function fish_vi_cursor -d 'Set cursor shape for different vi modes' # If we're not interactive, there is effectively no bind mode. if not status is-interactive return end # This is hard to test in expect, since the exact sequences depend on the environment. # Instead disable it. if set -q FISH_UNIT_TESTS_RUNNING return end # If this variable is set, skip all checks if not set -q fish_vi_force_cursor # Emacs Makes All Cursors Suck if set -q INSIDE_EMACS return end # vte-based terms set $TERM = xterm*, but only gained support in 2015. # From, it appears it was version 0.40.0 if set -q VTE_VERSION and test "$VTE_VERSION" -lt 4000 2>/dev/null return end # Similarly, genuine XTerm can do it since v280. if set -q XTERM_VERSION and not test (string replace -r "XTerm\((\d+)\)" '$1' -- "$XTERM_VERSION") -ge 280 2>/dev/null return end # We need one of these terms. # It would be lovely if we could rely on terminfo, but: # - The "Ss" entry isn't a thing in macOS' old and crusty terminfo # - It is set for xterm, and everyone and their dog claims to be xterm # # So we just don't care about $TERM, unless it is one of the few terminals that actually have their own entry. if not set -q KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME and not test -n "$KONSOLE_VERSION" -a "$KONSOLE_VERSION" -ge 200400 # konsole, but new. and not set -q ITERM_PROFILE and not set -q VTE_VERSION # which version is already checked above and not set -q WT_PROFILE_ID and not set -q XTERM_VERSION and not string match -q Apple_Terminal -- $TERM_PROGRAM and not string match -rq '^st(-.*)$' -- $TERM and not string match -q 'xterm-kitty*' -- $TERM and not string match -q 'rxvt*' -- $TERM and not string match -q 'alacritty*' -- $TERM and not string match -q 'foot*' -- $TERM and not begin set -q TMUX and string match -qr '^screen|^tmux' -- $TERM end return end end set -l terminal $argv[1] set -q terminal[1] or set terminal auto set -l function __fish_cursor_xterm set -q fish_cursor_unknown or set -g fish_cursor_unknown block echo " function fish_vi_cursor_handle --on-variable fish_bind_mode --on-event fish_postexec --on-event fish_focus_in set -l varname fish_cursor_\$fish_bind_mode if not set -q \$varname set varname fish_cursor_unknown end $function \$\$varname end " | source echo " function fish_vi_cursor_handle_preexec --on-event fish_preexec set -l varname fish_cursor_external if not set -q \$varname set varname fish_cursor_default end if not set -q \$varname set varname fish_cursor_unknown end $function \$\$varname end " | source end