function __fish_complete_ant_targets -d "Print list of targets from build.xml and imported files" function __get_buildfile -d "Get a buildfile that will be used by ant" set -l tokens $argv # tokens from 'commandline -co' set -l prev $tokens[1] set -l buildfile "build.xml" for token in $argv[2..-1] switch $prev case -buildfile -file -f set buildfile (eval echo $token) end set prev $token end # return last one echo $buildfile end function __parse_ant_targets_from_projecthelp -d "Parse ant targets from projecthelp" set -l buildfile $argv[1] # full path to buildfile set -l targets (ant -p -debug -f $buildfile 2> /dev/null | string match -r '^\s[[:graph:]].*$') for target in $targets # Use [[:graph:]] and [[:print:]] to ignore ANSI escape code set -l tokens (string match -r '^\s([[:graph:]]+)(?:\s+([[:print:]]+))?' "$target") if [ (count $tokens) -ge 3 ] echo $tokens[2]\t$tokens[3] else if [ (count $tokens) -ge 2 ] echo $tokens[2] end end end function __get_ant_targets_from_projecthelp -d "Get ant targets from projecthelp" set -l buildfile $argv[1] # full path to buildfile if [ \( -z "$XDG_CACHE_HOME" \) -o \( ! -d "$XDG_CACHE_HOME" \) ] set XDG_CACHE_HOME "$HOME/.cache" end set -l cache_dir "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/fish/ant_completions" mkdir -p $cache_dir set -l cache_file $cache_dir/(fish_md5 -s $buildfile) if [ ! -s "$cache_file" ] # generate cache file if empty __parse_ant_targets_from_projecthelp $buildfile > $cache_file end cat $cache_file end set -l tokens $argv if not set -l buildfile (realpath -eq $buildfile (__get_buildfile $tokens)) return 1 # return nothing if buildfile does not exist end __get_ant_targets_from_projecthelp $buildfile end