I have an alias called "lg" for
log --color --graph --pretty=format:\'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset\' --abbrev-commit --first-parent
Having that in my completions ensures that git commands essentially
always use one column at most. That's not great, so we now shorten it
to 35 chars (plus an annoying 2 for ".." because I can't be bothered
to check for unicode support - an argument for a "string ellipsize", I guess?)
"git add ./" shows only hidden files (if at all). It should show all files
that can be added.
The problem is that candidates come from "git status" which prints clean
relative paths. Let's allow some unclean paths.
This is far from a complete fix but it should work for the common scenario.
Observe that wildcard_complete_internal() actually filters out all non-hidden
files, if the query is `./`.
This reimplements ridiculousfish/control_r which is a more future-proof
approach than #6686.
Pressing Control+R shows history in our pager and allows to search filter
commands with the pager search field.
On the surface, this works just like in other shells; though there are
some differences.
- Our pager shows multiple results at a time.
- Other shells allow to use up arrow/down arrow to select adjacent entries
in history. Shouldn't be hard to implement but the hidden state might
confuse users and it doesn't play well with up-or-search, so this is
left out.
Users might expect the history pager to use subsequence matching (fuzzy
matching) like the completion pager, however due to the history pager design it
uses substring matching. We could change this in future, however that means
we would also want to change the ordering from "reverse-chronological" to
"longest common subsequence" (e.g. what fuzzy finders do), because otherwise
a query "fis" might give this ordering:
fsck /dev/disk/by-partlabel/Linux\x20filesystem
which is probably not what the user wants.
The pager shows only a small number of history items at a time. This is
because, as explained above, the history pager does not support subsequence
matching, so navigating it does not scale well.
These are used in prompts only, and it feels weird not to have them.
In practice, fish_color_host_remote would not be used at all (just
because you switched from the default theme!), while fish_color_status
would fall back on a different value.
That'll be adjusted in the next commit.
This can be used to print the modification time, like `stat` with some
The reason is that `stat` has caused us a number of portability
1. It's not available everywhere by default
2. The versions are quite different
For instance, with GNU stat it's `stat -c '%Y'`, with macOS it's `stat
-f %m`.
So now checking a cache file can be done just with builtins.
/etc/hosts specifies, that everything after a #-character is to be
treated as a comment. The current __fish_print_hostnames however only
considers #-characters at the beginning of a line.
Thus the comment from following valid hosts-entry would end up in the
completion output: myhost # examplecomment
getent hosts properly handles comments.
- Generally better descriptions,
- uname checks to not complerte unavailable options on
NetBSD, FreeBSD, DragonFly, Solaris, Darwin
- Describe/complete GNU's --time=access,mtime... arg
- Remove -f it is a no-op and not documented.
When we want to print something while the prompt is still active, we move the
cursor by printing a newline for each line in the prompt beyond the first
one. As established by 80fe0a7fc (fish_job_summary: Format message better
for multiline prompts, 2022-06-28), our use of "string repeat" actually
prints an extra newline. Let's remove it here as well.
This was supposed to be number of lines in the prompt minus 1, but
string repeat added one.
Also it triggered even in case of the stopped job message, which is
already repainted differently.
So we add it when we need to repaint ourselves.
As a bonus add a newline before in that case so the message isn't
awkwardly printed into the commandline.
This is sort of slow because it's called hundreds of times.
We used to have a cache, introduced in ad9b4290e, but it was removed
in fee5a9125a581598a7491ab83006247b62347041 because it had
So what we do, because the issue is that this is called hundreds of
times per-commandline, we cache it keyed on the commandline.
This speeds up `complete -C'git sta'` by a factor of 2.3x.
Commit ad9b4290e optimized git completions by adding a completion that would
run on every completion request, which allows to precompute data used by
other completion entries. Unfortunately, the completion entry is not run
when the commandline contains a flag like `git -C`. If we didn't
already load git.fish, we'd error. Additionally, we got false positive
completions for `git diff -c`.
So this hack was a very bad idea. We should optimize in another way.