sprintf!(" device: %lld\n", self.device)[..];
result += &sprintf!(" inode: %lld\n", self.inode)[..];
result += &sprintf!(" size: %lld\n", self.size)[..];
result += &sprintf!(" change: %lld\n", self.change_seconds)[..];
result += &sprintf!("change_nano: %lld\n", self.change_nanoseconds)[..];
result += &sprintf!(" mod: %lld\n", self.mod_seconds)[..];
result += &sprintf!(" mod_nano: %lld", self.mod_nanoseconds)[..];
pub const INVALID_FILE_ID: FileId = FileId::new();
pub fn file_id_for_fd(fd: RawFd) -> FileId {
let mut result = INVALID_FILE_ID;
let mut buf: libc::stat = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
if fd >= 0 && unsafe { libc::fstat(fd, &mut buf) } == 0 {
result = FileId::from_stat(&buf);
pub fn file_id_for_autoclose_fd(fd: &AutoCloseFd) -> FileId {
pub fn file_id_for_path(path: &wstr) -> FileId {
let mut result = INVALID_FILE_ID;
let path = wcs2zstring(path);
let mut buf: libc::stat = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
if unsafe { libc::stat(path.as_ptr(), &mut buf) } == 0 {
result = FileId::from_stat(&buf);
/// Types of files that may be in a directory.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum DirEntryType {
fifo = 1, // FIFO file
chr, // character device
dir, // directory
blk, // block device
reg, // regular file
lnk, // symlink
sock, // socket
whiteout, // whiteout (from BSD)
/// An entry returned by dir_iter_t.
pub struct DirEntry {
/// File name of this entry.
pub name: WString,
/// inode of this entry.
pub inode: libc::ino_t,
// Stat buff for this entry, or none if not yet computed.
stat: Option<libc::stat>,
// The type of the entry. This is initially none; it may be populated eagerly via readdir()
// on some filesystems, or later via stat(). If stat() fails, the error is silently ignored
// and the type is left as none(). Note this is an unavoidable race.
typ: Option<DirEntryType>,
// fd of the DIR*, used for fstatat().
dirfd: RawFd,
impl DirEntry {
/// \return the type of this entry if it is already available, otherwise none().
pub fn fast_type(&self) -> Option<DirEntryType> {
/// \return the type of this entry, falling back to stat() if necessary.
/// If stat() fails because the file has disappeared, this will return none().
/// If stat() fails because of a broken symlink, this will return type lnk.
pub fn check_type(&mut self) -> Option<DirEntryType> {
// Call stat if needed to populate our type, swallowing errors.
if self.typ.is_none() {
/// \return whether this is a directory. This may call stat().
pub fn is_dir(&mut self) -> bool {
self.check_type() == Some(DirEntryType::dir)
/// \return the stat buff for this entry, invoking stat() if necessary.
pub fn stat(&mut self) -> Option<libc::stat> {
if self.stat.is_none() {
// Reset our fields.
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.inode = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
self.typ = None;
self.stat = None;
// Populate our stat buffer, and type. Errors are silently ignored.
fn do_stat(&mut self) {
// We want to set both our type and our stat buffer.
// If we follow symlinks and stat() errors with a bad symlink, set the type to link, but do not
// populate the stat buffer.
if self.dirfd < 0 {
let narrow = wcs2zstring(&self.name);
let mut s: libc::stat = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
if unsafe { libc::fstatat(self.dirfd, narrow.as_ptr(), &mut s, 0) } == 0 {
self.stat = Some(s);
self.typ = stat_mode_to_entry_type(s.st_mode);
} else {
match errno::errno().0 {
ELOOP => {
self.typ = Some(DirEntryType::lnk);
// These are "expected" errors.
self.typ = None;
_ => {
self.typ = None;
// This used to print an error, but given that we have seen
// both ENODEV (above) and ENOTCONN,
// and that the error isn't actionable and shows up while typing,
// let's not do that.
// perror("fstatat");
fn dirent_type_to_entry_type(dt: u8) -> Option<DirEntryType> {
match dt {
DT_FIFO => Some(DirEntryType::fifo),
DT_CHR => Some(DirEntryType::chr),
DT_DIR => Some(DirEntryType::dir),
DT_BLK => Some(DirEntryType::blk),
DT_REG => Some(DirEntryType::reg),
DT_LNK => Some(DirEntryType::lnk),
DT_SOCK => Some(DirEntryType::sock),
// todo! whiteout
_ => None,
fn stat_mode_to_entry_type(m: libc::mode_t) -> Option<DirEntryType> {
match m & S_IFMT {
S_IFIFO => Some(DirEntryType::fifo),
S_IFCHR => Some(DirEntryType::chr),
S_IFDIR => Some(DirEntryType::dir),
S_IFBLK => Some(DirEntryType::blk),
S_IFREG => Some(DirEntryType::reg),
S_IFLNK => Some(DirEntryType::lnk),
S_IFSOCK => Some(DirEntryType::sock),
_ => {
// todo! whiteout
/// Class for iterating over a directory, wrapping readdir().
/// This allows enumerating the contents of a directory, exposing the file type if the filesystem
/// itself exposes that from readdir(). stat() is incurred only if necessary: if the entry is a
/// symlink, or if the caller asks for the stat buffer.
/// Symlinks are followed.
pub struct DirIter {
/// Whether this dir_iter considers the "." and ".." filesystem entries.
withdot: bool,
dir: *mut libc::DIR,
error: libc::c_int,
entry: DirEntry,
impl DirIter {
/// Open a directory at a given path. On failure, \p error() will return the error code.
/// Note opendir is guaranteed to set close-on-exec by POSIX (hooray).
pub fn new(path: &wstr, withdot: bool) -> Self {
let mut error = 0;
let dir = wopendir(path);
if dir.is_null() {
error = errno::errno().0;
let entry = DirEntry {
dirfd: unsafe { libc::dirfd(dir) },
DirIter {
/// Rewind the directory to the beginning.
pub fn rewind(&mut self) {
if self.dir.is_null() {
unsafe { libc::rewinddir(self.dir) };
pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&DirEntry> {
if self.dir.is_null() {
return None;
let dent = unsafe { libc::readdir(self.dir) };
if dent.is_null() {
self.error = errno::errno().0;
return None;
let dent = unsafe { &*dent };
// Skip . and ..,
// unless we've been told not to.
if !self.withdot
&& [
&[b'.' as i8, b'\0' as i8, b'\0' as i8][..],
&[b'.' as i8, b'.' as i8, b'\0' as i8][..],
return self.next();
let d_name: Vec<u8> = dent.d_name.iter().map(|b| *b as u8).collect();
self.entry.name = cstr2wcstring(&d_name);
#[cfg(any(target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "openbsd"))]
self.entry.inode = dent.d_fileno;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "netbsd", target_os = "openbsd")))]
self.entry.inode = dent.d_ino;
let typ = dirent_type_to_entry_type(dent.d_type);
// Do not store symlinks as we will need to resolve them.
if typ != Some(DirEntryType::lnk) {
self.entry.typ = typ;
/// Given that \p cursor is a pointer into \p base, return the offset in characters.
/// This emulates C pointer arithmetic:
/// `wstr_offset_in(cursor, base)` is equivalent to C++ `cursor - base`.
pub fn wstr_offset_in(cursor: &wstr, base: &wstr) -> usize {
let cursor = cursor.as_slice();
let base = base.as_slice();
// cursor may be a zero-length slice at the end of base,
// which base.as_ptr_range().contains(cursor.as_ptr()) will reject.
let base_range = base.as_ptr_range();
let curs_range = cursor.as_ptr_range();
base_range.start <= curs_range.start && curs_range.end <= base_range.end,
"cursor should be a subslice of base"
let offset = unsafe { cursor.as_ptr().offset_from(base.as_ptr()) };
assert!(offset >= 0, "offset should be non-negative");
offset as usize
fn test_wstr_offset_in() {
use crate::wchar::L;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user