complete -c csvlens -s d -l delimiter -r -d "Delimiter character (comma by default) or 'auto' to auto-detect the delimiter" complete -c csvlens -s t -l tab-separated -d "Use tab separation. Shortcut for -d '\t'" complete -c csvlens -l no-headers -d "Do not interpret the first row as headers" complete -c csvlens -l columns -r -d "Use this regex to select columns to display by default" complete -c csvlens -l filter -r -d "Use this regex to filter rows to display by default" complete -c csvlens -l find -r -d "Use this regex to find and highlight matches by default" complete -c csvlens -s i -l ignore-case -d "Searches ignore case. Ignored if any uppercase letters are present in the search string" complete -c csvlens -l echo-column -r -d "Print the value of this column to stdout for the selected row" complete -c csvlens -l debug -d "Show stats for debugging" complete -c csvlens -s h -l help -f -d "Print help" complete -c csvlens -s V -l version -f -d "Print version"