AAAA: --abcd AAAA: --abcd --efgh BBBB: --abcd BBBB: CCCC: --bar --baz -a -b -bar -foo CCCC: --baz -a -b -bar -foo CCCC: --baz -a -b -bar CCCC: --baz -b -bar CCCC: Test that -- suppresses option completions --TestDoubleDashOption Expect no output: Testing exclusive options Expect -A -Q -W: -A -Q -W Expect -AQ -AW: -AQ -AW Expect no output 1: Expect no output 2: Expect --backup --backup=: --backup --backup= Expect --backup=all --backup=none --backup=simple: --backup=all --backup=none --backup=simple implicit cd complete works no implicit cd complete after 'command' PATH does not cause incorrect implicit cd Command completion with parened PATHs test passed Command completion with intermediate slashes passed