function fish_config --description "Launch fish's web based configuration"
    set -lx __fish_bin_dir $__fish_bin_dir
    if command -sq python3
        python3 "$__fish_data_dir/tools/web_config/" $argv
    else if command -sq python2
        python2 "$__fish_data_dir/tools/web_config/" $argv
    else if command -sq python
        python "$__fish_data_dir/tools/web_config/" $argv
    	echo (set_color $fish_color_error)Cannot launch the web configuration tool:(set_color normal)
    	echo (set_color -o)fish_config(set_color normal) requires Python.
    	echo Installing python2 or python3 will fix this, and also enable completions to be
    	echo automatically generated from man pages.\n
    	echo To change your prompt, create a (set_color -o)fish_prompt(set_color normal) function.
    	echo There are examples in (set_color $fish_color_valid_path)$__fish_data_dir/tools/web_config/sample_prompts(set_color normal).\n
    	echo You can tweak your colors by setting the (set_color $fish_color_search_match)\$fish_color_\*(set_color normal) variables.