//! Encapsulation of the reader's history search functionality. use crate::history::{self, History, HistorySearch, SearchDirection, SearchFlags, SearchType}; use crate::parse_constants::SourceRange; use crate::tokenizer::{TokenType, Tokenizer, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED}; use crate::wchar::prelude::*; use crate::wcstringutil::ifind; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::sync::Arc; // Make the search case-insensitive unless we have an uppercase character. pub fn smartcase_flags(query: &wstr) -> history::SearchFlags { if query == query.to_lowercase() { history::SearchFlags::IGNORE_CASE } else { history::SearchFlags::default() } } struct SearchMatch { /// The text of the match. pub text: WString, /// The offset of the current search string in this match. offset: usize, } impl SearchMatch { fn new(text: WString, offset: usize) -> Self { Self { text, offset } } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Default, PartialEq)] pub enum SearchMode { #[default] /// no search Inactive, /// searching by line Line, /// searching by prefix Prefix, /// searching by token Token, } /// Encapsulation of the reader's history search functionality. #[derive(Default)] pub struct ReaderHistorySearch { /// The type of search performed. mode: SearchMode, /// Our history search itself. search: Option, /// The ordered list of matches. This may grow long. matches: Vec, /// A set of new items to skip, corresponding to matches_ and anything added in skip(). skips: HashSet, /// Index into our matches list. match_index: usize, /// The offset of the current token in the command line. Only non-zero for a token search. token_offset: usize, } impl ReaderHistorySearch { pub fn active(&self) -> bool { self.mode != SearchMode::Inactive } pub fn by_token(&self) -> bool { self.mode == SearchMode::Token } pub fn by_line(&self) -> bool { self.mode == SearchMode::Line } pub fn by_prefix(&self) -> bool { self.mode == SearchMode::Prefix } /// Move the history search in the given direction `dir`. pub fn move_in_direction(&mut self, dir: SearchDirection) -> bool { if dir == SearchDirection::Forward { self.move_forwards() } else { self.move_backwards() } } /// Go to the beginning (earliest) of the search. pub fn go_to_beginning(&mut self) { if self.matches.is_empty() { return; } self.match_index = self.matches.len() - 1; } /// Go to the end (most recent) of the search. pub fn go_to_end(&mut self) { self.match_index = 0; } /// Return the current search result. pub fn current_result(&self) -> &wstr { &self.matches[self.match_index].text } /// Return the string we are searching for. pub fn search_string(&self) -> &wstr { self.search().original_term() } /// Return the range of the original search string in the new command line. pub fn search_range_if_active(&self) -> Option { if !self.active() || self.is_at_end() { return None; } Some(SourceRange::new( self.token_offset + self.matches[self.match_index].offset, self.search_string().len(), )) } /// Return whether we are at the end (most recent) of our search. pub fn is_at_end(&self) -> bool { self.match_index == 0 } // Add an item to skip. // Return true if it was added, false if already present. pub fn add_skip(&mut self, s: WString) -> bool { self.skips.insert(s) } pub fn handle_deletion(&mut self) { assert!(!self.is_at_end()); self.matches.remove(self.match_index); self.match_index -= 1; self.search_mut().prepare_to_search_after_deletion(); self.move_backwards(); } /// Reset, beginning a new line or token mode search. pub fn reset_to_mode( &mut self, text: WString, hist: Arc, mode: SearchMode, token_offset: usize, ) { assert!( mode != SearchMode::Inactive, "mode cannot be inactive in this setter" ); self.skips = HashSet::from([text.clone()]); self.matches = vec![SearchMatch::new(text.clone(), 0)]; self.match_index = 0; self.mode = mode; self.token_offset = token_offset; let flags = SearchFlags::NO_DEDUP | smartcase_flags(&text); // We can skip dedup in history_search_t because we do it ourselves in skips_. self.search = Some(HistorySearch::new_with( hist, text, if self.by_prefix() { SearchType::Prefix } else { SearchType::Contains }, flags, 0, )); } /// Reset to inactive search. pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.matches.clear(); self.skips.clear(); self.match_index = 0; self.mode = SearchMode::Inactive; self.token_offset = 0; self.search = None; } /// Adds the given match if we haven't seen it before. fn add_if_new(&mut self, search_match: SearchMatch) { if self.add_skip(search_match.text.clone()) { self.matches.push(search_match); } } /// Attempt to append matches from the current history item. /// Return true if something was appended. fn append_matches_from_search(&mut self) -> bool { fn find(zelf: &ReaderHistorySearch, haystack: &wstr, needle: &wstr) -> Option { if zelf.search().ignores_case() { return ifind(haystack, needle, false); } haystack.find(needle) } let before = self.matches.len(); let text = self.search().current_string(); let needle = self.search_string(); if matches!(self.mode, SearchMode::Line | SearchMode::Prefix) { // FIXME: Previous versions asserted out if this wasn't true. // This could be hit with a needle of "ö" and haystack of "echo Ö" // I'm not sure why - this points to a bug in ifind (probably wrong locale?) // However, because the user experience of having it crash is horrible, // and the worst thing that can otherwise happen here is that a search is unsuccessful, // we just check it instead. if let Some(offset) = find(self, text, needle) { self.add_if_new(SearchMatch::new(text.to_owned(), offset)); } } else if self.mode == SearchMode::Token { let mut tok = Tokenizer::new(text, TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED); let mut local_tokens = vec![]; while let Some(token) = tok.next() { if token.type_ != TokenType::string { continue; } let text = tok.text_of(&token); if let Some(offset) = find(self, text, needle) { local_tokens.push(SearchMatch::new(text.to_owned(), offset)); } } // Make sure tokens are added in reverse order. See #5150 for tok in local_tokens.into_iter().rev() { self.add_if_new(tok); } } self.matches.len() > before } fn move_forwards(&mut self) -> bool { // Try to move within our previously discovered matches. if self.match_index > 0 { self.match_index -= 1; true } else { false } } fn move_backwards(&mut self) -> bool { // Try to move backwards within our previously discovered matches. if self.match_index + 1 < self.matches.len() { self.match_index += 1; return true; } // Add more items from our search. while self .search_mut() .go_to_next_match(SearchDirection::Backward) { if self.append_matches_from_search() { self.match_index += 1; assert!( self.match_index < self.matches.len(), "Should have found more matches" ); return true; } } // Here we failed to go backwards past the last history item. false } fn search(&self) -> &HistorySearch { self.search.as_ref().unwrap() } fn search_mut(&mut self) -> &mut HistorySearch { self.search.as_mut().unwrap() } }