use std::{ cmp::Ordering, collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet}, mem, sync::{ atomic::{self, AtomicUsize}, Mutex, }, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use crate::{ common::{charptr2wcstring, escape_string, EscapeFlags, EscapeStringStyle}, reader::{get_quote, is_backslashed}, util::wcsfilecmp, }; use bitflags::bitflags; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use printf_compat::sprintf; use crate::{ abbrs::with_abbrs, autoload::Autoload, builtins::shared::{builtin_exists, builtin_get_desc, builtin_get_names}, common::{ escape, unescape_string, valid_var_name_char, ScopeGuard, UnescapeFlags, UnescapeStringStyle, }, env::{EnvMode, EnvStack, Environment}, exec::exec_subshell, expand::{ expand_escape_string, expand_escape_variable, expand_one, expand_string, expand_to_receiver, ExpandFlags, ExpandResultCode, }, flog::{FLOG, FLOGF}, function, history::{history_session_id, History}, operation_context::OperationContext, parse_constants::SourceRange, parse_util::{ parse_util_cmdsubst_extent, parse_util_process_extent, parse_util_unescape_wildcards, }, parser::{Block, Parser}, parser_keywords::parser_keywords_is_subcommand, path::{path_get_path, path_try_get_path}, tokenizer::{variable_assignment_equals_pos, Tok, TokFlags, TokenType, Tokenizer}, wchar::{wstr, WString, L}, wchar_ext::WExt, wcstringutil::{ string_fuzzy_match_string, string_prefixes_string, string_prefixes_string_case_insensitive, StringFuzzyMatch, }, wildcard::{wildcard_complete, wildcard_has, wildcard_match}, wutil::{gettext::wgettext_str, wgettext, wrealpath}, }; // Completion description strings, mostly for different types of files, such as sockets, block // devices, etc. // // There are a few more completion description strings defined in Maybe all completion // description strings should be defined in the same file? /// Description for ~USER completion. static COMPLETE_USER_DESC: Lazy<&wstr> = Lazy::new(|| wgettext!("Home for %ls")); /// Description for short variables. The value is concatenated to this description. static COMPLETE_VAR_DESC_VAL: Lazy<&wstr> = Lazy::new(|| wgettext!("Variable: %ls")); /// Description for abbreviations. static ABBR_DESC: Lazy<&wstr> = Lazy::new(|| wgettext!("Abbreviation: %ls")); /// The special cased translation macro for completions. The empty string needs to be special cased, /// since it can occur, and should not be translated. (Gettext returns the version information as /// the response). #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn C_(s: &wstr) -> &'static wstr { if s.is_empty() { L!("") } else { wgettext_str(s) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct CompletionMode { /// If set, skip file completions. pub no_files: bool, pub force_files: bool, /// If set, require a parameter after completion. pub requires_param: bool, } /// Character that separates the completion and description on programmable completions. pub const PROG_COMPLETE_SEP: char = '\t'; bitflags! { #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct CompleteFlags: u8 { /// Do not insert space afterwards if this is the only completion. (The default is to try insert /// a space). const NO_SPACE = 1 << 0; /// This is not the suffix of a token, but replaces it entirely. const REPLACES_TOKEN = 1 << 1; /// This completion may or may not want a space at the end - guess by checking the last /// character of the completion. const AUTO_SPACE = 1 << 2; /// This completion should be inserted as-is, without escaping. const DONT_ESCAPE = 1 << 3; /// If you do escape, don't escape tildes. const DONT_ESCAPE_TILDES = 1 << 4; /// Do not sort supplied completions const DONT_SORT = 1 << 5; /// This completion looks to have the same string as an existing argument. const DUPLICATES_ARGUMENT = 1 << 6; /// This completes not just a token but replaces an entire line. const REPLACES_LINE = 1 << 7; } } /// Function which accepts a completion string and returns its description. pub type DescriptionFunc = Box WString>; /// Helper to return a [`DescriptionFunc`] for a constant string. pub fn const_desc(s: &wstr) -> DescriptionFunc { let s = s.to_owned(); Box::new(move |_| s.clone()) } pub type CompletionList = Vec; /// This is an individual completion entry, i.e. the result of an expansion of a completion rule. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct Completion { /// The completion string. pub completion: WString, /// The description for this completion. pub description: WString, /// The type of fuzzy match. pub r#match: StringFuzzyMatch, /// Flags determining the completion behavior. pub flags: CompleteFlags, } impl Default for Completion { fn default() -> Self { Self { completion: Default::default(), description: Default::default(), r#match: StringFuzzyMatch::exact_match(), flags: Default::default(), } } } impl From for Completion { fn from(completion: WString) -> Completion { Completion { completion, ..Default::default() } } } impl Completion { pub fn new( completion: WString, description: WString, r#match: StringFuzzyMatch, /* = exact_match */ flags: CompleteFlags, ) -> Self { let flags = resolve_auto_space(&completion, flags); Self { completion, description, r#match, flags, } } pub fn from_completion(completion: WString) -> Self { Self::with_desc(completion, WString::new()) } pub fn with_desc(completion: WString, description: WString) -> Self { Self::new( completion, description, StringFuzzyMatch::exact_match(), CompleteFlags::empty(), ) } /// Returns whether this replaces its token. pub fn replaces_token(&self) -> bool { self.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::REPLACES_TOKEN) } /// Returns whether this replaces the entire commandline. pub fn replaces_line(&self) -> bool { self.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::REPLACES_LINE) } /// Returns the completion's match rank. Lower ranks are better completions. pub fn rank(&self) -> u32 { self.r#match.rank() } /// If this completion replaces the entire token, prepend a prefix. Otherwise do nothing. pub fn prepend_token_prefix(&mut self, prefix: &wstr) { if self.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::REPLACES_TOKEN) { self.completion.insert_utfstr(0, prefix) } } } impl CompletionRequestOptions { /// Options for an autosuggestion. pub fn autosuggest() -> Self { Self { autosuggestion: true, descriptions: false, fuzzy_match: false, } } /// Options for a "normal" completion. pub fn normal() -> Self { Self { autosuggestion: false, descriptions: true, fuzzy_match: true, } } } /// A completion receiver accepts completions. It is essentially a wrapper around `Vec` with /// some conveniences. pub struct CompletionReceiver { /// Our list of completions. completions: Vec, /// The maximum number of completions to add. If our list length exceeds this, then new /// completions are not added. Note 0 has no special significance here - use /// `usize::MAX` instead. limit: usize, } // We are only wrapping a `Vec`, any non-mutable methods can be safely deferred to the // Vec-impl impl std::ops::Deref for CompletionReceiver { type Target = [Completion]; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { self.completions.as_slice() } } impl std::ops::DerefMut for CompletionReceiver { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { self.completions.as_mut_slice() } } impl CompletionReceiver { /// Construct as empty, with a limit. pub fn new(limit: usize) -> Self { Self { completions: vec![], limit, } } /// Acquire an existing list, with a limit. pub fn from_list(completions: Vec, limit: usize) -> Self { Self { completions, limit } } /// Add a completion. /// \return true on success, false if this would overflow the limit. #[must_use] pub fn add(&mut self, comp: impl Into) -> bool { if self.completions.len() >= self.limit { return false; } self.completions.push(comp.into()); return true; } /// Adds a completion with the given string, and default other properties. Returns `true` on /// success, `false` if this would overflow the limit. #[must_use] pub fn extend( &mut self, iter: impl IntoIterator>, ) -> bool { let iter = iter.into_iter(); if iter.len() > self.limit - self.completions.len() { return false; } self.completions.extend(iter); // this only fails if the ExactSizeIterator impl is bogus assert!( self.completions.len() <= self.limit, "ExactSizeIterator returned more items than it should" ); true } /// Clear the list of completions. This retains the storage inside `completions` which can be /// useful to prevent allocations. pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.completions.clear(); } /// Returns whether our completion list is empty. pub fn empty(&self) -> bool { self.completions.is_empty() } /// Returns how many completions we have stored. pub fn size(&self) -> usize { self.completions.len() } /// Returns the list of completions. pub fn get_list(&self) -> &[Completion] { &self.completions } /// Returns the list of completions. pub fn get_list_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Completion] { &mut self.completions } /// Returns the list of completions, clearing it. pub fn take(&mut self) -> Vec { std::mem::take(&mut self.completions) } /// Returns a new, empty receiver whose limit is our remaining capacity. /// This is useful for e.g. recursive calls when you want to act on the result before adding it. pub fn subreceiver(&self) -> Self { let remaining_capacity = self .limit .checked_sub(self.completions.len()) .expect("length should never be larger than limit"); Self::new(remaining_capacity) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub enum CompleteOptionType { /// no option ArgsOnly, /// `-x` Short, /// `-foo` SingleLong, /// `--foo` DoubleLong, } /// Struct describing a completion rule for options to a command. /// /// If option is empty, the comp field must not be empty and contains a list of arguments to the /// command. /// /// The type field determines how the option is to be interpreted: either empty (args_only) or /// short, single-long ("old") or double-long ("GNU"). An invariant is that the option is empty if /// and only if the type is args_only. /// /// If option is non-empty, it specifies a switch for the command. If \c comp is also not empty, it /// contains a list of non-switch arguments that may only follow directly after the specified /// switch. #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct CompleteEntryOpt { /// Text of the option (like 'foo'). option: WString, /// Arguments to the option; may be a subshell expression expanded at evaluation time. comp: WString, /// Description of the completion. desc: WString, /// Conditions under which to use the option, expanded and evaluated at completion time. conditions: Vec, /// Type of the option: `ArgsOnly`, `Short`, `SingleLong`, or `DoubleLong`. typ: CompleteOptionType, /// Determines how completions should be performed on the argument after the switch. result_mode: CompletionMode, /// Completion flags. flags: CompleteFlags, } impl CompleteEntryOpt { pub fn localized_desc(&self) -> &'static wstr { C_(&self.desc) } pub fn expected_dash_count(&self) -> usize { match self.typ { CompleteOptionType::ArgsOnly => 0, CompleteOptionType::Short | CompleteOptionType::SingleLong => 1, CompleteOptionType::DoubleLong => 2, } } } /// Last value used in the order field of [`CompletionEntry`]. static complete_order: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); struct CompletionEntry { /// List of all options. options: Vec, /// Order for when this completion was created. This aids in outputting completions sorted by /// time. order: usize, } impl CompletionEntry { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { options: vec![], order: complete_order.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed), } } /// Getters for option list. pub fn get_options(&self) -> &[CompleteEntryOpt] { &self.options } /// Adds an option. pub fn add_option(&mut self, opt: CompleteEntryOpt) { self.options.push(opt) } /// Remove all completion options in the specified entry that match the specified short / long /// option strings. Returns true if it is now empty and should be deleted, false if it's not /// empty. pub fn remove_option(&mut self, option: &wstr, typ: CompleteOptionType) -> bool { self.options .retain(|opt| opt.option != option || opt.typ != typ); self.options.is_empty() } } /// Set of all completion entries. Keyed by the command name, and whether it is a path. #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] struct CompletionEntryIndex { name: WString, is_path: bool, } type CompletionEntryMap = BTreeMap; static COMPLETION_MAP: Mutex = Mutex::new(BTreeMap::new()); /// Completion "wrapper" support. The map goes from wrapping-command to wrapped-command-list. type WrapperMap = HashMap>; static wrapper_map: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); /// Clear the [`CompleteFlags::AUTO_SPACE`] flag, and set [`CompleteFlags::NO_SPACE`] appropriately /// depending on the suffix of the string. fn resolve_auto_space(comp: &wstr, mut flags: CompleteFlags) -> CompleteFlags { if flags.contains(CompleteFlags::AUTO_SPACE) { flags -= CompleteFlags::AUTO_SPACE; if let Some('/' | '=' | '@' | ':' | '.' | ',' | '-') = comp.as_char_slice().last() { flags |= CompleteFlags::NO_SPACE; } } flags } // If these functions aren't force inlined, it is actually faster to call // stable_sort twice rather than to iterate once performing all comparisons in one go! #[inline(always)] fn natural_compare_completions(a: &Completion, b: &Completion) -> Ordering { if (a.flags & b.flags).contains(CompleteFlags::DONT_SORT) { // Both completions are from a source with the --keep-order flag. return Ordering::Equal; } wcsfilecmp(&a.completion, &b.completion) } #[inline(always)] fn compare_completions_by_duplicate_arguments(a: &Completion, b: &Completion) -> Ordering { let ad = a.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::DUPLICATES_ARGUMENT); let bd = b.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::DUPLICATES_ARGUMENT); ad.cmp(&bd) } #[inline(always)] fn compare_completions_by_tilde(a: &Completion, b: &Completion) -> Ordering { if a.completion.is_empty() || b.completion.is_empty() { return Ordering::Equal; } let at = a.completion.ends_with('~'); let bt = b.completion.ends_with('~'); at.cmp(&bt) } /// Unique the list of completions, without perturbing their order. fn unique_completions_retaining_order(comps: &mut Vec) { let mut seen = HashSet::with_capacity(comps.len()); let pred = |c: &Completion| { // Keep (return true) if insertion succeeds. // todo!("don't clone here"); seen.insert(c.completion.to_owned()) }; comps.retain(pred); } /// Sorts and removes any duplicate completions in the completion list, then puts them in priority /// order. pub fn sort_and_prioritize(comps: &mut Vec, flags: CompletionRequestOptions) { if comps.is_empty() { return; } // Find the best rank. let best_rank = comps.iter().map(Completion::rank).min().unwrap(); // Throw out completions of worse ranks. comps.retain(|c| c.rank() == best_rank); // Deduplicate both sorted and unsorted results. unique_completions_retaining_order(comps); // Sort, provided DONT_SORT isn't set. // Here we do not pass suppress_exact, so that exact matches appear first. comps.sort_by(natural_compare_completions); // Lastly, if this is for an autosuggestion, prefer to avoid completions that duplicate // arguments, and penalize files that end in tilde - they're frequently autosave files from e.g. // emacs. Also prefer samecase to smartcase. if flags.autosuggestion { comps.sort_by(|a, b| { a.r#match .case_fold .cmp(&b.r#match.case_fold) .then_with(|| compare_completions_by_duplicate_arguments(a, b)) .then_with(|| compare_completions_by_tilde(a, b)) }) } } /// Bag of data to support expanding a command's arguments using custom completions, including /// the wrap chain. struct CustomArgData<'a> { /// The unescaped argument before the argument which is being completed, or empty if none. previous_argument: WString, /// The unescaped argument which is being completed, or empty if none. current_argument: WString, /// Whether a -- has been encountered, which suppresses options. had_ddash: bool, /// Whether to perform file completions. /// This is an "out" parameter of the wrap chain walk: if any wrapped command suppresses file /// completions this gets set to false. do_file: bool, /// Depth in the wrap chain. wrap_depth: usize, /// The list of variable assignments: escaped strings of the form VAR=VAL. /// This may be temporarily appended to as we explore the wrap chain. /// When completing, variable assignments are really set in a local scope. var_assignments: &'a mut Vec, /// The set of wrapped commands which we have visited, and so should not be explored again. visited_wrapped_commands: HashSet, } impl<'a> CustomArgData<'a> { pub fn new(var_assignments: &'a mut Vec) -> Self { Self { previous_argument: WString::new(), current_argument: WString::new(), had_ddash: false, do_file: true, wrap_depth: 0, var_assignments, visited_wrapped_commands: HashSet::new(), } } } /// Class representing an attempt to compute completions. struct Completer<'ctx> { /// The operation context for this completion. ctx: &'ctx OperationContext<'ctx>, /// Flags associated with the completion request. flags: CompletionRequestOptions, /// The output completions. completions: CompletionReceiver, /// Commands which we would have tried to load, if we had a parser. needs_load: Vec, /// Table of completions conditions that have already been tested and the corresponding test /// results. condition_cache: HashMap, } static completion_autoloader: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(Autoload::new(L!("fish_complete_path")))); impl<'ctx> Completer<'ctx> { pub fn new(ctx: &'ctx OperationContext<'ctx>, flags: CompletionRequestOptions) -> Self { Self { ctx, flags, completions: CompletionReceiver::new(ctx.expansion_limit), needs_load: vec![], condition_cache: HashMap::new(), } } pub fn perform_for_commandline(&mut self, cmdline: WString) { // Limit recursion, in case a user-defined completion has cycles, or the completion for "x" // wraps "A=B x" (#3474, #7344). No need to do that when there is no parser: this happens only // for autosuggestions where we don't evaluate command substitutions or variable assignments. let _decrement = if let Some(parser) = self.ctx.maybe_parser() { let level = &mut parser.libdata_mut().pods.complete_recursion_level; if *level >= 24 { FLOG!( error, wgettext!("completion reached maximum recursion depth, possible cycle?"), ); return; } *level += 1; Some(ScopeGuard::new((), |()| { let level = &mut parser.libdata_mut().pods.complete_recursion_level; *level -= 1; })) } else { None }; let cursor_pos = cmdline.len(); let is_autosuggest = self.flags.autosuggestion; // Find the process to operate on. The cursor may be past it (#1261), so backtrack // until we know we're no longer in a space. But the space may actually be part of the // argument (#2477). let mut position_in_statement = cursor_pos; while position_in_statement > 0 && cmdline.char_at(position_in_statement - 1) == ' ' { position_in_statement -= 1; } // Get all the arguments. let mut tokens = Vec::new(); parse_util_process_extent(&cmdline, position_in_statement, Some(&mut tokens)); let actual_token_count = tokens.len(); // Hack: fix autosuggestion by removing prefixing "and"s #6249. if is_autosuggest { let prefixed_supercommand_count = tokens .iter() .take_while(|token| parser_keywords_is_subcommand(token.get_source(&cmdline))) .count(); tokens.drain(..prefixed_supercommand_count); } // Consume variable assignments in tokens strictly before the cursor. // This is a list of (escaped) strings of the form VAR=VAL. // TODO: filter_drain let mut var_assignments = Vec::new(); for tok in &tokens { if tok.location_in_or_at_end_of_source_range(cursor_pos) { break; } let tok_src = tok.get_source(&cmdline); if variable_assignment_equals_pos(tok_src).is_none() { break; } var_assignments.push(tok_src.to_owned()); } tokens.drain(..var_assignments.len()); // Empty process (cursor is after one of ;, &, |, \n, &&, || modulo whitespace). let [first_token, ..] = tokens.as_slice() else { // Don't autosuggest anything based on the empty string (generalizes #1631). if is_autosuggest { return; } self.complete_cmd(WString::new()); self.complete_abbr(WString::new()); return; }; let effective_cmdline = if tokens.len() == actual_token_count { &cmdline } else { &cmdline[first_token.offset()..] }; if tokens.last().unwrap().type_ == TokenType::comment { return; } tokens.retain(|tok| tok.type_ != TokenType::comment); assert!(!tokens.is_empty()); let cmd_tok = tokens.first().unwrap(); let cur_tok = tokens.last().unwrap(); // Since fish does not currently support redirect in command position, we return here. if cmd_tok.type_ != TokenType::string { return; } if cur_tok.type_ == TokenType::error { return; } for tok in &tokens { // If there was an error, it was in the last token. assert!(matches!(tok.type_, TokenType::string | TokenType::redirect)); } // If we are completing a variable name or a tilde expansion user name, we do that and // return. No need for any other completions. let current_token = cur_tok.get_source(&cmdline); if cur_tok.location_in_or_at_end_of_source_range(cursor_pos) && (self.try_complete_variable(current_token) || self.try_complete_user(current_token)) { return; } if cmd_tok.location_in_or_at_end_of_source_range(cursor_pos) { let equals_sign_pos = variable_assignment_equals_pos(current_token); if let Some(pos) = equals_sign_pos { self.complete_param_expand( ¤t_token[..pos + 1], ¤t_token[pos + 1..], /*do_file=*/ true, /*handle_as_special_cd=*/ false, ); return; } // Complete command filename. let current_token = current_token.to_owned(); self.complete_cmd(current_token.clone()); self.complete_abbr(current_token); return; } // See whether we are in an argument, in a redirection or in the whitespace in between. let mut in_redirection = cur_tok.type_ == TokenType::redirect; let mut had_ddash = false; let mut current_argument = L!(""); let mut previous_argument = L!(""); if cur_tok.type_ == TokenType::string && cur_tok.location_in_or_at_end_of_source_range(position_in_statement) { // If the cursor is in whitespace, then the "current" argument is empty and the // previous argument is the matching one. But if the cursor was in or at the end // of the argument, then the current argument is the matching one, and the // previous argument is the one before it. let cursor_in_whitespace = !cur_tok.location_in_or_at_end_of_source_range(cursor_pos); if cursor_in_whitespace { previous_argument = current_token; } else { current_argument = current_token; if tokens.len() >= 2 { let prev_tok = &tokens[tokens.len() - 2]; if prev_tok.type_ == TokenType::string { previous_argument = prev_tok.get_source(&cmdline); } in_redirection = prev_tok.type_ == TokenType::redirect; } } // Check to see if we have a preceding double-dash. for tok in &tokens[..tokens.len() - 1] { if tok.get_source(&cmdline) == "--" { had_ddash = true; break; } } } let mut do_file = false; let mut handle_as_special_cd = false; if in_redirection { do_file = true; } else { // Try completing as an argument. let mut arg_data = CustomArgData::new(&mut var_assignments); arg_data.had_ddash = had_ddash; let bias = cmdline.len() - effective_cmdline.len(); let command_range = SourceRange::new(cmd_tok.offset() - bias, cmd_tok.length()); let mut exp_command = cmd_tok.get_source(&cmdline).to_owned(); let mut prev = None; let mut cur = None; if expand_command_token(self.ctx, &mut exp_command) { prev = unescape_string(previous_argument, UnescapeStringStyle::default()); cur = unescape_string( current_argument, UnescapeStringStyle::Script(UnescapeFlags::INCOMPLETE), ); } if let (Some(prev), Some(cur)) = (prev, cur) { arg_data.previous_argument = prev; arg_data.current_argument = cur; // Have to walk over the command and its entire wrap chain. If any command // disables do_file, then they all do. self.walk_wrap_chain( &exp_command, effective_cmdline, command_range, &mut arg_data, ); do_file = arg_data.do_file; // If we're autosuggesting, and the token is empty, don't do file suggestions. if is_autosuggest && arg_data.current_argument.is_empty() { do_file = false; } } // Hack. If we're cd, handle it specially (issue #1059, others). handle_as_special_cd = exp_command == "cd" || arg_data.visited_wrapped_commands.contains(L!("cd")); } // Maybe apply variable assignments. let _restore_vars = self.apply_var_assignments(var_assignments.iter().map(|s| s.as_utfstr())); if self.ctx.check_cancel() { return; } // This function wants the unescaped string. self.complete_param_expand(L!(""), current_argument, do_file, handle_as_special_cd); // Lastly mark any completions that appear to already be present in arguments. self.mark_completions_duplicating_arguments(&cmdline, current_token, tokens); } pub fn acquire_completions(&mut self) -> Vec { self.completions.take() } pub fn acquire_needs_load(&mut self) -> Vec { mem::take(&mut self.needs_load) } /// Test if the specified script returns zero. The result is cached, so that if multiple completions /// use the same condition, it needs only be evaluated once. condition_cache_clear must be called /// after a completion run to make sure that there are no stale completions. fn condition_test(&mut self, condition: &wstr) -> bool { if condition.is_empty() { return true; } let Some(parser) = self.ctx.maybe_parser() else { return false; }; let cached_entry = self.condition_cache.get(condition); if let Some(&entry) = cached_entry { // Use the old value. entry } else { // Compute new value and reinsert it. let test_res = exec_subshell( condition, parser, None, false, /* don't apply exit status */ ) == 0; self.condition_cache.insert(condition.to_owned(), test_res); test_res } } fn conditions_test(&mut self, conditions: &[WString]) -> bool { conditions.iter().all(|c| self.condition_test(c)) } /// Copy any strings in `possible_comp` which have the specified prefix to the /// completer's completion array. The prefix may contain wildcards. The output /// will consist of [`Completion`] structs. /// /// There are three ways to specify descriptions for each completion. Firstly, /// if a description has already been added to the completion, it is _not_ /// replaced. Secondly, if the `desc_func` function is specified, use it to /// determine a dynamic completion. Thirdly, if none of the above are available, /// the `desc` string is used as a description. /// /// - `wc_escaped`: the prefix, possibly containing wildcards. The wildcard should not have /// been unescaped, i.e. '*' should be used for any string, not the `ANY_STRING` character. /// - `desc_func`: the function that generates a description for those completions without an /// embedded description /// - `possible_comp`: the list of possible completions to iterate over /// - `flags`: The flags controlling completion /// - `extra_expand_flags`: Additional flags controlling expansion. fn complete_strings( &mut self, wc_escaped: &wstr, desc_func: &DescriptionFunc, possible_comp: &[Completion], flags: CompleteFlags, extra_expand_flags: ExpandFlags, ) { let mut tmp = wc_escaped.to_owned(); if !expand_one( &mut tmp, self.expand_flags() | extra_expand_flags | ExpandFlags::FAIL_ON_CMDSUBST | ExpandFlags::SKIP_WILDCARDS, self.ctx, None, ) { return; } let wc = parse_util_unescape_wildcards(&tmp); for comp in possible_comp { let comp_str = &comp.completion; if !comp_str.is_empty() { let expand_flags = self.expand_flags() | extra_expand_flags; wildcard_complete( comp_str, &wc, Some(desc_func), Some(&mut self.completions), expand_flags, flags, ); } } } fn expand_flags(&self) -> ExpandFlags { let mut result = ExpandFlags::empty(); result.set(ExpandFlags::FAIL_ON_CMDSUBST, self.flags.autosuggestion); result.set(ExpandFlags::FUZZY_MATCH, self.flags.fuzzy_match); result.set(ExpandFlags::GEN_DESCRIPTIONS, self.flags.descriptions); result } /// If command to complete is short enough, substitute the description with the whatis information /// for the executable. fn complete_cmd_desc(&mut self, s: &wstr) { let Some(parser) = self.ctx.maybe_parser() else { return; }; let cmd = if let Some(pos) = s.chars().rposition(|c| c == '/') { if pos + 1 > s.len() { return; } &s[pos + 1..] } else { s }; // Using apropos with a single-character search term produces far too many results - require at // least two characters if we don't know the location of the whatis-database. if cmd.len() < 2 { return; } if wildcard_has(cmd) { return; } let keep_going = self.completions.get_list().iter().any(|c| { c.completion.is_empty() || c.completion.as_char_slice().last() != Some(&'/') }); if !keep_going { return; } let lookup_cmd: WString = [L!("__fish_describe_command "), &escape(cmd)] .into_iter() .collect(); // First locate a list of possible descriptions using a single call to apropos or a direct // search if we know the location of the whatis database. This can take some time on slower // systems with a large set of manuals, but it should be ok since apropos is only called once. let mut list = vec![]; exec_subshell( &lookup_cmd, parser, Some(&mut list), false, /* don't apply exit status */ ); // Then discard anything that is not a possible completion and put the result into a // hashtable with the completion as key and the description as value. let mut lookup = HashMap::new(); // A typical entry is the command name, followed by a tab, followed by a description. for elstr in &mut list { // Skip keys that are too short. if elstr.len() < cmd.len() { continue; } // Skip cases without a tab, or without a description, or bizarre cases where the tab is // part of the command. let Some(tab_idx) = elstr.find_char('\t') else { continue; }; if tab_idx + 1 >= elstr.len() || tab_idx < cmd.len() { continue; } // Make the key. This is the stuff after the command. // For example: // elstr = lsmod // cmd = ls // key = mod // Note an empty key is common and natural, if 'cmd' were already valid. let (key, val) = elstr.split_at_mut(cmd.len()); let val = &mut val[1..]; assert!( !val.is_empty(), "tab index should not have been at the end." ); // And once again I make sure the first character is uppercased because I like it that // way, and I get to decide these things. let mut upper_chars = val.as_char_slice()[0].to_uppercase(); if let (Some(c), None) = (, { val.as_char_slice_mut()[0] = c; } lookup.insert(&*key, &*val); } // Then do a lookup on every completion and if a match is found, change to the new // description. for completion in self.completions.get_list_mut() { let el = &completion.completion; if let Some(&desc) = lookup.get(el.as_utfstr()) { completion.description = desc.to_owned(); } } } /// Complete the specified command name. Search for executables in the path, executables defined /// using an absolute path, functions, builtins and directories for implicit cd commands. /// /// \param str_cmd the command string to find completions for fn complete_cmd(&mut self, str_cmd: WString) { // Append all possible executables let result = { let expand_flags = self.expand_flags() | ExpandFlags::SPECIAL_FOR_COMMAND | ExpandFlags::FOR_COMPLETIONS | ExpandFlags::PRESERVE_HOME_TILDES | ExpandFlags::EXECUTABLES_ONLY; expand_to_receiver( str_cmd.clone(), &mut self.completions, expand_flags, self.ctx, None, ) .result }; if result == ExpandResultCode::cancel { return; } if result == ExpandResultCode::ok && self.flags.descriptions { self.complete_cmd_desc(&str_cmd); } // We don't really care if this succeeds or fails. If it succeeds this->completions will be // updated with choices for the user. let _ = { // Append all matching directories let expand_flags = self.expand_flags() | ExpandFlags::FOR_COMPLETIONS | ExpandFlags::PRESERVE_HOME_TILDES | ExpandFlags::DIRECTORIES_ONLY; expand_to_receiver( str_cmd.clone(), &mut self.completions, expand_flags, self.ctx, None, ) }; if str_cmd.is_empty() || (!str_cmd.contains('/') && str_cmd.as_char_slice()[0] != '~') { let include_hidden = str_cmd.as_char_slice().first() == Some(&'_'); // Append all known matching functions let possible_comp: Vec<_> = function::get_names(include_hidden) .into_iter() .map(Completion::from_completion) .collect(); self.complete_strings( &str_cmd, &{ Box::new(complete_function_desc) as DescriptionFunc }, &possible_comp, CompleteFlags::empty(), ExpandFlags::empty(), ); // Append all matching builtins let possible_comp: Vec<_> = builtin_get_names() .map(wstr::to_owned) .map(Completion::from_completion) .collect(); self.complete_strings( &str_cmd, &{ Box::new(|name| builtin_get_desc(name).unwrap_or(L!("")).to_owned()) }, &possible_comp, CompleteFlags::empty(), ExpandFlags::empty(), ); } } /// Attempt to complete an abbreviation for the given string. fn complete_abbr(&mut self, cmd: WString) { // Copy the list of names and descriptions so as not to hold the lock across the call to // complete_strings. let mut possible_comp = Vec::new(); let mut descs = HashMap::new(); with_abbrs(|set| { for abbr in set.list() { if !abbr.is_regex() { possible_comp.push(Completion::from_completion(abbr.key.clone())); descs.insert(abbr.key.clone(), abbr.replacement.clone()); } } }); let desc_func = move |key: &wstr| { let replacement = descs.get(key).expect("Abbreviation not found"); sprintf!(*ABBR_DESC, replacement) }; self.complete_strings( &cmd, &{ Box::new(desc_func) as _ }, &possible_comp, CompleteFlags::NO_SPACE, ExpandFlags::empty(), ); } /// Evaluate the argument list (as supplied by `complete -a`) and insert any /// return matching completions. Matching is done using `copy_strings_with_prefix`, /// meaning the completion may contain wildcards. /// Logically, this is not always the right thing to do, but I have yet to come /// up with a case where this matters. /// /// - `str`: The string to complete. /// - `args`: The list of option arguments to be evaluated. /// - `desc`: Description of the completion /// - `flags`: The flags fn complete_from_args(&mut self, s: &wstr, args: &wstr, desc: &wstr, flags: CompleteFlags) { let is_autosuggest = self.flags.autosuggestion; let saved_state = if let Some(parser) = self.ctx.maybe_parser() { let saved_interactive = parser.libdata().pods.is_interactive; parser.libdata_mut().pods.is_interactive = false; Some((saved_interactive, parser.get_last_statuses())) } else { None }; let eflags = if is_autosuggest { ExpandFlags::FAIL_ON_CMDSUBST } else { ExpandFlags::empty() }; let possible_comp = Parser::expand_argument_list(args, eflags, self.ctx); if let Some(parser) = self.ctx.maybe_parser() { let (saved_interactive, status) = saved_state.unwrap(); parser.libdata_mut().pods.is_interactive = saved_interactive; parser.set_last_statuses(status); } // Allow leading dots - see #3707. self.complete_strings( &escape(s), &const_desc(desc), &possible_comp, flags, ExpandFlags::ALLOW_NONLITERAL_LEADING_DOT, ); } /// complete_param: Given a command, find completions for the argument `s` of command `cmd_orig` /// with previous option `popt`. If file completions should be disabled, then mark /// `out_do_file` as `false`. /// /// Returns `true` if successful, `false` if there's an error. /// /// Examples in format (cmd, popt, str): /// /// ```text /// echo hello world -> ("echo", "world", "") /// echo hello world -> ("echo", "hello", "world") /// ``` fn complete_param_for_command( &mut self, cmd_orig: &wstr, popt: &wstr, s: &wstr, use_switches: bool, out_do_file: &mut bool, ) -> bool { let mut use_files = true; let mut has_force = false; let CmdString { cmd, path } = parse_cmd_string(cmd_orig, self.ctx.vars()); // Don't use cmd_orig here for paths. It's potentially pathed, // so that command might exist, but the completion script // won't be using it. let cmd_exists = builtin_exists(&cmd) || function::exists_no_autoload(&cmd) || path_get_path(&cmd, self.ctx.vars()).is_some(); if !cmd_exists { // Do not load custom completions if the command does not exist // This prevents errors caused during the execution of completion providers for // tools that do not exist. Applies to both manual completions ("cm", "cmd ") // and automatic completions ("gi" autosuggestion provider -> git) FLOG!(complete, "Skipping completions for non-existent command"); } else if let Some(parser) = self.ctx.maybe_parser() { complete_load(&cmd, parser); } else if !completion_autoloader .lock() .unwrap() .has_attempted_autoload(&cmd) { self.needs_load.push(cmd.clone()); } // Make a list of lists of all options that we care about. let all_options: Vec> = COMPLETION_MAP .lock() .unwrap() .iter() .filter_map(|(idx, completion)| { let r#match = if idx.is_path { &path } else { &cmd }; if wildcard_match(r#match, &, false) { // Copy all of their options into our list. Oof, this is a lot of copying. let mut options = completion.get_options().to_vec(); // We have to copy them in reverse order to preserve legacy behavior (#9221). options.reverse(); Some(options) } else { None } }) .collect(); // Now release the lock and test each option that we captured above. We have to do this outside // the lock because callouts (like the condition) may add or remove completions. See issue #2. for options in all_options { let short_opt_pos = short_option_pos(s, &options); // We want last_option_requires_param to default to false but distinguish between when // a previous completion has set it to false and when it has its default value. let mut last_option_requires_param = None; let mut use_common = true; if use_switches { if s.char_at(0) == '-' { // Check if we are entering a combined option and argument (like --color=auto or // -I/usr/include). for o in &options { let arg = if o.typ == CompleteOptionType::Short { let Some(short_opt_pos) = short_opt_pos else { continue; }; if o.option.char_at(0) != s.char_at(short_opt_pos) { continue; } Some(s.slice_from(short_opt_pos + 1)) } else { param_match2(o, s) }; if self.conditions_test(&o.conditions) { if o.typ == CompleteOptionType::Short { // Only override a true last_option_requires_param value with a false // one *last_option_requires_param .get_or_insert(o.result_mode.requires_param) &= o.result_mode.requires_param; } if let Some(arg) = arg { if o.result_mode.requires_param { use_common = false; } if o.result_mode.no_files { use_files = false; } if o.result_mode.force_files { has_force = true; } self.complete_from_args(arg, &o.comp, o.localized_desc(), o.flags); } } } } else if popt.char_at(0) == '-' { // Set to true if we found a matching old-style switch. // Here we are testing the previous argument, // to see how we should complete the current argument let mut old_style_match = false; // If we are using old style long options, check for them first. for o in &options { if o.typ == CompleteOptionType::SingleLong && param_match(o, popt) && self.conditions_test(&o.conditions) { old_style_match = false; if o.result_mode.requires_param { use_common = false; } if o.result_mode.no_files { use_files = false; } if o.result_mode.force_files { has_force = true; } self.complete_from_args(s, &o.comp, o.localized_desc(), o.flags); } } // No old style option matched, or we are not using old style options. We check if // any short (or gnu style) options do. if !old_style_match { let prev_short_opt_pos = short_option_pos(popt, &options); for o in &options { // Gnu-style options with _optional_ arguments must be specified as a single // token, so that it can be differed from a regular argument. // Here we are testing the previous argument for a GNU-style match, // to see how we should complete the current argument if !o.result_mode.requires_param { continue; } let mut r#match = false; if o.typ == CompleteOptionType::Short { if let Some(prev_short_opt_pos) = prev_short_opt_pos { r#match = prev_short_opt_pos + 1 == popt.len() && o.option.char_at(0) == popt.char_at(prev_short_opt_pos); } } else if o.typ == CompleteOptionType::DoubleLong { r#match = param_match(o, popt); } if r#match && self.conditions_test(&o.conditions) { if o.result_mode.requires_param { use_common = false; } if o.result_mode.no_files { use_files = false; } if o.result_mode.force_files { has_force = true; } self.complete_from_args(s, &o.comp, o.localized_desc(), o.flags); } } } } } if !use_common { continue; } // Set a default value for last_option_requires_param only if one hasn't been set let last_option_requires_param = last_option_requires_param.unwrap_or(false); // Now we try to complete an option itself for o in &options { // If this entry is for the base command, check if any of the arguments match. if !self.conditions_test(&o.conditions) { continue; } if o.option.is_empty() { use_files &= !o.result_mode.no_files; has_force |= o.result_mode.force_files; self.complete_from_args(s, &o.comp, o.localized_desc(), o.flags); } if !use_switches || s.is_empty() { continue; } // Check if the short style option matches. if o.typ == CompleteOptionType::Short { let optchar = o.option.char_at(0); if let Some(short_opt_pos) = short_opt_pos { // Only complete when the last short option has no parameter yet.. if short_opt_pos + 1 != s.len() { continue; } // .. and it does not require one .. if last_option_requires_param { continue; } // .. and the option is not already there. if s.contains(optchar) { continue; } } else { // str has no short option at all (but perhaps it is the // prefix of a single long option). // Only complete short options if there is no character after the dash. if s != L!("-") { continue; } } // It's a match. let desc = o.localized_desc(); // Append a short-style option if !self .completions .add(Completion::with_desc(o.option.clone(), desc.to_owned())) { return false; } } // Check if the long style option matches. if o.typ != CompleteOptionType::SingleLong && o.typ != CompleteOptionType::DoubleLong { continue; } let whole_opt = L!("-").repeat(o.expected_dash_count()) + o.option.as_utfstr(); if whole_opt.len() < s.len() { continue; } if !s.starts_with("-") { continue; } let anchor_start = !self.flags.fuzzy_match; let Some(r#match) = string_fuzzy_match_string(s, &whole_opt, anchor_start) else { continue; }; let mut offset = 0; let mut flags = CompleteFlags::empty(); if r#match.requires_full_replacement() { flags = CompleteFlags::REPLACES_TOKEN; } else { offset = s.len(); } // does this switch have any known arguments let has_arg = !o.comp.is_empty(); // does this switch _require_ an argument let req_arg = o.result_mode.requires_param; if o.typ == CompleteOptionType::DoubleLong && (has_arg && !req_arg) { // Optional arguments to a switch can only be handled using the '=', so we add it as // a completion. By default we avoid using '=' and instead rely on '--switch // switch-arg', since it is more commonly supported by homebrew getopt-like // functions. let completion = sprintf!("%ls=", whole_opt.slice_from(offset)); // Append a long-style option with a mandatory trailing equal sign if !self.completions.add(Completion::new( completion, o.localized_desc().to_owned(), StringFuzzyMatch::exact_match(), flags | CompleteFlags::NO_SPACE, )) { return false; } } // Append a long-style option if !self.completions.add(Completion::new( whole_opt.slice_from(offset).to_owned(), o.localized_desc().to_owned(), StringFuzzyMatch::exact_match(), flags, )) { return false; } } } if has_force { *out_do_file = true; } else if !use_files { *out_do_file = false; } true } /// Perform generic (not command-specific) expansions on the specified string. fn complete_param_expand( &mut self, variable_override_prefix: &wstr, s: &wstr, do_file: bool, handle_as_special_cd: bool, ) { if self.ctx.check_cancel() { return; } let mut flags = self.expand_flags() | ExpandFlags::FAIL_ON_CMDSUBST | ExpandFlags::FOR_COMPLETIONS | ExpandFlags::PRESERVE_HOME_TILDES; if !do_file { flags |= ExpandFlags::SKIP_WILDCARDS; } if handle_as_special_cd && do_file { if self.flags.autosuggestion { flags |= ExpandFlags::SPECIAL_FOR_CD_AUTOSUGGESTION; } flags |= ExpandFlags::DIRECTORIES_ONLY; flags |= ExpandFlags::SPECIAL_FOR_CD; } // Squelch file descriptions per issue #254. if self.flags.autosuggestion || do_file { flags -= ExpandFlags::GEN_DESCRIPTIONS; } // Expand words separated by '=' separately, unless '=' is escaped or quoted. // We have the following cases: // // --foo=bar => expand just bar // -foo=bar => expand just bar // foo=bar => expand the whole thing, and also just bar // // We also support colon separator (#2178). If there's more than one, prefer the last one. let quoted = get_quote(s, s.len()).is_some(); let sep_index = if quoted { None } else { let mut end = s.len(); loop { match s[..end].chars().rposition(|c| c == '=' || c == ':') { Some(pos) => { if !is_backslashed(s, pos) { break Some(pos); } end = pos; } None => break None, } } }; let complete_from_start = sep_index.is_none() || !string_prefixes_string(L!("-"), s); if let Some(sep_index) = sep_index { let sep_string = s.slice_from(sep_index + 1); let mut local_completions = Vec::new(); if expand_string( sep_string.to_owned(), &mut local_completions, flags, self.ctx, None, ) .result == ExpandResultCode::error { FLOGF!(complete, "Error while expanding string '%ls'", sep_string); } // Any COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN will also stomp the separator. We need to "repair" them by // inserting our separator and prefix. Self::escape_opening_brackets(&mut local_completions, s); Self::escape_separators( &mut local_completions, variable_override_prefix, self.flags.autosuggestion, true, quoted, ); let prefix_with_sep = s.as_char_slice()[..sep_index + 1].into(); for comp in &mut local_completions { comp.prepend_token_prefix(prefix_with_sep); } if !self.completions.extend(local_completions) { return; } } if complete_from_start { // Don't do fuzzy matching for files if the string begins with a dash (issue #568). We could // consider relaxing this if there was a preceding double-dash argument. if string_prefixes_string(L!("-"), s) { flags -= ExpandFlags::FUZZY_MATCH; } let first = self.completions.len(); if expand_to_receiver(s.to_owned(), &mut self.completions, flags, self.ctx, None).result == ExpandResultCode::error { FLOGF!(complete, "Error while expanding string '%ls'", s); } Self::escape_opening_brackets(&mut self.completions[first..], s); let have_token = !s.is_empty(); Self::escape_separators( &mut self.completions[first..], variable_override_prefix, self.flags.autosuggestion, have_token, quoted, ); } } fn escape_separators( completions: &mut [Completion], variable_override_prefix: &wstr, append_only: bool, have_token: bool, is_quoted: bool, ) { for c in completions { if is_quoted && !c.replaces_token() { continue; } // clone of completion_apply_to_command_line let add_space = !c.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::NO_SPACE); let no_tilde = c.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::DONT_ESCAPE_TILDES); let mut escape_flags = EscapeFlags::SEPARATORS; if append_only || !add_space || (!c.replaces_token() && have_token) { escape_flags.insert(EscapeFlags::NO_QUOTED); } if no_tilde { escape_flags.insert(EscapeFlags::NO_TILDE); } if c.replaces_token() { c.completion = variable_override_prefix.to_owned() + &escape_string(&c.completion, EscapeStringStyle::Script(escape_flags))[..]; } else { c.completion = escape_string(&c.completion, EscapeStringStyle::Script(escape_flags)); } assert!(!c.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::DONT_ESCAPE)); c.flags |= CompleteFlags::DONT_ESCAPE; } } /// Complete the specified string as an environment variable. /// Returns `true` if this was a variable, so we should stop completion. fn complete_variable(&mut self, s: &wstr, start_offset: usize) -> bool { let whole_var = s; let var = whole_var.slice_from(start_offset); let varlen = s.len() - start_offset; let mut res = false; for env_name in self.ctx.vars().get_names(EnvMode::empty()) { let anchor_start = !self.flags.fuzzy_match; let Some(r#match) = string_fuzzy_match_string(var, &env_name, anchor_start) else { continue; }; let (comp, flags) = if !r#match.requires_full_replacement() { // Take only the suffix. ( env_name.slice_from(varlen).to_owned(), CompleteFlags::empty(), ) } else { let comp = whole_var.slice_to(start_offset).to_owned() + env_name.as_utfstr(); let flags = CompleteFlags::REPLACES_TOKEN | CompleteFlags::DONT_ESCAPE; (comp, flags) }; let mut desc = WString::new(); if self.flags.descriptions && self.flags.autosuggestion { // $history can be huge, don't put all of it in the completion description; see // #6288. if env_name == "history" { let history = History::with_name(&history_session_id(self.ctx.vars())); for i in 1..std::cmp::min(history.size(), 64) { if i > 1 { desc.push(' '); } desc.push_utfstr(&expand_escape_string( history.item_at_index(i).unwrap().str(), )); } } else { // Can't use ctx.vars() here, it could be any variable. let Some(var) = self.ctx.vars().get(&env_name) else { continue; }; let value = expand_escape_variable(&var); desc = sprintf!(*COMPLETE_VAR_DESC_VAL, value); } } // Append matching environment variables // TODO: need to propagate overflow here. let _ = self .completions .add(Completion::new(comp, desc, r#match, flags)); res = true; } res } fn try_complete_variable(&mut self, s: &wstr) -> bool { #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] enum Mode { Unquoted, SingleQuoted, DoubleQuoted, } use Mode::*; let mut mode = Unquoted; // Get the position of the dollar heading a (possibly empty) run of valid variable characters. let mut variable_start = None; let mut skip_next = false; for (in_pos, c) in s.chars().enumerate() { if skip_next { skip_next = false; continue; } if !valid_var_name_char(c) { // This character cannot be in a variable, reset the dollar. variable_start = None; } match c { '\\' => skip_next = true, '$' => { if mode == Unquoted || mode == DoubleQuoted { variable_start = Some(in_pos); } } '\'' => { if mode == SingleQuoted { mode = Unquoted; } else if mode == Unquoted { mode = SingleQuoted; } } '"' => { if mode == DoubleQuoted { mode = Unquoted; } else if mode == Unquoted { mode = DoubleQuoted; } } _ => { // all other chars ignored here } } } // Now complete if we have a variable start. Note the variable text may be empty; in that case // don't generate an autosuggestion, but do allow tab completion. let allow_empty = !self.flags.autosuggestion; let text_is_empty = variable_start == Some(s.len() - 1); if let Some(variable_start) = variable_start { if allow_empty || !text_is_empty { return self.complete_variable(s, variable_start + 1); } } false } /// Try to complete the specified string as a username. This is used by `~USER` type expansion. /// /// Returns `false` if unable to complete, `true` otherwise fn try_complete_user(&mut self, s: &wstr) -> bool { #[cfg(target_os = "android")] { // The getpwent() function does not exist on Android. A Linux user on Android isn't // really a user - each installed app gets an UID assigned. Listing all UID:s is not // possible without root access, and doing a ~USER type expansion does not make sense // since every app is sandboxed and can't access eachother. return false; } #[cfg(not(target_os = "android"))] { static s_setpwent_lock: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(()); if s.char_at(0) != '~' || s.contains('/') { return false; } let user_name = s.slice_from(1); if user_name.contains('~') { return false; } let start_time = Instant::now(); let mut result = false; let name_len = s.len() - 1; fn getpwent_name() -> Option { let ptr = unsafe { libc::getpwent() }; if ptr.is_null() { return None; } let pw = unsafe { }; Some(charptr2wcstring(pw.pw_name)) } let _guard = s_setpwent_lock.lock().unwrap(); unsafe { libc::setpwent() }; while let Some(pw_name) = getpwent_name() { if self.ctx.check_cancel() { break; } if string_prefixes_string(user_name, &pw_name) { let desc = sprintf!(*COMPLETE_USER_DESC, &pw_name); // Append a user name. // TODO: propagate overflow? let _ = self.completions.add(Completion::new( pw_name.slice_from(name_len).to_owned(), desc, StringFuzzyMatch::exact_match(), CompleteFlags::NO_SPACE, )); result = true; } else if string_prefixes_string_case_insensitive(user_name, &pw_name) { let name = sprintf!("~%ls", &pw_name); let desc = sprintf!(*COMPLETE_USER_DESC, &pw_name); // Append a user name // TODO: propagate overflow? let _ = self.completions.add(Completion::new( name, desc, StringFuzzyMatch::exact_match(), CompleteFlags::REPLACES_TOKEN | CompleteFlags::DONT_ESCAPE | CompleteFlags::NO_SPACE, )); result = true; } // If we've spent too much time (more than 200 ms) doing this give up. if start_time.elapsed() > Duration::from_millis(200) { break; } } unsafe { libc::endpwent() }; result } } /// If we have variable assignments, attempt to apply them in our parser. As soon as the return /// value goes out of scope, the variables will be removed from the parser. fn apply_var_assignments<'a>( &mut self, var_assignments: impl IntoIterator, ) -> Option> { if !self.ctx.has_parser() { return None; } let parser = self.ctx.parser(); let mut var_assignments = var_assignments.into_iter().peekable(); var_assignments.peek()?; let vars = parser.vars(); assert_eq!( self.ctx.vars() as *const _ as *const (), vars as *const _ as *const (), "Don't know how to tab complete with a parser but a different variable set" ); // clone of parse_execution_context_t::apply_variable_assignments. // Crucially do NOT expand subcommands: // VAR=(launch_missiles) cmd // should not launch missiles. // Note we also do NOT send --on-variable events. let expand_flags = ExpandFlags::FAIL_ON_CMDSUBST; let block = parser.push_block(Block::variable_assignment_block()); for var_assign in var_assignments { let equals_pos = variable_assignment_equals_pos(var_assign) .expect("All variable assignments should have equals position"); let variable_name = var_assign.as_char_slice()[..equals_pos].into(); let expression = var_assign.slice_from(equals_pos + 1); let mut expression_expanded = Vec::new(); let expand_ret = expand_string( expression.to_owned(), &mut expression_expanded, expand_flags, self.ctx, None, ); // If expansion succeeds, set the value; if it fails (e.g. it has a cmdsub) set an empty // value anyways. let vals = if expand_ret.result == ExpandResultCode::ok { expression_expanded .into_iter() .map(|c| c.completion) .collect() } else { Vec::new() }; parser .vars() .set(variable_name, EnvMode::LOCAL | EnvMode::EXPORT, vals); if self.ctx.check_cancel() { break; } } let parser_ref = self.ctx.parser().shared(); Some(ScopeGuard::new((), move |_| parser_ref.pop_block(block))) } /// Complete a command by invoking user-specified completions. fn complete_custom(&mut self, cmd: &wstr, cmdline: &wstr, ad: &mut CustomArgData) { if self.ctx.check_cancel() { return; } let is_autosuggest = self.flags.autosuggestion; // Perhaps set a transient commandline so that custom completions // builtin_commandline will refer to the wrapped command. But not if // we're doing autosuggestions. let mut _remove_transient = None; let wants_transient = (ad.wrap_depth > 0 || !ad.var_assignments.is_empty()) && !is_autosuggest; if wants_transient { let parser_ref = self.ctx.parser().shared(); parser_ref .libdata_mut() .transient_commandlines .push(cmdline.to_owned()); _remove_transient = Some(ScopeGuard::new((), move |_| { parser_ref.libdata_mut().transient_commandlines.pop(); })); } // Maybe apply variable assignments. let _restore_vars = self.apply_var_assignments(ad.var_assignments.iter().map(WString::as_utfstr)); if self.ctx.check_cancel() { return; } // Invoke any custom completions for this command. self.complete_param_for_command( cmd, &ad.previous_argument, &ad.current_argument, !ad.had_ddash, &mut ad.do_file, ); } // Invoke command-specific completions given by \p arg_data. // Then, for each target wrapped by the given command, update the command // line with that target and invoke this recursively. // The command whose completions to use is given by \p cmd. The full command line is given by \p // cmdline and the command's range in it is given by \p cmdrange. Note: the command range // may have a different length than the command itself, because the command is unescaped (i.e. // quotes removed). fn walk_wrap_chain( &mut self, cmd: &wstr, cmdline: &wstr, cmdrange: SourceRange, ad: &mut CustomArgData, ) { // Limit our recursion depth. This prevents cycles in the wrap chain graph from overflowing. if ad.wrap_depth > 24 { return; } if self.ctx.check_cancel() { return; } // Extract command from the command line and invoke the receiver with it. self.complete_custom(cmd, cmdline, ad); let targets = complete_get_wrap_targets(cmd); let wrap_depth = ad.wrap_depth; let mut ad = ScopeGuard::new(ad, |ad| ad.wrap_depth = wrap_depth); ad.wrap_depth += 1; for wt in targets { // We may append to the variable assignment list; ensure we restore it. let saved_var_count = ad.var_assignments.len(); let mut ad = ScopeGuard::new(&mut ad, |ad| { assert!( ad.var_assignments.len() >= saved_var_count, "Should not delete var assignments" ); ad.var_assignments.truncate(saved_var_count); }); // Separate the wrap target into any variable assignments VAR=... and the command itself. let mut wrapped_command = None; let mut wrapped_command_offset_in_wt = None; let tokenizer = Tokenizer::new(&wt, TokFlags(0)); for tok in tokenizer { let mut tok_src = tok.get_source(&wt).to_owned(); if variable_assignment_equals_pos(&tok_src).is_some() { ad.var_assignments.push(tok_src); } else { expand_command_token(self.ctx, &mut tok_src); wrapped_command_offset_in_wt = Some(tok.offset()); wrapped_command = Some(tok_src); break; } } // Skip this wrapped command if empty, or if we've seen it before. let Some((wrapped_command, wrapped_command_offset_in_wt)) = Option::zip(wrapped_command, wrapped_command_offset_in_wt) else { continue; }; if !ad.visited_wrapped_commands.insert(wrapped_command.clone()) { continue; } // Construct a fake command line containing the wrap target. // let mut faux_commandline = cmdline.as_char_slice().to_vec(); faux_commandline.splice(std::ops::Range::from(cmdrange), wt.chars()); let faux_commandline = WString::from(faux_commandline); // Recurse with our new command and command line. let faux_source_range = SourceRange::new( cmdrange.start() + wrapped_command_offset_in_wt, wrapped_command.len(), ); self.walk_wrap_chain( &wrapped_command, &faux_commandline, faux_source_range, ***ad, ); } } /// If the argument contains a '[' typed by the user, completion by appending to the argument might /// produce an invalid token (#5831). /// /// Check if there is any unescaped, unquoted '['; if yes, make the completions replace the entire /// argument instead of appending, so '[' will be escaped. fn escape_opening_brackets(completions: &mut [Completion], argument: &wstr) { let mut have_unquoted_unescaped_bracket = false; let mut quote = None; let mut escaped = false; for c in argument.chars() { have_unquoted_unescaped_bracket |= c == '[' && quote.is_none() && !escaped; if escaped { escaped = false; } else if c == '\\' { escaped = true; } else if c == '\'' || c == '"' { if quote == Some(c) { // Closing a quote. quote = None; } else if quote.is_none() { // Opening a quote. quote = Some(c); } } } if !have_unquoted_unescaped_bracket { return; } // Since completion_apply_to_command_line will escape the completion, we need to provide an // unescaped version. let Some(unescaped_argument) = unescape_string( argument, UnescapeStringStyle::Script(UnescapeFlags::INCOMPLETE), ) else { return; }; for comp in completions { if comp.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::REPLACES_TOKEN) { continue; } comp.flags |= CompleteFlags::REPLACES_TOKEN; comp.flags |= CompleteFlags::DONT_ESCAPE_TILDES; // See #9073. // We are grafting a completion that is expected to be escaped later. This will break // if the original completion doesn't want escaping. Happily, this is only the case // for username completion and variable name completion. They shouldn't end up here // anyway because they won't contain '['. if comp.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::DONT_ESCAPE) { FLOG!(warning, "unexpected completion flag"); } comp.completion.insert_utfstr(0, &unescaped_argument); } } /// Set the `DUPLICATES_ARG` flag in any completion that duplicates an argument. fn mark_completions_duplicating_arguments( &mut self, cmd: &wstr, prefix: &wstr, args: impl IntoIterator, ) { // Get all the arguments, unescaped, into an array that we're going to bsearch. let mut arg_strs: Vec<_> = args .into_iter() .map(|arg| arg.get_source(cmd)) .filter_map(|argstr| unescape_string(argstr, UnescapeStringStyle::default())) .collect(); arg_strs.sort(); let mut comp_str; for comp in self.completions.get_list_mut() { comp_str = comp.completion.clone(); if !comp.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::REPLACES_TOKEN) { comp_str.insert_utfstr(0, prefix); } if arg_strs.binary_search(&comp_str).is_ok() { comp.flags |= CompleteFlags::DUPLICATES_ARGUMENT; } } } } struct CmdString { cmd: WString, path: WString, } /// Find the full path and commandname from a command string `s`. fn parse_cmd_string(s: &wstr, vars: &dyn Environment) -> CmdString { let path_result = path_try_get_path(s, vars); let found = path_result.err.is_none(); let mut path = path_result.path; // Resolve commands that use relative paths because we compare full paths with "complete -p". if found && !path.is_empty() && path.as_char_slice().first() != Some(&'/') { if let Some(full_path) = wrealpath(&path) { path = full_path; } } // Make sure the path is not included in the command. let cmd = if let Some(last_slash) = s.chars().rposition(|c| c == '/') { &s[last_slash + 1..] } else { s } .to_owned(); CmdString { cmd, path } } /// Returns a description for the specified function, or an empty string if none. fn complete_function_desc(f: &wstr) -> WString { if let Some(props) = function::get_props(f) { props.description.clone() } else { WString::new() } } fn leading_dash_count(s: &wstr) -> usize { s.chars().take_while(|&c| c == '-').count() } /// Match a parameter. fn param_match(e: &CompleteEntryOpt, optstr: &wstr) -> bool { if e.typ == CompleteOptionType::ArgsOnly { false } else { let dashes = leading_dash_count(optstr); dashes == e.expected_dash_count() && e.option == optstr[dashes..] } } /// Test if a string is an option with an argument, like --color=auto or -I/usr/include. fn param_match2<'s>(e: &CompleteEntryOpt, optstr: &'s wstr) -> Option<&'s wstr> { // We may get a complete_entry_opt_t with no options if it's just arguments. if e.option.is_empty() { return None; } // Verify leading dashes. let mut cursor = leading_dash_count(optstr); if cursor != e.expected_dash_count() { return None; } // Verify options match. if !optstr.slice_from(cursor).starts_with(&e.option) { return None; } cursor += e.option.len(); // Short options are like -DNDEBUG. Long options are like --color=auto. So check for an equal // sign for long options. assert!(e.typ != CompleteOptionType::Short); if optstr.char_at(cursor) != '=' { return None; } cursor += 1; Some(optstr.slice_from(cursor)) } /// Parses a token of short options plus one optional parameter like /// '-xzPARAM', where x and z are short options. /// /// Returns the position of the last option character (e.g. the position of z which is 2). /// Everything after that is assumed to be part of the parameter. /// Returns wcstring::npos if there is no valid short option. fn short_option_pos(arg: &wstr, options: &[CompleteEntryOpt]) -> Option { if arg.len() <= 1 || leading_dash_count(arg) != 1 { return None; } for (pos, arg_char) in arg.chars().enumerate().skip(1) { let r#match = options .iter() .find(|o| o.typ == CompleteOptionType::Short && o.option.char_at(0) == arg_char); if let Some(r#match) = r#match { if r#match.result_mode.requires_param { return Some(pos); } } else { // The first character after the dash is not a valid option. if pos == 1 { return None; } return Some(pos - 1); } } Some(arg.len() - 1) } fn expand_command_token(ctx: &OperationContext<'_>, cmd_tok: &mut WString) -> bool { // TODO: we give up if the first token expands to more than one argument. We could handle // that case by propagating arguments. // Also we could expand wildcards. expand_one( cmd_tok, ExpandFlags::FAIL_ON_CMDSUBST | ExpandFlags::SKIP_WILDCARDS, ctx, None, ) } /// Create a new completion entry. /// /// \param completions The array of completions to append to /// \param comp The completion string /// \param desc The description of the completion /// \param flags completion flags #[deprecated = "Use Vec::push()"] pub fn append_completion( completions: &mut Vec, comp: WString, desc: WString, flags: CompleteFlags, r#match: StringFuzzyMatch, ) { completions.push(Completion::new(comp, desc, r#match, flags)) } /// Add an unexpanded completion "rule" to generate completions from for a command. /// /// # Examples /// /// The command 'gcc -o' requires that a file follows it, so the `requires_param` mode is suitable. /// This can be done using the following line: /// /// complete -c gcc -s o -r /// /// The command 'grep -d' required that one of the strings 'read', 'skip' or 'recurse' is used. As /// such, it is suitable to specify that a completion requires one of them. This can be done using /// the following line: /// /// complete -c grep -s d -x -a "read skip recurse" /// /// - `cmd`: Command to complete. /// - `cmd_is_path`: If `true`, cmd will be interpreted as the absolute /// path of the program (optionally containing wildcards), otherwise it /// will be interpreted as the command name. /// - `option`: The name of an option. /// - `option_type`: The type of option: can be option_type_short (-x), /// option_type_single_long (-foo), option_type_double_long (--bar). /// - `result_mode`: Controls how to search further completions when this completion has been /// successfully matched. /// - `comp`: A space separated list of completions which may contain subshells. /// - `desc`: A description of the completion. /// - `condition`: a command to be run to check it this completion should be used. If `condition` /// is empty, the completion is always used. /// - `flags`: A set of completion flags #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn complete_add( cmd: WString, cmd_is_path: bool, option: WString, option_type: CompleteOptionType, result_mode: CompletionMode, condition: Vec, comp: WString, desc: WString, flags: CompleteFlags, ) { // option should be empty iff the option type is arguments only. assert!(option.is_empty() == (option_type == CompleteOptionType::ArgsOnly)); // Lock the lock that allows us to edit the completion entry list. let mut completion_map = COMPLETION_MAP.lock().expect("mutex poisoned"); let c = &mut completion_map .entry(CompletionEntryIndex { name: cmd, is_path: cmd_is_path, }) .or_insert_with(CompletionEntry::new); // Create our new option. let opt = CompleteEntryOpt { option, typ: option_type, result_mode, comp, desc, conditions: condition, flags, }; c.add_option(opt); } /// Remove a previously defined completion. pub fn complete_remove(cmd: WString, cmd_is_path: bool, option: &wstr, typ: CompleteOptionType) { let mut completion_map = COMPLETION_MAP.lock().expect("mutex poisoned"); let idx = CompletionEntryIndex { name: cmd, is_path: cmd_is_path, }; if let Some(c) = completion_map.get_mut(&idx) { let delete_it = c.remove_option(option, typ); if delete_it { completion_map.remove(&idx); } } } /// Removes all completions for a given command. pub fn complete_remove_all(cmd: WString, cmd_is_path: bool) { let mut completion_map = COMPLETION_MAP.lock().expect("mutex poisoned"); completion_map.remove(&CompletionEntryIndex { name: cmd, is_path: cmd_is_path, }); } /// Returns all completions of the command cmd. /// If `ctx` contains a parser, this will autoload functions and completions as needed. /// If it does not contain a parser, then any completions which need autoloading will be returned. pub fn complete( cmd_with_subcmds: &wstr, flags: CompletionRequestOptions, ctx: &OperationContext, ) -> (Vec, Vec) { // Determine the innermost subcommand. let cmdsubst = parse_util_cmdsubst_extent(cmd_with_subcmds, cmd_with_subcmds.len()); let cmd = cmd_with_subcmds[cmdsubst].to_owned(); let mut completer = Completer::new(ctx, flags); completer.perform_for_commandline(cmd); ( completer.acquire_completions(), completer.acquire_needs_load(), ) } /// Print the short switch `opt`, and the argument `arg` to the specified /// [`WString`], but only if `argument` isn't an empty string. fn append_switch_short_arg(out: &mut WString, opt: char, arg: &wstr) { if arg.is_empty() { return; } sprintf!(=> out, " -%lc %ls", opt, escape(arg)); } fn append_switch_long_arg(out: &mut WString, opt: &wstr, arg: &wstr) { if arg.is_empty() { return; } sprintf!(=> out, " --%ls %ls", opt, escape(arg)); } fn append_switch_short(out: &mut WString, opt: char) { sprintf!(=> out, " -%lc", opt); } fn append_switch_long(out: &mut WString, opt: &wstr) { sprintf!(=> out, " --%ls", opt); } fn completion2string(index: &CompletionEntryIndex, o: &CompleteEntryOpt) -> WString { let mut out = WString::from(L!("complete")); if o.flags.contains(CompleteFlags::DONT_SORT) { append_switch_short(&mut out, 'k'); } if o.result_mode.no_files && o.result_mode.requires_param { append_switch_long(&mut out, L!("exclusive")); } else if o.result_mode.no_files { append_switch_long(&mut out, L!("no-files")); } else if o.result_mode.force_files { append_switch_long(&mut out, L!("force-files")); } else if o.result_mode.requires_param { append_switch_long(&mut out, L!("require-parameter")); } if index.is_path { append_switch_short_arg(&mut out, 'p', &; } else { out.push(' '); out.push_utfstr(&escape(&; } match o.typ { CompleteOptionType::ArgsOnly => {} CompleteOptionType::Short => append_switch_short_arg(&mut out, 's', &o.option[..1]), CompleteOptionType::SingleLong => append_switch_short_arg(&mut out, 'o', &o.option), CompleteOptionType::DoubleLong => append_switch_short_arg(&mut out, 'l', &o.option), } append_switch_short_arg(&mut out, 'd', o.localized_desc()); append_switch_short_arg(&mut out, 'a', &o.comp); for c in &o.conditions { append_switch_short_arg(&mut out, 'n', c); } out.push('\n'); out } /// Load command-specific completions for the specified command. /// Returns `true` if something new was loaded, `false` if not. pub fn complete_load(cmd: &wstr, parser: &Parser) -> bool { let mut loaded_new = false; // We have to load this as a function, since it may define a --wraps or signature. // See issue #2466. if function::load(cmd, parser) { // We autoloaded something; check if we have a --wraps. loaded_new |= !complete_get_wrap_targets(cmd).is_empty(); } // It's important to NOT hold the lock around completion loading. // We need to take the lock to decide what to load, drop it to perform the load, then reacquire // it. // Note we only look at the global fish_function_path and fish_complete_path. let path_to_load = completion_autoloader .lock() .expect("mutex poisoned") .resolve_command(cmd, &**EnvStack::globals()); if let Some(path_to_load) = path_to_load { Autoload::perform_autoload(&path_to_load, parser); completion_autoloader .lock() .expect("mutex poisoned") .mark_autoload_finished(cmd); loaded_new = true; } loaded_new } /// Return a list of all current completions. /// Used by the bare `complete`, loaded completions are printed out as commands pub fn complete_print(cmd: &wstr) -> WString { let mut out = WString::new(); // Get references to our completions and sort them by order. let completions = COMPLETION_MAP.lock().expect("poisoned mutex"); let mut completion_refs: Vec<_> = completions.iter().collect(); completion_refs.sort_by_key(|(_, c)| c.order); for (key, entry) in completion_refs { if !cmd.is_empty() && != cmd { continue; } // Output in reverse order to preserve legacy behavior (see #9221). for o in entry.get_options().iter().rev() { out.push_utfstr(&completion2string(key, o)); } } // Append wraps. let wrappers = wrapper_map.lock().expect("poisoned mutex"); for (src, targets) in wrappers.iter() { if !cmd.is_empty() && src != cmd { continue; } for target in targets { out.push_utfstr(L!("complete ")); out.push_utfstr(&escape(src)); append_switch_long_arg(&mut out, L!("wraps"), target); out.push_utfstr(L!("\n")); } } out } /// Observes that fish_complete_path has changed. pub fn complete_invalidate_path() { // TODO: here we unload all completions for commands that are loaded by the autoloader. We also // unload any completions that the user may specified on the command line. We should in // principle track those completions loaded by the autoloader alone. let cmds = completion_autoloader .lock() .expect("mutex poisoned") .get_autoloaded_commands(); for cmd in cmds { complete_remove_all(cmd, false /* not a path */); } } /// Adds a "wrap target." A wrap target is a command that completes like another command. pub fn complete_add_wrapper(command: WString, new_target: WString) -> bool { if command.is_empty() || new_target.is_empty() { return false; } // If the command and the target are the same, // there's no point in following the wrap-chain because we'd only complete the same thing. // TODO: This should maybe include full cycle detection. if command == new_target { return false; } let mut wrappers = wrapper_map.lock().expect("poisoned mutex"); let targets = wrappers.entry(command).or_default(); // If it's already present, we do nothing. if !targets.contains(&new_target) { targets.push(new_target); } true } /// Removes a wrap target. pub fn complete_remove_wrapper(command: WString, target_to_remove: &wstr) -> bool { if command.is_empty() || target_to_remove.is_empty() { return false; } let mut wrappers = wrapper_map.lock().expect("poisoned mutex"); let mut result = false; for targets in wrappers.values_mut() { if let Some(pos) = targets.iter().position(|t| t == target_to_remove) { targets.remove(pos); result = true; } } result } /// Returns a list of wrap targets for a given command. pub fn complete_get_wrap_targets(command: &wstr) -> Vec { if command.is_empty() { return vec![]; } let wrappers = wrapper_map.lock().expect("poisoned mutex"); wrappers.get(command).cloned().unwrap_or_default() } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub struct CompletionRequestOptions { /// Requesting autosuggestion pub autosuggestion: bool, /// Make descriptions pub descriptions: bool, /// If set, we do not require a prefix match pub fuzzy_match: bool, } impl Default for CompletionRequestOptions { fn default() -> Self { Self { autosuggestion: false, descriptions: false, fuzzy_match: false, } } }