From the Python webbrowser documentation:
"If text-mode browsers are used, the calling process will block until the user exits the browser."
Running fish_config on an ssh server with no GUI browser will open a CLI browser which blocks and stops the server from handling requests.
Using multiprocess to run the server in the background lets CLI browsers access the page, but the page is unusable.
For now, disable CLI browsers and recommend opening the page in a graphical browser.
In the future, maybe write a CLI utility to change prompts and delete history items.
Try to import parse_qs from the cgi module, and simplejson instead of json.
Use old string formatting. str.format() was backported from Python 3
to 2.6 and isn't available in 2.5.
In both in python2 and python3 parse_qs expects str object. In
python2 it worked ok, because self.rfile was open in binary mode and
str in python2 is actually a string of bytes. However in python3 str is
actually string of unicode literals, not bytes and file was still open
in binary mode. Thus, deleting any file with non-ascii byte inside
filename failed in python3.
Also, cgi.parse_qs is deprecated and shouldn't be used.