function __fish_ffmpeg_last_arg echo (commandline -co)[-1] end # Allow completions to match against an argument that includes a stream specifier, e.g. -c:v:2 function __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex set -l regex $argv[1] set -l completions $argv[2..-1] complete -x -c ffmpeg -n "__fish_ffmpeg_last_arg | string match -rq -- '^'$prefix'(\$|:)'" \ -a "$completions" end function __fish_ffmpeg_help_type printf '%s\t%s\n' long "Print more options" printf '%s\t%s\n' full "Print all options" for help_type in decoder encoder demuxer muxer filter set -l regex if test $help_type = filter set regex '\S+\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)' else set regex '\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)' end printf '%s\n' $help_type=(ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -"$help_type"s | string trim \ | string match -rv '=|:$|^-' | string replace -rf "$regex" '$1\t$2') end end function __fish_ffmpeg_codec_list printf '%s\t%s\n' copy "Stream copy" set -l identifier switch $argv[1] case video set identifier '^V.*' case audio set identifier '^A.*' case subtitle set identifier '^S.*' case all set identifier '.*' case '*' return 1 end printf '%s\n' (ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -decoders | string trim | string match -rv '=|:$|^-' \ | string match -r "$identifier" | string replace -rf '\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)' '$1\t$2') end function __fish_ffmpeg_pix_fmts # We can't know in advance if the intention is to specify an output pix_fmt because the intent # could be to instead provide a second input, but we can rule out an output if no input has # been specified set -l regex_filter '.' if contains -- -i (commandline -co) set regex_filter '^I' end ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel quiet -pix_fmts | # tail -n +9 | # skip past header string match -rv '[:=-]|FLAGS' | # skip past header string match -er $regex_filter | string replace -rf '^[IOHPB.]{5} (\S+) .*' '$1' end function __fish_ffmpeg_filters # TODO: Figure out how to distinguish {audio,video} source and destination, because some filters # can go cross those lines (e.g. showvolume, which generates a video representation of the input # audio). set -l filter '.' switch $argv[1] case video set filter '[V]\S*->|->\S*[V]' case audio set filter '[A]\S*->|->\S*[A]' case all case '*' set filter '.' end ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel quiet -filters | string match -e -- '->' | # skip past the header string match -er $filter | string replace -rf '^ [TSC.]{3} +(\S+) +\S+->\S+ +(.*)' '$1\t$2' end function __fish_ffmpeg_presets set -l cmdline (commandline) if string match -ireq '[hx]26[45]' printf "%s\n" ultrafast superfast veryfast faster fast medium slow slower veryslow placebo end end function __fish_ffmpeg_tunes set -l cmdline (commandline) if string match -req '264' printf "%s\n" film animation grain stillimage fastdecode zerolatency psnr ssim end if string match -req '265|hevc' printf "%s\n" psnr ssim grain zerolatency fastdecode end end function __fish_ffmpeg_crfs seq 1 30 end function __fish_ffmpeg_profile if string match -req '264' printf "%s\n" baseline main high end if string match -req '265|hevc' printf "%s\n" main high end end complete -c ffmpeg -s i -d "Specify input file" # Print help / information / capabilities complete -c ffmpeg -s L -d "Show license" complete -x -c ffmpeg -s h -s "?" -o help -l help -a "(__fish_ffmpeg_help_type)" -d "Show help" complete -c ffmpeg -o version -d "Show version" complete -c ffmpeg -o buildconf -d "Show build configuration" complete -c ffmpeg -o formats -d "Show available formats" complete -c ffmpeg -o muxers -d "Show available muxers" complete -c ffmpeg -o demuxers -d "Show available demuxers" complete -c ffmpeg -o devices -d "Show available devices" complete -c ffmpeg -o codecs -d "Show available codecs" complete -c ffmpeg -o decoders -d "Show available decoders" complete -c ffmpeg -o encoders -d "Show available encoders" complete -c ffmpeg -o bsfs -d "Show available bit stream filters" complete -c ffmpeg -o protocols -d "Show available protocols" complete -c ffmpeg -o filters -d "Show available filters" complete -c ffmpeg -o pix_fmts -d "Show available pixel formats" complete -c ffmpeg -o layouts -d "Show standard channel layouts" complete -c ffmpeg -o sample_fmts -d "Show available audio sample formats" complete -c ffmpeg -o colors -d "Show available color names" complete -c ffmpeg -o sources -d "List sources of the input device" complete -c ffmpeg -o sinks -d "List sinks of the output device" complete -c ffmpeg -o hwaccels -d "Show available HW acceleration methods" # Global options complete -x -c ffmpeg -o loglevel -s v \ -a "quiet panic fatal error warning info verbose debug trace" -d "Set logging level" complete -c ffmpeg -o report -d "Generate a report" complete -c ffmpeg -o max_alloc -d "Set maximum size of a single allocated block" complete -c ffmpeg -s y -d "Overwrite output files" complete -c ffmpeg -s n -d "Never overwrite output files" complete -c ffmpeg -o ignore_unknown -d "Ignore unknown stream types" complete -c ffmpeg -o filter_threads -d "Number of non-complex filter threads" complete -c ffmpeg -o filter_complex_threads -d "Number of threads for -filter_complex" complete -c ffmpeg -o stats -d "Print progress report during encoding" complete -c ffmpeg -o max_error_rate -d "Ratio of errors" complete -c ffmpeg -o bits_per_raw_sample -d "Set the number of bits per raw sample" complete -c ffmpeg -o vol -d "Change audio volume" # Per-file main options complete -c ffmpeg -s f -d "Force format" complete -c ffmpeg -s c -o codec -d "Codec name" complete -c ffmpeg -o map_metadata -d "Set metadata information of outfile from infile" complete -c ffmpeg -s t -d "Record or transcode \"duration\" seconds of audio/video" complete -c ffmpeg -o to -d "Record or transcode stop time" complete -c ffmpeg -o fs -d "Set the limit file size in bytes" complete -c ffmpeg -o ss -d "Set the start time offset" complete -c ffmpeg -o seek_timestamp -d "Enable/disable seeking by timestamp with -ss" complete -c ffmpeg -o timestamp -d "Set the recording timestamp" complete -c ffmpeg -o metadata -d "Add metadata" complete -c ffmpeg -o program -d "Add program with specified streams" complete -x -c ffmpeg -o target -a '(for target in vcd svcd dvd dv dv50 ; echo "$target" ; \ echo pal-"$target" ; echo ntsc-"$target" ; echo film-"$target" ; end)' \ -d "Specify target file type" complete -c ffmpeg -o apad -d "Audio pad" complete -c ffmpeg -o frames -d "Set the number of frames to output" complete -c ffmpeg -o filter -d "Set stream filtergraph" complete -c ffmpeg -o filter_script -d "Read stream filtergraph description from a file" complete -c ffmpeg -o reinit_filter -d "Reinit filtergraph on input parameter changes" complete -c ffmpeg -o discard -d Discard complete -c ffmpeg -o disposition -d Disposition # Video options complete -c ffmpeg -o vframes -d "Set the number of video frames to output" complete -c ffmpeg -s r -d "Set frame rate" complete -c ffmpeg -s s -d "Set frame size" complete -c ffmpeg -o aspect -d "Set aspect ratio" complete -c ffmpeg -o bits_per_raw_sample -d "Set the number of bits per raw sample" complete -c ffmpeg -o vn -d "Disable video" complete -c ffmpeg -o vcodec -o "codec:v" -o "c:v" # Also list codecs when a particular stream is selected, e.g. -c:v:0 __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex "-(vcodec|c(odec)?:v)" "(__fish_ffmpeg_codec_list video)" complete -c ffmpeg -o timecode -d "Set initial TimeCode value" complete -x -c ffmpeg -o pass -a "1 2 3" -d "Select the pass number" complete -c ffmpeg -o vf -d "Set video filters" complete -c ffmpeg -o ab -o "b:a" -d "Audio bitrate" complete -c ffmpeg -s b -o "b:v" -d "Video bitrate" complete -c ffmpeg -o dn -d "Disable data" # Advanced video options complete -c ffmpeg -o pix_fmt __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex "-pix_fmt" "(__fish_ffmpeg_pix_fmts)" # Audio options complete -c ffmpeg -o aframes -d "Set the number of audio frames to output" complete -c ffmpeg -o aq -d "Set audio quality" complete -c ffmpeg -o ar -d "Set audio sampling rate" complete -c ffmpeg -o ac -d "Set number of audio channels" complete -c ffmpeg -o an -d "Disable audio" complete -c ffmpeg -o acodec -o "codec:a" -o "c:a" __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex '-(acodec|c(odec)?:a)' "(__fish_ffmpeg_codec_list audio)" complete -c ffmpeg -o vol -d "Change audio volume" complete -c ffmpeg -o af -d "Set audio filters" # Subtitle options complete -c ffmpeg -s s -d "Set frame size" complete -c ffmpeg -o sn -d "Disable subtitle" complete -c ffmpeg -o scodec -o "codec:s" -o "c:s" __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex '^-(scodec|c(odec)?:s)(:\d+)?' "(__fish_ffmpeg_codec_list subtitle)" complete -c ffmpeg -o stag -d "Force subtitle tag/fourcc" complete -c ffmpeg -o fix_sub_duration -d "Fix subtitles duration" complete -c ffmpeg -o canvas_size -d "Set canvas size" complete -c ffmpeg -o spre -d "Set the subtitle options to the indicated preset" # Indeterminate options, may be used e.g. when only one stream exists __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex '^-(codec|c(odec)?)(:\d+)?' "(__fish_ffmpeg_codec_list all)" # Codec-specific options complete -c ffmpeg -o pre -o preset -d "Preset name" __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex 'pre(set)?' "(__fish_ffmpeg_presets)" complete -c ffmpeg -o tune __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex 'tune' "(__fish_ffmpeg_tunes)" complete -c ffmpeg -o crf -o q __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex 'crf|q' "(__fish_ffmpeg_crfs)" complete -c ffmpeg -o profile __fish_ffmpeg_complete_regex 'profile' "(__fish_ffmpeg_profiles)" # Filters # # fish completions are not designed to take the current argument being completed as an input, # and if introspected it is normally used to filter/constrain the completions generated. ffmpeg's # command line syntax is extremely nasty and in addition to using stringification for all arguments, # relies on special characters to delimit separate subarguments (rather than, e.g., concatenating # repeated invocations of the same switch), meaning the typical way of generating fish completions # would only allow us to generate the very first subargument in a complex argument payload. # # We hack around this in a ridiculously ugly fashion by always generating completions that are # prepended with a prefix of the current value of the payload in question. # # Top-level ffmpeg filters are comma separated, but take optional arguments that might themselves # take optional subarguments. While = is a key=value delimiter, it is also a prefix for the first # argument to a filter, e.g. filter_name=opt1 and filter_name=opt1=opt_value, and in the case that # a filter takes more than one argument, filter arguments are delimited with : # # A complete example: # # ffmpeg .... -filter:v filter1,filter2=f2_arg1=f2_arg1_val:f2_arg2 function __fish_ffmpeg_split_filter_graph set -l filters (string split , $argv[1]) printf "%s\n" $filters end # Given a single filter expression, emits the filter name on the first line and then each key=value # pair of arguments to the filter on each subsequent line. function __fish_ffmpeg_decompose_filter set -l parts (string split -m 1 = "$argv") echo $parts[1] # the filter name set -l arguments (string split : $parts[2]) printf "%s\n" $arguments end function __fish_ffmpeg_concat_filters string join -- , $argv end function __fish_ffmpeg_concat_filter_args string join -- : $argv end function __fish_ffmpeg_complete_filter set -l filter_type "all" if string match -rq -- '^-(vf(ilter)?|f(ilter)?:v)' (__fish_ffmpeg_last_arg) set filter_type "video" else if string match -rq -- '^-(af(ilter)?|f(ilter)?:a' (__fish_ffmpeg_last_arg) set filter_type "audio" end # echo -e "\n **** $filter_type **** \n" > /dev/tty set -l filters_arg (commandline -o)[-1] if string match -rq -- '^-' $filters_arg # No filter name started __fish_ffmpeg_filters $filter_type return end set -l filters (__fish_ffmpeg_split_filter_graph $filters_arg) # We are completing only the last filter (in case there are multiple) set -l filter $filters[-1] # Remove it from the list of passed-through filters set -e filters[-1] # `ffmpeg -h filter=FILTER` exposes information that can be used to dynamically complete not # only the name of the filter but also the name of its individual options. We currently only # support completing the name of the filter. set -l decomposed (__fish_ffmpeg_decompose_filter $filter) set -l filter_name $decomposed[1] set -l filter_args (__fish_ffmpeg_concat_filter_args $decomposed[2..-1]) # Emit the mutated filter graph, with permutations of the final filter name offered as # completions. for known_filter in (__fish_ffmpeg_filters $filter_type) set -l modified_filter (string join = $known_filter $filter_args) __fish_ffmpeg_concat_filters $filters $modified_filter end end complete -x -c ffmpeg -o filter -o filter:v -o filter:s -o filter:a -o vf -o af \ -a "(__fish_ffmpeg_complete_filter)"